There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 551 Demon Clan Protects the Dragon

On this day, people in a small village looked up and saw a dark cloud coming from the sky.

Black clouds covered the sky and the sun, and the demonic aura was billowing. It could be said that the demon clan of the eighth realm came out in full force. The leader was a dragon, who looked like an evil dragon king, giving orders to all the demons.

But if you look carefully, the evil dragon's body is full of colorful lights, and it looks like a dragon that moves clouds and rains.

They rushed into the earth in mighty force.

Chen Banxian, who was just at the entrance of the passage, noticed it early.

However, it wasn't him who saw it, but the sword spirit came to him in advance.

At that time, he was tinkering with the fairy jade he got from Ying Lang, saying that he could contact the big world called Hong Xuan, but he couldn't find the trick anyway.

When the sword spirit arrived, he directly opened his bed.

"You little bastard is still sleeping. Jiao Wazi is about to turn into a dragon. Can you go back to sleep?"


Chen Banxian was so shocked at the time that he almost thought he heard wrongly.

"Why do you suddenly want to transform into a dragon?"

Could it be that his immortal weapon Tai'an Jie gave Jiaojiao confidence?

"What is sudden, it's not because of you!"

The sword spirit is not angry. To him, Jiaojiao is closer than Chen Banxian.

After all, he is a dragon who has been taught by himself, unlike this boy who doesn't listen to anything and just goes his own way.

It seems that this divine sword of his is very useless.

because I?Chen Banxian immediately thought it was Tai'anjie, and after confirming it, he immediately stood up and put on his clothes.

"Then what are you waiting for? Help!"

He quickly packed his things, took out the immortal weapon from the imperial jar and brought it with him.

"and many more!"

"Wait, wait, wait, it will be some time before Jiaowazi is in trouble. Um, what is that... on you?"

The moment the sword spirit saw the immortal weapon being revealed, his eyes went straight!

"Damn it, what's that bracelet in your hand?"

He quickly looked closer and soon saw Chen Banxian's earrings.

"No, what is this! Why does it look so familiar?"

"Damn it, your hairpin looks so familiar!"

He turned up and down: "This... Isn't this what I dropped yesterday?"

After saying this, He wanted to take it.

"Come on." Chen Banxian stepped aside and said, "This is an immortal weapon. I got it with great difficulty, so don't try to snatch it away!"

"do not!"

The sword spirit chuckled and rolled his eyes: "Boy, Banxian, how about we make a deal?"

The meanness Chen Banxian felt from a sword was too strong.

"What kind of deal? You want an immortal weapon, right? It's not impossible, it just depends on whether you can afford the price."

He knew what Xiao Jiujiu the sword spirit was fighting.

"Hey, you still understand me."

The sword spirit narrowed his eyes. He didn't know where this kid got so many good treasures from.

"In this case, I will exchange Life Crystal for you, how will you keep it?"

"How many?"

Chen Banxian smiled, even more cunningly than the sword spirit.

No, this guy seems to have been prepared!

The sword spirit's heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad premonition. He tentatively answered: "A hundred drops?"

"Are you dreaming?"

Chen Banxian sneered and took off his bracelet.

"Look, this thing is Lingyang Immortal Iron. It is the most suitable immortal weapon for you. With it, your sword body can transform into Lingyang Immortal Iron."

"When the time comes, you will also be an immortal weapon. One hundred drops. If you touch your conscience, will it agree?"

"It agrees!" The sword spirit licked his smiling face: "Give it to me quickly, give it to me quickly!"

"You are really shameless."

He raised a finger: "I don't want more from you. You will stay with me for the next period of time. You can provide me with enough life crystals in my eighth realm, okay?"

Among these immortal weapons, Chen Banxian did not need to use some.

If you give Aigwei's yin-yang reverse spoon, he has the emperor's jar to swallow it, so he doesn't need it.

Xiao Jinzi's Lingming Pavilion has no shortage of formations. The Dao patterns in the emperor's jar are enough for him to understand.

At the same time, there is no shortage of defense, suppression, and sky-swallowing demon skills.

The same is true for the Tai'an Ring, and the same is true for the Lingyang Immortal Iron in this hand.

Lingyang Immortal Iron is hard, similar to Sun Wukong's Ruyi Golden Cudgel, which can be large or small, but indestructible.

From the moment he used the Sky-Swallowing Magic Jar to cover all the immortal weapons, Chen Banxian understood that the Jidao Emperor's weapons were really strong.

The Great Emperor of the Zhetian World can suppress immortals, and the Emperor's soldiers of the Jidao can also suppress immortal weapons.

But he kept functional immortal weapons such as the Wuhuo Fan, Qi Chi, and Shui Yuan Xin.

Water Yuanxin controls water, Wuhuo Fan fan fire, water and fire are the most ruthless, with these two things, he can be invulnerable to water and fire.

This Lingyang Immortal Iron is a very good deal for him to give to the sword spirit.

The main reason is that this sword has a big secret. Chen Banxian initially thought that the sword master was just a relatively powerful monk. However, as he practiced and reached the eighth level, he still couldn't see the sword clearly.

He is probably a current level existence.

"Are you practicing in the eighth realm?"

The sword spirit looked hesitant: "Your eighth level is so simple? Isn't this going to drain me dry?"

"You can do it or not." Chen Banxian spread out the bracelet and turned it into a Lingyang fairy iron rod.

The sword spirit coveted it even more. "Gan! I'll do it! Isn't TMD just the cultivation of the eighth realm? Master Jian, who have I ever been afraid of!"

He slapped his long sword, and the iron rod of Lingyang Immortal jumped up high.

Jian Jing Jian's face opened wide and he sucked it in bite by bite as if eating noodles.

"Damn it, there's a weapon spirit inside!" Chen Banxian saw it clearly, but strangely, the Lingyang Immortal Iron Rod didn't react at all.

The sword spirit is indeed mysterious, and this method has surpassed that of the mortal world.

"Finally, I've recovered a little bit."

The sword spirit was moved to tears: "You brat, Master Jian can tell you that this time the dragon transforms into a dragon, it's stable!"

With his words, Chen Banxian felt a little reassured: "Then what are you waiting for? We'll go and watch right away."

Transformation of dragons is a transformation of dragons. If outsiders directly intervene to help, transformation of dragons will not succeed.

On the contrary, any obstacle is a disaster and must occur.

At this time, the usefulness of their guardians comes into play.

"Boy, let me show you what I am now, Master Jian!"

The sword spirit aimed its gaze at the distant sky and suddenly disappeared.

Has he completely mastered Lingyang Immortal Iron?

Chen Banxian was horrified and could only take off the Qi Chi from his ear. This small ruler-like fairy instrument was placed in front of his eyes. The ruler measured the world and the endless distance turned into a few centimeters.

He stepped out in one step and had already crossed thousands of mountains and rivers.


The sword spirit appeared and was dumbfounded when he saw Chen Banxian in front of him.

"Damn it, you kid, are you using an immortal weapon to get on your way?"

He began to covet Qi Chi again: "Boy, how about I take charge of the cultivation life crystal dew of the ninth realm for you?"


Chen Banxian was not angry, and he behaved even though he got an advantage. This swordsman was like a bottomless pit.

"Where's the dragon? Where does she start walking?"

They followed the dark demonic clouds all the way to a ruins.

This is a bottomless lake with a flowing sea running through it.

"Isn't this the original location of Liangcheng?"

Suddenly, Chen Banxian recognized this place. He saw the ruins of Liangcheng deep under the water.

It's just that there are very few of them anymore. They are buried deep in the mud and have changed over the past hundreds of years.

The big river runs through Liangcheng and Baihu City, becoming the sea here.

There is no aura of priesthood in the river.

Chen Banxian sighed, Jiang Shen had probably been killed by the ancient tribesmen.

In the middle of this river, there was a thick black cloud, covering all directions, filled with demons from the eighth realm.

And the dragon in the sky above Liangcheng measured the water and recalled his past.

She started remembering things when she was a little snake, and then Tiandao revived. She had extraordinary talents and grew rapidly.

She is the first snake to evolve, and she is also the first dragon to evolve. Now here, where she once evolved, she will transform into the first dragon!


The dragon roared across the sky and the earth, and the Great Ocean River set off huge waves.

She raised up huge wind and waves, and her dragon body stepped on the waves, transforming into her true form of a gigantic body. The black pressure on a high wall started to flow through the water!

The sky shook, thunder and lightning flashed, and the sky was clear, but in an instant it turned into a dark doomsday, with black dragons walking in the water.

The scales made a clanging sound when the huge body moved, and the endless torrent rolled on both sides of the distant bank.


Chen Banxian opened his eyes and saw wind rising on the water, turning into a strong wind that blew everything down, and the mountains on both sides of the river were destroyed.


The heavy rain was pouring down, everything was covered up and could not be seen clearly. Only the huge black dragon was bathing in the water on the river.

What does it take to become a dragon?
According to ancient records, everything can be transformed into a dragon, even a straw rope can be transformed into a dragon.

Silong is the essence of all things.

But the dragon needs to walk through water, follow the river and enter the sea, and experience the tribulations of heaven, man and earth before it can transform into a dragon successfully.

During the catastrophe, lightning flashed and thundered in the sky, and lightning bolts as thick as buckets of water kept falling down. The dragons wailed and rolled miserably, but they did not surrender.

This is only the first disaster.Continue until the end.

At this time, the flood spread across endless mountains and rivers, and the human race had not yet come, but the ancient tribes of Jingxu were able to cope with this human calamity.

Chen Banxian looked into the distance, and a race with an empty abdomen and no internal organs came into view.

The water rose up to a height of hundreds of feet and poured fiercely into the ancient tribe. All the buildings and the low-level Wushang tribe members were swallowed up.

This moment attracted the attention of the strong men from the Wu Zang tribe. Some people stopped at the water, while others quickly moved towards where the water came from.

"Whoever stirs up a flood will harm my people!"

He roared and soon saw the torrential water covering the sky.

And, the shadow of the dragon reflected in the rain curtain with the lightning and thunder.

"Okay, okay, it turns out it's a big snake making trouble."

The empty chest of this strong man from the Zang-free tribe was pregnant with divine light, "I'm going to have a feast of snake meat today!"

When he was ready to take action, a man-eating white-fronted tiger with eye-catching eyes came out of the monster clan. The orangutan wind hit him, and he began to hide silently in the wind. When he got close, he opened his huge mouth and bit off the invisible tiger. The head of a strong man from the Zang clan.

The demon tribe has a hunting and killing technique trained in nature, killing with one strike!
The white fox opened its mouth and chewed, chewing up the strong man's skin and bones and eating it.


She spit out the torn clothes: "How dare you come out to find yourself in the seventh realm?"

"You dare to stop me, the giant dragon from the demon race, from transforming into a dragon. I am so impatient with my life."

(End of this chapter)

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