There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 557 Mortal Saint is in Goulan

"Hello? Ouch, is it Ming Yuwei? Long time no see. Do you have time to have a meal this weekend?"

"Hello? Jiang Xiaohan? Yes, yes, it's me. No, I'm not borrowing money. I'm just asking if you have time to have a meal this weekend."

"What? Get married? No, no, no, my dragon has transformed into a dragon. Let's have a dragon transformation banquet."

"Ouch, Lao Zhang, I almost forgot about you. Why are you using that ability when you have nothing to do? Come have a meal this weekend at Shui'an Restaurant, yes, it's a new one here on Earth...

The sun is shining, the wind is blowing, and the scenery in the sky is beautiful.

Chen Banxian stepped on the seven-foot immortal weapon and traveled towards the Qingxuan world.

After hanging up the phone, his face was filled with joy. Many of them were old friends whom he hadn't seen for a long time. He needed to use Lan Yanxin's connections to find their phone numbers.

"Hello? Is this Zheng Yue? Hey, don't get too excited. Are you doing okay lately? It's nothing. I'm going to have a meal at Shui'an Restaurant this weekend. Do you have time?"

"No, what's going on?"

Chen Banxian changed his position on the Seven-foot Immortal Artifact, and heard the other end say: "I have to work overtime this weekend, and my boss has arranged a task of collecting meteor fruits."

"As you know, the meteor fruits will bounce off the tree when they are ripe. This weekend happens to be the ripe time, and our company also needs to recruit some temporary speed monks."

Zheng Yue's voice sounded a little tired. Thinking about it, he was still working after hundreds of years. How could he not be tired?

"What a bullshit boss, you still have to work on weekends!"

Chen Banxian thought for a moment: "Then tell me the name of your company and I will help you think of a solution."

"Lingxi Collection Co., Ltd.? Okay, wait."

He flipped through his phone and saw that the founder of Lingxi Collection Co., Ltd. was a fifth-level monk who was mainly responsible for connecting several medicine refining companies in Baihu City.

They have their own medicine fields, and they also trade in ores and medicinal materials from outside. The company has 120 official employees, making it an extremely small company.

Chen Banxian found the private number of the company's boss Yun Sifang and dialed it directly.

"Hello?" Yun Sifang's voice had the unique vicissitudes of a monk. He was a little confused looking at the unfamiliar caller ID, not knowing who was calling.

"Mr. Yun? Hello, I am a shareholder of your company, Chen Banxian."

"Chen Banxian?"

Yun Sifang frowned. He had never heard of such a shareholder.

"Oh, you don't have enough permissions. You may not be able to find it. It doesn't matter. I will open up some permissions for you later."

"There is a female monk named Zheng Yue in your company who is an old friend of mine. She is coming to my party this weekend. Please give her a break."

After giving the order calmly, Chen Banxian searched for the company on his mobile phone and unlocked the information blockade on it.

"Are you sick? I am the only shareholder and boss of this company. Where did I get the shareholder?"

Just then his phone rang, and the smart assistant reminded:

"Hello, Master, we have been given higher authority just now. You can check some of the company's root information."

Root information?
Yun Sifang had heard of the root directory but had never heard of any root information. After he clicked on it, he quickly discovered that the data had changed.

Each time you make a transaction, you will pay a portion of tax, accounting for 20.00% of the transaction amount.

But at this time, he saw where the tax money went. Fifteen percent went to the federal treasury, and 5.00% went to an account named Chen Banxian.

When he clicked on the name, the system prompted him that he had insufficient permissions.

"Damn it, I thought I was the boss, but it turns out I'm the part-time worker?"

Yun Sihai couldn't believe it. He looked up where the 5.00% shares came from and learned that they were intellectual property rights.

intellectual property?

He carries out transactions, calls, travels, and all operations have fees, not free, and this 5.00% is contributed to it.

"Ding dong, permission opening has been closed." Following the reminder from the intelligent system, Yun Sihai felt a little disappointed. Who is that person named Chen Banxian?

He couldn't see it anymore. All the information channels were closed and no trace could be found. He rolled his eyes and remembered what the other party said to him.

"Assistant, please cancel today's schedule immediately and invite Zheng Yue from our company to meet you."

Yun Sihai was busy exploring, but in the distance, Chen Banxian's call still hadn't ended.

After he finished calling Jiucheng, he started calling Daozong.

"Hello? Elder Wan Xin, I, Chen Banxian, am coming to have a meal this weekend. Do you want me to pick you up?"

"What, you have already arrived at the human camp? Oh, it doesn't matter. Then you can cooperate with Die Yunfei first. There will be no other solution if the small battles continue. I also want to go to the Leng Sect in the Qingxuan Realm."

After so long, they hid in the Eastern Wasteland and forgot that there was still someone in the Qingxuan Realm.

I don’t know how Fang Ping is doing now, or how Fan Sheng is doing.

The battle for status has begun, and this kid must be brought back to fight for it.

At seven feet, there is no limit to the distance at all. As long as he measures it in front of his eyes, he can move any distance with just one step.

The former entrance to Qingxuan Realm now looks deserted and deserted, with people from the ancient tribe guarding it.


As soon as he stopped, an ancient tribe discovered him.

They are a race with ears as big as cattail fans, and they heard the wind he brought.

Translated into Chinese, the other party's race is called the Erling Tribe.


Chen Banxian kicked him away: "I want your permission to pass by. I don't know how to write the word "death"?"

The Erling clan member is also in the eighth realm, and he is an ancient clan member in the Mirror Ruins, but he was kicked away like a football.

He was furious and found that the person in front of him had abandoned him and entered the Qingxuan world.

"Am I - being ignored?"

He felt ridiculous and unbelievable that he, a dignified eighth-level monk, was actually ignored?

"Shame!" He stamped his feet angrily, but he could only rage furiously and did not dare to pursue him into Qingxuan Realm.

After several battles broke out, the strong men from their clan fought in.

As a result, they were slapped to death. After that day, they understood that the world on the other side was untouchable at this time.

But it was said that after Chen Banxian entered the Qingxuan Realm, the Immortal Artifact Seven Feet exploded with its own power, and finally it was no longer suppressed by the law of heaven.

Chen Banxian stepped forward and circled the entire world, almost draining his spiritual energy.

He was horrified that the gap between the two worlds was too great.

Moreover, the immortal weapon continues to shine, and there is a strong trend of recovery.

After he readjusted his position, he arrived at the Leng Sect's realm.

Unlike the continent-level mountains of Taoism, this place is a desert.

The places burned by the scorching sun are hot and twisted, while the shadows are covered with ice. At night, the entire desert is covered with ice and snow.

With such a huge temperature difference, glass and porcelain will probably explode directly.

Leng Zong was indeed cold. Chen Banxian found Midnight before finding Leng Zong's address.

It is a basin with continuous small hills. From a high altitude, it looks like a giant Buddha lying on its side.

There are seven-colored lights of great wisdom flashing from time to time.

Before he arrived, four words flashed through Chen Banxian's mind - Buddhist resort!
"Donor, are you here to pay homage to the Buddha?"

An old monk in cassocks walked silently in front of him and pronounced the name of the Buddha.

"Hello, Master, I'm looking for someone." Chen Banxian returned the gift, but he was doing a Taoist ritual and recited the Infinite Heavenly Lord.

"It turns out to be fellow Taoist." There was no angry expression on the old monk's face, and he said with a smile: "Seeing that fellow Taoist doesn't look like he is here to seek revenge, may I ask who you are looking for? What is the matter? The old monk is willing to introduce you to fellow Taoist."

"That's great. I'm looking for Fang Ping."

Chen Banxian thought there would be some twists and turns. After all, the bald man from Leng Zong showed no mercy when he caused trouble for Chen Changsheng.

Moreover, there are also many bald men in the seventh realm who are chasing him.

"Fellow Taoist, please follow me." The old monk walked forward, every step was neither too much nor too little, showing the full demeanor of a worldly eminent monk.

He introduced Chen Banxian to a side room of a golden palace and said, "Please wait a moment, donor."

"Thank you, Master."

"You're welcome, fellow Taoist." The old monk exited the room, carefully closed Chen Banxian's room, then turned and walked away.

He walked faster and faster, and the more he walked, the more sweat appeared on his forehead, and he started running straight away.

"It's not good, it's not good, Sect Master! Chen Changsheng's guardians are coming in!!!"

He yelled and found the leader of Leng Zong who was chanting sutras and chanting Zen.

"How can you be so flustered?" The abbot finished reading the last verse, then stood up and said, "Chen Changsheng has ascended to the upper world, what happened to his protector?"

"It's the person who summoned the Demon Emperor from another world before. His name is...Chen Banxian."

The old monk kept wiping cold sweat: "Fortunately, I had enough concentration to trick him into the side hall of the Three Jewels Buddha. He is waiting now."

"Ah, it's him?"

The abbot was so frightened that he sweated out. After the Great Tribulation, the True Buddha in the Upper Realm told them the truth. Why did the murderer come?
"Did he say nothing else?"

The abbot looked ugly and said, "You can tell me everything."

"Yes, they said they were looking for someone named Fang Ping, but where did our Leng sect come from with someone like Fang Ping?"

The old monk hesitated, and the abbot was also stunned when he heard the name Fang Ping.

It's so familiar, but I can't remember it.

"Oh no!"

At this moment, another old monk came over: "Sect... Sect Master, it's not good!"

"What's going on? That person called?" The sect master was startled.

"No, it's not a murderous person, it's an ordinary saint, an ordinary saint... he...

The old monk's face turned red with embarrassment: "He went to visit a brothel again!"

Mortal Saint? Fang Ping?
At this reminder, the sect leader immediately raised his head: "Hey, isn't Fang Ping a mortal saint?"

He breathed a sigh of relief and came to see Fan Sheng. They had a good relationship and should be fine.

But soon he was shocked again: "Fan Sheng went to visit a brothel again? It's a sin, it's a sin!"

He clasped his hands together, and with a wave of his hand, hundreds of passages opened in the courtyard.

Lively shouts suddenly filled the air at the other end of the passage.

"Officer, come and play."

"As the so-called fair lady is, a gentleman is so good."

"Sir, how do you like this piece of music?"

Warblers and swallows suddenly filled the place.

While the abbot was reciting his sins, his vicious eyes penetrated everything, looking for the figure of the mortal saint.

"Huh, no?"

He was surprised that he could find Mortal Saints in these check boxes every time before, but it was strange today.

"Are there any newly opened brothels?" he asked the old monk who was staring at him.

(End of this chapter)

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