There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 537 The return of the human race

"The army sets off!"

There was no obstruction. After the Sharp Knife Camp, the entire vanguard army really started!

Dense and overwhelming fighter planes flew across the sky, a huge aerospace mothership poked out from the clouds like a black giant, and on the ground, floating tanks appeared one after another.

"The first division, attack from the left, the second division, attack from the right, and the third and fourth divisions charge through the middle!"

In the main command center of the space carrier, a huge sand table phantom showed everything on the battlefield.

Qu Heng, commander of the vanguard army, had sharp eyes and coordinated the battlefield.

He is not in the eighth realm. In fact, he only has the cultivation level in the second realm.

But he had gone through many screenings and fought his way up from the Nine Cities to become a general. In his hundreds of years of career, he had fought at least a hundred battles, large and small.

Without a single defeat, he is a truly undefeated general!
The entire shell of the space carrier is made of meteorite. It is a purely technological warship. Even the twelve generals of the eighth realm on the ground cannot get close to it. If an enemy wants to engage in beheading operations, I am afraid that no matter how many they come, they will be killed. .

Inside the Emperor Tank, many ancient tribesmen noticed the huge space carrier command center and salivated in their eyes.

It can only be viewed and discovered with the naked eye. Spiritual thoughts and perceptions are all invalid.

"That's - the meteorite?"

"Okay, okay, humans, you guys are really lucky to have such good things in such large quantities."

Everyone knows that this substance is extremely valuable and rare, and is generally kept in treasure houses by various tribes.

"Is this a shock? Wait a minute, don't be scared to death."

Chen Banxian was not surprised. The army of more than [-] people had not yet completely set foot on the earth.

The ten-thousand-meter giant weapon entering the clouds, the roaring fighter planes in the sky, the command center of the space carrier, and the torrent of tanks on the ground are just the beginning.

When an army of mechas steps into the earth, it is the real debut of the main force!

Chen Banxian had a faint smile on his face. He was very proud that this was humankind. When the huge war machine was running, it could crush any race.

"Hmph! It's so fancy."

Luo Gu looked behind him. Luo Ji was one of the brightest geniuses of the Fu Chong clan. He was a genius of the younger generation. He was extremely talented and intelligent.

He wouldn't be so stupid that he would just rush into the torrent of steel.

Thousands of miles away, Lu Ji was sitting on a huge flying boat, and he could see the movement at the entrance of the passage from a distance.

"Why hasn't dad sent me a message?"

There was a layer of discomfort in his heart, and there must be a monster when things go wrong.

"Alliance leader, General Shu Shuofeng wants to invite a battle and test the human race's details in advance."

The soldiers came to deliver the order. General Shuofeng was from the eighth realm of the Nu tribe and was the general of this alliance.

Lu Ji is the leader of the coalition, and the other party wants to challenge him to test whether the human clan's sword tip is wax or iron.

Lu Ji pondered, but did not agree immediately. He said softly:

"The qualifications of the human race are not bad, they are just enslaved by the Ten Thousand Races and cannot practice. I have seen the human race who are practicing normally, and they are very amazing. The more they get into the later stages, the more they become more and more surprising."

"Since the human race dares to come back in a grand way this time, they must be prepared."

After thinking in his mind, he said: "Go and ask General Shuofeng if he is willing to make a trip and bring some human slaves."


The soldier nodded and made a promise, and the figure tore open the space and left in an instant.

He turned out to be a great monk in the seventh realm.

It's just used to convey orders.

The army advanced steadily, and Lu Gu's fingers tapped on the king's chair, waiting quietly.

After about twenty breaths, the soldiers came back: "Report to the leader, General Shuofeng said that there are slaves in the army."

"Hahaha, why did the alliance leader suddenly want to thank some human slaves? Are you greedy?"

At this moment, a burly man walked in, holding a thigh that was roasted and greasy, tearing it apart as he walked.

"General Shuofeng, this is the military camp." Lu Ji frowned slightly, but he just nodded and continued:
"I heard that the general wants to be the first to fight?"

"Of course!"

Shuo Feng swallowed the thigh meat and bones into his stomach in a few mouthfuls, wiped the grease in his hands and said: "Humans are just chickens and dogs. I don't know what we are doing so slowly."

"Wait for me from the Nu clan to kill him and then come back to claim the reward!"

Facing this rough Shuo Feng, Lu Ji remained calm: "General, don't underestimate the enemy. The human race is the main race of this era no matter what, and it must be blessed by luck."

"I know that the general is eager to achieve great results, but please listen to me and test him first."

"Testing? How much more testing is there? I, Shuofeng, will go and have a look and I will test everything clearly!"


Lu Ji is personable and elegant, which is in sharp contrast to Shuo Feng.

"You have 2 human slaves gathered, guarded by ten great monks from the Seventh Realm, and pretended to be on the road, blocking the human race's only way."

He took out the roster from his side and flicked it with his finger: "General Shuo Feng and the other three generals Yu Neng, Hao, Ting Hai, and Si Xiaomin were hiding in the dark to observe."

"If someone from the human race is below the seventh level, let the men from the seventh level kill him. If he is from the eighth level, all the generals can attack him in groups and kill one of his pillars instantly."

Lu Ji slowly said the plan: "When the opponent's Eighth Realm comes after them, the generals can observe carefully. If there are many enemies, we will flee. If there are many enemies, we will kill them. If we advance, we can attack, if we retreat, we can defend. Even if the human race If you want to hide your strength, you will have to expose it a little bit."

When Shuo Feng heard this tactic, his eyes widened immediately: "Hey~ wonderful!"

"Young Master Luji really deserves his reputation as the leader of the alliance. I, Shuofeng, don't have the brains to think of such a method."

"Excuse me. General, go ahead."

Lu Ji smiled faintly: "I will send someone to notify the three generals to help you. I wish the generals a victory and return in great joy." "That's for sure!"

Shuo Feng turned around and left happily, and soon led 2 human slaves and his men on their way.

"Sir, why do you want General Shuofeng to do this?"

The personal guard questioned: "The Nu people have a violent personality and are not very smart. If the secret is exposed during an ambush, the plan may be ruined."

Lu Ji gently flipped through the roster, and there were dozens of people in the eighth realm alone.

He answered nonchalantly: "The Nu people are difficult to control, and Shuo Feng has an unstable personality. He often does things without following the rules. Staying in the army regardless of the consequences will lead to unrest."

"I asked him to ambush, one is to test the human race's reaction, and the other, even if he dies, can anger the Nu tribe and let them be the vanguard to fight against the human race first."

His words were plain, but what he said was an extremely cruel plan. The life and death of the Nu tribe depended on his words.

The guard's eyes were filled with fear, and he hurriedly bowed down: "My lord is wise!"

"Is this wise?" Lu Ji closed the roster: "Then do you know why I asked the other three generals to accompany me?"

The personal guard didn't understand, so he could only lower his head and said, "I don't know."

"If you knew, you wouldn't still be my personal soldier." Lu Ji patted the latter's shoulder and uttered two words: "Brother." "

"Yes, my lord is wise!" Luan Yan lowered his head.

"Go, turn on the high-beam mirror, and then notify the generals to let me see how the ambush is going."

Soon, a huge mirror opened, and the content was Shuo Feng and his party.

They were stationed by a big river. Shuo Feng still liked to eat, so he asked people to wash a few people to fill their stomachs.

The distance of thousands of miles is not that far, but the army cannot move too fast, so Shuofeng and his party can quickly station themselves in the area where the human race is advancing.

Inside the imperial jar, Chen Banxian stared at Lu Ji in the distance in surprise, and asked Lu Gu: "Is your son so smart?"

This is indeed a vicious plan, more than killing two birds with one stone?Already three birds, or even four birds.

"Quinzi's plan is not under my control." Lu Gu smiled lightly: "I believe that we will soon see the death of the eighth realm of the human race."

"Don't be too happy too early. I, the human race, are not that stupid for this kind of plan."

Chen Banxian looked at the only road that must be passed, and there were already human mechas involved.

The vanguard army of the human race, the Sharp Saber Battalion, is at the forefront of the army.

They either control mechas or are highly cultivated to remove obstacles for the vanguard.

There are ten such sharp knife camps.

At this time, Li Liu was driving the mecha across the mountains and rivers. He had already traveled thousands of miles, washing the dirt on the mecha in this river.

He is responsible for delivering information. Once an ancient tribe is discovered, he can kill it independently while reporting it. Every monk in the Fangjian Dao camp is in the seventh realm.

At this moment, he saw something washing up in the river dozens of meters deep.

When he lifted it up and took a look, he saw that there were only skeletons and tendons left.

The remaining meat on top is still fresh.


Li Liu's fingertips trembled as he hurriedly fished in the water, picking up bones one after another.

"System, analyze the skeleton race in my hand."

The mecha scanned it with its eyes, and then received a cold reply.

Human race!

"TMD, someone is killing my people in front?"

Li Liu became jealous almost instantly, and he hurried upstream along the river.

At the same time, he also notified others in the channel.

"Anomalies have been discovered. Fresh human skeletons are constantly floating in front of the river. It is very likely that some compatriots are being killed. I'll go take a look first!"

The mecha in his hand is the most advanced reconnaissance series mecha. It is very fast and equipped with a dark engine. It can enter dark space while running. It is also equipped with fire front formation and dark engine weapons.

"Li Liu, don't be impulsive, wait for us to come!"

There was a sound coming from the channel, but Li Liu pretended not to hear it and went all the way upstream.

"Life fluctuations were detected, the number is 19636, and the distance is 56.3 kilometers."

Following the smart reminder, Li Liu's arm shook and he pulled out a ten-meter long sword from behind.

"Give my weapons weight!"

He invoked dark energy, and the system's voice and indicator panel appeared in front of him.

"The weight gain started, 1 ton, 5 tons, 10 tons...

"Not enough, continue!"

"Okay, 50 tons, 100 tons...

"Warning, the load-bearing limit of this mecha is 1.6w tons. If it is overweight, it will become uncontrollable."

"Don't worry about it, keep adding to it, activate the anti-gravity floating ability, and offset the mecha's carrying limit."

He jumped from the ground and took off into the sky, already making a decision in his mind on how to take action.

Whoever kills his compatriots deserves death!

(End of this chapter)

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