There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 540: Fight with 7 more people, long faces!

"Go get ready."

Following Lu Ji's indifferent order, General Tuo Lei complied with gritted teeth.

"Fortunately, at least the team we lead this time is not from my tribe."

The battlefield is a meat grinder. If his people go up there, it will be a question of how many of them can survive.

"General Torre!"

Tuo Lei, who was thinking about it, turned around and saw that it was the general of the neighboring Dian Hua tribe, painting a flag.

"General, wait a minute, I'll go with you to help!"

Tuo Lei was extremely surprised by Hua Qi's words. He originally thought he would fight alone, but he didn't expect there would be helpers.

"Friend Daoist, why are you doing this?"

Tuo Lei told him: "This battlefield is no child's play. You have also seen that strong man from the human race. He single-handedly killed four generals of our army. He was very cruel!"

"Of course I know, that's why I want to go with you, General."

Hua Qi turned around and forgot about the position of the leader, and sighed: "Shuofeng and the four are the trigger for the war. We and other weak tribes will all be sacrificed sooner or later. Instead of using it as a test, it is better to join together to maybe have a chance of survival."

He could finally see clearly that these allied forces seemed to be an alliance of various races, but in fact they were an alliance of the Fu Zong Ancient Clan.

Start with the weak clan first, consume them step by step, and force out the trump card of the human clan.

The ending for Shuofeng and others is their ending.

Do you regret it?Hua Qi shook his head secretly and had no regrets. At least he died because of the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan, and he would receive a lot of protection from his own clan in the future.

Hua Qi said to the puzzled Tuo Lei: "It's not just me, I also contacted several other generals to go on the expedition together!"

"This time, we must make that human mother bleed!"

They had all seen Yao Meng's fighting methods before and knew that her true form would not come into contact at all. They only needed to be careful and look for her true form when the war started.

"Okay! Thank you for your kindness!"

Tuo Lei was moved and quickly went back to prepare.

There are [-] soldiers from the Nu tribe coming this time, which seems to be very few. In fact, among the [-] troops, there are ten generals from the seventh realm to suppress the army, dozens of generals from the sixth realm with killing power, and the lowest warriors are all fourth territory.

Such an army is invincible, otherwise Luji would not have taken a liking to Shuo Feng, a brainless general.

Once he dies, the rest will be easy to deal with. The Nu people are already good at fighting, and Tuo Lei used to arouse their anger with just a few words.

"Vengeance! Revenge! Revenge!"

With a roar that shook the earth, the army moved forward, with Torei, Huaqi, and five other strong men from the eighth realm pressing at the front!

They made no secret and told the human race directly that we were going to war!

Similarly, the earth also quickly detected dense crowds of nearly Eternal Clan warriors approaching them at a very fast speed.

"Do these ancient tribes think war is a child's play?"

An emergency meeting was held on the space carrier to discuss combat strategies.

"The other side seems to want to fight a war of attrition with us."

Qu Heng pointed to the battlefield projection, "Their main base is hidden, but this time there are more than [-] soldiers in the attack, and even the weakest monk in quantum system analysis has the fourth level."

"The fourth realm."

Even though they are already in the eighth realm, the fourth realm doesn't sound very powerful.

If any fourth realm is taken out, it can destroy an area of ​​20 million square kilometers with full force.

If it were an unrecovered earth, it would be nearly a province!

It can be said that it is indeed devastating!

Now there are so many Season [-] movies blocking the road ahead, and anyone who sees them will be frightened.

"Commander, I think we can take the initiative and there is no need to waste time with them on the low-end battlefield."

The head of the Information Analysis Department stood up: "We have detected the opponent's strength in each attack and believe that the opponent's total mass is much higher than ours. If they all attack, it will cause us greater losses."

The Minister of Strategy objected: "No, it's still in the testing stage for both sides. Once you put all the pressure on you, you may have miraculous results. But if the other party's overall strength is much higher than ours, once we react, we will all suffer losses here." ."

He took a deep breath: "Everyone, we are still a long way from the Nine Cities Federation, and the priests will not have time to rescue us."

What he said was true. Qu Heng knocked on the table: "So, how should we deal with this battle?"

We are already in the information age. If we still stupidly send people to fight for consumption, how many people will there be in Wanzu?How many people are there on earth?It may not be possible to beat it.

"I go."

At this moment, Yaomeng stood up, followed by Shuo Feng and four other eighth-level puppets.

"Using these four puppets, we can directly attack their army. So far, only my trump card has been exposed. We can test them again."

There was silence in the command headquarters. This was a game of constant testing by both sides. Once one party relaxed, it might face catastrophe.

"How can you be sure that they won't have any back-up tactics?"

Lu Jiaoyun of the Eighth Realm spoke from the remote call. In order to ensure immediate response, they would not go to the space carrier with the meteorite.

"The other party knows that you can fight against four. Even if they don't expect you to have puppets, they can't just increase the number of two or three eighth realms stupidly."

Qu Heng nodded slightly: "Lv Jiaoyun is right, then let Yaomeng go on to fight. Lu Jiaoyun, Lu Ai, Huo Fang, you three, hold the battle, and make sure to save Comrade Yaomeng at the moment of danger."

Three people holding the line?
With the addition of Yaomeng, there are four eighth realms. Is this too much?
The chief of staff frowned, but he quickly relaxed his brows.

They are the vanguard army, and it doesn't matter if the twelve and eight realms come out together, they are just afraid that they won't be able to test each other's strength.

To put it bluntly, they are just taking the lead.

"The opponent is almost reaching the area covered by precise firepower. Let's take action."

Following the order, Yaomeng quickly stood up and disappeared from the place.In the sky where Tuo Lei and others were standing, drizzle began to fall again.

"It really is her!"

This familiar method and the Taoist charm contained in it, Tuo Lei and Hua Qi looked at each other, already expecting it.

"Look for her now! She must be hiding somewhere in some space!"

The Taoist rhyme of the eighth realm continued to spread out from the Nu army, and the heaven and earth resonated, causing the drizzle to become chaotic.

This time they were not careless. After knowing the truth, Yaomeng couldn't hold on. After a few breaths, the rain curtain was torn open, and her true body was exposed.


Torei twisted his waist and folded his body, roaring and waving the thunder and lightning in his hand, and the dazzling lightning flew from the ground and struck into the air, tearing apart the drizzle.


Along with the cold sound, the drizzle in the sky condensed a little, and lightning continued to strike.

"Do you think I am the only one who takes action? Are you as careless as those idiots from Shuo Feng?"

Tuo Lei shouted: "Come on!"

The other six generals of the Eighth Realm, who had been prepared for a long time, took action and instantly sealed off the surrounding area of ​​Yaomeng.

They were going to use a thunderous strike to quickly kill this human enemy!

Yaomeng's expression changed slightly, and he controlled Shuofeng's four puppets to arrive and block him in front of him.

"If you want to kill me, you are not qualified enough!"

She raised her head and raised her fingers, not falling behind in the slightest. In an instant, she was evenly matched with the Seven Eighth Realm by one person.

Although Yaomeng is a woman, she has amazing talents and realizes that the rain path can change in all kinds of ways. This puppet control really shocked the seven people in Tuo Lei.


These two words came to everyone who was paying attention to the battlefield. One beat four before, but now one beats seven. This record is really amazing!

Behind the ancient clan, Lu Ji slapped his palm hard on the table.

"This human mother is really lawless!"

A general also frowned: "The strength of both sides is evenly divided. I'm afraid there won't be any results in a short time. Leader, should we continue to send people to help?"

Lu Ji shook his head lightly. The general who spoke was from the Aishan tribe. His strength was not weak. He was among the upper class in this military camp.

"Need not."

He said calmly: "Seven against one, if you still can't beat and die, you can't blame others."

Not yet?The general of the Aishan Tribe, Ba Zuo, took a deep breath: "If we continue to consume like this, the strength of our army will definitely decrease steadily!"

"Fall down!"

Another general sneered and spoke. He was Oluo, a member of the Heikan tribe. He was ruthless and said: "You can't defeat seven against one. Even if a war really starts, it's just a random trick."

The strong have a natural contempt for the weak. Even if they are both in the eighth realm, the difference between the strong and the weak is clearly visible.

I also understand the rhyme of the golden way. Some people can only make themselves invulnerable, while others can cut through the stars. The gap is too big.

The seven Toreis on this field were like this. They exerted all their strength, their energy was raging, and the void was cracked.

But Shuofeng's four puppets protected Yao Meng, and the human woman's drizzle kept coming. They fought hundreds of times in an instant, and they were evenly matched.

"Don't take it lightly!"

Tuo Lei held up his whole body, Daoyun, to block the drizzle: "This rain is very likely to control us, so try not to get wet."

With experience and vague background, these people did have great restraint on her.

If there is no way to get more information from hexagrams, it will be a battle to see who gets the energy first.

The use of Daoyun consumes mental energy, especially in such a high-intensity battle.

In the darkness of the void, the palms of Lu Jiaoyun and the others were sweating.

"Want to help?"

Lu Ai looked at the battlefield: "Yao Meng's energy is limited after all. If something goes wrong, it may be too late."

"Don't panic, let's take another look. Yao Meng is not declining yet."

Lu Jiaoyun looked towards the ancient tribe's headquarters: "I don't believe they won't take action."


Inside the imperial tank above the battlefield, everyone looked at the battlefield with their eyes moving quickly.

"These seven people are really weak!"

The ancient Shui An tribe was disdainful: "There are only seven minions, and they are not even worthy of carrying my shoes."

"Don't say that. They are not weak. It's just that I, the human race, are too strong."

Chen Banxian's eyes were full of satisfaction, Yao Meng's performance exceeded his imagination.

He originally thought that the stability of long sentences would reduce the human race's combat power. It seems that he was overly worried.

The Roundtable's decisions did not diminish their quality but merely differentiated them in a targeted manner.

The warriors are better at fighting, and the weak are at peace.

"I think the winner is about to be decided."

Lu Gu's eyes were cold: "Although the human race is powerful, it will not benefit anyone if the stalemate continues. Now it depends on whether you, the human race, will take action first, or we will take action first."

(End of this chapter)

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