"Is it inappropriate?"

The priest hesitated: "The Round Table Conference is the highest meeting, and it is the one we all nine cities jointly respect...


Die Yunfei sneered: "Everyone here, let me ask you, what is the biggest battle that the Round Table has ever commanded?"

"Is it the negotiation with the six countries of the Eastern Wasteland, or the mining of the Guixu Land?"

"They are a group of mortals who live in comfort. They just saw the battles that Old Shen and I led from the records, and they judge based on the written history of your city?"

The phosphorescence around him surged slightly: "I, the person on the first page of the human war history book, told them to shut up, who has any objection?"

"Damn it, Brother Die is so domineering."

Zhang Han in the tent opened his mouth: "MD, this is directly taking the command away from the Nine Cities Round Table Conference. Will others listen to him?"

As he said, without the round table as a hub, the top clergymen in the Nine Cities would not accept anyone, and they all believed that they had the best interests and had the belief of invincibility.

Why did I listen to you?

Many priests looked at Die Yunfei, and some people, including Zhang Han, thought so: "Die Yunfei, Mr. Die, do you mean to command us?"

"Do you have any objections?"

Die Yunfei sneered: "My space is extraordinary. I can come and go anywhere on the earth, among the ancient tribes, and in the Eastern Wasteland."

"I can open a space and send you directly to the back of the ancient tribe, or I can send you to the center of the ancient tribe's strong men. Do you think I am qualified?"

His eyes also shone with phosphorescence. The priest wanted to say more, but was speechless after seeing the phosphorescence.

What is shown inside is actually...

"However, your move is tantamount to separating us extraordinary beings from ordinary people, and will lay indelible hidden dangers for the future."

Mu Yun sighed: "The situation is now unfavorable to the Transcendents. The Round Table has been intentionally weakening our authority a long time ago. This move will definitely arouse their greater fear."

"Let them cut it wherever they go." Die Yunfei didn't care at all: "Everyone, it was my Baihu City's suggestion to leave the earth in the first place, and everyone agreed."

"Now that we are returning to Earth, we, Baihu City, must also bear this responsibility. Please give me Die Yunfei and give me Space Avenue a chance, so that we can win this war beautifully!"

After he finished speaking, Shen Qinghe moved closer to Die Yunfei, and the same priests in Baihu City also moved closer.

The Nine-City Federation has one city, one system. If Die Yunfei expressed his stance, they must also express their stance. They must be united in spirit.

Shen Qinghe's eyes were complicated. Die Yunfei had expressed his anger to him in advance, but at this moment he still felt emotional.

He just took advantage of rebirth, and this was the leader who came out of the apocalypse step by step and fought his way out.

If they team up, then only the other people from the eight cities will stand in line.

"it is good!"

Bai Cheng and Bai Di applauded: "Well said, I have experienced the extraordinary space. It is indeed scary, but I have a question. How are you going to lead us to win this return battle?"

When asked about the key point, many people looked at Die Yunfei. The key to this battle depends on how he does it.

Die Yun Fei formed a bamboo in his chest, and said with a faint smile: "In Baihu City, there are already people in front of the ancient tribe who have laid a dragnet and a net behind the back. The terrifying formation will block all the ways of heaven and earth at the moment it is opened."

"When the formation is formed, the Ancient Clan's side will definitely be in chaos. At that time, we will take action quickly to kill the 160 three Ancient Clan's eighth realm."

This remark is indeed appropriate.


Han Li frowned and said: "How do you set up the formation? The slightest disturbance is enough to alert the ancient tribe. This is impossible."

"Impossible?" Die Yunfei smiled: "Nothing is impossible in this world. Just wait a moment."

Wait a moment...how long?

In the imperial jar, Chen Banxian looked at Ying Lang for just a few words.

"My Lady, you predicted that the Ancient Clan would be defeated, right?"

Yinglang's face turned pale, and he nodded calmly: "The ancient clan is indeed going to lose, but I have made adjustments, and the result is unknown."

"Then have you seen how the ancient clan was defeated? And how was it defeated?"

Chen Banxian asked him two questions in succession. Yinglang's mood remained unmoved and he just said: "A defeat is a defeat. It doesn't matter what happens."

Chen Banxian smiled: "Do you know that before the war started, I had already made a calculation."

Ying Lang's eyes finally moved, "What do you think...?"

"Human race, great victory."

After just four words, the ancient tribesmen fell into deathly silence at first, but then burst into laughter.

"Haha! If you have a mouth, can you talk nonsense?"

"Everyone can talk nonsense, and I told you that the human race will be extinct in the next second."

"It's ridiculous. My son has a quasi-immortal weapon. He can hit anyone with a halberd. How can your human race win?"

The ancient tribesmen didn't believe it at all. Chen Banxian's arrogance was just to add to the jokes.

"If you were down there, I believe that the human race would be victorious. But now that you can't even protect yourself, how can you talk about a great victory for the human race?"

Their taunts did not hesitate: "Are you still awake? Two of the top monks of your human race have been defeated one after another. You don't know whether they will live or die. A big victory? You have already suffered a big defeat."

"Look below."

Chen Banxian stood tall and motionless. The smiles of many ancient tribesmen could not be concealed. What was the difference?
But soon, they stopped laughing. Four people stepped into the ground beneath the ancient clan and buried black boxes one after another.

The strange thing is that no ancient tribe saw them or noticed them. These four people were like ghosts, making no sound.


Lu Gu looked furious: "How is that possible? I have always paid attention to my son. When did these four people come underground?"

They didn't notice, no one noticed.

"Actually, I just realized it."

Chen Banxian lamented that all his old friends have grown up.

Zhang Debai, the fat black man, was walking underground with Ninth, Lin Tian, ​​and Liu Yeqing.

Zhang Debai's extraordinary power makes people unable to notice, the ninth formation's shielding perception is strengthened, and Liu Yeqing calms down the fluctuations of spiritual power.Lin Tian...

He is purely here to provide strength, and all the formations are arranged by him, because he has the aura of the ancient clan on his body, which is not easy to detect.

No one noticed that these four people's abilities were greatly enhanced, and even Chen Banxian subconsciously ignored them.

If he hadn't seen Die Yunfei and others not seeing Lin Tian and Jiu, he wouldn't have thought of this person.

Thinking of this, I naturally discovered what the four people had done.

At this time, the formation has been quietly arranged.

"Not good!"

Lu Guwu held the immortal spoon in his hand and suddenly rushed downwards.

But Chen Banxian quickly grabbed his wrist: "Fellow Taoist, what do you want? Do you want to break the agreement we made?"

"I'm going to make an appointment with you!"

Lu Gu waved the immortal spoon in his hand, and the yin and yang were reversed. Chen Banxian originally stretched out his hand to pull him, but instead pushed him away.

In this way, Lu Gu became faster and fled outside the imperial jar.

Chen Banxian's eyes grew colder, the imperial jar glowed, the lid was tightly covered, and the aura of the extreme blocked all time and space.

"If you want to run away, just fight with me."

The formation below has been activated, and at this moment, there is a terrifying loud noise from the earth channel!

But that was just a blinding trick. When many ancient tribes subconsciously looked at it, all the borrowed spiritual energy around them was gone, and they fell to the earth involuntarily.

Before they had time to use their spiritual power, the humans from Nine Cities appeared behind them.

Die Yunfei actually opened a space channel behind Wanzu.

"Not good, sneak attack!"

Lu Ji subconsciously wanted to gather the Dao of Heaven and Earth to fight back, but the Dao of Heaven and Earth was commanded by him. The surrounding area was pale.

He could only subconsciously lift Fang Tian's painted halberd and block it in front of him.


Shen Qinghe's hand fell on his Fang Tian painted halberd, and the shadow of the priesthood flashed away.

In an instant, he borrowed the combat power at the peak of the priesthood, coupled with his already terrifying cultivation level, which made Lu Ji scream. Fang Tian's painted halberd was knocked back and hit his chest hard.

Large swaths of bones shattered and blood gushed out.

In just such an instant, the battle broke out, and the eighth realm of the Earth came out. Not to mention the 160 three extraordinary people from the ancient race, even a thousand extraordinary people from the ancient race would be crushed.

The suppression effect of the formation only lasts for a moment, and when they react, they will use their own spiritual power and Tao Yun.

But it was too late, too late, the scream only lasted a moment from start to finish.

There were even people on the human side who didn't have time to cross the passage, and half of them were still taking action in the Eastern Wasteland.

In a panic, Lu Ji only had time to defend passively, and his Daoji was damaged. When he came to his senses, there was no longer any ancient clan around him.


Shan Zun's head fell in front of him, and Die Yunfei walked slowly over.

The phosphorescence around him was like a dream or sand, but in Lu Ji's eyes, where was the light?They are clearly one world after another, and they are simply innumerable.

"Ancient Clan, we won this battle."

Die Yunfei raised his foot and crushed the mountain master's head, showing his condescension.

"Win? How can you win!"

Luji was unwilling to give in. He grabbed Fang Tian's painted halberd and said, "Even if I am the only one, I can kill you all!"

The phoenix crowed and the crane chirped again, and this quasi-immortal weapon triggered terrifying fluctuations.

That was the upper limit of the threshold that aroused Tiandao's wrath. Die Yunfei frowned and quickly opened the space channel.

This kind of weapon can actually cause disaster?What a high level it is!
At the critical moment, the ground suddenly tore apart, and the Ninth Sword pierced the base of the Daoji Road.

The avenue collapsed, which was a fatal injury. Lu Ji was furious: "There are so many of you, how dare you make a sneak attack?"

He was at the end of his rope and his breath was fading.

"Brother Jiu is awesome!"

Lin Tian gave a thumbs up. This battle can be said to be a great victory!

However, the next second, Lin Tian's pupils shrank: "Brother Ninth...little!"

"Little what!"

Lu Ji laughed loudly, and when he saw the light, Fang Tian waved his halberd, cutting Ninth into hundreds of pieces in an instant.

The big halberd fell, and the young master of the Fu Zong Ancient Clan died completely while maintaining the waving posture.

But...Ninth has been cut into pieces.

"Old Nine!"

It happened so fast that by the time Die Yunfei reacted, the outcome was already doomed.


He roared, anyone can die, but why the ninth one!

Why him!
All the things from the past kept reappearing, and at this moment, Die Yunfei was extremely sad.

How can there be more than 100 ancient tribes in exchange for one of Lao Jiu's fingers?

Everyone felt heavy. The key figure in this battle died at the end.

But suddenly, the corpses all over the ground began to squirm.

Lin Tian took a few steps back: "Damn it, you're cheating!"

(End of this chapter)

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