There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 536 Immortal Weapon and Emperor Jar

Chapter 536 Immortal Weapon and Emperor Jar

The sky and the earth change, the sun and the moon lose their light, and the stars all over the sky converge.

The large formation set up by the ancient tribe was completely turned over, and in turn enveloped everyone present.

The imperial jar shrouded down from the highest point, and the lid fell down with a "clack".

"You are so brave!"

People of all ethnic groups were shocked.

All these changes happened in an instant, and only then did they feel the power of time.

Otherwise, Chen Banxian wouldn't be able to trap them.

"Human race, you only have one person. We have at least hundreds of Eighth Realm people. Are you looking for death?"

The strong man from the Lushu Ancient Clan raised the immortal weapon, but the extremely powerful Tao of the Emperor Jar could not suppress the Taoist charm of the immortal weapon itself.

The strong man from the ancient Shuiyi tribe sneered: "Even if a tiger enters the flock of sheep, these hundreds of sheep can trample the tiger to death alive."

This move was too risky, and Chen Banxian was obviously extremely courageous.

"Really? It is indeed worse than a tiger joining a flock of sheep, but what if a dragon swims among fishes?"

The only human race licked the corner of his mouth: "In the imperial jar, do you know that this is my home court?"

Hearing these words, the eyelids of all the ancient tribes were beating fiercely, and a sense of ominousness arose in their hearts.

"How dare you act so presumptuously when you are about to die?"

Lu Gu snorted coldly, activated the fairy spoon and said: "Watch the move!"

The tail of the spoon glowed, pointing at Chen Banxian and turning it around.

But the next second, the terrifying black magic technique was activated, and the increase in the sky-swallowing magic technique in the emperor jar reached the most terrifying level.

This Demon Emperor Sutra is naturally suitable for Chen Banxian's Tao. No matter how bright the spoon is, all the charm of the Tao will be swallowed up, making it impossible to get close to Chen Banxian's body.

"I don't believe it! You really have a bottomless pit!"

Lu Gu increased the transmission of divine power, and the immortal weapon shined brightly, making the inside of the emperor's jar faintly tremble.

This is a battle between the two extremes. The spoon can reverse yin and yang, while the emperor's jar can swallow all things. The confrontation in the eighth realm is equivalent to the battle between the young emperor and the young immortal!

"not good!"

The man from the Lushu Ancient Clan frowned: "This is the Earth. If it continues, it is likely that the immortal weapon will be revived and the world's upper limit will be exceeded!"

There is already a vague trend of the Ninth Realm emerging here. The arrogance between the Immortal Weapon and the Imperial Soldier does not allow the other to overpower them.

"stop it now!"

The people of the Hanyuan Ancient Clan shouted in horror: "Lu Gu, quickly put away the inverted yin and yang. Once they revive, everyone will die under the law of heaven!"

The Dao of Heaven is the most terrifying existence. Once it falls, even their once peak civilization will be as fragile as paper.

The way of heaven allows all races to breed, and it is extraordinary. It is the collection of the highest way. The cry of the ape made cold sweat break out from Lu Gu's back instantly!

He sensed carefully that if he fought for a moment longer and was in this jar, a furnace of Ten Thousand Races Pill would probably be hacked out.

He was ready to stop and let the immortal weapon reverse the yin and yang to stop reviving, but Chen Banxian's speed of devouring his energy was not slow at all, and the momentum did not weaken at all.

"What are you doing!"

Lu Gu's tone was already mixed with panic: "If we continue, God will kill us all!"

Chen Banxian didn't even raise his eyelids and said sarcastically: "You can take action if you want to, and you can stop the war if you want to?"

"Lu Gu, do you have such a big face? Why should I give you face and promise you?"

His attitude sent shivers down Luo Gu's spine, and he couldn't help but curse:
"Are you a madman? Or a fool? Just because I strike first, you will let everyone die here? Do you know how serious the consequences of destroying the eleven immortal weapons are? The whole earth will be shattered!"

Then there will be no need for everyone to fight, and the next era will begin directly.

"None of my business."

Chen Banxian's strength did not decrease, but even increased faintly.

Ying Lang frowned and looked carefully at Chen Banxian's face. Chen Banxian also happened to look back at him.

The madness in his eyes didn't look like he was faking it.

"All right!"

Ying Lang said: "Fellow Taoist, if you have any demands, please tell me. As per the original agreement, no one will interfere in this war."

The terrifying devouring force was suddenly withdrawn.

Lu Gu almost immediately calmed down the immortal weapon, almost, almost definitely entering the category of the ninth realm, lifting the ceiling.

"I thought you weren't afraid."

The only human sat down, and the corolla chair was born again in the void, but no matter how you looked at it, this corolla chair looked like a throne.

"Who can not be afraid of the way of heaven?"

Ying Lang waved his hand, and an identical corolla chair appeared behind everyone.

"Everyone, please sit down and let us know what our friends mean first. We can only watch this war."

No matter how reluctant everyone is, the fact is that there is no way.

It's really ridiculous that it's just a human race that can block the powerful men from all their major races, but this is what really happened.

"The higher the level, the less useful the number of people will be."

The people of the Shuiyi Ancient Clan sighed, just like this scene, even if they have ten immortal weapons and Chen Banxian only has one, it is enough to make everyone avoid using them and not act rashly.

Chen Banxian chuckled, and suddenly his expression changed slightly.

At the same time, the ancient tribes present all looked outside the emperor jar, as if the emperor jar could not block their sight.Chen Banxian did not restrict everyone's sight, below the void of the Emperor Jar, at the passage between the two realms of the Eastern Wasteland.

The huge Mount Everest slowly moved away, giving way. The heaven and earth were shaking with the huge movement, and the random wind blew down everything on the millions of miles of earth.

A touch of beauty comes from behind the mountain.

When the first blood-like flag of Bactria, representing the earth, was inserted, the war began.

It was as red as blood, floating like fire, and then, the sharp knife of the vanguard army was inserted fiercely!

The twelve generals of the eighth realm almost all stepped into the passage, but no other members of the vanguard army were seen.

I saw the leader ordering: "Neutron bombs to clean the ground!"

Give your word!

There was only one explosion, but thousands of neutron bombs were fired from the earth, covering a hundred thousand miles.


There was only one sound of explosion, but the whole world was shrouded in haze.

"Second round! Antimatter bullets, volley!"


Thousands of bullet-thick cannons came out of the barrel and reached the first 20 miles. When they were about to arrive, the bullets split apart and the anti-matter bomb inside was only the size of a grain of rice.

But an even more terrifying explosion came, and the ground was plowed down thousands of meters deep.

"The third round, dark matter bullets, volley!"

General No. 3 spoke, but this time there was no sound.

But all the ancient tribes inside the Emperor Jar turned around and looked into the distance. The entire land there disappeared, and a huge flat road was revealed millions of miles away from the earth channel.


Chen Banxian smiled, and through calculation, he controlled the power to blast open the avenue, making all the transportation weapons smooth on the ground.

Moreover, it can also eliminate all uncertain factors. Even if there is an ambush, it cannot be hidden under the three rounds of neutrons, antimatter, and dark matter.

"The human race is really good at it."

Yinglang's beautiful eyes blinked: "I have vaguely dreamed of this scene, but it is far less shocking than now."

At this time, I heard the order from the fourth general of the eighth realm:
"Jiandaoying mecha, come out!"

At this moment, uniform footsteps appeared from the other end of the passage. There was a huge figure in the dust and smoke, taking huge steps, towering into the sky and blocking out the sun!

It was a man-made monster with a height of [-] meters, advancing forward!

The crystallization of human technology explodes with ferocious fangs at this time!
They once fled their homes in obscurity and embarrassment, but now they declare with thunderous voices:
The human back!

The huge mecha made the smoke only cover their waists, and their vision was not blocked. Everything in the smoke was provided by quantum system simulation.

Who can resist such a torrent of steel?

Inside the Emperor Jar, some ancient tribesmen had ugly expressions on their faces. They were dismissive when they first received the news from the Night Tribe’s prophet. What’s so scary about the human race?Do they need to hide and use formations to ambush?
But now it seems that those huge iron men, those armored vehicles, and the earth-sized artillery shells are making the scalps of all races numb.

"Prophet, you are right." Lu Gu's expression was not good-looking: "We really may not be able to defeat the human race."

"Don't underestimate yourself."

At this time, a strong man from the Lushu Ancient Clan interrupted him: "There are only twelve eighth-level people in this human race, so it's nothing to worry about."

"It's not in your territory, so of course it's nothing to worry about."

Lu Gu's expression was not good-looking: "Now that I am here, I cannot go to the battlefield in person. I can only send messages to the people in the clan to deal with it."

His spiritual thoughts communicated with heaven and earth, and he was about to send a message through the secret method. However, as soon as his spiritual thoughts and secret methods left the emperor's jar, they were immediately sucked back by the emperor's jar.

"Why, you said you wouldn't interfere in this battle, and you still want to blatantly violate the agreement?"

Chen Banxian sneered softly: "Lu Gu, your clan will not be so fragile and be destroyed by my human clan, right?"


Lu Gu put away the magic formula: "How glorious was our Fu Chong clan back then? Even in the Mirror Ruins, we were still a transcendent existence. Will we be defeated by a mere piece of steel?"

He sat down again and said: "My son Lu Ji can naturally break your human offensive."

Wan Ji?

Chen Banxian looked into the distance. There were already ancient tribes moving towards this direction thousands of miles away.


A huge horn sounds, and a warrior rides a war horse or drives a chariot forward on the ground with majestic momentum. At the front are tens of thousands of huge thousand-meter mountain beasts.

They are incredibly heavy and can trample mountains and rivers, clearing the way for the army behind them.

This army was not made up of the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan, but a coalition of several tribes. Ying Lang had already anticipated it and planned it in advance.

"Prophet, you are truly a prophet." Chen Banxian gave Yinglang a thumbs up: "Your gathering has almost doubled the losses of our clan."

"You shouldn't be praised like this by the prophet of the human race." Ying Lang smiled softly: "What? Didn't the prophet enlighten the people?"

"They talk about science. Even if I enlighten them, it won't make much difference."

The human race is different from all races. He shook his head. Now it depends on the contact between the two parties.

There were no warriors below the fourth realm in that army, and the quality of the ancient tribe was very high.

Among them, the rough perception of the eighth realm alone has reached 20 people, plus the countless seventh and sixth realms. Whether the vanguard army can break through the blockade of ten thousand races, this first battle is very important.

(End of this chapter)

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