There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 556 True Dragon Transformation

The luck stained with purple spirit continued to roll, and the three-light essence shone out of the divine ring, rolling behind the real dragon's head.

A figure loomed among them.

The dragon is finally about to transform!

Chen Banxian's eyes were unblinking. He had been looking forward to this moment for a long time. He saw it, saw it, and it was like a perfect match.

Turning around, the essence flows, and the jade face is smooth and smooth. Hearing words without uttering words makes you noble and unattainable, but holiness makes God appear.

She... walked out of the essence of three lights. When the light slowly dissipated, a jade-like little girl walked out.


At this moment, all Chen Banxian's expectations were solidified. He couldn't believe that the terrifying black dragon just now, the true dragon revered as the first personality, had now become a little bean no taller than his thigh.

Jiaojiao held his head high and walked up to Chen Banxian step by step. He proudly raised his pretty head, ready to reach out and lift the chin of the person in his eyes.


She frowned slightly, why couldn't she reach it with her hand?

After coming back to his senses, Jiaojiao was shocked to find that he had transformed into a little girl who was only a few years old.

This is not the transformation she wants!

The divine light in the sky faded, and the flowers growing in the sea gradually disappeared, and the sword spirit laughed.

"Jiaowazi, dragon creatures have such a long lifespan. Now that you have finally transformed into a dragon, you must abide by this rule."

"A little baby who is hundreds of years old can only be regarded as an infant in the Dragon Clan. Now you may have to wait tens of thousands of years."

What are you waiting for? He knows, the dragon knows.

Chen Banxian didn't know.


He groaned angrily, and slapped the sword spirit hard with his fleshy little hands.

The sword spirit who was a master indifferently is now the Lingyang Immortal... Boom! "

He screamed, flew upside down, and shot out an unknown distance.

Jiaojiao bitterly put away his fists and stared straight at Chen Banxian with his big eyes.

"Jiao... Jiao Jiao..."

Chen Banxian felt uncomfortable with these eyes, but in the next second, Jiaojiao took the extra step and put the Tai'an Ring on his middle finger and rushed towards him.

"Don't move, you are too young now, you can't write this!"

Chen Banxian grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her away: "Tell me, tell me, how does it feel after transforming into a real dragon and taking on the identity of the first dragon?"

When the personality appeared, he finally understood why the ancient tribes wanted to stay on the earth and refused to leave.

This is an extremely precious thing, not much less than the priesthood. To a certain extent, it is even more precious.

Personality is like the cause of all effects. If the first true dragon personality is taken away, all the true dragon paths in the future will be given luck to Jiaojiao.

After he summoned the Ten Thousand Dao Persons, he became very familiar with them. If the priests were given authority by the earth, then that person was the authority given by Heaven.

The person has a definite number, which is no longer the same. The priesthood has a definite number, which is a thing of the past.


Jiaojiao spoke in a milky voice, with a strange charm.

She had never spoken human words before, and now she suddenly spoke, startling herself.

The first word pronounced is: me.

"I seem to be very strong, and all my magical powers have been strengthened."

She realized herself: "I can sense all the ways, and it's so clear as never before."

She blinked: "I can also see a river. I am at the source of the river, and I can clearly see all the dragon creatures downstream."

Is this a person?

Chen Banxian smiled brightly, and suddenly, Jiaojiao's expression changed.

"Xianxian, you must also have dignity!"

She closed her eyes and realized: "Heaven tells me that personality is fixed. If you don't have personality, no matter how amazing you are, you can't catch up with those who have personality. They are the representatives of a group!"

He is also a representative person certified by the Heavenly Dao, and he is born with luck and profit.

"The earth is really amazing."

The sword spirit sighed: "Tiandao has given away the shares of Daoyuanyuan. It cannot happen again."

In other words, from this moment on, a real war will break out among all races.

The battle over personality is a big battle about the future!
"I guess... I won't be able to get the qualification."

Chen Banxian shook his head, his Wan Dao fellow practitioners were too slow.

Only when the eighth realm is completed can one have the opportunity to fight for status at the end.

And for him, no matter how fast the day of perfection is, it will still be very late.

"Oh, I told you not to be so greedy!"

The sword spirit wanted to slap his thigh: "You just don't listen, you don't listen, you insist on finding the way on your own, now okay? You can't get the huge advantage right in front of you. It's a pity, it's such a pity!"

"Who would have thought that Heaven loves my home so much."

The earth is really so favored. Chen Banxian looked calmly: "I am lucky to have gained it, but I have lost my life. No matter what the outcome is, no matter how precious my status is, I am still confident that I am invincible in the same situation."

"You are arrogant!" The sword spirit curled his lips, but he really couldn't find a reason to refute.

"Okay, don't talk about Xianxian!"

Jiaojiao grabbed Chen Banxian's finger with his little hand and said, "I succeeded in transforming into a dragon today. I'm happy. I want to treat you to dinner."

Three rays of essence filled the air as she moved.

"Even if Xianxian doesn't get the title in the end, he's still the most powerful!"

She said: "Besides, there are so many Wandao characters, who can be sure that Xianxian will not get it?" Jiaojiao had extremely blind trust in Chen Banxian.

"younger sister!"

When Youye and others came, demonic clouds were billowing.

The back figures of the three people in front of her made the light ripple in her eyes.

A true dragon, the most powerful person in the human race, an immortal weapon.

When three people are together, where in the world can they go?

The little girl who was being led looked back, and vaguely, they seemed to see the ancient black dragon from the beginning of the world looking back, and the blood in her body was cold.

But soon, a warm smile filled Jiaojiao's face, melting the three winter snows:

"Sister Youye, thank you. I'm going to host a banquet when I get back, so you guys should support me~"

She jumped up and down, pulling Chen Banxian's hand, looking very happy.

Youye and the demons slowly stopped, a smile forming on her lips.

"Jiaojiao still calls me sister."

She looked back and said happily: "Everyone, my demon clan has risen!"

"Long live the Demon Lord!"

The old turtle immediately held up his hands and congratulated: "The demon lord first led us to merge with the human race and survive the most dangerous disaster. Now we are sisters to the true dragons of heaven and earth. The demon race has suddenly prospered!"

What Lao Gui said was not false at all, it just reminded you again of the role of You Ye.

Yes, this is the Demon Lord, and every decision he makes makes the Demon Clan more and more prosperous!

Many demon clans who surrendered to the black dragon also realized that this was indeed the case. Without the demon master, where would they be today?
It can be said that the dragon can transform into a dragon, and the demon clan and the demon master are indispensable.

"Everyone, what if the real dragon becomes the third demon lord of our demon clan?"

You Ye spoke at the right time, and the demon clan immediately burst into shouts!
This is simply the best of both worlds!

"I will notify my brothers and sisters in the clan now!"

Some demon clans took out their mobile phones and started to contact them, telling them that the real dragon had become the third demon master of the demon clan.

The Nine Cities Stations, which were separated by trillions of miles, erupted into cheers. Many demon clans had already raised banners and headed to the entrance of the Human Race Station to wait and welcome.

But Demon Lord Jiaojiao was thinking about a problem at this time.

Just now I asked her leisurely that the name "Jiaojiao" was inappropriate now that she had become a real dragon. Did she want to change her name?
Want to change?
The word Jiaojiao has been with him for hundreds of years. From the time he was in the iron cage, he had the name Banjiao, and later became Jiaojiao, until now.

Speaking of that time...

Jiaojiao narrowed his eyes and seemed to see Xianxian's god-like figure appear again, freeing him from the cold cage.

"No, I should think about whether to change my name now, and don't think too much."

The sound of milky milk came out of Jiaojiao's mouth, which puzzled Chen Banxian who was on his way back.

What is Jiaojiao thinking?

He lowered his head. Jiaojiao looked like a jade doll at this moment. His appearance was extremely exquisite. He didn't know how beautiful he would be when he grew up.

Maybe, you can catch up with your former self?

As for his appearance, it is impossible. In terms of appearance alone, none of the immortals or emperors in the sky are as good-looking as him.

"Ding dong."

A message came from the phone. When I opened it, I saw it was from Lin Tian.

"The status of the true dragon has been robbed, master, I am very panicked!"

He wanted to tell fortunes. When he learned about personality, not to mention the human race, all the creatures on the earth were boiling!
He also wants to have a personality, but he simply doesn’t know where to start and how to communicate with the personality.

"Don't panic, it's just a true dragon, it's not something too important."

Chen Banxian comforted him: "As long as you practice step by step, you may be able to touch it."

"Really? It's really not that important?"

Lin Tian was skeptical: "Brother Xian, please don't lie to me. I think Brother Jiu and the others look very serious. They have been in a meeting for a long time and no one has even gone to the toilet."

"It's really not an important thing." For Lin Tian, ​​Chen Banxian didn't expect him to understand how important this thing was.

Ninth and others will definitely tell him after the meeting.

He said calmly: "Just relax. By the way, Jiaojiao is going to hold a Dragon Transformation Banquet. Remember to inform Die Yunfei and Ninth."

"Oh~ Dragon Banquet." Lin Tian hung up the phone subconsciously, his eyes widened suddenly!
"Wait, Dragon Transformation Banquet? My sister-in-law transformed into a dragon successfully?"

"No, there are no true dragons on earth. The only one is the true dragon stealer not long ago...

The more he thought about it, the more an unbelievable idea appeared in his mind.

"Damn it, you said it's not important. Brother Xian, you swallowed the true dragon status yourself!"

There's such a big movement, why don't you just say "Dragon Banquet" to me?

At this moment, Lin Tianxiang had countless words stuck in his heart and didn't know how to spit them out.

"No, I have to go ahead. The position must be a good thing."

His expression and thoughts kept changing: "Do you want to restart Goldfinger?"

He banned Goldfinger a long time ago. After all, dancing on the tightrope every day was too dangerous.

Since there was no longer a threat to his life, he wanted to take a moment to calm down and settle down the negative impact of his breakthrough too quickly.

This was also the reason why he gradually failed to catch up with Ninth and Die Yunfei.

But... now the thing of person appears...

But looking at the life span he had finally saved, he couldn't bear it.

(End of this chapter)

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