There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 562: Action to test the qualifications of the new human race

Chapter 562: Action to test the qualifications of the new human race

Since that day, Chen Banxian would occasionally recall that strange space and guess where it was.

He also went back to search, but found nothing. The way to enter that place was extremely strange, and he was also struck in by the heavenly tribulation.

Now that he saw the hexagrams and combined with the abnormal behavior of the ancient tribesmen, Chen Banxian understood clearly and gained insight into the truth.

Die Yunfei frowned. He had no doubts about what Chen Banxian said. No matter what, the human race could not leave behind what the ancient clan wanted to do.

But... how difficult is it to find a monk who has refrained from killing animals since childhood?
  Moreover, this monk must have the talent of heaven, otherwise, how can he fight against the ancient tribes?

In the human race's camp, the ancient tribes are not allowed to jointly attack. This is the oath Chen Banxian made with the ancient tribes. Anyone who violates it will blatantly violate him, Ying Lang and other top experts.

But once you leave the human race's station, it's really unsafe.

"Brother Xian, let's..."

Die Yunfei moved his lips, wanting Chen Banxian to make another prediction and find out if there was such a genius among the human race.

"Do you think it's possible?" Chen Banxian rolled his eyes at him: "Give me the hexagram gold."

Even if you think about it with your buttocks, you know that there is no such thing as such a creature. Even if there are people who don't kill, they have to accidentally step on a few bugs and kill a few cockroaches, right?

"What should we do? Is it too late for us to cultivate him now?"

Die Yunfei frowned: "I have a hunch that if no one from my human race ascends to heaven after the ancient tribes ascend to heaven, there will be great losses."

Although they have made an oath not to fight in groups, once their development fails to keep up with the ancient tribe, anyone knows what will happen to the human race.

Their bodies are the best anchor point for the ancient tribes to descend into the real world from the Mirror Ruins.

Although humans are now gradually catching up with the ancient tribes and even becoming a group that ordinary ancient tribes cannot provoke, this is just an appearance.

The knowledge of the human race is far behind that of the ancient race, and they know nothing about every future realm.

Just like this time when they reached the sky, they were very tired from chasing and did not dare to relax for a moment.

"It's definitely too late to re-cultivate now. Even if I use the magic weapon of my time, it will still..."

Chen Banxian frowned: "No, not necessarily."

If you can pay some price, then it's not impossible.

"In this way, you go find the newborn with the best qualifications."

Chen Banxian stood up from his seat: "I'm going to find someone to help. Maybe we can catch up with the ancient tribes."

"Brother Xian, if you have a way, that would be great!"

The big stone in Die Yunfei's heart finally fell to the ground. Brother Xian has spoken, and the matter should be resolved.

He immediately went out to use his rights, summoned the newly born newborns, used all agencies to give them the green light, and tested their cultivation qualifications!
  The people on Earth are basically cultivators and there are almost no newborns, so the main concern is the Nine Cities Federation.

But Die Yunfei didn't expect that he would encounter resistance.

The roundtable said it needed to hold a meeting to discuss his demands before making a decision.

"We still have a meeting? Why are we having a meeting! If we are too late one second, we won't be able to catch up with the ancient tribe!"

Die Yunfei was furious and directly called the round table conference number to roar!

"What are you doing every day? This is a moment of life and death for the race!"

"Admiral Die Yunfei, please pay attention to your attitude and wording."

At the roundtable meeting, a big man with eagle-like eyes slowly spoke: "Newborns are too fragile, and the use of qualification testing instruments may cause irreversible damage."

"We will give priority to your proposal, but please calm down, General. This concerns thousands of families."

How many human races are there in the Eastern Wasteland now? There are hundreds of millions of newborns born every day, so it would be a waste of money to really use the plan of universal testing qualifications.

"Furthermore, General, have you ever thought about the consequences that our people of Daxia will have from the moment they are born to those who can practice and those who cannot practice?"

The old man stated the reality with a calm face: "We cannot make such an important decision just because of your words."

"Then you... hurry up."

Die Yunfei took a deep breath and hung up the phone.


He slammed his fist on the table, smashing the corner of the table, but he couldn't feel any relief.

"If the human race misses the opportunity because of this meeting or decision, they will be completely responsible for their death!"

Die Yunfei's anger was not unreasonable. All the staff members who were listening lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.

"General Die, why are you so angry?"

A person walked outside the door, his aura was very weak, he was just an ordinary person.

But his other identity is feared. He is the commander-in-chief of the Pioneer Army - Qu Heng.

Nowadays, although the vanguard army has not continued to lead the battle, it has been fighting.

"Commander Qu." Die Yunfei nodded in greeting. With a gloomy face, he told Chen Banxian what he had learned.

Qu Heng listened quietly, and then slowly spoke.

"General Die, you also said that these are all speculations. Without concrete evidence, we cannot prove that this is a real crisis."

He hit the nail on the head: "This is also the fundamental reason why the Round Table Conference decided to meet. They are not aware of the cruelty of the battlefield in the rear, so it is normal to think so."

Qu Heng sneered and said: "Do you believe it? After a few days, they will tell you that the proposal has not been passed?"

He was used to the tricks of those politicians, so he patted Die Yunfei on the shoulder and said:
  "General Die, I haven't lived as long as you. Maybe I don't have enough experience. Maybe my knowledge is not up to your level."

"But I think you can lower the scope first, without starting from the entire Nine Cities Federation."

His proposal made Die Yunfei's eyes light up, and at the same time, he was very pleased with Qu Heng's senses. There is a reason why this person can be the commander of the vanguard army. This awareness and unique vision cannot be tempered by time, it is a natural talent.

"That's right, I'll use my connections right now. Don't talk about other places, I still have some say in Baihu City."

He ignored Qu Heng's observation and at the same time dialed the numbers of various priests in Baihu City and Shen Qinghe and others.

No matter how the leader changes, the status of the priests will not change, and the relationship between the priests and him is no longer a [-]-year-old friendship.

"Mr. Die, why are you calling us after we haven't seen you for a long time?"

The first person to answer the phone was Zhang Han. There was a little noise there, and the war on the border was going on all the time.

"I need your help."

Die Yunfei repeated Chen Banxian's words again. Unlike the round table meeting, everyone agreed to his proposal with almost no hesitation.

Zhang Han even brought favorable news: "The current lord of Baihu City is my great-grandson. I will let him know."

That's great.


In Baihu City in the Eastern Wasteland, Zhang Xuansong was processing documents in his office.

He has seven or eight secretaries per person, not counting the lineup of several deputy city lords.

Even so, there are countless events to deal with every day, and overtime is often required.

"City Lord, this is an unsolved case in Nanda City. We have found that many people have disappeared mysteriously. Most of them are cultivators."

A document was handed over by the secretary, which was a request letter from Nanda City District for transfer of priesthood.

"The priests are all going to fight on Earth, and these lawless elements are becoming more and more restless."

Zhang Xuansong pondered for a moment and said, "Over there, the priesthood is currently absent. We can mobilize other highest-level extraordinary beings. If one can't do it, then two."

"Good city lord."

The secretary operates the tablet, and there is no need to worry about fraud due to the supervision of the quantum system.

After sitting for too long, Zhang Xuansong stood up and twisted his waist, "I'm so tired. I also injected the most advanced genetic medicine. The book records that humans in the past worked as hard as me. I really don't know how much perseverance it took."

"Ding dong."

When a special alert sounded, the secretary subconsciously went to answer it.

"No, it's my personal phone number."

Zhang Xuansong answered the call, and something about the display surprised him.

He took a few steps to his lounge, closed the door, and immediately changed his face.

"Ancestor, why did you call your great-grandson?"

"Yes, now I need you to make a decision that does not go against your ancestors...

As Zhang Han spoke, Zhang Xuansong's expression became more and more solemn.

"So if the higher-ups don't approve it, I, the city leader, want to have my own local autonomy and be the first to start?"

Zhang Xuansong felt the pressure at this moment: "My ancestors, I may be dismissed if this continues. You don't know, the second-in-commands behind me are eager for me to make mistakes."

Hearing this tone, Zhang Xuansong actually wanted to refuse?
  This made Zhang Han very angry: "Do you know where it is? Do you want to go and see the big cauldron in Baihu City!"

"Tell me, what's the name of that big cauldron!"

"Forbidden... forbidden tripod...

Zhang Xuansong's tone weakened a bit, and Zhang Han continued to scold: "You also know that our city is a city where cauldrons are forbidden, and this cauldron is used to break the rules!"

"But ancestors...

Zhang Han said hesitantly: "If I am dismissed, they will definitely not continue to implement this decision."

"Don't worry about it, just do it."

Zhang Han glanced into the distance and spoke seriously.

"I won't talk about the other juniors, but since you have chosen to be the lord of a city, I have to give you a few words of warning."

"Ancestor, please tell me!" Zhang Xuansong said as if he was all ears.

"Baihu City is different from other cities. Don't think that others can't take advantage of you. How about you, the so-called high-level officials."

"You can learn about the former Ninth Army. It was an army that belonged specifically to our big city. I hope you can study more about its origins."

Some things cannot be said too much, and everyone subconsciously did not mention that period of history.

Many important figures who died in that turmoil are still related to the current existence of the other eight cities.

"Ninth Army?"

Zhang Xuansong hung up the phone and immediately opened the web page to check.

"Dear City Lord Zhang, you have sufficient authority. Are you sure you want to open this message?"

Quantum intelligence was actually set with a reminder: "I need to tell you that once you open it, you will see the truth about Baihu City."


Zhang Xuansong did not hesitate. He was the lord of a city, and no matter who threatened him, he had to follow the procedures.

But when he read the hidden messages one by one, he was already sweating profusely!

(End of this chapter)

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