There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 532 Beating Xiao Xiao 3

Chapter 532
"From today on, you two will practice together."

Chen Banxian put his hands behind his back and pointed his fingertips at the top of Mount Everest.

He was sitting on top of the misty mountains, with the sun shining through the haze, and there seemed to be mysterious rhythmic fluctuations between heaven and earth.

One person and one tree suddenly feel that the world is filled with endless spiritual energy, and even feel a slight choking in the nose when breathing.

The spiritual energy is almost liquefied, turning into an extremely thick mist.

But if someone with a deeper cultivation level comes here, they will find a very terrifying phenomenon. Time on the top of the mountain has frozen.

Doing all this requires a certain degree of enlightenment from the Great Path of Time, and the amount of divine power required can be said to be massive.

"Xiaosi, you are a tree. I see that you have realized some ability to counterattack under Xiaosan's fists, so I will teach you a method and you will be fine."

"This is a word: "Zhen"."

"At the same time, I will teach you Zhenzi's auxiliary skills, the ordinary Heaven-Swallowing Demon Skill."

Xiaosi trembled with excitement and kowtowed repeatedly, expressing gratitude.

"Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique? Why does this name sound familiar to me?"

Li Liu looked at Chen Banxian eagerly, waiting for his own technique.

"Why are you looking at me?" Chen Banxian rolled his eyes at him: "Let's talk about it when you knock down Xiao Si."

Li Liu: "Huh?"

"You need a moment."

Chen Banxian had no intention of answering his question and just faded away from the mountain. From today on, the entire Mount Everest will always be shrouded in clouds and mist.


[The latest report is that nationwide military recruitment has begun. We need excellent mecha pilots and unmanned weapons operators. The former hopes that retired soldiers will actively demobilize and return to the nine-city establishment. 】

[Later, Ninetowns has launched a global competition in the virtual game - Deep Blue. The most powerful warriors in the game will be selected for special training and real weapon remote sensing control...]

The news was constantly broadcast on the TV, and waves of aroma filled the air from the kitchen.

There is a dragon cooking skillfully.

"Who would have thought that playing games well can bring glory to the country and go into battle to kill the enemy?"

In the living room, Aigwei held a book in his hand, drank tea and commented on the news.

"It only shows that society is progressing and anything that appears is reasonable."

Chen Jin continued to control the tablet in her hand, and even here she still seemed very busy.

"What are you busy with every day? I haven't seen you take a break during this time."

Aigwei leaned her head and Chen Jin pushed her aside.

"Some time ago, a man named Li Liu donated a lot of money to my mecha research and development department at Anyang Technology. I am allocating resources to maximize profits."

Her fingers kept moving, and the images on the tablet were switching rapidly, almost leaving an afterimage.

Monks are different from ordinary people. Both their nervous response and physical endurance are many times higher. But even so, Chen Jin is already sweating on his forehead.

"I have to rush out today's tasks. I don't know how long it will be delayed."

They are going to Mount Everest, and today is the appointed day. The master (godfather) rarely sees them.

It is said that there is something more important this time.

"That guy named Li Liu is so annoying. He even designated it for you to donate. Isn't he causing trouble for us?"

Who doesn’t know that Queen Chen Jin of Anyang Technology is a hidden super rich man?

"Don't say that. There's going to be a war now. This is a good thing."

Chen Jin looked indifferent, and after half an hour, he finally put away the tablet with a flick of his finger.

"Phew... I'm exhausted."

She looked out the window: "How long will it take? Although this flying house is comfortable, it's still almost too fast at the top speed."

"Master, there are still 3 minutes~"

The smart butler replied playfully: "I'm already very fast. I will never give up if I make the master angry."

Of course, this is just an intelligent AI, not a real person.

Everyone has become accustomed to it. Some people even regard AI as their other half and no longer marry and have children.


Jiaojiao started to bring out the dishes from the kitchen. Every dish was delicious, delicious and full of fish and meat.

"Wow! Master's craftsmanship is getting better and better!"

Aigwei moved her index finger. Just as she was about to pick up the chopsticks, she was lightly swept by the dragon's tail.


"Okay, I got it, it's Master's." Aigwei raised her hand and said with dissatisfaction, "Why hasn't it come yet? Why hasn't it come yet? Are these three minutes so long?"

Of course it's not long, it's just a blink of an eye for a monk.

The next second, Feifang emerged from the void and slowly sat on the top of Mount Everest.

"Wow, why is the spiritual energy here so thick?"

Aigwei got up and walked out of the house and shouted: "I'm going to find the master!"

But as soon as she went out, she saw a strange scene.

"I'll hit, hit, hit!"

Li Liu kept punching, and each punch landed hard on a tall tree.

But the trees were trembling and unharmed. Instead, Li Liu was coughing up blood, which reminded Aigwei of a special skill book.

"Five Labors and Seven Injuries Boxing".

"Xiao San, hurry up. The amount of spiritual power in your fist is not enough for me to breathe out once."

The man with a tall waist and a thick tree spit out his mouth, but it happened to be the one who was beaten, and he was particularly energetic.

"Damn it, Fourth Brother, call me Sixth Brother, just wait for me!"

Li Liu gritted his teeth and unleashed his potential, waving his fists like a flying star.

"Oh, yes, use a little harder, and go faster~" Xiaosi moaned with pleasure: "At this rate, I can get the golden elixir tonight."


Li Liuyi collapsed when he heard this. He was still practicing Qi Dzogchen and had to experience the pain of failed breakthrough every day.

He also asked his master, who told him: "Maybe it's because your qualifications are too poor. If you have nothing to do, look for the reasons in yourself."

"What if you spend your whole life in the Qi refining period?"

Is there any master who is so sarcastic about his disciples?
Li Liu has the irrepressible urge to bully his master and destroy his ancestors every day.

Aigwei glanced at it and ignored it, and went into the house to look for someone.

"Master, Master?"

Her voice was clear and sweet, with a little bit of coquettishness: "Where are you? My wife has asked you to go to dinner."

"Whoosh~" The sound of wind came from the clouds, and he rushed into the flying house without saying a word.

"Is the meal ready? You should have told me earlier!"

One second the sound of wind was still in the sky, and the next second it entered the room. Chen Banxian sat down and picked up his chopsticks with extremely skillful movements.

"good to eat!"

Dongpo's elbow had already entered his mouth, and the foreign expert gave a thumbs up with his mouth full of oil without any grace: "It has to be my Jiao Jiao. This meal is just for your appetite. It can never be matched by the outside world!"


Jiaojiao happily circled half a circle on the chair. This was also the happiest time for her.

"Hmph! Master, you didn't even wait for me!"

After the big elbow finished eating, Aigwei ran back. While still talking, she saw the afterimage of Chen Jin's chopsticks sweeping over the dishes.

"Okay, Ah Jin, just eat your dinner in silence!"

Aigwei immediately dropped everything, took a seat, and joined the battle!

The wind blows the clouds!

After finishing eating and all the dishes were clean, Aigwei looked at Master: "Master, didn't you tell us to call us here if you have something to do? What's the matter?"

When it came to business, Chen Jin and Jiaojiao both looked at Chen Banxian.

"Ah, this ah..."

Chen Banxian picked his teeth and said calmly: "It's just that Qian'er has accepted two apprentices, the third and the fourth. I won't tell you about this."

"Ah? We have a junior brother?"

Aigwei's eyes were surprised: "Where is it? Does he look good? Is he handsome?"

Chen Jin's eyes also moved, which was also a very happy thing for her.

No one would think that Chen Banxian's inheritance would be divided into two parts. In fact, they had never taken the initiative to use their master's things or money.

"The qualifications of the junior brothers must be very high, right?" Chen Jin looked at him eagerly: "Godfather, where are they? You didn't even tell me in advance, the meal is already finished.

She looked at the dragon with vague eyes. In fact, she was not full...

The name "godfather" really touched Chen Banxian's bones.

He pointed his hand outward: "Nuo, look, there are two fighting outside."


Egerwei's eyes widened in disbelief: "Just them?"

A tree, a fool, is their junior brother?
Even Jiaojiao looked at Chen Banxian with doubtful eyes.

"Yes, that's them." Chen Banxian sat up straight: "Don't think they are inconspicuous, but they are actually pretty good."

"Did you see that tree? Fourth child, although his qualifications are average, his understanding is extraordinary. I preached to the third child, and he could understand the true meaning just by listening."

Xiaosi was really an accident. Chen Banxian just accepted it casually, but unexpectedly he even learned the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique taught to him.

Qualifications only play a role before you understand the Dao. Once the Dao is involved, qualifications become less absolute.

"What about that fool?" Eggwei pointed at the crazy Li Liu in the yard.


Chen Banxian thought about it for a while. The reason why Li Liu was included in the door wall was more due to fate.

He considered it and said: "This kid once had three hundred wishes, but none of them were for his own purpose."

"He has experienced the darkest setbacks, but he still did not violate his true heart."

"If Xiaosi has great understanding, then Xiaosan has great kindness."

Anyway, after the meal was over, he told about his previous experience.

"Oh~~" Aigwei said in a long voice: "I mean, why does he look familiar? I saw him on TV."

She poked Chen Jin on the shoulder: "The mistress's name is Li Liu. He was responsible for all the work you've been busy with for so long."


Chen Jin slapped his fist on the table: "I'm going to go to the toilet."

She walked out the door and closed the door. Soon everyone heard Li Liu's surprised voice.

"Hey, little sister, are you here for a trip?"

"Ouch, why are you hitting people!"

The corner of Aigwei's mouth curled up to her ears: "She said she didn't mind. When she heard it was one of her own, she immediately took action."

The mistress is also unlucky. If the relationship becomes more distant, the result will be different.

After a few breaths, Chen Jin came back and frowned at Chen Banxian.

"Why is Xiaosan still in the Qi refining stage? I think his Dantian is harder than a copper wall."

"Moreover, he practices the Qingxuan Basic Cultivation Method issued by the Nine Cities Federation."

That thing is extremely popular. The advantage is that anyone can practice it, but the disadvantage is also obvious. It is too mediocre.

(End of this chapter)

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