There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 541 Where are you running?

"It depends on who can resist it first."

Chen Banxian stared at the battle situation without turning his eyes.

Whoever strikes first will be counterattacked.

Now both sides don't know the details of the other side, but they, the most powerful people in the emperor jar, can see clearly and have their own methods to break through the fog.

Luji said he could not take any action, but secretly sent three ancient tribesmen to ambush them quietly.

These three people are not top-notch from Shuofeng Tuo Lei, but truly strong men, on the same level as the Eighth Realm formation here.

What's interesting is that on the human side, there are also three eighth-level warriors holding the battle, and their auras are only strong but not weak.

If nothing unexpected happens, a war is about to break out.


Suddenly, Chen Banxian's eyes moved downwards. Below the battlefield, a mecha was stumbling forward.

The ancient tribesmen frowned slightly: "It's your disciple again, what kind of trouble does he want to do?"

Chen Banxian looked forward along his route, and he saw that there were only more than 1 human slaves left after being eaten.

These slaves did not dare to move even if no one was guarding them, and they even repaired the broken fence tremblingly.

They didn't dare to sit down either. Their calves were thick and they were used to standing like horses.

Could this kid want to save them?
After looking at the route, it seems to be true!
Li Liu drove the mecha forward continuously.

"Dear warrior Li Liu, you are conducting inappropriate behavior while piloting a new generation of individual dark engine armor worth millions of black coins. Please return home."

Zhinao kept reminding him, but Li Liu didn't hear it at all.

"Don't argue, the worst thing is that labor and management will just pay compensation after the war!"

Li Liu looked anxious. There were more than 1 compatriots, and he couldn't let go at all!

This kid is a bit stupid.

Chen Banxian sighed. The blood of the more than 1 human slaves was not pure and very thin. More than 90.00% of them were humans from other worlds.

It's just that the ancient tribe found such a method. As long as they have the blood of the human race on earth, they are qualified to be recognized.

This is why Chen Banxian and everyone in the Pioneer Army ignored them.

But Li Liu didn't know, maybe, he knew, and he was unwilling to give up on these compatriots with a trace of blood in front of him.

It's just... worthy of being a son of war luck, Chen Banxian looked at the group of human slaves and saw three back-up men from the ancient tribe ambushing them.

Inside the Emperor Jar, the faces of many ancient tribes immediately darkened.

I just hope that the three back-up players will be smarter and not be exposed.


Li Liu drove the mecha and came to many slaves.

"Everyone, listen, I'm here to rescue you. You are free!"

The loudspeaker shouted, causing some commotion among the slaves.

"oh oh?"

"Oh ho oh?"


They all made stupid sounds and couldn't understand what Li Liu said.

"Sorry, I don't understand the language."

Li Liu hurriedly controlled his brain and matched the language.

When he spoke again, it had become the language of the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan.

"I am a human from Earth and a compatriot of yours, here to rescue you!"

"Now, follow me and I will take you to a safe place!"

The crowd slaves were commotion, and they understood.

However, no one dared to move. Those who resisted would have died long ago. The fear was deeply rooted in their bones.

Their father and mother are like this, and they have no idea who their grandparents are.

Li Liu gritted his teeth and was a little anxious when he saw that they still didn't move. The great monks were fighting now and time was extremely precious. How could they delay it?

He simply cut off the shackles of the slaves one by one: "Come! Follow me!"

The slaves were in commotion again, not because they wanted to leave, but because they were afraid of losing their shackles.

"Damn it! Where is your blood?"

Li Liu was furious, but he suddenly rolled his eyes.

"Hey!" He pulled out the dark alloy sword and struck it at the boulder behind the slaves.

The boulder was cut off instantly, and Li Liu roared: "I'll move forward, or I'll kill you if you don't move!"



The slaves finally reacted and moved forward in fear.

Really full of servility!
Li Liu breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what, he would save people first.

He didn't know that there were three eighth-level beings among these slaves.

At this time, they were mixed together and kept moving forward.

Their faces were expressionless, just focusing on the sky, waiting for a reaction from the human race.

However, the human race has not taken action yet.

"Brother, the human race can really endure it!"

One of the slaves in the eighth realm cursed secretly: "If you don't take action now, the mother will not be able to hold on any longer."

"This is the treachery of the human race." The eldest brother sighed, "They are also testing. The moment Yao Meng shows his flaws, they will definitely take action."

"At that time, we will counterattack with thunder and let the human race lose all their money!"

"I have to say, brother, you still have strategies, unlike me and third brother, who only know how to practice."

Originally I thought it would only take a few sticks of incense to wait, but one hour passed, two hours passed...

The battle in the sky lasted from day to night, and the drizzle was continuous. The men became more and more courageous as they fought, and their aura continued to climb towards the peak.

The Taoist rhyme in the rain dominates the entire world.

"Damn it, isn't she even tired?"

Such thoughts appeared in everyone's mind, and the war continued until dawn, but there was still no flaw.

"Human race, what a human race!"

There is no lack of emotion inside the Imperial Jar: "What a miracle."

When Yao Meng first entered the war, most of them were scornful and just a mere mother of the human race.

However, when the fighting continued into the night and into the present, they had no choice but to give in.

"I think Tuo Lei and the others are exhausted."

The man from the ancient Hanyuan tribe spoke and kept rubbing his fingers.

He wanted to go to the battlefield himself and shoot Shake Meng to death.

Chen Banxian was happy in his heart. He had a long face and really gave the human race a good face. In this first battle, he showed the momentum, pride and domineering belonging to the human race!
But this was very painful for the three slave brothers.

As they continued to approach the human camp, while Li Liu became more and more relaxed, the three brothers became more and more panicked.

"Oops, brother, we are almost inside the human camp. When we get close, we will definitely be discovered!"

No matter how clever they are at hiding, they can't hide from others.

The closer they are, the greater the chance of being discovered. After all, they don't specialize in breathing methods.

However, Li Liu drove them faster and faster.

He found that although these fellow human slaves had no cultivation level, they could walk with a pair of feet, no less than himself.

When traveling long distances, you can keep speeding up like no one else.

"Compatriots, please walk faster. I will kill anyone who walks slowly. I have already killed two hundred of them. If you don't believe me, count them!"

He kept threatening, and the so-called two hundred was completely a lie.

"Brother, let's take action. My heart is racing. I'll be surrounded by humans by then."

The second brother sent a message that they have no idea of ​​going to the human camp and killing people. Even if you kill a hundred thousand fourth realms, they are not as valuable as three eighth realms.

"Wait a little longer... alas..."

The eldest brother wanted to be more stable, but he couldn't stabilize and couldn't move forward.

"Let's leave the team quietly."

The three of them walked toward the edge of the mountainous area. They could not release their abilities because they would be noticed.

"Where are you three running?"

Li Liu discovered it in time: "I will kill you if you run away!"

(End of this chapter)

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