Chapter 531 Mistress, Mistress

Li Liu gradually discovered that all the seemingly ordinary things on the top of the mountain had hidden mysteries.

Lingtan water, small mushrooms, and even the hay spread on the roof are extremely precious medicinal materials. It is hard to get even one piece of it.

That night, Li Liu, who had worked hard all day, ate a simple mushroom soup, just a mushroom soaked in water.

However, the spiritual energy contained in it allowed his cultivation level at the third level of Qi Refining to rise steadily, directly breaking through to the fifth level!
"Nima, what kind of bike do you want?"

At dawn, Li Liu realized what he was doing, and he went to the side of the mountain to chop down trees.

"Cut with your hands."

The mighty master appeared out of nowhere and spoke slowly in front of him.


Li Liu immediately wanted to refuse, but when he thought of the mushroom soup last night...

Cut it...



pain!It hurts to the core, this tree has anti-armor!
Li Liu did not give up, and then struck a second time, a third time...

Chen Banxian nodded and began to sit cross-legged in the yard and preach:

"The so-called soil is the storehouse of all things. It can be dry or wet, it can be covered or condensed. It is the end of all things. It tastes slightly sweet but fishy..."

Li Liu listened to those ordinary words and gradually fell into trance, unable to feel the pain in his hands.

By the time he came to his senses, it was already evening.

The master disappeared again without knowing when.

"Hey, third brother, come over and eat."

Xiao Gai wandered over: "Thank you for helping me share the burden. I've been building this house for hundreds of years."

"Call me Lao Liu!"

Li Liuyi spoke righteously and hid his red and painful palms.

The tree only had some skin damage. I didn't feel it when I cut it down, but now my hands feel numb and itchy.

"Okay Third Brother, I understand Third Brother."

Xiao Gai opened the lid with a smile, and inside the lid was a blue dragon crossing the river.

A vegetable leaf mixed with white water.

But there was also huge spiritual power inside. Li Liu broke through three realms that night and entered the eighth level of Qi refining.

"At this speed, shouldn't I just build the foundation tomorrow?"

It’s nothing if your hands hurt!

The next day, he took the initiative to chop the trees. As his cultivation level increased, the force with which he chopped the tree became stronger, but the force of the counterattack was also more terrifying.

He slashed with the knife, and all the bones in his body trembled.


Li Liu was lying on the ground with his hands folded. You ask him why he didn't move?
Because the bones were all cracked.

This tree is poisonous!

"Gold has a bad nature, is indestructible, and tastes pungent. There is no benefit to eating too much..."

At this moment, the voice of the powerful master came from behind him again, and the feeling of blessing came again.


Li Liu shouted loudly, stood up, and hit the tree, making the tree rustle.

When he came to his senses again, it was dark again.

That night, they ate boiled cabbage, and Li Liu was about to start building the foundation!
Chen Banxian was watching next to Li Liu, but neither Li Liu nor Xiao Gai could see him.

"It's only been two days, it's too early to build the foundation."

With a click of his finger, his Dantian was sealed.


Li Liu's eyes widened immediately, and he felt that there was an iron wall in his dantian. After the spiritual energy entered, he couldn't break it open!All bounced back.

"Why is my Dantian the same as that tree?"

He looked shocked: "Something's wrong, this is the orthodox cultivation method of Nine Cities, that's right!"

The spiritual energy cannot enter the Dantian, so it flows backward in the meridians, and the breakthrough fails.


Li Liu spit out blood and felt that all the veins in his body were torn.

"It's over, I'm going to die!"

He was desperate. At this moment, a hand was holding the back of his neck. It looked like it was his master.

The mysterious master took him to the back mountain, where there was a small spring.It's not big, just like a bathtub.


Li Liu was thrown into the spring water, but he couldn't move. He felt that his eyes and nose were choked with water, and he was about to drown.


He struggled wildly and reached out to the master desperately, but the master turned around and disappeared like a gust of wind.


Li Liu struggled until dawn.

He drank all the spring water to avoid drowning.Struggling to stand up.

"Hey, my meridians are healed?"

He climbed up excitedly, full of energy.

"Anti-Armor Tree, I'm here!"


"Oh my god, today you can even deal damage to your spiritual energy. How about magic resistance?"

"Okay, okay, let labor and management wait for this tree!"

He lost his temper, and sure enough, Master's voice of reason came again.

"With the support of BUFF, labor and management are still afraid of you!"

He punched and kicked like crazy!

Li Liu didn't see that there was a goddess standing next to the master behind him.

Xiaoxue's face was filled with distress: "Is this how you treat him?"

"I will make up for it." Chen Banxian pushed him away and two heads grew.

It was another head that spoke at this time.

"How can you compensate me?" Xiaoxue said reluctantly, "You are so unfair to him!"

"I'll give him psychic powers, that's all."

Chen Banxian raised his eyelids and pushed Xiaoxue away.

"No, how can that be enough?" Xiaoxue grabbed Chen Banxian's hand with tears in her eyes.

He has been helpless since he was a child, so pitiful, and now he has to be beaten...

"Don't interrupt me to teach my disciples," Chen Banxian was speechless: "In these five days, I will tell you the secrets of the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. If this tree can understand even a little bit, then he will be the fourth child."

Yes, no one feels sorry for Li Liu. What everyone is talking about is the tree that was inhumanely abused.

In the middle of the night, when Li Liu returned to the house to practice, Chen Banxian patted the trunk of the tree and said, "Tree, tree, if you don't listen hard, you will be dead if you can't withstand Xiaosan's fist~"

The green tree, which was no more than three meters high, trembled.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Chen Banxian sensed that Li Liu was making a breakthrough. He turned around quickly and continued to strengthen Li Liu's Dantian.

In this way, he strengthens a little bit every day, just enough to maintain the inevitable backlash of his breakthrough, and just enough to reach the critical point the next day.

Chen Banxian was very satisfied.

Li Liu's face turned pale immediately: "Oops, the breakthrough failed again."

This time he was not carried, and he rushed into the back mountain spring while he was still able to move.

Sure enough, the water was full.

"Ah...why do I still feel so uncomfortable!"

Li Liu fluttered until dawn...

On the fourth day, continue practicing.

Practice continued on the fifth day.

On the sixth day, the integrated practice and the five elements were taught. Li Liu was fascinated by it and kept hitting the tree. The spiritual energy gathered here unknowingly.

However, when the sermon was about to end in the evening, Li Liu suddenly felt a pain in his fist, and a huge shock came from the tree.

This time, all the energy in his body was almost shaken away, and his mind went blank.

"it is good!"

When Chen Banxian finished his sermon, he applauded: "Xiaosi, you finally have enlightenment."

The three-meter-tall tree slowly bent over, resting its crown on the ground.

Two forked branches brought tea and presented it to the preacher in a polite manner.

Xiaoxue hid to one side holding the tea tray, her eyes filled with relief.

He watched this tree grow.

 A little bit less. Remember the last time I was in a car accident? My car was repaired and I went to ride a bike more than 100 kilometers away today...

(End of this chapter)

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