There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 546 The power of quasi-immortal weapon

Chapter 546 The power of quasi-immortal weapon

Along with Zhang Han's words, many memories that had been gradually hidden or forgotten were recalled.

That one is amazing.

"You are his disciple, so the matter of quantum intelligence cannot be traced to you."

Zhang Han patted Li Liu's shoulder again, but three times, each with different meanings.

There was nostalgia in his eyes for the days when he had followed that person.

Now his horizons are higher, but the more he thinks about it, the more he marvels at how amazing it is. Even if he were to go back to that time, he would still be far inferior.

I just don’t know where that person has gone now.


Someone sighed softly: "It would be great if he was here for this battle."

"you are?"

Zhang Han looked at the man in surprise, could he say such a thing?Everyone is tacitly aware of this.

"Me?" The man smiled: "Liangcheng, Zhang Shousheng."

Zhang Shousheng has a very common name, and the name Liangcheng does not seem to be among any of the cities under the jurisdiction of the Nine Cities.

"It's you!"

At this moment, an eighth-level transcendent came from a distance and laughed loudly: "Zhang Shousheng! I thought you died somewhere, but it turns out you are still alive."

The eighth-level monk strode over. Zhang Shousheng frowned. At first he looked a little unfamiliar, but then he became more and more familiar.

"You're not... not that, what is that? Yes, Scarecrow Ding Hua!"

"Haha, it's me!"

Ding Hua laughed: "It's rare that you still have an impression of me."

He was extremely happy, old friends reunited, and many past events were being renovated.

"It's been hundreds of years since I moved to Baihu City that day. You are also in the eighth realm and have not fallen behind."

Zhang Shousheng sighed: "Okay, okay!"

"It's not just me."

Ding Hua raised his arms and shouted: "People from Liangcheng, gather!!!"

The sound was so loud that it echoed all over the place for a long time!
"Who, who is calling me?"

A stream of light flew over: "The name Liangcheng is so familiar, yet so strange."

"Xiang Shanggao, second brother, look over here!"

Ding Hua said with joy, someone really responded.

" are the third child."

Xiang Shanggao was excited: "The labor and management thought you were dead."

"How could I die? We are all top-ranked extraordinary beings. How could I die so easily?"

The three of them gathered together and stirred up the momentum.

"How can the gathering be without me?"

Tong Zhenshan's rough voice sounded and he strode forward.

Then came Zai Erping, they were all familiar with each other.

"How about counting me in?"

Another person came, a person from the third shelter.

"Hai Dongsheng? You are a big shot, why are you still with us?"

Ding Hua and the others were surprised and happy, they were all brothers who had been killed from Liangcheng!
"Well, the top group said that I would only take beatings, that I was too strong in defense but not enough in offense, so they brushed me off."

Hai Dongsheng was very depressed. After all, he was one of the top people, and even the priesthood could not break through the defense.


He was disliked!
"Brother, don't be angry, let's wait for a while to develop and let them look at us with admiration!"

Zhang Shousheng comforted him, but everyone looked relieved.

They looked above their heads, and there were some people standing in the sky...gods, filled with Taoist charms, and with different auras.

They have been developing for hundreds of years, and their levels are basically fixed. Most of the people above them will not be able to catch up.

"If nothing else, the girl demon has returned to the world, and I should be able to see his space avenue again."

Zhang Han's tone was leisurely, and crystal fragments were constantly floating around the person above the sky.

Those fragments came from the void and went away from the void again, as fine and dense as phosphorescent powder.

That's not for good looks, but for the Taoist results that Die Yunfei has achieved over hundreds of years.

Behind Die Yunfei is Bieshuang, who was once the number one in Liangcheng, but even now, he is still a transcendent existence.

There are three haloes on the back of its head, the colors are red, yellow and blue, like the rings of high gods.

Shen Qinghe also came, standing quietly in the air. He had reached the point where the avenue was introverted. The distance to go out in the eighth realm was too far.

Behind him stood the priests of Baihu City. The auras of the priests fluctuated slightly, and they looked at the leader with admiration and respect in their eyes.

Mu Yun nodded slightly to Shen Qinghe and scanned the field with his eyes.

Not far away are the priests from the other eight cities, either three or five of them, all with extremely terrifying combat power.

He didn't see the man and sighed slightly.

If he comes during this time, with his status as a person around Emperor Jiuyou, he can ensure that the human race in the East Wasteland is safe and sound.

Even if they were defeated and all died on Earth, they would still have a chance to make a comeback.

"How could I... have the idea of ​​relying on others?" Mu Yun shook his head to throw away these thoughts, focusing on the entrance to the earth.

The battle between the two factions there was still going on. Liu Lexian's body was shrinking, but her aura was getting stronger.

From the original ten thousand feet to five thousand feet, three thousand feet, one thousand feet...

The mountain master held his breath and concentrated: "Let me press you back to your original shape alive!"

But when Liu Lexian was compressed to a hundred feet by the boundless gravity, a trace of his breath that couldn't help but leak out was still exposed.

This aura is as deep as the sea, as if facing the Titan and the vast star of the ancient universe.

She became stronger, not at 01:30, but at a geometrically doubling rate!
The mountain master was furious: "You actually used my heavy soil to refine your body?"

He immediately stopped and pulled away. This human race was about to break through the limits!

On the earth side, the weak monks in the eighth realm are waiting for the top overhaul to take action.

If they don't move, they don't have the right to do anything. The gravity in the battlefield has reached an extremely terrifying level, and the earth has been crushed into a piece of crystal.

Liu Lexian's whole body was covered with metallic luster. Now he was only three meters in size. He walked step by step in front of the mountain master.

She didn't take action, but her terrifying murderous intention firmly locked Shan Zun's life.

When Shanzun wanted to stop and run away, his murderous intention became even more intense. If he stopped, he would die.

The huge body was originally full of energy and blood, terrifying and unpredictable, but now it has been condensed into a small point. With one punch, the mountain master will die miserably.

Human race, what kind of perverts are they!
Chen Banxian, who saw this scene in the emperor jar, clapped his hands and cheered: "You have come out, Liu Lexian has walked out of his own way, I am afraid that after this battle, he will be firmly in the top ten of the human race!"

The titan body condenses blood and compresses the essence, and the power it unleashes is terrifying.

The faces of other tribes were not as good-looking as his. They were not only looking at Liu Lexian, but also at Donghuang.

Some auras at the end of the passage leaked out, making people frightened. When did the human race have so many terrifying strong men?

Compared with the 160 [-]-bit Eighth Realm here in Luji, the momentum is only stronger, not weaker, and even far beyond it!
"That human race's body is incredible, even we may not be able to do anything about it."

An ancient tribe stared closely at Liu Lexian. Could it be that in this era, heaven really favored the human race, and they were all abandoned?

"My son has a semi-immortal weapon that can break that human body."

Lu Gu said calmly and calmly: "Look, my son is about to take action. If he is caught by surprise, this human race will definitely die."

Sure enough, Lu Ji, who was behind the ancient tribe, saw that something was wrong. Why did the mountain master's expression reveal the slightest trace of fear?
His face darkened, and he immediately waved the Chinese Fang Tian painted halberd.

The phoenix cries and the crane chirps, Fang Tian's painted halberd has a bright blade and cuts down Liu Lexian in the distance!


First there was a metallic sound, and then Liu Lexian's expression changed drastically and he quickly backed up.

During this process, half of her body strangely fell to one side, but she pushed it back with her hands and held it down heavily.

"not good!"

In the sky above Baihu City, Die Yunfei's expression changed rapidly, and he reached into the space with one hand and pulled Liu Lexian out.

Lu Ji wanted to wave a second time, but unexpectedly he lost track of the other party.

"Space Avenue?"

His eyes were filled with confusion. It was very difficult. It was one of the most profound and mysterious avenues. If the human race had such a strong person, the difficulty of this battle would skyrocket!
Liu Lexian was rescued. Shan Zun gasped for breath and immediately returned to Lu Ji.

"Nephew, the opponent has a master. This battle will be difficult."

Cold sweat broke out on Shanzun's forehead, and he stared at the entrance of the Donghuang passage.

The earth was crushed by him into a piece of crystal, reflecting the sky, everything was shiny.

The entrance to the East Wasteland was pitch black, and there seemed to be a great demon hiding inside, a great terror.

"Don't panic, I have a quasi-immortal weapon. I will kill as many humans as they come."

Lu Ji was extremely confident. He was holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, and even Liu Lexian was cut in half by his sword. What if there were a few more people like him?
Outside the passage, in the human camp, layers of space lay in the hands of Die Yunfei, temporarily suppressing Liu Lexian's injuries.

She was slashed from head to toe, split open in the middle. If she hadn't been rescued for a moment, she would have died on the spot.

"I used space to connect all the cells and tissues in your body and temporarily stabilized your injuries. However, you cannot participate in the subsequent battle."

Liu Lexian nodded. The physical injuries were not important. The Tao Yun and blood in her body were split in half.

It is extremely difficult to repair.

"The damn ancient tribe will attack from behind!"

A priest was furious: "First it's You Ye, and then it's Liu Lexian. Why don't we all go out and kill them all!"

"Not urgent."

Shen Qinghe said softly: "Our arrangements have not been completed yet, wait a little longer, wait for them to become arrogant."

"Do we still have arrangements?"

Mu Yun was surprised. He didn't know this at all. He just wanted you to wait and see to determine the opponent's strength and whether there was support.

After all, they are an ancient tribe, so no amount of caution is too much.

"Everyone, this is a call from the round table."

At this time, a priest clicked on his mobile phone and virtually projected the entire round table meeting.

Every congressman was there, and they issued an order: "Everyone, after we decide, we can launch a full-scale attack. We can no longer give the enemy a chance to consume us."

All-out attack, so fast?

The priests or top transcendent beings present frowned. They wanted to take another look at the situation. After all, this was no child's play.

"Turn off the phone."

Die Yunfei raised his hand, and his phone suddenly disappeared, lost in the turbulence of space.

His tone was domineering and strong:
"When will it be their turn to intervene in our transcendental war?"

(End of this chapter)

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