There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 550: Send an Immortal Weapon

Chapter 550: Send an Immortal Weapon
Xiaosi still doesn’t understand. Is it really not hard enough to reach a great level every year?
He obviously tried his best.

But he did whatever the master told him to do, and he ran to practice harder and harder.

Xiaoxue was afraid that Chen Banxian would cause trouble for him, so she was very picky and found the three of them in just an hour.

He hid behind Jiaojiao, his eyes wandering, not daring to look directly at Chen Banxian.


When Jiaojiao came, he asked subconsciously, then turned around and went into the house to cook.

She felt that Xianxian was hungry and wanted to eat the food she cooked.

"Don't go yet."

Chen Banxian pulled her and took off the Tai'an Ring from her finger.

For an instant, the dragon looked uneasy and its body trembled slightly.

He grabbed the dragon's claws and frowned slightly as he looked at it.

What should I do if I drop my strap?This is an immortal weapon after all.

On your wrist?

No, Jiaojiao has to cook and wash dishes. How can an immortal weapon come into contact with dirt?
He had an idea in his mind, and in the next second, Tai'an Ring enlarged and Chen Banxian put it on her neck.

Sparkling and extraordinarily beautiful, it really complements the charm of the dragon. The black color and silver are really the finishing touch!


Unexpectedly, Jiaojiao's excited expression disappeared in an instant. She turned around, slapped her tail on Chen Banxian's face, and twisted her body to cook.

The news of "ping bell bang bang" spread quickly, and it was so loud that Chen Banxian couldn't help but worry whether the bowls and chopsticks would be broken.

"Huh? Why are you angry?"

He wondered, had he done something wrong?
"Master, alas...

Eggwei patted him on the shoulder, it was hard to explain, it didn't make sense.

"Aigwei, how have you been studying lately?"

Seeing this eldest disciple, Chen Banxian immediately smiled on his face.

"Show you something good."

He put the yin-yang inversion spoon in her hand: "This is a good thing. With it, you won't be afraid of eating without a spoon when you go out."

"And you, my little gold, your godfather has specially prepared a wedding room for you, look at it."

He took out the Lingming Pavilion. The three items were all immortal weapons, which made Xiaoxue's eyes widen.

"Godfather." Chen Jin was speechless. Chen Banxian was good at everything, but sometimes he was not serious.

They thought it was just an ordinary gift and didn't take it to heart at all.

But after the gifts arrived, the expressions of the two women changed.

"Master, this is too valuable, I can't have it!"

Aigwei was on pins and needles holding the yin-yang inverted spoon, this... this turned out to be an immortal weapon!
Immortal weapon, you can know it by touch, reverse yin and yang, turn attack into defense, turn defense into attack, take bad luck and give birth to good luck, this is amazing!
"Just take what's given to you. Master has a lot of stuff here."

Chen Banxian showed off the magical weapon on his body. He couldn't use it all, he couldn't use it at all!
He quietly went to see Chen Jin. This kid was busy and shy. He was holding Lingming Pavilion and looked at him in a daze, not knowing what to do.

Xiao Jinzi is quite cute.

Lingming Pavilion is an attic of immortal weapons. After entering it, you can increase your understanding of the great road, practice faster, prevent all attacks, and trap all enemies.

It is a treasure that combines offense and defense.

The most important thing is that there is a very powerful formation in it, which is suitable for the formation she practices.

Giving these two immortal artifacts was Chen Banxian's careful consideration and was completely in line with the path of his two daughters.

As for the dragon...

"Boom! Bang!"


Something seemed to have broken in the kitchen, and the sound of cleaning the pot seemed to penetrate the bottom of the pot.

He shrank his neck. Are there any disadvantages to Tai'an Jie?

It shouldn't be. Tai'an ring can protect Tai'an. It contains a world and the speed of time can be adjusted.

Throwing it out is no less effective than the Nezha Universe Circle in the myth.

The most important thing is to protect the holder from external harm.

Why is Jiaojiao angry?

He began to reflect on whether he had done something wrong.


He patted his thigh: "I understand, Jiaojiao doesn't like silver, next time I'll change to gold!"

Aigwei slapped his head.

Master, there is no hope.

Because Jiaojiao was unhappy, Chen Banxian's mouth turned red after eating this meal.

He saw a piece of horseradish in the clear soup with luffa and tofu, which was as thick as his little finger. He took a sip and almost ascended to the sky.

Jiaojiao looked on coldly, not even looking at him, still angry.

In the afternoon, due to busy affairs, the human race had just entered the earth, and they left early because they had too many things to do.

Jiaojiao didn't leave, but lingered in front of Chen Banxian.Make loud noises from time to time.

But Tai'anjie did not move at all. At night, Yijiao sat alone outside the door, looking in the direction of the earth in a daze.

Chen Banxian didn't dare to speak. He hid behind the door and watched quietly.

The dragon lowered his head and stretched out his claws in front of his eyes. The dark claws passed through the black and white air, and glowed with color under the moonlight.

These are not human hands.

Each scale is colorful black, and it can be called the most beautiful handicraft in the world.

But she was not satisfied at all. Her fingertips drew a pool of water, which reflected her face.

Majestic, noble, domineering, terrifying.

Maybe the lowered head is a little cute, but it's not really human.

She gently took off the Tai'an ring from her neck and put it between her claws, but it seemed inconsistent and uncoordinated.

Xianxian is right, it looks better on the neck.

She quietly turned around and entered Tai'an Ring. Soon, she brought out plate after plate of delicious food and quietly put them into the kitchen.After doing all this, she took off into the sky and flew into the demon clan area outside Baihu City.

She often goes to the Monster Clan and often looks for You Ye.

After three years of treatment, Youye has recovered a lot. At this time, the night is getting cold, and he is admiring the blooming of Yeyuan flowers.

The night flower takes thousands of years to grow, and once it blooms every ten years, it will disappear as soon as it blooms.

Why is it called Ye Yuan? The leader of the Yan Kingdom said that there was once a pair of lovers who fell in love, but because of their different races, they were not allowed in the clan.

The lovers wanted to die for their love, but since they were the geniuses of both tribes, it was naturally impossible. In order to appease them, the heads of the two tribes promised that they could be together when the night tree bloomed, but they had to part ways after the flowers withered.

The lovers stopped seeking death in order to see each other again, but the heads of the two clans did something wrong.

A clan leader used great magic to change the world's one-year-old night tree into a thousand-year-old tree.

A clan leader changed the night tree that bloomed continuously into a flower that blooms in an instant, only for a moment.

After a moment, the flowers withered. They originally thought that this would prevent the lovers from falling in love, but who knew that the lovers would have no regrets even if they could only meet for a moment in a thousand years.

Later, this incident reached the emperor's ears and moved him so much that he personally solemnized the marriage and blessed the suffering couple.

Since then, the value of night margin trees has increased, and the closer to the flowering period, the more expensive they become.

A nightmarine tree that bloomed within a hundred years was speculated to obtain ten thousand kilograms of source stones, and You Ye spent a lot of effort to get it.

Tonight, the flowers are blooming.


But suddenly, a dragon fell down, and the dragon moved forward in the Youye Garden with bulging energy, making the trees tremble and the bluestones tumble.

"My good sister, why are you so angry all of a sudden?"

You Ye stood up and smiled softly, with a hint of paleness on his face.


Jiao Jiao lay down on the stone table, holding his head with his paws and telling his troubles.

"woo woo woo woo!"


"Okay, okay, speak slowly."

You Ye listened carefully and her charming eyes became slightly more amused.

"He doesn't understand Fengqing, not necessarily because you haven't transformed."

She gently stroked Jiaojiao's back, and when she saw Tai'anjie, her eyes were suddenly shocked!
"This...this is an immortal weapon!"

"Woo." The dragon's tail swayed, listlessly.

So what about fairy weapons?What she cares about is not the fairy weapon at all.

"My good sister." You Ye smiled bitterly: "You already have something that others don't have in their entire lives, so what else are you dissatisfied with?"


Youye became even more bitter: "Yes, you like him, but you can't ask for love."


Jiaojiao's eyes showed unprecedented determination.

"You want to transform?" Youye looked surprised: "But you are a dragon, if you transform...


Jiaojiao held his head high, his chest held high and his four claws firmly grasping the ground, his eyes filled with domineering.

After the dragon transforms into a dragon body, it will always be a dragon body. When she transforms into a real dragon, she will be qualified to be worthy of him.

"But think about it, you have already failed once. If you fail this time, you will either be annihilated by flying ashes, or you will be nothing more than a dragon forever."

You Ye looked solemn: "Sister, have you thought about it? Are you really ready?"


The overbearing dragon's roar resounded throughout the entire demon clan station and throughout the Nine Cities.

The roar contained extremely strong momentum and majesty. De Shenjian said that if you want to transform into a dragon, you must first think that you are a dragon.

She has learned a lot of true dragon combat skills and has reached the ultimate level of a dragon. The preparations have been made long ago.

It's just that she is afraid, afraid that she will not be able to transform into a dragon and lose the only qualification that can match him.

The method of covering the sky is incomplete and the true dragon disappears. She has to go to the earth and transform into a dragon recognized by heaven.

The identity of the first dragon cannot wait any longer.

You Ye sighed and looked at the dragon in front of her, knowing that she had made up her mind.

The demon race and the dragon race are said to be two races, but they can also become one race.

Her eyes flickered and she had already made up her mind.

"Good sister, the demon clan is standing behind you to remove obstacles for you to transform into a dragon."

She manifested her true body, with nine tails hanging high in the sky, and her spiritual thoughts cladding the demon clan.

That night, all the demon clans, whether inside or outside the Nine Cities, received a message.

Someone among their demon tribe wanted to transform into a dragon, and the demon lord You Ye asked the big demons to come and help.


A white tiger came out of the demon clan's camp, and the rolling tiger evil made the moon dyed blood red.

"Jiaojiao, you are finally turning into a dragon."

She strode over, "Sister Tiger will protect you, don't worry!"

An old turtle walked out of the deep pool, moving slowly and turning into the appearance of an old man.

"Jiao Wazi, Grandpa Turtle will help you."

Liu Baiyuan walked forward step by step, and he stood quietly on one side.

Everyone bowed their heads and saluted him, Liu Baiyuan, one of the two masters of the demon clan!


One after another, the big snakes arrived and looked at the dragon with admiration.

Monsters keep coming from all over the world.

When the morning sun rises, the monster clan will come out in full force!Rushing towards the earth in mighty force!
(End of this chapter)

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