There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 545: Why didn’t you tell me earlier that your master was him?

The first batch of extraordinary beings, the extraordinary beings who were killed from the mountains of corpses and seas of blood, grew up and became the unique pillars of the human race.

Chen Banxian guessed who would arrive first, but to his surprise, it was her.

But then, he felt warm in his heart, and she was not surprised.

Liu Lexian, the former leader of the Holy Mother, can be called a living Bodhisattva.

She must have noticed the first battle when the human race returned to Earth, and she had been keeping an eye on the battlefield nearby.

It was her, unexpected and reasonable.

There was terrifying power in Liu Lexian's huge figure, and the Titan blood in his body was unabashedly flowing. He kicked back with one foot and kicked the space carrier back to the earth.

"Are you a strong man from the ancient tribe?"

She looked at Shan Zun, and all the focus was on her.

Shan Zun, a tiny person like a grain of rice, was locked. With just a slight movement, a torrent of air and blood suddenly hit, forcing Shan Zun to use the earth-heavy method to fight.

But after a moment, Shanzun was shocked. This energy and blood were boundless, and it was as terrifying as cheating. It seemed that what he was facing was not a living being at all, but a star!
They were just stars, the Mountain Lord was angry. When he was in his prime, he could even touch the sun at will.

"Just a human race, give me some pressure!"

Repeating his old tricks, he used the terrifying gravity concentration. This time, he only locked onto an area of ​​a hundred miles, but the pressure was hundreds of times stronger than before.

It is very burdensome for him to perform this kind of Taoist technique in a hurry, so he never uses it easily.

This is a move that can only be used when facing a life-or-death enemy.

Liu Lexian is such a powerful enemy!
The heavy pressure made Liu Lexian bared his teeth and made the giant half-kneeling.

But she was very excited and stood up again under the extreme pressure!


The rough voice filled the air. She didn't feel uncomfortable, but felt extremely happy!
"Old man, are you giving me a massage?"

Monster clan giants like Youye would probably have to lie down, but she was able to stand up and wave to the mountain master!

It's not that one is stronger or the other is weak, it's just that the Tao is different.

"I don't believe it, you can't hold it down with such a big guy!"

Shan Zun exerts his strength with both hands!The range of hundreds of miles is shrinking, and the gravity is rising linearly.

Liu Lexian's waving hand was forced to stop and began to resist the gravity. She groaned and seemed to be a little smaller.

"I see how long you can last!"

Shanzun's way of leveraging the heavy earth will only become more and more terrifying once it is restricted on his home court.

Give him time and compressing the neutron star won't be a problem.

"Shan Zun, do you need help?"

Luji was worried about another change and wanted to take action now.

But taking action rashly was disrespectful to the strong, so he still had an inquiring attitude.

"Nephew, don't panic."

Shanzun kept narrowing the scope: "Look how I can crush this human race into meat pies!"

Liu Lexian's body began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye, and its surface even began to glow and crystallize.

All the flesh and blood in her body was compressing.

On Earth, many priests rushed to rescue You Ye, and subsequent reinforcements finally arrived.

This time is not long, it only takes a few minutes to come and go, but the battlefield has undergone rapid changes.

First, the sky tore apart, and the priests all walked out of the golden light.

Looking around, he quickly noticed the situation on the battlefield.

After learning about the situation, the priests looked very ugly.

"Let me just say that now we are all fighting for high-level monks. It is best for low-level monks not to go to the battlefield."

Zhang Han, the priest of Baihu City, clenched his fists: "There are 800 people in the sixth realm in the vanguard army. Nearly 200 people in the seventh realm are dead like this!"

There are many juniors they are optimistic about, which is a very serious blow.

There are even people who come to the battlefield to find a way out because they are stuck at the peak of the seventh realm in order to break through to the eighth realm.

Dead, all dead in an instant.

"Where is the demon clan You Ye?"

Zhang Han searched in the military camp and soon found the unconscious Demon Lord.

Unfortunately she was seriously injured and could no longer fight.

Fortunately, for monks in the eighth realm, as long as they don't die and don't suffer any fundamental injuries, they can recover after practicing Youye for a period of time without delaying their normal cultivation.

"so far so good!"

He was greatly relieved. For Baihu City, Youye's position was basically the most important bridge between humans and monsters.

Liu Baiyuan basically doesn't care about things and rarely expresses his opinions.

He turned his eyes and soon saw Li Liu standing by.

Perhaps in other places, Li Liu would not attract anyone's attention, but among the great monks who were all in the eighth realm, this little monk who was only in the first realm was extremely eye-catching.

Everyone must be careful not to accidentally touch him and touch him to death.

"Is it you who suddenly wanted to send the space carrier out to rescue people?"

Zhang Han patted him on the shoulder: "Not bad, not bad, very courageous."

Li Liu was a little flattered. This was a priesthood. He was the Dinghai Shenzhen of Baihu City, but he was the real boss at the top.

Although he knocked down one of them in the first contact, it was an accident.

Now he just feels a great privilege.

This shoulder cannot be washed. I have to take a photo and post it on WeChat when I get back.

But at this time, another priest from Baicheng arrived and went straight to Li Liudao:
"Only Commander Qu Heng can order the aerospace carrier to be driven. How did you get up there and how did you drive it?"

He narrowed his eyes: "I just learned that there is no record of authorizing you to control the intelligent system of the space carrier."

This sentence caused Li Liu's expression to change immediately.Zhang Han stood slightly in front of Li Liu, a little displeased: "What's wrong with you? This little brother saved twelve of our compatriots. Do you want to hold him accountable with your tone?"

Priest Baicheng's face softened slightly, and he explained: "The quantum intelligence system of the Space Carrier can only be used with the authorization of the Round Table. This problem is very serious."

"If anyone can use the finally authorized quantum intelligence system, do you understand the consequences?"

By saying this, Zhang Han also realized the horror of it, which was equivalent to giving the launch button of a nuclear bomb to a random passerby.

He reached out and grabbed Li Liu's shoulders again, but this time the meaning was different.

"Child, tell me, how do you use the quantum intelligence of the Space Carrier?"

He said seriously: "Don't worry, I won't hold you responsible. You have made great contributions to saving twelve people in the eighth realm. I will help you take care of anything."

With a priest as a guarantee, I believe that Li Liu will tell you how to use it, so there will be no worries.

But how could Li Liu know how he used it?Just go up and say a few words and you can save people.

He didn't understand at all, so he had to tell the truth.

However, Baicheng's priests didn't believe it at all.

"Li Liu, a citizen of the Nine Cities Federation, I hope you won't hide it. This is a very important matter. You must know that all our important people, especially the commander, are on the space carrier."

"I did."

Li Liu was dumbfounded. He never expected to face this again.

This answer was obviously not satisfactory to them. Fei Wenqin, the priest of Baicheng, stretched out his hand to hold Li Liu's head.

"In this case, I have no choice but to be rude."

He wants to search the soul, and any secrets are hidden in the soul.

It's just that this will do great harm to the soul and may cause the road to break in the future.

Li Liu's lips trembled, but he knew that this was an unchangeable fact.

In front of the eighth realm, he is worse than an ant.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the sky was filled with formations.

The pattern like an aurora spread from the distance to the entrance, with a faint imperial power flowing.

The priests raised their heads, surprised and uncertain. This seemed to be the quasi-emperor formation?

who is coming?

The array pattern was shrinking, and a woman stepped out from the end and fell from the sky.

"is her!"

Many people know that Chen Jin is the person in charge of the mecha formation, so it is not surprising.

Chen Jin's face was indifferent, and he landed directly next to Li Liu with a formation pattern. He took one step forward and reached out to grab the neck of Fei Wenqin, the priest of Baicheng.

Such a turn of events caught everyone by surprise. Zhang Han hurriedly reached out to stop her: "Niece, it's not necessary. Why did you suddenly take action?"

Chen Jin ignored him, clenched his fingers tightly, and all the formation patterns in the sky were working together.

This pressure suffocated Fei Wenqin, both physically and mentally.

"Are you the one who wants to search for my junior brother's soul?"

Junior Brother?

Zhang Han was stunned and looked at the confused Li Liu next to him.

"He is your junior brother?"

Chen Jin didn't answer. After Fei Wenqin's body became weaker and weaker, he let go of his hand and said, "Yes, he is my junior brother."

"He is your junior brother? But I only know that you have one master, your godfather Chen..."

Zhang Han took a breath: "Hiss... In other words, which boss is he a disciple of?"

"Do you have any questions?" Chen Jin looked at him coldly: "You want to search for the soul of the mistress?"

"Damn it, he is that disciple, who dares to search for his soul! Don't want to live anymore?"

Zhang Han quickly tidied up Li Liu's messed up clothes: "The flood has washed away the Dragon King Temple. Brother, don't take it seriously. This is all an accident. It's all an accident."

He carefully arranged the wrinkles on his clothes: "Hey, who is your master? Why didn't you tell me earlier? If you had told me earlier, Fei Wenqin wouldn't be so rude."

Li Liu was completely confused. He looked at the priest who was collapsed on the ground on one side. The famous priest was in an extremely embarrassed state at this time.

His senior sister appeared on the stage, she was so powerful and domineering as soon as she appeared, and she directly supported him.

Looking to both sides, the priests and the Eighth Realm people regarded it as air and did not move their eyes this way.

Is Second Senior Sister so awesome?
But then listening to the words of the priest of Baihu City, it seems that his master is very amazing?

Zhang Han noticed Li Liu's expression and said dumbly: "Why, you don't know your master?"

"Should I know my master?" He quietly looked at the domineering Chen Jin: "Senior sister, is our master very powerful?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you." Chen Jin said calmly, "Our master's name is Chen Banxian."

Chen Banxian?
Li Liu recalled carefully. He had never heard of it before. No, wasn't it just a strange name?
But he didn't notice that many people in the eighth realm and priests started to feel unnatural when they heard this name.

"Damn it, is your master really Chen Banxian?"

Fei Wenqin's face suddenly became frightened: "Why didn't you tell me earlier that you wanted to harm me like this!"

Li Liu swore that he only had this expression when the principals in the school heard that the priest was coming to visit.

But at this time, these priests have reached their peak, and their expressions are not much different.

Zhang Han said with some emotion: "If you say this name, you may not know it in the Seventh Realm, but in the Eighth Realm, let alone the white people, even the underworld will not dare to touch you."

"They might even have to keep you prisoner."

None of us came from that era, and that reputation was forcibly acquired. Speaking of people like Shen Qinghe and Mu Yun, everyone admired them.

But that person is simply afraid. The most recent example is——

Several of the original priests in Baihu City have been replaced.

(End of this chapter)

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