There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 559 Conscience remains intact again!

An old acquaintance, Fang Ping's expression changed: "Wait a minute."

I saw him jumping quickly on the spot, and the fat on his body was constantly trembling.

With the beating, rolling heat was squeezed out of his pores, and soon white mist billowed out.

Chen Banxian took a step back and inhaled the white mist. It felt like he had eaten seven or eight big bites of fat.

When the white mist dissipated, the bloated fat man had disappeared, and the fat had been replaced by muscles.

Fang Ping smiled lightly: "Ning An, have you ever seen such a beautiful man?"

He tied up his long hair casually: "Go and see old acquaintances and surprise them!"

Chen Banxian moved his eyes away from his generous face. Well... he thought it would be better to be fatter.

"Let's go see Die Yunfei first. He will definitely be very happy to see you."

"And it should be more convenient for you to re-register your identity and find him."

"Sister demon?"

Fang Ping thought of something: "Where is his sister? Is Die Qihua also there?"

"What is this girl doing now? Let's go find her first?"

"She?" Chen Banxian's expression changed: "Well... my husband has been dead for hundreds of years, and now he is single."

Fang Ping:? ? ?
"She's already married! Didn't she call me?"

"Anyway, her husband is dead, so you don't have a chance."

The two said they found Die Yunfei.


Die Yunfei was holding a whip and interrogating the prisoners.

"Say! Do you want to say it or not?"

The prisoner was a member of the ancient tribe. He was beaten to pieces, but he was so stubborn that he refused to say a word.

"Hey, what has this person committed that warrants your personal interrogation?"

Chen Banxian came over. The captive was still conscious and smiled ferociously at them.

"I won't tell you. Even if you torture me to death, I won't reveal your information."

"TMD, I hope your mouth will always be so tough!"

Die Yunfei put down his whip and softened his tone slightly.

"Brother Xian, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Bring an acquaintance to see you." He nudged the person next to him: "How about the former deputy minister of intelligence? Are you surprised?"

"Fang Ping?"

Die Yunfei recognized it at a glance: "It's so fun, you're not dead yet, you're finally back!"

Fang Ping was also very moved: "Brother, I thought you were dead too. Those bald donkeys from the Leng Sect told me that there are no longer cities like the human race on the earth..."

As he spoke, his eyes began to smoke again.

But he saw Die Yunfei pulling him to find trouble with the prisoner: "Quick, you're here just in time, pry open his mouth for me!"

"Isn't this bad..." Fang Ping hesitated: "I don't use this ability easily."

"For humanity!" Die Yunfei patted Fang Ping's shoulder seriously as before.

"The position of Deputy Minister of Intelligence will always be reserved for you."

To be honest, Fang Ping was a little moved, and the blood in his heart became hot again.

"I won't say it."

Fang Ping walked towards the prisoner, who said proudly, "You can't pry my mouth open no matter what you do."

"Hey, that's because you didn't meet grandpa me!"

Fang Ping walked up to him and said word by word: "Good, knowledgeable, not, oblivious!"

The next moment, there were bursts of sobbing in the room, and tears of emotion flowed.

Die Yunfei stepped back and came to Chen Banxian's side.

"Brother Xian, it seems that Fang Ping's ability has not improved."

"This ability is so incredible. If we improve, will we still be alive?"

Chen Banxian couldn't bear to look directly at that scene, it was too eye-catching.

This ability is very special. It ignores any person, realm, or object. It's too buggy.

"Wait, why are they taking off their pants?"

Chen Banxian's hand shook and he hurriedly called to Die Yunfei: "Quick, get your phone!"



The next day, Jiaojiao was busy at Shui'an Restaurant early in the morning.

She will personally host the Dragon Transformation Banquet, and every delicacy will pass through her eyes.

This was the first banquet she held with Xianxian, and it was all her and Xianxian's relatives and friends.

Not only that, the clergy of Nine Cities and even the leaders of some confidential units are also coming, so there can't be any surprises.

In the kitchen, Chen Banxian was choosing clothes for Jiaojiao.

"I looked at the 1.1-meter and 1.2-meter ones yesterday. I felt the 1.1-meter one was a little shorter...

Behind him followed Fang Ping, with all the big and small bags hanging on Fang Ping.

"Xianxian, I asked the sword master to learn a disguise method of reconstructing muscles and bones, so that I can temporarily become an adult."

She said with a sweet voice, "So you don't need to help me pick these things. Sister Youye has already picked them for me."

"Ah, is that so?"

Chen Banxian's eyes lit up: "Then quickly change yourself and let me see!"

"No, we'll see after the banquet. She acted coquettishly, raised the corners of her mouth, and her steps were obviously a little more brisk.

"Banxian, is this a dragon?" Fang Ping took a few more glances: "It's really too small. How long do you have to wait?"

"What are you thinking about? Your butt is healed?" Chen Banxian turned around and went out: "Put your clothes away. If you don't wear them today, you will have to wear them tomorrow."

If Jiaojiao wants to take charge of the logistics of the banquet, he has to show up. At the entrance of Shui'an Restaurant, there are all male waiters on the left and female waiters on the right. The male waiters are in suits and leather shoes, with neat hairstyle, skin, height and outstanding appearance.

The waitresses are all slim, with miniskirts, low-cut dresses, graceful figures, and first-class faces.

They are not employees of Shui'an Restaurant, but "temporary workers" temporarily hired from Nine Cities Federation.

Today, all the men and women in charge of reception at the Waterside Restaurant are top students of the Model Academy, and everyone's time is calculated in minutes.

1 minute, three hundred black coins.

"Mr. Chen."

As they bowed slightly, Chen Banxian smiled and nodded, standing outside the restaurant and waiting.

A pair of eyes fell on him involuntarily.

The receptionists were amazed, they had never seen such a perfect person.

This is no longer simply handsome or beautiful, it transcends the definition of gender.

They are convinced that this is the highest level of models that teachers often say.

Who is this person?
They were curious and made guesses.

The organizer of this part-time job is an official document from the Nine Cities Federation, which can be used as proof of qualifications when looking for a job in the future.

And it was held on Earth, hundreds of millions of miles away. This was the first time they had seen the Earth.

It seems that it is no different from Donghuang. Is this my hometown?

"Two Demon Lords, welcome!"

Suddenly, there was a voice from the person in front, and the receptionists couldn't help but move their eyes. This sight surprised them!

The characters in the book! The Lord of the Demon Clan!
The receptionists felt that it was unreal. The two demon masters of the demon clan, You Ye and Liu Baiyuan, came hand in hand.

"You guys came too early." Chen Banxian was a little dumbfounded: "The banquet starts at seven o'clock in Chenshi, and it's just over six o'clock now."

"Of course I have to come early for my sister's Dragon Transformation Banquet."

You Ye chuckled: "Congratulations, sir, the number one true dragon in heaven is worthy of you."

"It's still early, it's still early." Chen Banxian smiled softly: "Please come inside, I have to receive other people."

"Thank you sir, I'm going to see if my sister needs any help."

The two demon lords walked away. Only when they reached the middle did the receptionists react, bowed and shouted: "Welcome."

Really a demon lord!
Viewed up close, it looks exactly the same as in the textbook, even better.

Isn’t the organizer’s background too big? Is he also a great demon?
However, the arrival of the second person soon gave up their idea.

"Haha, Mu Yun, it's really strange. Are you both so early today?"

"I'm used to getting up early." Mu Yun handed him over: "Today, the Fu Zong Ancient Clan actually called a truce. I wanted to come and leave early."

"Your emotional intelligence..." Chen Banxian was speechless: "Come in quickly, I think the first true dragon is hosting a banquet, and they are giving Jiaojiao face."

As Mu Yun moved around, the receptionists were shocked again!

Marshal Mu Yun! Oh my God, that person on the first page of the textbook!
He was even on the cover of many textbooks and came to the banquet?
Could it be a fake one? However, who dares to pretend to be Marshal Mu Yun?
This time it was almost to the end when they shouted a welcome speech.

Looking at the back, they felt very sorry and really wanted to see it again.

But soon, Mu Yun fulfilled everyone's wishes and left again.

He asked Chen Banxian, "Why didn't anyone accept the gift?"

After entering, it was the main banquet, and there was no place to put the things in my hands.

"Hiss! Chen Banxian slapped his head: "I haven't held a banquet for a long time, I forgot about it! "

"I'll call someone right now!"

He took out his phone and searched inside.

Ai Gewei went to inform Empress Roushan, but she had no time. Xiao Jinzi was looking for a very special person. Xiaosan was on the front line, but the child and Xiaosi had never seen much of the world, and Chen Banxian didn't want them to receive him.

or together?
After thinking about it, he thought it would be okay and he could see the world in advance.

At the top of Mount Everest, Xiaosi was practicing unremittingly, and Xiaoxue was eating melon seeds next to him.

"I really don't know what you are practicing. Look at me, I can become stronger even while lying down."

Xiaosi was helpless: "Mother, I also want to become stronger while lying down, but he doesn't allow it."

When he thought of his master's dissatisfied look, he felt ashamed.

It only takes one year to achieve a great state, and it’s too late to practice as an old man.

"Can't you take a break today?" Xiaoxue yawned: "By the way, your master is having a banquet tomorrow, Sunday."

"Tomorrow is Sunday?"

Xiaosi frowned: "How do I remember that today is Sunday? Why didn't I know that Master was hosting a banquet?"

"What! It's Sunday today?"

Xiaoxue immediately took out her mobile phone to check: "It's over, it's over, it's over, I gave the wrong time!"

He reached out and grabbed Xiaosi: "Quick, we're going to run out of time!"

But soon, Chen Banxian stretched out his hand to open the passage and grabbed each of them by their collars in one hand.

"Xiaoxue, Xiaosi, you two, remember the gifts with Xiaosan. You will return the gift later."

Their vision changed and they saw Li Liu who was still a little confused at the entrance of Shui'an Restaurant, the long red carpet, and Mu Yun in front of the three of them.

"Cough." Mu Yun coughed dryly, suddenly feeling a little embarrassed, and put down a square stone.

"Is this your apprentice?" He looked familiar to Li Liu, but Xiaosi had never seen him before.

"That's ridiculous." Chen Banxian patted their heads: "Why don't you get a notebook and take notes?"

"oh oh!"

Li Liu looked at the square stone and looked at his master blankly.

"What is Zhang?"

Chen Banxian took a deep breath and patted his pocket to open the dark space: "Zhulong, help them."

"Good host."

Zhulong scanned the stone and then said: "The solid road stone has a complete road imprinted in it, which can speed up the cultivation of the eighth level of the road."

(End of this chapter)

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