There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 552 Heaven, Earth and Man Three Tribulations

Chapter 552

"Roar!" "Woo~" "Bah!" "Hiss!"


The big demon roars, cheering for the giant dragon that walks through the water. The dragon elephant has no shape in the thick clouds and pouring rain. It is only dark, headless and tailless.

The water in the rivers and seas continues to surge and surge. There are thunderous thunders falling from the sky and endless waves surging.

The billowing black clouds spread from Baihu City to the entire earth. The power of the sky, the power of the dragon, and the calamity clouds frightened all spirits.

From a high place, the sword spirit raised his head to look at the sun, only to see the sun's energy continuously falling towards the earth.

It turned into fire dragons and became the disaster of dragons.

"It's too difficult. What kind of character is the first dragon? Jiaowazi may not be able to survive it."

He was very worried. This thunder was simply not something that the Eighth Realm could withstand. It fell with almost ten thousand rays.

That character is too scarce, and the word "dragon" carries too many things, including faith and power.

Not only the human race, but other races also respect dragons. The Yangtze River and the Yellow River are the two dragons with water veins.

The mountains, rivers and land have their own Kunlun, which is called the Dragon Vein.


The dragon roared, the sun fire spirit arrived, the rain curtain boiled, and the water veins surged and rolled continuously!

Black and white light flew out from the gaps in the dragon's scales, and every movement and stillness became the divine light that protected the body.

The black light protects the body, and the white light transforms into blazing heat, which greatly reduces the power of the sun fire spirit. All things cannot escape the black and white yin and yang.

But this is just the power of the Sun Fire Spirit. The lunar stars that once flowed over the civilized city of [Skyrim] are accelerating.

The chaotic spiritual energy continuously flows from the Lunar Star, and it flies quickly from the end of the world, appearing as the sun and moon across the sky.

The bright moon hangs high above the big dragon's head, and the essence of the lunar moon hangs down.

It turned into extreme cold, and the rain curtain instantly condensed into an ice prison. Cold beads fell to the ground one by one. The water in the river rose and solidified, and then collapsed, condensed, and collapsed again because of the subsequent river water.

Hot and cold alternating, ice disasters underfoot destroy all life, the sun above the head continues to burn, thunder and rainstorms appear all at once.

The power of nature makes all the demon clans fearful.

That was the fear that was suddenly engraved deep in their blood.

No animal dares to say that it is not afraid of fire, water, thunder and lightning.

However, the demon clan united to frighten all directions, the old turtle stopped the flooding, the lion roared to shatter the thunder, and the red sparrow chased the fire spirit.

They are all great demons, and they are also the pillars of the demon clan.

But even so, the noise caused by the transformed dragon is getting louder and louder.

This is only in the Baihu City area. The water has flooded more than double the previous total. The flood dragons are bathing in calamity, and the whole body is in tearing pain.

Her bright yellow eyes were full of tenacity and madness, and she had only one belief, to transform into a dragon!

She could feel that her blood was transforming, her limbs were splitting and growing, and the breath of heaven was imprinted on her body.

Her eyes were full of rain, but it wasn't all rain. There was a dragon-shaped mark waiting for her in the distance, shining with unspeakable light.

No one can see that mark. It belongs to the person of the first dragon. He is waiting there, waiting for the arrival of the destined dragon.

That's me, that must be me!

The black dragon opens its mouth and roars to shatter the mountains and rivers. No matter how fast it goes, the floods will become more and more widespread!
"Human calamity has come again."

The sword spirit looked into the distance. The person coming was a strong man from an unknown clan.

He is not much different from humans, except that his skin has a little more edges.

But he was holding a sword decorated with pearls, and there were strong water waves spreading.

"What a big snake. Want to transform into a dragon?"

Seeing the movement here from a distance, Venerable Dongdi was amazed.

It is true that giant dragons have transformed into dragons in recent hundreds of years, but such a mammoth scene is unheard of and unseen.

He had already seen the rolling black clouds tens of billions of miles away, and the strong winds and rains caused the rivers to burst their banks, and at least half of the people in the clan suffered.

"Snake, it's my fault that you chose the most inopportune time to turn into a dragon!" Dongdi pulled out his sword and threw it towards the waters of the Haijiang River in the distance.

This sword was so good that it grew when exposed to water. The more water there was, the bigger the sword became, and soon it occupied the entire sky.

The tip of its sword pointed vertically downward, waiting quietly.

As long as the big snake comes, it will fall and cut off the dragon body and head!

Jiaojiao warned in his heart, and his four claws tore the space apart.

It was a true dragon combat skill, with great power at every movement and stillness, but the rivers in the sky flooded the space, preventing her from taking shortcuts in any way.

Human calamity must be experienced. Can she resist this sword?

How terrifying is the sword that is almost like a sky wall? The waters are constantly rolling, and it is getting heavier and stronger!
Chen Banxian stood up slightly and took a step forward.

"Don't go." The sword spirit stood in front of him: "This is her disaster. If anyone helps her to transform into a dragon, she will not succeed."

How easy is it to transform into a dragon?

Chen Banxian stared at the giant sword, and the dragon had already reached the bottom of the giant sword.

"Don't underestimate her. When you become stronger, she puts in no less effort than you do."

Although the sword spirit was worried, he still had confidence in the giant dragon.

He was nervous in his heart and could only hope that Jiaojiao wouldn't fall off the chain at the critical moment.

Dongdi used the magic formula to cause the Heavenly Sword to fall, and the timing was just right, completely blocking all the dragon's escape routes!
"The demon clan will take action." Chen Banxian stared down, "Why can they take action?"

The sword spirit smiled disdainfully: "There is no difference between the demon clan taking action and not taking action. For Jiao Wazi, she can solve these problems by herself and will not affect her Taoist mind."

"But if I wait to take action and she has dependence in her heart, how can she still make a desperate leap?"

To put it bluntly, it is just a Taoist heart that causes trouble.


When the dragon passes by, it will inevitably pass under the Heavenly Sword Gate.

But at this moment, she flicked her dragon tail and jumped up into the sky with water from the sea and rivers.

She lifted up the entire river, and the endless water rushed over the edge of the gate and slammed into the sword body!

The sword body was trembling continuously as it moved back, hitting the water three thousand miles away.

Big waves hit Tianjian one after another, one wave stronger than the other, overlapping one after another, and the sword spirit let out a fierce sword cry!
"I taught her how to control the waves."

He was very happy. The sword kept trembling that day, and the waters were indeed becoming more and more numerous, and they were becoming larger and more terrifying.

But one wave after another continued to pile up, pushing the sword back continuously. The sword body was constantly bending at the point of contact with the dragon.

"What kind of combat skill is that?"

The true dragon's fighting skills compete with the way of the water sword, and it seems that the true dragon's record is even better. Dragon Division Fengyu, this is the home court of Jiaojiao.

Dongdi's face turned red in the distance, and he was exerting all his strength, but the sword was retreating, and he was retreating too.

"What's the origin of this big snake!"


The Heavenly Sword suddenly broke, and Dongdi suffered heavy damage and retreated continuously.

The broken sword body fell and was recalled by him, and the heavenly sword shuttled through the void.

High in the sky, Chen Banxian asked the sword spirit: "Is this calamity over?"

"After passing it, breaking through the obstacles, Jiaojiao reached a higher level."

As soon as the sword spirit finished answering, he saw Chen Banxian pinching the air with his two fingers. He grabbed the broken sword tip at his fingertips and pointed it toward Dongdi's head.

He just raised his hands on the spot, but Dongdi was extremely frightened.

The originally shrunken sword tip suddenly turned into a sword tip that covered the sky and the sun, beating his soul and soul into powder from the beginning to the end!
Chen Banxian retracted his finger, and the sword spirit's eyes were shocked. That was the ability of the seven-foot immortal weapon.

But the Immortal Artifact Seven Feet was still hanging on Chen Banxian's ears, which meant that this was the Tao that Chen Banxian realized after using the Seven Feet.

How amazing, how terrible!
He has never seen such a genius before. Even if it is just an imitation of Tao and has not yet reached the realm of immortality, it is still too crazy!

(End of this chapter)

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