There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 538 Chen Banxian actually showed fear?

Chapter 538 Chen Banxian actually showed fear?

Inside the imperial jar, Chen Banxian's eyes were slightly hollow.

"Fellow Taoist, I'm distracted."

Ying Lang glanced at the entire battlefield and chuckled when he saw Li Liu rising higher and higher.

"I didn't expect that the first person I came into contact with was a young monk in the Qi refining stage."

This is considered weak in the first realm. If he dares to take action, he will be killed soon.

Chen Banxian remained silent. The sword in Li Liu's hand had increased in weight to [-] tons, all thanks to the help of the anti-gravity device.


Li Liu gave the order and used his sword to lead the man to the ground.

"System, anti-gravity reversal."

During this process, he actually used gravity to reverse the force of gravity and increase the power of the sword in his hand.

Below, where Shuo Feng and others were stationed, there was smoke rising from the kitchen, and the aroma of meat was extremely rich.

There are densely packed humans in captivity on the side of the river. They can only stand, with wooden sticks restricting the range of movement of their legs and hands, and the food trough is hanging near their mouths.

They kept looking towards the direction where the smoke was rising. Some were inquiring, some were panicking, and they kept shouting the pronunciation of the language "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooofts.

This is the slave of the human race, who has been transformed into a complete animal through systematic captivity.

They could only see some actions by the river and the laughter of Shuofeng's four ancient masters.

Shuo Feng's mouth was full of oil after eating. He took big bites and said with a smile: "It's just a human race, I'll just eat it and wait for them to get here."

"When the time comes, we will kill them directly, call the gold to withdraw our troops, and let them see the power of my Nu tribe!"

General Yu Neng gave a thumbs up when he heard this: "Brother Shuofeng is domineering. This is the style that our ancient clan should have."

"That is."

Shuofeng didn't know how to be shy at all. He mentioned the past and said:
"Do you know what the Zangcang Realm is? Last time, the Zongzong of Zi was disobedient and refused to provide slaves. As a result, I slapped him down."

"What human race? With this little strength, you still dare to clamor against us."


The other two generals also gave a thumbs up, and they praised Shuo Feng to the sky.

"Hahaha, hahaha!"

Shuofeng's laughter made the mountains and fields tremble. He patted his chest and said, "Don't take action later. Let me deal with everyone. Brothers, just stay here and watch!"

Shuo Feng took a few more mouthfuls of wine and meat.

But suddenly, he felt wind blowing above his head and looked up unconsciously.

"Ancient tribe, accept your fate!"

Li Liu's mecha has arrived, and he controls the giant sword from a high altitude to fall hard, which is comparable to the power of a space-based weapon!
"Human race?" Shuo Feng looked extremely surprised: "Why didn't I sense the human race's aura?"

The distance was already too close. He stretched out his left hand to stop the giant sword from falling hard.

But... this contact caused the earth to shatter, strong winds raged, the ground plummeted, and the river bed tore apart.

The river water a few kilometers away jumped from the embankment. Under the witness of all the slaves, the explosion was terrifying!
The wind pressure knocked down all the slaves. When the smoke and dust dispersed, Shuo Feng stood firmly in place.

He raised one hand above his head, holding the tip of the huge sword.

At the end of the sword, there was a ruin that was knocked out of shape by the impact, and a stream of blood flowed from Shuo Feng's head.

He threw the rubble away casually and wiped the blood from the top of his head. There was an extremely small wound there.

He... was actually hurt by a human?
Shuo Feng only felt a fever on his face. The small wound was not important at all. What was important was his own health.

He just boasted about Haikou!


Shuo Feng was extremely angry.

Inside the imperial jar, everyone could see this scene clearly. Shuo Feng in the eighth realm was actually injured by Li Liu in the Qi refining stage.

"It seems that you are the ones who bleed first."

Chen Banxian suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the corolla chair with great interest.

On the other hand, Ying Lang's face was not so pretty. He stared at the scene in the painting: "Shuo Feng is too arrogant. Even if he survives after this battle, there will be no need for the Nu tribe to exist."

After saying this, all the ancient tribesmen tightened their skin and dared not speak.

The jar fell into silence. This was the deterrent power of the Night Clan's prophet. He said that if the Nu Clan did not exist, then the Nu Clan would definitely cease to exist.

Seeing that the atmosphere was stagnant, Lu Gu spoke in a low voice: "Don't worry, Madam, it was just an accident. Human weapons can hide the aura, so Shuo Feng didn't notice it."

He pointed at the screen and said: "Shuofeng is just a small wound, but the human race will soon pay the price with his life."

Hearing this, Chen Banxian suddenly panicked for a moment.

Yinglang shook his head: "The outcome of the battle is determined from the beginning. This blood is not a good sign."

He went to see Chen Banxian, who is also a prophet who predicts the future. He also knew this, so was he so relaxed at this moment?
No... Chen Banxian turned around and looked at Ying Lang, with a worried look on his face.

Why is he so nervous?Didn’t you relax just a second ago?

Following his gaze, one could see Shuo Feng walking towards the mecha to kill the humans inside.

"The man in the mecha seems to have some relationship with fellow Taoist?"

Seeing Chen Banxian's expression, Ying Lang's heart suddenly became dark again, and even if he failed in the end, it didn't seem so important.

"That's my disciple."

Chen Banxian's face showed anxiety: "Everyone, how about you let me bring my disciple back? I am willing to pay some price."

"Oh~ So he is your disciple?"

An ancient clan member spoke in a long voice: "No wonder you are so anxious. It turns out you are afraid that your disciple will die."

"Haha, this is really satisfying. Let me tell you, if you want to save your disciple, there is no way!"

Lu Gu also laughed: "How about letting us out and we let you rescue your apprentice?" This was simply impossible. Chen Banxian's face suddenly darkened and he frowned, which immediately made the laughter here even louder. .

"You were so majestic just now? You threatened us with the law of heaven, but I didn't expect you also have a weakness."

"I didn't expect that a great monk in the eighth realm would worry about a small Qi refining period."

They mocked wantonly and looked into the screen.

I saw Shuo Feng walking towards the mecha. His anger made the world change color, and murderous intent was everywhere.

He wants to capture the people inside and cut them into pieces... No!If you want to live, chew it slowly and eat it one bite at a time!
He tore apart the dark alloy weapon with his big hand and the sword was torn off first, along with the mecha's arm.

He tore off another mecha arm, then two feet, and then the head.

All that's left is the torso.

"Bugs! Ants!"

Shuofeng's big hands tore open his chest. This position was the only place where someone could hide.

However, what he saw was densely packed equipment.

The eyes of the mecha's head that was torn open just now lit up, and the damaged electronic synthesis sounded:
"Haha, you are stupid, you ancient country bumpkin. This is a mecha controlled by quantum real-time, wireless remote sensing, labor and management are not here at all!"

There is no one in this mecha, why am I a country bumpkin?
Shuo Feng held a piece of breastplate in his hand and crushed it with all his strength. He looked up to the sky and roared: "Ah! The human race of ants!"

"How does it feel to be tricked by ants?" The head continued to taunt until it was shattered by energy.

After the Earth Passage to Mount Everest, Li Liu sat up from the combat bed in the Pioneer Army Base Camp and unplugged all the equipment from the back of his head and body.

Looking around, there were all densely packed warriors, as well as extraordinary beings from the eighth realm constantly patrolling.

"Hey, labor and management were the first to wake up?"

He immediately raised his hand to apply: "Quick, get me another mecha, I found a big fish!"


There was silence in the imperial tank above the battlefield.

Then, a piercing laugh broke out, and Chen Banxian was laughing so hard on the corolla chair.

"Hahahaha! You're laughing me to death, you're laughing me to death. Are you ancient tribes so easy to fool?"

"Have you lost your mind after living in the Mirror Market for so long? What if I'm worried that you guys will see me?"

With a dark expression on his face, he stepped off the corolla chair and came to Luo Gu's side to imitate what he had just said:

"How about you let us out and let you rescue your apprentice~~~"

Not only did he imitate his original words, he also made his voice shrill.

No matter how sarcastic he was before, he was now such a clown, and the veins on Lu Gu's face popped out.

Chen Banxian patted his face: "Oh, are you angry? Come on, you can't take a joke?"

"Ah! Human race, do you believe it or not? I will fight you to the death!"

Lu Gu roared and was about to activate the immortal weapon in his hand.

But Chen Banxian was not afraid. He took the initiative to grab Lu Gu's hand and said, "Activate it and sacrifice the immortal weapon now. If you don't sacrifice it, you will be my grandson."

Lu Gu couldn't help but feel such stimulation. When had he ever experienced such humiliation?

Even Prophet Yinglang treated him with courtesy at the Kunlun Banquet. Who dares to insult the Fu Zong Ancient Clan?
But today, this human being is like an ant!Grab his hand, point at his nose, humiliate him!

Lu Gu was about to activate the immortal weapon, but at the critical moment, people from other ancient tribes jumped out to stop him.

"No! Brother Lu, don't be impulsive!"

"Brother Lu, think twice. The people present are all speakers of all races. If you cause a disaster, we will all die!"

"Brother Lu, don't fall for the human race's plot. He wants to drag us together to die together. It's not worth it!"

He comforted his comrades from the alliance with words, and Lu Gu was so angry that his head was smoking.

"You don't help me fight the human race, but you still talk to this human race. I'm really angry!"

Lu Gu's heart is desolate, they are all a group of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death.

"All right."

At this moment, Yinglang said coldly: "There are leaders of various tribes here. If you, Lu Gu, cause a catastrophe and turn us into ashes, how will the various tribes let you, the Fu Chong Clan, go?"

These words were like a basin of cold water that wiped out Lu Gu's arrogance.

"Tsk tsk, what a pity."

Seeing that he was calm, Chen Banxian figured that he couldn't take any more irritation.

"It's a pity that I didn't kill you."

His eyes, which were slightly open between his brows, closed, making Ying Lang turn slightly.

His voice became colder again: "Fellow Taoist, let's just watch the battlefield."

It seemed that even the great man who was regarded as the prophet of his clan could not bear it any longer.

Chen Banxian looked at the battlefield. The people in the imperial jar were very powerful and could break through the barriers on both sides.

Seeing this, Chen Banxian smiled again.

I saw Shuo Feng by the river smashing the mecha to pieces to vent his anger, but the next second, the world was covered with a layer of mist.

A light rain began to fall, and the originally clear sky was suddenly covered by heavy rain.

"not good!"

General Si Xiaomin sat up from the ground and reached out to catch a drop of rainwater.

The rain instantly disappeared without a trace in his palm.

Enemy attack! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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