There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 560 This is the true appearance of Jiaojiao

Chapter 560 This is the true appearance of Jiaojiao
  "I understand!"

Li Liu rolled his eyes and shouted at the top of his lungs:
  "Generalissimo Mu Yun, give me a Dao Strengthening Stone!"

Under the influence of spiritual energy, the sound suddenly exploded, and Xiaoxue Xiaosi's shoulders twitched!
  "Scared me!"

Xiaoxue hurriedly patted her chest, and a shock wave rolled over her.

Chen Banxian raised his left eyebrow, patted Li Liu on the shoulder, and sighed: "There is a future."

"Master, just watch, I will definitely do it beautifully!"

Li Liuyi patted Xiaosi on the shoulder: "You think so, junior brother?"

Xiaosi nodded dullly: "Senior brother is right...right."

At the beginning, more and more familiarity came, and Chen Banxian was at the front to greet the guests.

Li Liu kept shouting at the top of his voice.

"Ge Xiaoxiao gives me a piece of Qingshen gourd!"

"Li Jiao sends Caiyun Xidao!"

"Ming Yuwei gives me a gilt hairpin!"

Good things, they are all good things. These are usually not seen at all. They are all first-class treasures.

Chen Banxian didn't say anything, but he was happy in his heart. This Dragon Transformation Banquet was definitely done right!

The familiar voice made his heart move. He looked along the sound and saw an old man not far away slowly putting down his camera.

"Senior, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

His voice was old, and he even trembled when he walked. He could only move forward normally with the help of an auxiliary robot.

The camera that made the clicking sound just now was already rusty, and many of the accessories could be seen to have been repaired, and even the lens was blurry.

Extremely long-lasting memories arose from the bottom of my heart. Isn't this camera the same machine that was secretly photographed when he was still on the overpass?
  At that time, this kid was running so fast with a big camera on his shoulder that he couldn't catch up no matter how hard he chased.

"Zhang Peng, is that you?"

Chen Banxian stepped forward to support him. Zhang Peng's hands were covered with age spots and felt rough and cold to the touch.

"How do you...

Chen Banxian's heart was filled with emotions. This was the first old friend he had seen who had aged. He hadn't seen him for hundreds of years, and Zhang Peng's years had come to an end.

"Senior, I am old, but I am still in the prime of my youth."

Zhang Peng chuckled: "I thought I would die in obscurity in this life, but I never thought I would see you again before I die."

"Why don't you practice seriously?"

Chen Banxian's tone was reproachful. Zhang Peng shook his head, waved his hand and walked inside without picking up the topic.

"I have to give you a good meal today, ahem."

The back of him turned around, stumbling with a carefree look.

"Zhang Peng, give me an antique camera!"

As Li Liu's voice sounded, Chen Banxian felt mixed emotions.

"Boss, it's been a long time."

Someone comes again, Zhang Xiaoyu is still young and beautiful, and there is a huge difference from Zhang Peng.

"It's you, where's your brother?" Chen Banxian smiled. Zhang Xiaoyu's extraordinary ability was extremely useful and saved many people.

"My brother...oh, he just went in. If you didn't tell me, boss, I would have forgotten about him."

Good guy, Zhang De Bai Lai can eat at a table and use his abilities?

"Wait a minute, did he not give me a gift?" Chen Banxian seriously warned Zhang Xiaoyu, "Go and tell your brother, if you don't give me a gift, you won't even be able to drink a sip of vegetable soup today."

Good guy, can extraordinary powers be used like this?
  Zhang Xiaoyu blushed: "Boss, just wait, I'll go in and deal with him right now!"

"Zhang Xiaoyu, give me a bottle of Deep Sea Whale Dragon Fragrant Spirit~"

Then, the two sisters Bie Shuang and Bie Xue arrived.

She has a very aura, and the three divine rings behind her head are vague and cannot be concealed, and they cannot be closed even when she gets here.

"Are you going to achieve perfection?"

Chen Banxian sighed: "Long time no see."

"Long time no see. I can't compare to you, senior."

Bieshuang smiled, with a hint of pride in his tone.

"Within one year, I will definitely gain a status."


"Bless the frost, send me ten drops of morning light!"

There were so many old acquaintances. As it approached eight o'clock, groups were arriving from all directions.

In addition to Shi Youlong, Hai Dongsheng and others, Xu Changfeng, Lu Haitao, Li Laude, Yang Yang, Liu Yeqing...

There were too many, and the originally deserted banquet immediately became noisy.

"Chen Banxian!"

Suddenly, a magnetic voice sounded. Following the voice, Sun Haibo, nearly [-] meters tall and wearing black clothes and black hair, arrived.

When he walked closer, it was like a demon approaching, with a breathtaking power.

"Are you here too?"

Chen Banxian was surprised: "Please come inside quickly, I will come to you for a drink after the banquet starts."

"You get busy." Sun Haibo smiled faintly, full of magic.

The burly figure seemed to be carrying a dark wind as he walked by.

After waiting for a while, when the time came, Chen Banxian had already put on a crisp suit and went to the lobby of Shui'an Restaurant.

One after another delicious dishes were served from the back kitchen. Chen Banxian cleared his throat. The sound was not loud, but it made everyone subconsciously turn their heads to look at him.

"Everyone, thank you all for coming to the Dragon Transformation Banquet today."

Chen Banxian bowed slightly: "In order not to affect everyone's eating, drinking and time, let's get straight to the point."

He stretched out his hand towards his side: "Please welcome everyone - the first true dragon in history!"

"Clap clap clap!"

Lin Tian applauded vigorously, and then everyone also applauded.

Amidst the enthusiastic anticipation, Jiaojiao slowly walked out from the backstage, wearing a black dress on the bright red carpet.

Cool, noble, and incomparable.

The makeup is as deep as the king of night, the eyes are as dark as crystals, the eyebrows are lightly raised, and the lips are as red as blood. As soon as she appeared on the stage, everyone's temperament suddenly dropped.

Is this a real dragon?

Many people were shocked, Jiaojiao's face was already extremely beautiful, but there was no blasphemous thought in their hearts, only awe!
  This is a king walking in the world, who was born to look down on the people of the world.

Die Yunfei sat on the table, and his eyes were astonished: "I can see the wind blowing on the jade trees, and the snow wrapping the buds, the beauty that has lasted through the ages is no longer the same."

Mu Yun smiled: "I have seen all kinds of colors, but it is difficult to exaggerate them now. Chen Banxian is lucky."

Lin Tian: “Fuck you, you’re awesome! Fuck you!”

When Xu Changfeng saw it, he couldn't help but start to recite poems, but was pulled back by a woman with white hair and white eyebrows and skin as white as snow.

"Changfeng, if you speak out, you will be beaten."

Sister Hu reminded her in time, and two tiger teeth were exposed unconsciously.

Xu Changfeng's mouth dried up and he finally stopped pretending.

He secretly wrote this down: If a woman is beautiful, people around her will naturally look up to you. This is the easiest way to succeed, the intangible is better than the tangible!

Xu Changfeng couldn't help but look at Sister Hu, "It's okay, my Sister Hu has a different charm."

But compared to the real dragon, the tiger is still inferior.

At the banquet, people were whispering to each other, mostly praising Jiao Jiao for being a heavenly being, and Chen Banxian seemed like a match made in heaven.

However, compared with the elegant Chen Banxian and the noble, cold and domineering Jiaojiao, why do people unconsciously think wrongly?
  "Looking at it this way, my brother Xian looks like a vase raised by the queen."

Lin Tian touched his chin and muttered to Jiu beside him.

Jiuji turned his head away, pretending not to hear, and quietly moved away from Lin Tian.

"Brother Ninth, what do you mean?" Lin Tian was confused and suddenly felt his skin tightening.

Chen Banxian smiled at him on the stage, but there was something extra in his eyes that made Lin Tian's heart feel cold.

Damn it, I said the wrong thing and Brother Xian has a grudge!
  "Say a few words?" Chen Banxian stepped back. Today was Jiaojiao's home court, and he couldn't steal the limelight.

At least those luminous immortal weapons on his body must be restrained. Many priests are paying attention to him, and their eyes show that they are speculating and studying.

"Yes." Jiaojiao replied with one word. He was not pretending to be cold, but he had only learned to speak for two days and was not very used to it.

"Welcome everyone to attend my Dragon Transformation Banquet."

Jiaojiao took a step forward: "Here, I want to thank two people."

"One is my Xianxian, and everyone has seen it. The other is my master. He taught me a lot of knowledge about cultivation and combat."

Jiaojiao bowed to Chen Banxian and then to a place below.

It's quite special over there, with sword spirits, sky-swallowing magic jars, coffins, and some weapon spirits.

Broken into pieces, the old swordsman burst into tears and kept sighing: "That's my apprentice. He's made a difference. He's finally made a difference. He didn't embarrass me, the old master."

That seems to...also exude the fluctuations of an immortal weapon?
  Everyone was surprised. Some people remembered this sword, but they didn't expect it to be so powerful and teach a true dragon disciple.

"Then, I wish you all a happy banquet, good food and drink."

Jiaojiao finished his speech and nodded slightly to everyone.

It's not that he doesn't want to bend down to salute, but because he is a true dragon. Many people here are not in the eighth realm. I'm afraid that once he bows down, the wedding banquet will turn into a funeral banquet, and Chen Banxian will have to return the favor from family to family.

"Began to eat!"

I don't know who raised their arms, and then there was huge applause and laughter.

"Old Chen, come and fight!"

Of course it's Lin Tian who can say such unflattering words. Chen Banxian smiled coldly: "You bitch, I won't let you down if I don't drink today!"

He was a master of wine. Just as he was about to step forward, Jiaojiao took his hand.

"Xianxian, I'll beat him up for you!"

The cool and soft touch in your hands is addictive.

Chen Banxian was led off the table subconsciously, and he saw Jiao Jiao opening the wine jar: "Here, let's drink Yunhua Zuijing! Let's see who gets confused first!"

"I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Lin Tian stood up, and a few minutes later, he fell unconscious on the table.

No one used their cultivation to suppress it, and Yunhua Zui naturally had quick results.

Jiaojiao lightly wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth, raised his chin, and puffed out his chest: "Xianxian, I'll drink them all down today!"

"Today is your Dragon Transformation Banquet, whatever you say will happen."

Chen Banxian laughed: "You go to the left, and I'll go to the right."

Halfway through, Aigwei and Chen Jin finally arrived.

Empress Roushan and Fengshen brought gifts, which were brought back from the distant universe and carried strong radiation.

According to Fengshen, it was a fragment of a neutron star.

Ai Gewei brought another person.

A beautiful woman looked at Chen Banxian intently.


Her identity is not simple. She was born from the red crystal stone in the world of ghosts, and later became the God of Supervision that he made.

Everything in the world, including ghosts and dead people, is under His control.

Qingshuang's identity has always been a mystery. As her cultivation level recovers, something becomes more and more strange.

Now, when Chen Banxian looked at him again, he had some vague understanding.

The most terrifying thing about the weird world is the unknowable.

The incomprehensible level is actually a kind of condensation of Tao.

"Qing Ling Fu, long time no see."

Qingshuang behaved well. Chen Banxian looked at her and said, "It seems that you are still awake."

Qingshuang is no longer the same Qingshuang as before.

"Yes, I'm awake, but I'm not completely not her."

Qingshuang's voice was soft and charming: "Congratulations to Qingling Fu for being blessed with a real dragon."

"Thank you for the award. I'm so happy today, so I won't talk about this anymore."

Chen Banxian asked him to take a seat, Youhu, and looked outside the room.

A huge shout came: "The Night Clan wins the bloodline, congratulations to the True Dragon for becoming a Taoist!"

(End of this chapter)

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