During his short Qi refining period, he boasted that he was going to kill three eight-level cultivators in Haikou, which would make people laugh to death if he said it.

The three people hiding in the ancient clan looked at each other and quickly ran towards No. [-] Middle School.

"Don't run!"

Li Liu's mecha blocked the road, and the dark engine made his speed reach the level of the fourth realm. How could these four people outrun him with only the speed of ordinary people?


The third brother roared angrily and slapped the mecha to pieces with his backhand.

Li Liu felt his vision go dark. When he came to, the mecha he was controlling was damaged again.


He was very confused, what happened?
He didn't know that with that slap, the situation on the battlefield would immediately change.

The three of them, Lu Jiaoyun and Lu, who were hiding in the dark, all discovered that the fluctuations in the eighth realm were very close to the vanguard army, almost under their noses.

"How brave!"

Lu Jiaoyun took action instantly and reached the place where he sensed the fluctuation in an instant.

Here, the three brothers of the ancient clan were noticed by them almost instantly.

"Okay, we've been waiting for a long time, and it turns out you are hiding here!"

Lu Jiaoyun glanced at the shattered pieces of the Dark Engine mecha on the ground, and realized something in his heart.

"With these slaves as cover, no wonder we have been unable to find you."

Looking at this situation, it is obvious that the Sangu clan was exposed by accident.

"Hmph, so what if you guys notice it? It's not about who has the stronger fist in the end!"

The eldest brother of the ancient clan snorted coldly: "Let's fight!"


It happened that three people faced off against three people. In an instant, Dao Yun filled the air, and the confrontation had already begun.


This is not a catastrophe, but the outbreak of the Thunder Law. The terrible turmoil here has changed the world, and the battle is extremely shocking.

In the sky, one fights against seven, and on the ground, three and three fight, until the space is torn apart and the mountains and rivers are flattened.

But unlike the battle in the sky, the war on the ground ended almost instantly, and settlement was completed.

Lu Jiaoyun beheaded Lao San, and Lu Ai was also wounded to complete the kill. Only Huo Fang exploded and was killed by the opponent.

This was the first person to die in the eighth realm. On the road to this realm, she was still too immature. The experienced elder brother of the ancient clan just exposed a not-so-obvious flaw and successfully killed her violently.

"Huo Fang!!!"

Lu Ai roared and went to kill the ancient tribe with his wounded body, and Lu Jiaoyun also joined the battlefield.

The eldest brother of the ancient clan couldn't hold it anymore and was instantly wiped out.

Without any restraint, Lu Jiaoyun and Lu Ai had no time to grieve and quickly charged towards the high-altitude battlefield. Their strength and power were at the same level, and they achieved brilliant results in an instant.

First, Tuo Lei screamed, and half of his body was cut off by Yilu Jiaoyun's sword. Then, Lu Ai's divine power slammed into his body, and it was not wiped out in an instant!

The two of them worked together to pick off those who were injured alone and kill them. Soon the ancient tribe Huaqi also followed in Tuo Lei's footsteps, and the remaining few people were all eliminated in the blink of an eye.

"Yaomeng, are you okay?"

Lu Jiaoyun asked with concern, Yaomeng shook his head, and the wind and rain in the sky gathered.

The four puppets were all beaten to pieces, but even so, she did not show too much decline. She just said coldly: "Give me one more day, and I can kill seven of them!"

"This is a battlefield and a day is too long."

Lu Jiaoyun shook his head. The high-end battlefield was over, and the next step was the opponent's low-end battlefield.

The nearly [-] Nugu warriors were as fragile as catkins in their eyes. Lu Ai immediately waved his hand and shot out the divine light to kill the angry warriors.

There is no strong person who does not bully the weak. Before facing a racial war, no conspiracy is too much.

He flipped it casually, and the heavy earthy charm filled the ancient army, and the soldiers all turned into a piece of human pie.

The monks in the seventh realm persisted for a moment, but the gap in realm was too great, and they followed in the footsteps of others after an instant.
This battle is a great victory!

"Everyone, congratulations on your triumph!"

The commander's voice came from the headset, which just made people's hearts happy. This was a real achievement in battle.

But none of the three laughed. Huo Fang was dead. She was still young and had an infinitely bright future.

But now she stays here forever, even—no bones left.

"In war, where are the immortals?"

Lu Jiaoyun sighed: "This makes it more real. Otherwise, I would have thought we had entered an illusion."

In combat classes, they systematically learned about various enemies and how to deal with them.

One of them was an illusion class, and he almost crushed all of them with fake illusions that looked like real ones.

In the end, that class was completely wiped out.

"Yes, fortunately this...

Halfway through the words, the three of them suddenly looked stunned.

They looked around and didn't know when the sky and the earth turned into a pure white, without anything existing.

"What happened? The battle just now shattered the void?"

Lu Ai looked around, but this was not what it looked like after the void was shattered.

Pure white, everything above, below, left, and right is pure white, and there is no trace of debris. "No, we just said illusion, and we fell under the illusion!"

Yaomeng used his magic power to let the drizzle cover the world again.

However, her expression soon changed. When the drizzle entered this world, it was also pure white. It was impossible to detect whether it was raining or not.

"What a powerful illusion!"

Yaomeng gritted his teeth, "Everyone, we are three back to back...

People...are missing.

Lu Jiaoyun and Lu Ai, who were still around, suddenly disappeared, leaving her alone in the world.

Now, bad!
Inside the emperor's jar, Chen Banxian's eyes were cold as he stared intently at the interior of the Luji military camp thousands of miles away.

An eighth-level monk who came out of Jingxu burned smoke and cast a spell, which enveloped the three people in Yaomeng.

This is to ask the three of them to kill each other. He can hallucinate and kill people invisible from thousands of miles away. Not only the sight and hearing, but even the touch can induce hallucinations. It is extremely difficult to be trapped.

If it were an ordinary eighth realm, the three of them might have been able to get out of trouble, but the caster was an old immortal in the Mirror Ruins, and this move completely crushed the three of them.

"It seems that the human race is going to lose four generals."

Lu Gu sneered. For now, no one in the human race has reacted.

Soon, a battle broke out in the sky. Lu Ai, one of the three people who had been standing quietly, suddenly raised his hand as if to resist something. Then he pulled out the spirit chain with his backhand. By coincidence, the position was in the direction of Yao Meng.

They can't tell the truth from falsehood in the illusion. At this time, they should be fighting against illusory people.

Chen Banxian's palms were sweating. If it were him, he could modify Lu Ai's aura moves and look like an ancient clan.

As long as the attack is real, it can be completely confused with the real one.

However, Yao Meng in the illusion did not react at all and ate the spiritual chain forcefully.

Even though she had covered her body with defense in advance, she still screamed when she was hit, and most of her body was torn apart.

This was already very serious, but Lu Jiaoyun shouted: "I'm going to take action!"

He thrust out his sword and struck the ignorant Yao Meng between his eyebrows as if he was assassinating his father's enemy!
If there is no accident, Yao Meng will die.

At the critical moment, other generals from the Eighth Realm arrived, and all six of them took action, preparing to contain the three of them.

But they are both in the eighth realm, and their strength is almost the same, so they can't stop it in a short time.

They couldn't make a heavy move, they were afraid of their hands and feet, and they had to defend themselves against the attacks of three people, which made them complain endlessly.

"Commander, think of a solution quickly!"

One person struggled to hold on, but when he saw Yaomeng fighting, he didn't have such a clear perception. Only now did he understand how terrible the rain was.

The ubiquitous rain invades the body from all directions. Once a wound is penetrated by the rain, it will be controlled, not to mention that every drop of the rain is comparable to a full blow from a monk who has just entered the eighth realm.

"Yaomeng, wake up, you bitch is too tough!"

He was wailing, and was beaten until he was in constant pain.

The sudden change caught everyone by surprise.

Chen Banxian could only worry in the emperor's jar. He saw Yao Meng exploding his life potential, dragging his seriously injured body in the illusion, and the ancient clan's strategy of dying together!

The blazing fire of life burns, burning out the ultimate sublimation!

It's not worth sublimating on the battlefield against one's own people!
"This human woman's potential is really high. Unfortunately, with this fever, there is almost no hope of taking a step forward."

Ying Lang sighed, first he fought against four and won a great victory, and then he fought against seven alone. What is most surprising is that Yao Meng can use a weak path like Yudao to this level.

But she burned her life potential, which was equivalent to overdrawing the future. Even if she survived after this battle, it would be useless.

"It's a pity that the genius of the human race has been destroyed. It's really embarrassing."

An ancient clan member sneered. As soon as he opened his mouth, Chen Banxian stared at him with sharp eyes.

"What are you looking at me for?"

The ancient tribe actually felt fear in their hearts, and then became angry from shame. How dare a mere human race glare at him?

"Look again, I can't beat you now, but when the ninth realm is unsealed, I will regain my fighting strength immediately. You will be the first one to kill then!"

Chen Banxian walked over and met him face to face.

"You know, if I want to kill someone, it won't matter where he hides."

This is not alarmist, this is a fact. Even if this person is hiding behind Ying Lang, Chen Banxian can kill him in Kunlun Base Camp!

The fierce murderous aura made the ancient tribe's feet weak and unable to stand.

Is this the kind of murderous aura that someone has to kill?
What he saw was more than a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood?
"Even if you enter the ninth realm, I can still kill you now, believe it or not?"

His palm patted the ancient clan's shoulder, making his face turn pale.

Chen Banxian was really angry when Yao Meng was defeated.

He didn't look at the people around him, but looked at the entrance of Donghuang. All this happened too fast. He was waiting for someone to come out to solve this "civil war".

If the earth did not have this means, there would be no talk of returning to the earth.


The sky suddenly split open, and the clouds dispersed inch by inch. It turned out that Lu Ai was lifted up into the sky.

He was severely injured. He almost killed a compatriot just now, but was severely injured by the latter who spared no effort at the critical moment.

"Commander, we have no choice but to knock them unconscious!"

For a monk, knocking him unconscious is a way to hurt his soul, which is extremely dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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