There was pattering all over the sky, and the clouds were covered in orange-red color with a touch of pink.

The lotus leaves in the pool by the river are slightly bent, looking peaceful and beautiful.

However, Si Xiaomin's face was extremely ugly and they were surrounded by the enemy's Dao Yun without even realizing it.

"Whoever is attacking, tell me your name!"

The red flames stirred up on Shuo Feng's body, blocking out all the rain.

That is the talent of the Nu clan. With this angry flame, it can counteract all close-range attacks.

The light rain continued to patter, and a breath slowly came over them. They looked towards the clouds, and saw a graceful figure walking towards them.

She walked very slowly. For a monk, it took as long as a stick of incense to cover the distance in the blink of an eye.

The four ancient generals looked at each other. This person's aura was only in the eighth realm, and there seemed to be no ambush around him.

"Human race."

"How dare you come to me and cause trouble alone?"

General Hai sneered: "You are not overestimating your capabilities. If you come today, don't leave. Let us all have a good time before killing."

He condensed a trident in his hand and waved his arm. The rain did not move, but the river water in the sky rolled up and rushed towards the woman high in the sky.

The water in the river is still an ordinary green-black color, but when it reaches the air, the color immediately changes to black, and not even a trace of light can shine through.

I saw the woman in the sky tap her fingers lightly, and the blowing wind and rain became stronger, and the black water continued to roll back.

With the collision, it was clear that they were both water, but they did not mix at all. The raindrops made the black water break into pieces.

The slaves on the ground had never seen such a scene before. Black water fell on the ground and made dense holes of unknown depth, which seemed to be heavier than the mountains.

They were wailing and crying, no different from the panicked monkeys in the zoo.

Black water even accidentally splashed onto the wooden fence, which was immediately crushed.

These slaves regained their freedom but did not dare to escape. They even panicked and grabbed the fence and held it in its original position, pretending to be the same as before.

The other three ancient generals frowned, and the rain in the sky kept beating the Heihe River. After a certain height, the Heihe River couldn't move up.

It was a struggle between two paths, and anything that came close to the point of confrontation would be torn apart.


General Huan has already felt the difficulty and has the upper hand in this battle.

He couldn't believe that a human woman could suppress his Black Sea tribe.

Are humans really that powerful?

No, it's impossible. He should be a top figure in the human race. It makes sense to think about it this way.

"You must be the most powerful person in the human race. In that case, you can stay here today!"

General Hai turned around and shouted: "Brothers, come and help me!"

"Okay! Don't worry, General Hai, we'll be here right away!"

The three generals Shuofeng looked at each other and took the initiative.

At this moment, the rhythm of heaven and earth became extremely mixed, and the heavy rain stopped falling and remained stagnant in mid-air.

"Human mothers, don't panic, we have just taken action."

They worked their own way and shredded the heavy rain in the sky into pieces.

General Hai immediately seized the opportunity and struck the black river with his trident high into the sky, beating the woman to pieces and turning her into a splash.

"Hmm, Splash?"

General Hai's face looked ugly. Isn't this his real body? He was fighting a shadow just now?
"What's going on? The human mother-in-law ran away?"

Shuo Feng flew high into the sky, trying to find any clues.

But he didn't find anything. Instead, the sky turned into pink mist again, and the drizzle started to rain again.

This time, four women came up from the cloud and walked slowly towards them.


The admiral's pupils widened. The four women were exactly the same, and their auras were completely indistinguishable.

In other words, the four figures of this woman are all her true form?
Is this really an eighth realm human race?
On the air carrier above the Pioneer Army, Commander Qu Heng looked at the sand table, and the battle situation was simulated by facts.

He clicked on the intercom and asked: "Yaomeng, how is the situation?"

Yaomeng is the woman who is fighting with four ancient generals, one of the twelve generals.

"The situation is under control and we expect to defeat them in 3 minutes."

The shaking voice came without any fluctuation, but the confidence revealed in it was clearly visible.

"Don't be careless. After all, this is the ancient Jingxu clan. It has a civilization development time that far exceeds ours. Remember, you must use your anima to kill them completely."


Qu Heng nodded and contacted other generals: "Pay close attention to the battle situation in the rear to prevent the opponent from ambushing. If necessary, you can notify backup."

As soon as the war starts, there will be no hiding, both sides will kill each other!

In the sky above the four generals of the ancient tribe, four Yao Meng were already fighting with Shuo Feng and others.

Dense raindrops filled the entire space, and blood continued to spread. These raindrops were sharper than the swordsman's sword.

Behind the ancient clan, leaders such as Lu Ji were also paying attention to the battle situation.

One of the rewards frowned deeply: "This human woman is so strong."

"Although Shuo Feng and others are not very powerful, they are also an ancient tribe after all and have a long history."

"The angry flames of the Nu tribe can stop all things, but they can't stop this dense rain."

They saw that Shuo Feng's body and head were stained with a lot of rainwater, but it was harmless. After being offset by the angry flames, he no longer had the ability to break through the flesh.

But you must know that there is one clan fighting against four of their ancient clans on the field, which is not balanced in the first place.

"No, look at the battlefield."

Lu Ji waved his hand and used his own power to sweep away the disguises above the battlefield. A human woman sat down cross-legged. It turned out that the four Yaomen below were not their real bodies.Her true body didn't even move as she crushed Shuofeng and the four others.

"They are dead."

Lu Ji suddenly spoke, counting the time in his mind.


The generals were puzzled, there was only one person on the other side, how could Shuofeng and four others die?

Is it possible that someone else is ambushing you?

"Then I'll go and support you!" The people from the Ui clan hurriedly asked for help, but Lu Ji shook his head: "It's too late."

That's too late?

In the circular light mirror, the originally anxious battle situation suddenly changed!

I saw that Shuo Feng, who had been fighting with Yao Meng's fake body, suddenly stiffened up and his Taoist charm disappeared.

At this moment, the fake body was covered with rain, and there was an extremely small wound there.


Shuo Feng screamed, and kept grabbing the rain with his hands while wailing in panic, but he could not stop the intrusion of the rain.

After three breaths, Shuofeng's eyes lost their luster.

He turned around and ran towards the Admiral's position, shouting expressionlessly as he moved:

"General Hai, I have defeated my opponent and am here to help you!"


General Hai laughed, "Let's play with this human motherfucker."

He didn't doubt that he was there, but he didn't realize that the weapon in Shuofeng's hand was pointing in a direction other than Yaomeng.


The knife in Shuofeng's hand pierced the chest of General Hai, who turned around in disbelief.

But he only saw Shuo Feng's expressionless face, and... the rain that kept invading his body from the wound.

Soon, the two of them rushed towards Yu Neng and General Hou, and the two unsuspecting people once again stepped into Shuofeng's footsteps.

The wind and rain subsided, and the sky and earth became peaceful.

High in the sky, four ancient generals knelt down lifeless, their heads turned towards their positions, and their true bodies were revealed in the void.

She clicked on the intercom: "Mission accomplished, please return to the team."

As for the more than 1 slaves below, she didn't even look at them. This was not something she considered.

"it is good!"

On the space carrier, Qu Heng slapped the table: "Okay! We've won the victory and captured the generals of the Four Ancient Tribes!"

Compliments also came from the channel: "General Yaomeng is worthy of being General Yaomeng, and the title of the God in the Rain is well-deserved!"

"Yaomeng, you've made a great success, treat us to dinner later!"

"Yaomeng, I have liked you for a long time. How about we get married after the war is over?"

The channel was quiet for a moment, and then everyone's voices rang out again: "Damn it, don't raise the flag randomly. Do you want to die on the battlefield?"

There was a lot of confusion, but Yaomeng ignored them and was carried back to the rear by four ancient tribesmen.

"Where is the young man who reported the news before? He has a very important contribution to the fact that I was able to capture four ancient tribesmen."

Others didn't know it, but Yao Meng knew clearly that the wound on Shuofeng's head became her breakthrough point.

It can be said that the wound dominated the entire battle.

"It seems that the soldier set off again to rescue his compatriots."

An officer answered, and Yaomeng nodded: "Okay, then let him come to see me later."


The four ancient tribesmen all died. The humans cheered, but the morale of the ancient tribes was low.

Being killed by one person in the eighth realm was a big blow to them.

Is the human race really that strong?

"You look like your parents are dead. It's so ugly."

Lu Ji snorted coldly: "Shuofeng and the other four are already weak, so it's normal for them to die. Now let's inform their clansmen and see how they react."

"Let's test it out. Let Shuo Feng and his clan take part in the first battle to see what the human race will do next."

Lu Ji's eyes sank into the water. He knew that Shuo Feng and others were useless and might die, but he didn't expect that he would be so useless and let the women of the tribe kill four of them.

Not even any further circumstances were explored.


Youhu, a general said: "Why don't you, Lady Yinglang and the others, reply to the message and issue orders?"

Of course there was a reason for their alliance, but now Empress Yinglang has disappeared?
"I don't know, but my mother and my father must have their plans if they don't reply to the letter. We just need to follow the steps."

Lu Ji looked at him: "General Tuo Lei cares so much about your empress, but he can't wait to go to war?"

"How about I make you the vanguard general?"

Let him be the vanguard general?
Tuo Lei's heart skipped a beat, and he hesitated: "Isn't this inappropriate?"

But looking at Lu Ji's indifferent eyes, Tuo Lei's heart trembled, and he finally nodded.

"The last general takes orders!"

He did not dare to resist. For these weak ancient tribes, relying on the Fu Zong Ancient Clan was the only way to survive.

The price is that there is an extra emperor on top of the head, which must be offered as an offering every year.

(End of this chapter)

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