
The rolling river water fell from the sky and turned into a heavy rain in the water world.

The black dragon was powerless and was pulled by the water and fell from the high sky.

She failed and did not cross the mountain.

The mountain grows taller every time she gets higher. She keeps squeezing out her potential, and the mountain rises higher and higher. How can she cross this mountain? It is so big.

Just like the obsession in the black dragon's heart, it can never be broken.

She fell into the river, exhausted, and her magic power dried up.

The river is gradually receding, and the true dragon is getting further and further away.

Tiandao does not recognize her as the number one true dragon on earth.

The black dragon wept with blood and tears, but he couldn't survive it. She couldn't survive it. Everything in the future was getting further and further away from him at this time, and darkness struck from all directions.


The dragon closed his eyes in pain under the water. The sword spirit looked anxiously, but he could do nothing.

There were constant crackling sounds from the sky, and one figure after another was breaking away from the avenue and completely pulling away from Chen Banxian.

After deceiving him the first time, he may not be able to summon Ten Thousand Dao Persons next time, and he may have been blacklisted.

Wandao showed... fear and disgust towards him.

In other words, Jiaojiao has no hope of transforming into a dragon again.

The sword spirit sighed, if the dragon transforms into a dragon, he must do it all at once. This is Jiao Wazi's third dragon transformation. The chance of success the second time will be ten times more difficult than the first time, and the third time, at least a hundred times!
"Forget it, it's not like Jiaolong doesn't have strong people."

The brilliance arose from His body, and the immortal iron light from the Lingyang overflowed, and he wanted to cut through the mountains for his beloved disciple. Even if he failed to transform into a dragon in the end, this journey must have an end.

At least let a hopeless dragon see the sea.

But the sky was torn apart, and all the ways were finally separated.

Chen Banxian looked at the exhausted and lifeless dragon deep in the river, feeling sad.

Still going to fail?The personality has faded, but the real dragon is still there. There must be countless strong people coming here.

He saw the light of the fairy weapon shining from the distance.

He also sensed that the strong man who touched the ceiling of the eighth realm was coming.

At the same time, he saw countless dragon creatures approaching.

Jiaojiao's failure is a foregone conclusion, she can't jump this mountain.

Chen Banxian walked to the bottom of the river and gently picked up the black dragon, his companion that had been with him for hundreds of years.

"are you tired?"

He asked softly and picked up the dragon. The dragon's body was covered with scars, and its flesh and blood were not intact at all. It had already run out of fuel and had only half a breath left after jumping off the mountain.

If you can't jump through the dragon gate, you risk the passage of life and death.

The familiar touch made Jiaolong tremble. She tried her best to open her eyes and looked at the flawless face of the person who lifted her up.

At this time, she was clearly right next to her, but she was getting further and further away, and she seemed to have lost sight of him clearly.

Is this the future?
She whimpered softly, was this her future?

That would be worse than—die!

The dragon, which had run out of oil and lanterns, stood up again, stepped on the water, and headed towards the river.

"Flood Jiao!"

Chen Banxian felt pain and pity in his heart, but the dragon was a dragon and did not need his mercy and charity.

Even though the dragon was severely injured and limping when treading water, its distant personality had disappeared.

The river is also calmer than ever before.

But she came to the mountain step by step, and the dragon's eyes were bright yellow, with death flashing in her eyes.

Rather than falling into the quagmire, it would be better to be broken into pieces!

The mountain trembled, and the dragon slammed into the mountain with its flesh and blood!

She stepped back and hit her again, her screams were piercing and painful, and her screams of pain resounded throughout the countryside.

The true dragon's status has faded, but there are still many strong men coming. They look at the foot dragon under their feet and sigh with emotion.

"It's useless, how can the true dragon's identity be so easy to steal?"

"This black dragon has run out of oil and has half a foot stepped into the realm of death. It's a pity that the skin and flesh have died, and the bones can only be ground up for medicinal purposes."

"It's worthless. What a pity. What a pity."

One strong person after another came, and the first ones to arrive were basically the strong ones.

"Everyone, let me, the wine clan, take this dragon. I'll make some good wine later and invite everyone to get together."

There was a strong man who offered his hand to everyone. He was a wine man, so maybe using the whole bottle to soak in wine would be useful.

No one objected. The wine clan was not low in strength. The most important thing was that they had a wide range of friends. Many races respected them.

But how could the demon clan agree?Even if the dragon fails to transform into a dragon, he is still a member of the demon clan.

"you dare!"

Youye took the lead, and many monster clans were in commotion.


A strong dragon-type man smiled: "It's just a bunch of little demons, do you want to exterminate the clan?"

He just released the coercion, and all the demons suddenly felt difficulty breathing, and their blood vessels seemed to surrender.

The demon's instinct is difficult to resist.

But at this moment, a sword fell.

"Cao Nima! Who dares to take advantage of my disciple!"

Immortal light bloomed from his body, and the power of Lingyang Immortal Iron strangled the pressure of dragon creatures.

"You are impatient!"

The sword spirit came and cut off his head with a sword, and the cold light filled the air: "Whoever wants to die, just tell me by name!" The power of the immortal weapon is like an abyss or an ocean.

But many ancient tribes recognized it and were surprised and confused: "A fairy weapon? A psychic fairy weapon!"

"Oh my god, I got a big deal!"

Some people jumped up with excitement: "This is a great opportunity!"

"What does a dragon mean? Immortal weapons are important. Hurry! Inform the powerful people in the Mirror Ruins!"

They were overjoyed, and their eyes successfully shifted from the black dragon to the sword spirit.

The sword spirit's eyes showed no fear: "I don't know how many years have passed since I lost my temper. Today I will show you what a real "creature" is!"

But a hand stopped in front of Him.

"Go and take care of the Jiaojiao."

Chen Banxian's body radiates light, the black energy generates the Taiyin, and the white light generates the Sun.

The black and white colors filled the air, and the vertical eyes between the eyebrows were completely opened, showing an extreme indifference.

"Chen Banxian is here. Everyone, you deserve to die today."

"Chen Banxian? Who are you? The labor and management have never heard of him!"

An ancient tribe sneered, "Where did this clown come from? It's not easy to reach the eighth level. I advise you to leave as soon as possible."

Many monks felt nothing, but some monks' faces changed drastically after hearing this name!

Is this the murderer?
After they saw the appearance clearly, they were immediately sure that it was really the monster!

These monks turned around and left without saying a word, fleeing from here quickly. In the blink of an eye, only half of the ancient tribes here were left.

Chen Banxian did not pursue those who escaped. He just stood in front of everyone and said: "You may not be familiar with my name, but that's okay. I believe you will be familiar with it in Huangquan."

The emperor's jar opened its bloody mouth, and he said coldly: "Today, no one can leave!"

"Swallow, heaven, demon, gong!"

In an instant, the wind and clouds changed color, and a huge black hole appeared in the sky. All Tao Yun, positive and negative matter, energy, and light disappeared!
The world fell silent, only the dragons crashed and screamed!


The scales on her head had already been completely broken into pieces, and the skin and flesh had been knocked dry, so she used her skull to grind them away.

The sword spirit couldn't persuade him. He watched helplessly as the dragon smashed his head into the mountain, and the river water behind him followed the hole and entered.

What came out instead was bloody mud.

But gradually, the blood color dissipated, and only black and yellow things dripped from the dragon's body.

The sword spirit cried: "The dragon is fighting in the wild, its blood is black and yellow, its blood is black and yellow!"

Although Jiaojiao is not a dragon, it already has all the essence except dragon.

She has almost lost all consciousness, only obsession, an obsession that can never be eradicated.

At this moment, she was like a loach that had burrowed into the mud, her eyes were muddy with mud, and she was so humble that she was actually in the mud.

But she didn't give up. I don't know how long it took. It seemed like one day or ten days, or a stick of incense, a moment?


A ray of light came from the dark mountain, and she felt the mud in the cave flowing forward.

The black dragon with its head covered with only skeletons, the black dragon with most of its body scorched by lightning, and the black dragon that couldn't squeeze out a drop of blood, carved out of the mountain along the muddy water.

She was breathless and washed into the sea with the current.

The sword spirit's eyes never left, and he followed closely, igniting a glimmer of expectation.

The dragon finally followed the muddy river and returned to the sea. The darkness in the sky shrank violently, and Chen Banxian followed closely.

They waited, waiting for the slightest possibility.

One breath, two breaths...three breaths.

Nothing happened, the dragon continued to go silent into the depths of the sea.


Chen Banxian raised his head and shouted angrily: "Why, why would she miss it!"

"A true dragon, what is a true dragon? When the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry, and the mountain cannot be passed, you have to risk your life to push it away. Isn't this not worthy of the true dragon!"

"Going down the river, traveling more than billions of miles, fighting fiercely for three tribulations between heaven, earth and man, is not enough for a true dragon!"

Tears fell from his eyes: "With the body of an ordinary snake, it's really impossible to become a real dragon! I can't figure it out, but there is a chance of survival, your chance of survival!"

His voice shook the sky, the sea, the earth, and even the dragons on the bottom of the sea.

The lifeless dragon moved his fingers.

With this movement, in an instant, the sky tore apart the stars, and countless stars formed into true dragon shapes!
The true dragon personality that had originally disappeared condensed from the stars, was filled with Pangbo starlight, and fell hard!

I don’t know when the lunar star has arrived, hanging high in the sea, and the essence of the lunar star hangs down in the ebb and flow of the tide.

This is no longer lethal, it is the purest energy.

The sun's blessings came one after another, and the three lights of the sun, moon, and stars turned into a drop of divine water, which dripped on the body of the giant dragon.

At this moment, the black dragon's skin was damaged, and a pair of dragon hands tore open the decayed old body and regained a new life!

At this moment, the sun, moon and stars congratulate the elves, and they have the title of true dragon!
At this moment, the colorful dragon was born in the sea, and heaven and earth celebrated!
"It's done."

Chen Banxian and the sword spirit still couldn't believe it. The true dragon status, the essence of heaven and earth, was just like this. In an instant, the dead situation was reincarnated, and a huge change occurred.

"hold head high!!!"

The dragon's roar that resounds throughout the earth is the first personality of the earth!
Chen Banxian was still shocked. He looked up suddenly and saw the luck of the human race above his head constantly rolling!
The luck that originally transformed from green to dark yellow was now dyed with a hint of noble purple.

The people of Daxia have said that they have descendants of dragons since ancient times. Has this already foreshadowed today?

Or is this all a continual reincarnation?
However, the dragon really became a dragon, and the dragon, bathed in the three lights of the sun, moon and stars, was swimming happily on the sea, and suddenly the light was bright again.

She wants to transform!

(End of this chapter)

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