There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 553 True Dragon Personality

After killing a terrifying eighth-level statue, Chen Banxian just looked away as if nothing had happened, his eyes fixed on the dragon's trajectory.

The sword spirit sighed, in this dragon transformation, the disaster in the human disaster may not be the disaster of the dragon, but the disaster of the one who caused the disaster.

The eighth level is coming again, and icicles follow the heavy rain and attack the dragon.

Even the hard scales couldn't stop it from being blasted away, and the sea and river water in the heavy rain suddenly turned scarlet.


The dragon turned around and twitched its tail, shattering the space and the ice pick.

"Beast, die!"

The man continued to strike, and the ice pick kept hitting.

The dragon's ferocious nature was aroused, and it kept on going while fighting with the ice pick.

She had already crossed the territory of Baihu City and headed south towards the sea.

"Go away!"

The monk pursued and killed the injured dragon but did not let go.

Chen Banxian clenched his fist tightly. He was reluctant to hurt Jiaojiao. This person would definitely kill his entire clan!
The digital secret was cast, and a clone came out of his body.

"You go."

As the words "cold" fell, there was a thread of fate on the top of the monk's head that was invisible to Chen Banxian, stretching all the way to the distance.

The clone disappeared along the line, and soon, the trembling of the earth was mixed with the trembling of the distance.

The clone returns without words.

But the overwhelming smell of blood above made the sword spirit horrified.

Is this a genocide of people?
So cruel!Show no mercy!
But this does not make Jiaolong's disaster less severe. The major repair is still there, and not only that, the nearby major repairs are still getting closer.

The most terrifying Daxiu is a member of the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan!
Chen Banxian once met him on the top of Mount Everest. His name was Lu Xian.

The farmer smiled happily and said, "I haven't eaten dragon meat for a long time."

After saying this, he turned into an insect no bigger than a thumb, and penetrated into the body of the black dragon in a flash of golden light.


The dragon screamed mournfully, and part of its body shriveled up quickly.

She stabbed her four claws into her belly, trying to find and force him out. However, the ancient Fu Zhong clan member in her belly raised his claws and struck him, causing her flesh and blood to explode and blood to flow endlessly.

However, lightning fell from the sky again, and the previous ice cone overhaul struck again, and Jiaolong suffered heavy damage in an instant.

The river is sinking slightly, and the momentum of its rapid advance is almost coming to a halt.

You Ye and the other demon clan were anxious, Liu Baiyuan stretched out his hand and scratched the ice-cone monk hard.

Strangely enough, it seemed that the Ice Pick cultivator was really caught and forced to leave the dragon area.

"I'm going to kill him."

Liu Baiyuan pulled away, and soon an earth-shattering battle broke out.

But what about the bug inside the dragon?
Chen Banxian was nervous. He wanted to shout out, use an immortal weapon!
Didn’t Tai’an Ring give it to you?Why not use it!

Jiaojiao still did not use the immortal weapon, but rotated his body.

She rolled quickly, and her flesh and blood flew out along the wound.

Without noticing for a moment, the machete flew out along with the large chunks of flesh and blood.

"What a ruthless dragon!"

He revealed his body, and the next second the dragon was bathed in thunder and charged at him.

When a dragon fights in the wild, its blood is black and yellow. Although this blood is not black and yellow, it still has that terrible determination.

After thousands of blows in an instant, the thunder even spread along the dragon's body to the body of the dragon.

"Jiaolong, how difficult it is to transform into a dragon. You have just started, there is no way you can succeed!"

His words were all negative. Not only was he fighting the dragon in his hands, but he was also trying to defeat the dragon's confidence.

Once Jiaolong's heart is shaken and he has doubts, he will fail even if he finally reaches the sea.


The dragon fought angrily, and her actions were filled with madness. She had already made up her mind.

If you don't transform into a dragon, how can you survive?

However, at this time, the sky was flashing with thunder and lightning, taking on a purple color.

This calamity is even more powerful.

The dragon screamed in agony, and the butler seized the opportunity and dug out a piece of meat from his hind legs.

He chewed and bit into it, and said happily: "It's delicious, it's delicious!"Among the demon clan, the white tiger roared and stepped forward.

"Tiger sister, don't go."

You Ye stopped her: "I'll go, this ancient tribe is too strong and cannot be defeated."

"You are still injured." Sister Hu knew that You Ye had not recovered from the battle three years ago.

"It's fine."

Youye stood up and shouted into the distance: "That strong man, look over here."

When he looked back, his whole body suddenly became sluggish.

Youye's face turned pale, but he was really restrained.

Jiaolong glanced across the demon race compatriots, nodded slightly, and then continued walking.

The thunderstorms in the sky could not hinder her steps.

In the sky, Chen Banxian asked the sword spirit: "Then the two people have passed their tribulation, right?"

"Probably, let's forget it." The sword spirit was not sure, "But it stands to reason that as long as Jiao Wazi can't see it and doesn't react, the disaster will be over."

"it is good."

Chen Banxian took out the imperial jar from his arms: "Labour and management are going to refine them alive!"

Ice Pick Overhaul was fighting against Liu Baiyuan. The two were inseparable and fought heartily.

But at a certain moment, a big hand completely grabbed the overhaul.

Overhaul shook his body angrily, to no avail, and was quietly caught high in the air.

"This is my opponent!" Liu Baiyuan was dissatisfied and punched the knuckle of his big hand hard.

But the big hand remained motionless, and only one eye looked across the distance, scanning Lu Xian's body.


The blade was broken several times, but he was still alive, and he was terrified.

Where did this strong man come from to sneak up on him?He didn't react at all, and immediately wanted to escape, but a jar followed and contained all his limbs.

Youye lost his focus and came back to his senses, and happened to see the jar.

It's him?

She wasn't sure. Jiaojiao deliberately didn't tell that person. How did he know the information?
"Yes, he can tell fortunes."

Youye's eyes were filled with sparkles: "He had expected this day to come a long time ago. He is such a charming man."

She envied Jiaojiao even more. If she had such a relationship with him, she would be willing to do anything.

"Demon Lord, are you okay?"

Lao Gui asked nervously. At this time, Liu Baiyuan also came back, looking very surprised.


Youye didn't disclose the information about that person. If Jiaojiao knew about it, there might be big changes in his transformation into a dragon.

The heavy rain continued for an unknown number of days.

Countless strong men have come and left, and human and natural tribulations have never ceased.

But the dragon is indeed terrifying. The real dragon's combat skills are no less powerful than those of the strongest ancient tribes today. As long as they are repulsed by her with one blow, they will no longer be able to stop her.

High in the sky, the sky-swallowing magic power inside the emperor jar turned into flames and burned, and it was full of corpses from the eighth realm.

They entered the residence of the Lushu Ancient Clan.

Two strong men from Lushu, one tall and one short, looked at the huge waves in the distance quietly, with everything destroyed beneath their feet.

"No. 60, none of the strong men who entered came out."

The shorter Lu Shu Daxiu counted: "The Fu Zhong Ancient Clan doesn't know yet, but Lu Mian is already dead."

"This giant dragon is amazing, maybe it can transform into a dragon."

The taller Lord Lu Shu shook his head: "If she succeeds, her true dragon status will be taken away. I am still a little unwilling to do so."

"Yes, characters are rare and precious. Isn't that why we are here? It's a pity that no one in our clan practices the dragon transformation method."

There was mostly regret in their words.

"Wait a little longer. The most dangerous moment is just before entering the sea. At that time, other pseudo-dragons competing for the status of the real dragon will not give in."


The tall Venerable Lu Shu chuckled: "With the limitations of heaven, won't she still be in the eighth realm after transforming into a dragon? Even if she breaks through the ninth realm and raises the upper limit of heaven, she will still be extremely weak."

"A true dragon. I hope she succeeds in transforming into a dragon. As long as the dragon dies, her position will still be vacant." (End of Chapter)

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