There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 544 The moment that shook all the world

All the weapons were not pointed at him, but slowly turned around and opened a path ahead.

In the center of the Nine Cities, in the main server of the quantum system, Lan Yanxin stared closely at her sweetheart.

After today, anyone who is interested will know that she has given birth to self-awareness through investigation. I am afraid that the quantum system will be updated and iterated.

After calculation, it is very likely that she will be erased, but Lan Yanxin does not care about this, only Li Liu's figure is in her eyes.

He walked forward, the doors opening layer by layer, and all the weapons guiding him.

He actually made it all the way to the general command room without any hindrance.

The commander has already disembarked from the mothership. If Shan Zun comes over, the space carrier will become a living target. Although Wan Dao is not involved, if weapons are thrown directly, the mothership will also fall.

There was no obstruction in the command room.

"smart system?"

Li Liu spoke tentatively, and the next second, a blue light turned on, and a holographic projection of the battlefield appeared.

"I'm here."

The figure of the intelligent system gave Li Liu an extraordinarily familiar feeling. He had no time to observe this and asked in a low voice:

"Can you help me drive to Earth to pick up the great monk in the eighth realm?"


With a short and clean answer, the intelligent system informed him: "Because there are insufficient operators, the intelligent system now fully supervises the Pioneer Air Space Carrier."

The huge mothership moves at high altitude, and the speed is not low.

Almost instantly, he rushed out of the earth and reached the sky above the twelve eighth realms who were still struggling.

It's them, open the hatch quickly!
Li Liu shouted hurriedly. The fox boss below looked very miserable at this time.

All the hair on her body was pressed down from her body, and her flesh fell to the ground like a waterfall.

The extremely thin skin and muscles were all pulled apart, revealing the deeply sunken bones on his back.


Yaomeng was heartbroken and wept, and she swore to heaven: "If I escape this disaster, I will hunt down the ancient clan forever and avenge my master! If I don't kill the last ancient clan, I will never become a Taoist!"

The oath is taken, and the way of heaven warns.

Lu Ai and others also spoke together: "If you don't kill all the ancient clans, you will be punished by the master! It's useless!"

You Ye made no sound to answer. All the energy and blood in her body was almost pressed to the ground, but her bones never bent.

The priests clearly sensed that the vitality of the protective umbrella above her head was gradually dissipating. If support did not come, she would really die.

At the end of the plain, the face of the Mountain Lord was revealed. He was an old man.

It doesn't look much different from the human race, except that the body has more ridges and wrinkles.

But he just pressed down with one hand. To the eighth realm of the human race, it was only a few steps away from the Eastern Wasteland, but it was always a chasm.

160 The two Eighth Realm Ancient Clan members stood respectfully behind Shan Zun. Only Lu Ji dared to be on par with Shan Zun.

But if you look carefully, you can see that he is standing a little lower than Shan Zun.

This person is on the same level as his father.

If he hadn't been the leader of the coalition at this time, Lu Ji wouldn't have dared to cross the line like this.

"Lord Shanzun is so powerful, he wiped out everyone from the lowly clan as soon as he appeared on the scene!"

Lu Ji's eyes were full of admiration: "My nephew is really flattered that I can ask you to help me."

"My nephew is exaggerating."

Shan Zun pressed down his hand: "The demon fox still has some strength and can barely fight against me. Just watch, how I tease her."

Shanzun's originally outstretched hand began to make a fist.

I saw that the area of ​​heavy pressure that was originally millions of miles away was shrinking, and the land in the center was still slowly settling downwards, and the pressure area gradually condensed a little.

With every contraction, the gravity in the central area increases, making this area extremely clear and clean.

That is all the materials and elements in the air have settled.

The reaction on You Ye's body was that the bones that would never break "cracked, cracked and cracked. The blood drops originally dripping from the tips of the demon clan's venerable hair became faster, more numerous, and turned into blood lines." .

Inside the emperor jar, Chen Banxian sighed, Youye was a demon clan, she didn't have to be like this.

She had stayed in the human race for too long and developed strong and indelible feelings for everything. When the pressure came, she could have left by herself, but she did not do that.

"She is going to die." The strong man from the Lushu Ancient Clan concluded: "Shanzun is the same existence as us, and he is a civilization in his own right."

Chen Banxian did not doubt that this assertion was true.

He defended You Ye: "The Nine-Tailed Monster Clan is good at enchantment, and they just couldn't react in time to such a sudden attack. If they were prepared, it would be Shanzun who was counterattacked."

Youye is one of the two giants of the demon clan in the Nine Cities, and his status has never changed for hundreds of years.

The demon clan is different from the human clan. They have always respected strength and have no regard for emotional bonds.

It can be seen that she still sits firmly in her position of honor.

"This is a battlefield, and it changes rapidly."

The member of the Hunyuan Ancient Tribe sneered: "There was such a tribe in my era. It was ridiculous that it disappeared in the end. It should have died with the era."

He means that Youye will also die.

When Chen Banxian heard this, he stared at Shanzun. This old guy would look for him to settle matters when he came back.

Hearing the calls from under You Ye made him feel heartbroken.


Yaomeng cried out in distress, trying to do anything to no avail.

"Shaomeng, listen."

Suddenly, You Ye spoke: "Teacher will push you as far as possible to the direction of Donghuang. I can't guarantee how far you can go. You need to fight hard on your own, understand?"

Her voice was steady, but she no longer noticed any fluctuations in emotion.She reached her limit, her bones shattered, and bone stubble peeled off from the skeleton, squeezed out of the skin, and fell one by one.

The eleven priests remained silent. This was an outcome that could not be changed. All they could do was to fight back today's grief in the future.


Suddenly, the space carrier from the entrance to the East Wasteland flew over, attracting everyone's attention.

Chen Banxian's eyes lit up, this was really a surprise.

Li Liu, what a good boy!As expected of the third child in his family.

"Boss Fox! Don't be afraid, generals! I'm coming!"

The space carrier landed quickly, shrouding everyone in the sky and making the terrible gravity disappear.

You Ye's whole body swelled up, and he could no longer stay awake due to the sudden increase and decrease in pressure, and suddenly fell into coma.

"Everyone, get on the boat quickly!"

Li Liu opened the hatch of the mothership. Yao Meng and others knew that the opportunity was not to be missed and hurriedly helped You Ye's huge body to enter the mothership.

"Quick! Go back to Donghuang!"

Following the command, the space carrier folded and was too late to even take off.

The ancient tribe will react soon.

"Is it the meteorite?"

Shanzun frowned, and his heavy pressure was like sweeping fog in the air, without any contact.

"Shan Zun, those people are running away!" Lu Ji was slightly angry and ordered behind him: "Liang Han Liang Chou, go and knock those things down!"

"Need not."

Shan Zun stretched out his hand to stop them: "You want to run away from my Shan Zun? It's not that easy."

He pointed at the sky and saw a stream of light falling quickly towards the space carrier.

That was a meteorite. With one command, the meteorite fell. At this speed, the space carrier simply could not avoid it.

The meteorite can evade any extraordinary force, but the gravitational acceleration of this meteorite, even if it is not extraordinary, is extremely terrifying, enough to cause the extinction of a country.

"Warning, warning, a meteor strike has been detected overhead. It is expected to cause a collision in three seconds. Please dispatch automated defense weapons."

The enemy's counterattack was coming soon, and of course Li Liu would not object. He shouted: "Counterattack! Counterattack quickly!"

Three seconds, two seconds each time, the space carrier's dark energy quickly swept across the sky.


A meteorite that was ten kilometers in size shattered and exploded, but a huge shock wave still came.

The space carrier was hit hard and sank. If the dark energy shield had not been activated, it would have fallen directly.

Fortunately, after all this trouble, the space carrier has arrived near the passage.

"Dare to go?"

The attempt failed again. Shanzun took one step forward and reached the end of the passage. He came first and blocked the people in the space carrier.

He held his hand against the emperor, and using only his physical strength, he pulled out the huge mountain and swept it towards the mothership.

Or a purely physical attack, the space carrier will be submerged!
At this moment, Lu Jiaoyun stood up and ran towards the window: "I'll intercept you, take the teacher and leave quickly!"

"That's too late."

Lu Ai sighed, in the time it took to run from here to the hatch, the mountain would have broken them into pieces.

Lu Jiaoyun's footsteps paused. They forgot that there was a Meteor Immortal Stone inside, and they couldn't tear open the space in one step.

Could it be that, just after escaping, he was going to be buried here again?
Li Liu was unwilling to give in. He looked up to the sky and roared:

"Where is my human support! Where are they!"

The voice is sad and shrill. Is it true that the human race is not as good as the ancient race!

The void shook. Chen Banxian violently struck Wan Dao in the imperial jar, but the next second he was blocked by ten immortal weapons.

"Fellow Taoist, it's just a few eighth realms, but plus your disciples, why are you so angry?"

Luo Gu taunted, clinging to him, not letting the other party have any chance to take action.

Chen Banxian took a deep breath: "You'd better not let me meet you alone."

He slowly put away Wan Dao: "However, this moment is enough."

One moment, enough?
The ancient tribesmen frowned, but Yinglang frowned. What he saw was the side of Donghuang.

At this time, thousands of vibrations made the mountain master instinctively alert. He paused for a moment and swept the position of the emperor jar with his hand.

He couldn't see the cover of the Jidao Emperor's soldiers, so he continued to attack.

The mountains are attacking across the board, which is extremely terrifying.

However, the next second, violent shouting came from the end of the East Wasteland Passage!
"you dare!!!"

The rough sound shook the heaven and earth and was still echoing. The next second, the mountains and rivers were shattered, and the mountain master's heavy earth path was also shattered!

"Who dares to hurt my human race!"

Along with the roar, a huge giant was seen walking out of the mountains and rivers. It was bigger and more terrifying than the giant mecha of the Vanguard Army.

With scorching blood and strong life essence, the person who came towered into the clouds and was dressed in scarlet armor.

But if you look closely, this person seems to be a woman.

"Liu Lexian!"

Chen Banxian said cheerfully: "You still didn't stop me."

Just one moment is enough.

(End of this chapter)

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