There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 533: Dharma Eye Observation

The second senior sister was thinking about her junior brother as soon as they met.

Chen Banxian smiled lightly: "As the saying goes, the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. I want to lay a solid foundation for Xiao San."

"Furthermore, his understanding is relatively low. He can memorize "The Number of Plum Blossoms" that I passed on to him, but he is not very enlightened. Even if he is given the Emperor Sutra, he will not be able to practice it well."

"What should I do?"

Hearing that Chen Jin hadn't spoken yet, Aigwei couldn't help but ask, but soon her expression changed:
"No, Master, you don't have a low opinion of people. If this mistress was only kind, you would definitely not accept him as your apprentice."

"Otherwise, Sister Yuexian would have become our senior sister long ago."

"haha of course!"

Chen Banxian pointed outward: "Use your Dharma Eyes to see the mistress's luck."

If it were an ordinary person, why would he spend so much time inspecting and training?

Hearing this, Aigwei and Chen Jin closed their eyes together and looked at the world with Dharma eyes.

You can see various air currents flowing among the mountains and rivers. There are yin and yang fish flowing above Ai Gewei's head, and there is a red front formation above Chen Jin's head.

That is their way.

They first looked inside the house. There was a black and white dragon emitting a huge black and yellow light above the Jiao Jiao's head.

And the top of Master's head...

They couldn't see clearly, they only saw one closed eye.

"Dont look at me."

Chen Banxian pinched their heads and turned around: "Don't look at people with a higher level than yourself, otherwise you won't know how blind you are."

If he doesn't close his mouth, these two girls will die.

Their eyes were turned around, and the two women looked outside the room, seeing Xiao Si first.

It was a pitch-black tree-shaped black hole that seemed to swallow up everything in the world.

"Xiao Si learned the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Kung Fu very well."

Chen Banxian was satisfied, he was already a beginner.

Next, they saw Li Liu's luck.


With just one glance, the two women couldn't help but retreat slightly. Above Xiaosan's head, there was an overwhelming murderous aura, as if the screams of thousands of troops on the battlefield were rushing from his eyes to his mind!
"What a terrible murderous aura!"

Aigwei hurriedly closed her Dharma Eyes, her face turned pale with fright.

"You saw it." Chen Banxian explained: "I was also surprised when I first saw him. How could such a good person have such a huge murderous intention."

"Later on, a series of recent events made me understand that the mistress may be the one who deserves the disaster."

Who are the people who should be robbed?That person was born by destiny before the great crisis of heaven and earth was about to come. He may not be the only one, but he must be very important.

"The murderous aura in Xiaosan's Luck Path is so strong, does it mean that the war between us and the ancient tribes will be very tragic?"

Chen Jin saw more, and a war was about to begin. Anyone with a discerning eye knew that within this hundred years, countless people would definitely suffer disaster.

"That's for sure." Chen Banxian nodded seriously and was about to continue speaking when he suddenly stopped talking.

He grabbed at the door and brought Xiaoxue in.

"Why are you sneaking outside the door? If you want to listen, just come in and sit down and listen."

Jiaojiao narrowed his eyes...

Xiaoxue giggled: "Hey, didn't I just arrive? I just arrived."

Chen Banxian ignored him and continued: "Our enemy is Jingxu, a force that is theoretically infinite and has infinite corridors."

"We are all civilizations growing on the earth, and we have an innate desire to possess this world. However, they were in the past and we are in the present."

There are countless civilizations and countless strong men in the Mirror Ruins. Maybe in some civilizations, the emperor is just a minion?

This is not excluded.

"Eh~ Then what are you arguing about?" Xiaoxue expressed her opinion: "Isn't it just a shabby place? Let's give it to them. The universe is so big, there is no place to stay."

"You are the only smart one." Chen Banxian was speechless. This Xiaoxue was stupid.

"Not to mention the blessings of heaven on earth, all the ways are the most complete and the most suitable for enlightenment."

"Just another strange point, haven't you noticed that none of the ancient tribes have any intention of leaving the earth?"

"When they first arrived, they fought like crazy just to be able to station themselves on Earth. Do you think they can't think of going to other worlds?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone clearly felt the huge secret.

"Because there is the most precious and essential thing on earth. All races want it, so it must be extremely precious."

Chen Banxian was worried that if they left the earth for a long time, they would lose their qualifications.

Before, the thunder from heaven seemed to strike him, but Chen Banxian suddenly had an epiphany after thinking about it.

That's God's warning!
"It's too far."

Chen Banxian looked at the fool outside the room: "This kid knows that the earth has turned around, and the Nine Cities Federation has decided to start a war to regain their homeland. Strictly speaking, the war will eventually start because of him."


Jiaojiao cleared the dishes and hummed softly.

"Yes, Jiaojiao is right. I don't let Xiao San break through the foundation building because I want him to fight his way out of his own way."

Killing becomes the way, if nothing else, he can definitely crush any enemy in the same realm in terms of combat power.

"Then godfather, you really love him. You constantly lay a solid foundation for him and reshape his meridians and body."

Chen Jin's tone was slightly yin and yang. Chen Banxian didn't pay attention at first, but now he was vaguely aware of it.

Isn't this little girl jealous?
He observed carefully and found out that maybe it was true that he had never cared about them that much and had always allowed them to grow wildly.

If it weren't for the constant care of Jiaojiao, they might all be gone to the horizon now. "Ahem." He coughed lightly: "This is about the battle between our Nine Cities and the ancient Jingxu Clan. I am only interested in these few days. When the Nine Cities officially start the war, he will have to go down the mountain and be beaten severely by this world. ”

Chen Banxian picked up the phone and said: "I registered a place for him in the Pioneer Army with his girlfriend through my own identity, and he will start the first battle."

"Ding dong."

At this moment, Chen Jin's cell phone rang, and her face changed slightly when she picked it up.

"What's wrong?" Chen Banxian looked at him, and suddenly he shut up and stood up.

A blood-red killing line above his head was moving.

Chen Jin took out his mobile phone: "The order for the vanguard army to assemble has been issued."


At this time, Li Liu in the yard did not know these contents, and he was full of hope for the future.

Although he has not broken through the realm to build a foundation, he is getting stronger every day, which is enough.

The future is really full of beauty.

"You're distracted." Xiaosi flicked the tree trunk and slapped Li Liu hard on the butt.

"Nimma, sneak attack!"

Li Liu cursed, but he was not in a hurry to take revenge. Instead, he stopped his hand and looked at Fei Fang on one side.

"Did you see that thing? The beautiful young lady just entered it."

"It seems that there was a beautiful young lady before. You said she stopped in our yard. Do you know our master?"

Xiao Si's leaves trembled: "Is there any problem?"

"Is there no problem?" Li Liu lowered his voice:
"Brother Gai doesn't know where he is practicing right now. It's just the two of us, and we are two pretty beauties. Don't you have any idea?"

"Put away that sly look on your face!"

Xiaosi snorted coldly: "I am a tree. My hobbies are different from yours. I can reproduce myself."

"one more……"

Little Four Li Liu: "Didn't Master say that our senior sisters are coming? I am fourth and you are third. They happen to be two girls. Don't you think it's a coincidence?"

coincide?Of course a coincidence!
Li Liu said "Oh~" fiercely: "That's our senior sister!"

"Not necessarily, but it's more than [-]% possible. That's why I didn't say a word when you were beaten just now."

At this moment, they saw the door of the flying house open, and Ai Gewei and Chen Jin walked out one after another.

"They are here!"

Li Liu took two steps back: "You two won't beat me up again, right?"

"I can't say for sure." Xiaosi speculated: "Master didn't say whether we are righteous or evil."

"Little San, come here."

Chen Jin hooked his fingers.

One person and one tree looked at each other, motionless. Li Liu looked at the ground: "I am Li Liu, I am not a mistress, I am Lao Liu."

"I told you to come here, but you didn't hear me?"

Chen Jin stepped on his boots and walked up, looking at him up and down.

"Junior brother, I am your second senior sister. From today on, if you are lacking any equipment, just tell me."


Li Liu’s exclusive voice.

"Ah, what? Your senior sister, I am one of the armor inventors of Dark Sun Technology and am responsible for all formation technology. What? I can't give you some equipment?"

"No, what do I need the equipment for?" Li Liu didn't quite understand.

"It will be useful." Chen Jin patted him on the shoulder: "According to my information, the vanguard army of the Nine Cities Federation has been assembled and can set off at any time to start the first battle."

What does the Pioneer Army have to do with him?
"Behave well and don't let Master and us down."

Ai Gewei also came over: "If you need anything, call me. I have learned divination from Master. Maybe I can give you vital help in some emergencies."


Chen Banxian walked out of the room and pulled out a trace of his soul just between his eyebrows.

"I planted this trace of your soul in the Mansion that covers the sky and the earth. If you die, you will be led by Huangni Road. When the time comes, I will look for you as my teacher."

"Okay, go pack your bags and go down the mountain. The vanguard army has already assembled."

Next, there will be no peace at the top of Mount Everest. He wants to move the mountain so that the army can clear the way smoothly.


Li Liu felt that he hadn't done anything yet.

The vanguard was assembled.

Chen Banxian also received a message that night, which was sent to him by Bai Xiao.

"People in the future are still looking for me, but the problem is not big. The problem now is that the war has started."

"Weiwei's master, can you take care of me? At least a dozen precious Eighth Realm people died in this first battle. There is an ambush on the other side of the earth!"

There's an ambush on the other side of the earth?

Chen Banxian's eyes flickered. The other side of Mount Everest was also in the clouds and mist, and the other side of the earth belonged to the night.

He replied to the message to find out, and then walked towards the Ninetowns Building.

It's time to get together with old friends. The war started, and I don't know how many people returned.

Fang Ping...what happens now?
(End of this chapter)

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