There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 561 The Secret of the Cause and Effect of Not Killing

Night clan, win the hook?
  At the banquet, the air suddenly became stagnant. Han Li frowned and said, "You also invited the ancient tribe?"

"I didn't!" Chen Banxian immediately denied: "You guys eat first, I'll go out and take a look."

Murderous intent emerged in his eyes. On the big day, do you have to use blood to drink wine?

Outside the realm of the human race, a heroic man with a shining silver figure was waiting in the distance. Behind him, there were tribesmen carrying various gold and silver treasures on their shoulders.

Pearls, corals and the finest spiritual stones are all available.

"What do you mean?"

Chen Banxian held the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Jar in his hand, and he was ready to kill him if he disagreed with him.

"Human Prophet, we are not here for war today."

The heroic man smiled and said, "The true dragon status is the true dragon lord of the entire earth. I, the Night Clan, are here to give you a small gift."

"My real dragon doesn't need your gifts."

Chen Banxian refused directly: "Get out of here, I don't want to kill anyone on this big day."

The man smiled lightly: "Let's accept it. From a racial standpoint, we are enemies, but there are always things in common among all Taoists. To a certain extent, we are Taoist friends."

On him, Chen Banxian only saw the pure aura of the Infernal Corpse, without any blood.

That's why he didn't do anything.

"Have you never killed anyone?" He looked up and down. The man in front of him was quite powerful, and he didn't have any resentment at all.

"It's funny. Although I seduced a clan master to win, I don't want to kill any living being."

Chen Banxian calmed down and ordered a glass of wine: "Let's go after drinking. Remember to leave your name."

He said bluntly: "As long as you don't kill, if you have a banquet in the future, I will come with the real dragon."

"Thank you."

The man drank it all in one gulp, clasped his fists and said, "Ye Clan wins against Gou Gongzi, and wins completely!"


Chen Banxian returned to the banquet and sat down with two carts of treasures. Many people looked at him.

"Ying Clan sent it to Ying Wuque." Chen Banxian didn't hide anything and said it clearly.

"Ying Wu Que?"

Die Yunfei said: "It wouldn't be a surprise if it was him."


Many people were confused, and Bai Di immediately asked: "Is this person special?"

Die Yunfei shook his head and said, "The Night Clan is indeed hateful, but their tribe is very strange."

"Some people are bad to the core, while others are so kind that they are unwilling to kill even a small insect."

Speaking of this, Die Yunfei had a strange look on his face, "To tell you the truth, I just pried the information out of the mouths of the ancient captives last night."

"The ancient tribe seems to intend to cultivate a group of geniuses who are not tied to cause and effect, and are very strong. Ying Wuque is such a person."

"That being said, it would be unjustifiable if we didn't accept his gift."

Mu Yun picked up the wine glass and said, "I suspect that this personality has something to do with it."

"It must be related." Chen Banxian said firmly: "With Yinglang in the Yinggou family, they will always make the right choice."

"Even if all the ancient tribes are wiped out by us, I don't think the Night Clan will die cleanly."

The prophet is really a very buggy thing, and there will only be one in a family.

Even though they call Chen Banxian a prophet of the human race, Chen Banxian can be sure that he is not a prophet of the human race.

He just had a name.

"Okay, I'm very happy today, so I won't say so much."

Chen Banxian laughed and cheered up the atmosphere: "Everyone is drinking. If anything happens, we'll talk about it tomorrow!"

Suddenly, the noise started again.

On the way, another ancient tribe came to give gifts, and they were all talented people who were not involved in the cause and effect of murder.

Chen Banxian took all the orders and wrote down their names.

At night, Fang Ping ordered those close to him to go to the second half, leaving only Chen Banxian and Jiaojiao to go home.

The night is like water, and the ground is stained with white frost.

Jiaojiao reached out and held Chen Banxian again.

At this moment, he could smell the fragrance of the sun, moon and stars on the dragon's body.

Jiaojiao came closer and faced him face to face. They could feel each other's warm breath.


Jiaojiao held his hand tightly. As the No. [-] Dragon Lord in the world, her cheeks were slightly red and her heartbeat was speeding up.

Chen Banxian could hear her heart beating hard, and the hand holding his was sweating slightly.

She was like a little girl, whispering like a mosquito:
  "Am I... qualified now?"

She mustered up the courage, her bright yellow eyes flashed with starlight, and finally said this...this sentence she had been waiting for hundreds of years.

Chen Banxian's eyes were tender: "Why do you think you have to become a true dragon to be qualified?"

"Tell me why I want to eat your cooking and live with you."

The stars shone brightly, Jiaojiao was surprised, and then he boldly hugged Chen Banxian tightly!

Her body was trembling slightly, as if she was excited and fearful.

Chen Banxian gently hugged her, lowered his head, looked at each other, and his lips got closer and closer...

Fierce! The dragon's body shone with light, getting smaller and smaller like a deflated rubber ball.


She regained her milky voice and was only a little over one meter tall. She suddenly burst out screaming: "Ahhhh!"

"Why, why now!"

This scene happened so unexpectedly that Chen Banxian couldn't laugh or cry either.

He lowered his body and picked up the dragon.

"Okay, let's wait until you grow up."

This was a helpless thing, but the body of the dragon swayed and turned into the shape of a real dragon.

She was wrapped around Chen Banxian's shoulder, feeling unhappy. "I'd better keep it the same, otherwise when I grow up, if you think I am an adopted daughter, your relationship will deteriorate."

It seemed like she had done her homework.

Anyway, Aigwei and Chen Jin have explained everything.

"Pfft, I've been waiting for hundreds of years, a little more time won't make any difference."

The two of them didn't pay attention as the sword spirit passed by.


The banquet only lasted for one day, so everyone still had to do whatever they were supposed to do.

As long as the human race is restless, they will have no time to relax and dedicate themselves to the great rejuvenation of the human race.

Jiaojiao wants to continue practicing and grow up quickly. She suppresses her realm and waits for more people in the human race to find their status.

The marshals have returned, and Li Liu continues to participate in the war. The human race needs to eliminate any unstable factors around them.

Over in the Nine Cities Federation, most of the cultivators have returned to Earth after hearing that the Earth is stable. This has caused the gap between ordinary people and cultivators to become wider and wider.

Even if orders are given over there, most of them will be obeyed promptly on the battlefield here, but they continue to arouse suspicion.

"Is this the beginning of the conflict five thousand years later?"

Chen Banxian could only lament that he had no control over internal matters and could not intervene.

As he said before, the human race is his own human race, not his.

Because of his status, Fang Ping did not return to Leng Zong for the time being, so a few old monks came there to protect him.

After discussing with Jiaojiao, Chen Banxian gave all the unnecessary items to the Wudao Ancient Tea Tree and obtained more than sixty leaves.

This is the completion of more than sixty rhymes.

Wu Dao Ancient Tea Tree was very satisfied and even began to look forward to Chen Banxian calling him again.

This time, he has completed more than sixty paths of perfection. Chen Banxian counted them carefully, and he is one step closer to the eighth level of perfection.

Probably...five percent completed.

This road, as the sword spirit said, is really difficult.

That day Die Yunfei found him and said he had something very important.

What matters?
  "Brother Xian, you'd better come over and let's talk face to face."

Die Yunfei's tone was anxious, and when he arrived, he immediately took out a document.

"I did some statistics and found that almost every ancient tribe now has geniuses who are not involved in killing people."

His expression was ugly, "This is very strange. If it is related to personality, but I think some geniuses are not qualified to spy on personality."

"what happened?"

Chen Banxian took the document and looked at it. It was filled with dense information.

They were all obtained by the great monks of the eighth realm who took the initiative to lurk among various races.

No matter how weak the ancient clan is, there are always geniuses with clean hands.

"You don't care about him." Chen Banxian shook his head: "Our human race is so big, can't we just find two people who don't kill animals?"

"No, it's not as simple as you think."

Die Yunfei's face turned even more ugly: "Some of us will always eat meat, right? However, these ancient geniuses didn't even kill a single insect."

After saying this, the situation became serious, and Chen Banxian also realized that it was unusual.

"Brother Xian, I asked the prisoners, and they said it does have something to do with the status, but they don't know it, because the level is too low."

"Don't panic."

Chen Banxian asked Die Yunfei to sit down: "I'll take a look at this matter."

He took these information and prepared the hexagram on the paper.

But suddenly, the door on the right rear automatically moved without wind.

"Shantian big beast?"

If there is any abnormal movement when starting the hexagram, use the abnormal movement to start the hexagram.

Counting the time, this hexagram is the mountain wind Gu of the great animal in the mountain sky.

"let me see."

Chen Banxian drew the hexagram on the paper. Gentu saw the door, Qian was the gate of Gaotian, and the direct reading was the gate of Gaotian.

The hexagram Qianjin is cut off at the bottom and is called Xunfeng, and the wind is blowing under the door, which can also be read as heading towards the door to heaven.

Gate to heaven? Heavenly Gate...

At this moment, Chen Banxian's eyes flashed.

"They want to... ascend to heaven!"

At this moment, the hexagrams were deduced, and Chen Banxian's eyes were full of great avenues, standing high in the sky where the earth's rhythms of paths intertwined.

He is not the only one in this high sky, there is another person sitting here.

The other person turned around and looked at each other.


In front of Die Yunfei, Chen Banxian spat out two words, and Ying Lang was also a little stunned.


He chuckled in the space of this rhyme: "You humans are so difficult to deal with."

"No matter how difficult the human race is to deal with, they are not as difficult to deal with as you."

Chen Banxian left that place and said to Die Yunfei with an ugly face: "These people want to ascend to heaven. This reminds me of some memories from the past."


Die Yunfei was confused, and saw the Gua Master in front of him saying: "I have disappeared for more than three hundred years, do you still remember?"

"Remember, of course!"

Speaking of this, Die Yunfei was deeply impressed: "We all thought you had an accident."

"No, I didn't have an accident. During that time, I didn't know why I entered a strange place, where I learned a rule in one day."

Chen Banxian said in a leisurely tone: "I also saw a tree covered with red threads."

"I counted the days, thinking that only about three hundred days had passed, the time I came back, more than three hundred years had passed." (End of Chapter)

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