There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 563 Leave Chapter 9 to me.

"It turns out that this is the truth about Baihu City?"

He murmured to himself, "There is such a character in history, it's really..."

He didn't know how to evaluate it, it reminded him of an emperor from an even more ancient history.

One emperor through the ages, Ying Zheng!

There are mixed reviews, but all he does is domineering and big things that make people's scalp numb.

That was so much hatred and so many lives, and what frightened him even more was that such a person was still at large from that time until now.

It wasn't that I forgave him, but his words.

If you can defeat him, he will defeat you, no matter the time.

On the side, no one in the huge Nine Cities Federation can defeat him.

"The Ninth Army... The Ninth Army...

Zhang Xuansong read in his mouth, suddenly thinking of some employees who died inexplicably after he took office.

The Ninth Army was still not disbanded, but they disappeared into the darkness, and the background was terrifying.

He was suddenly glad that he was conscientious.

"Then, I must obey my ancestors in this decision. This Baihu City is different from other cities."

When he opened the bedroom door, secretaries immediately gathered around him. There were a lot of documents added just now and they needed to ask for his opinion.

"Pause for now, you guys go do something for me right away!"

Zhang Xuansong took out a pen and paper and started writing: "From now on, we will recruit a large number of manpower to extract the information of all newborns in the city."

"Immediately place orders and allocate funds to major factories to mass-produce qualified detectors. They must be accurate. Every hospital must be equipped with instruments. All qualified newborn data will be uploaded to me."

"At the same time, all idle practitioners will be recruited immediately to continue screening this batch of qualified newborns and select the ones with the highest qualifications for unified management and training."

This decision had no beginning and no end, but it frightened the secretaries.

"City Lord, doing this will cause bad things!"

"Yeah, unified management of newborns? This is impossible. If we don't talk about it, at least their parents won't agree."

"These are all small things. If anything happens, I will bear the responsibility."

Zhang Xuansong said something shocking: "With monks and the most advanced technology here, there is no need to worry about the safety of the newborn. If the parents of the newborn have any questions, just come to me."

He didn't say much in the office, but the entire Baihu City had changed at this moment.

As soon as the new decision was issued, social reaction was extremely fierce, and parents and family members of many hospitals started to make a fuss.

"To test the qualifications of a newborn, you need to fill your body with spiritual energy. How can the child bear it when he is so young!"

Are you still human? Who will be responsible if something happens to my child?
  There were disputes in every hospital, and ordinary people were fine, but some monks' parents directly started a confrontation.

Qualification testing incidents are also spreading rapidly on the Internet, and many big up owners openly judge the qualification testing as - [irresponsible behavior! 】

[Are you going to start classifying people into three, six or nine grades from birth? 】

[Equality that our ancestors fought hard to achieve is now overthrown by our ancestors. 】

At this moment, major media outlets came to ask Zhang Xuansong why he did this.

After all, he used to be steady and far-sighted in his work, otherwise he would not be able to choose the city lord of Baihu City.

Even the other second-in-commands are asking why he did this. The impact is too great.

"If there is a responsibility, I will bear it!" Zhang Xuansong only said this, and he wanted to implement this decision to the end.

The Round Table also learned of the news and pressed him almost immediately within hours.

"Zhang Xuansong, you can't bear this responsibility!"

A hospital scolded him: "If you don't want to sit in this city lord's seat, there are plenty of people taking it!"

Another congressman was also scolding: "This is unreasonable. Now the whole Internet knows about it. Public opinion is fermenting so quickly. It must be General Die's idea."

"Yes, he knew that we couldn't pass, but he directly came up with the idea of ​​regional independence. What a nonsense!"

"That Zhang Xuan Song position was given to him, so he is dismissed!"

A heavy pressure was quickly passed to Zhang Xuansong's shoulders.

The documents to resign have been issued, and special personnel have been assigned to detain him. This decision made him fall from being one of the nine city lords to the quagmire in one day.

Zhang Xuansong had no choice but to call his ancestor again.

"Ancestor, I have been dismissed. This method will not work. It will be over as soon as it begins."

Zhang Han also knew how strong the resistance was. He asked: "How many newborns are there now?"

"The results haven't reached me yet."

Zhang Xuansong was helpless, the plan could be said to have failed.

"Ancestor, they are going to capture me to go mining now, come and save me."

The call was hung up before Zhang Han could speak. There seemed to be trouble over there.


Zhang Han sighed, they are no longer in charge of the human race now.

In the past, who would have dared not obey his words?
  "No, this junior still needs to be saved."

He called Die Yunfei and everyone had to find a solution together.

Die Yunfei was shocked when he heard the news: "These people are really bullying others!"

He almost gritted his teeth: "If we hadn't secured the safe haven in the first place, who would have been their turn to dominate?"

"We are not being reasonable."

Zhang Han said helplessly, this is true.

Unless violence is used to directly divide Baihu City.

"No, I have to find someone to help with this matter." Die Yunfei stood up, opened the space, and told Zhang Han: "Your junior grandson will save him himself. If there is a problem, I will ask Brother Xian to help you."

He came to the statue of Jiu in one step: "Old Jiu, come out and help, I'm in trouble."

The smoke from the incense sticks in front of the statue turned into the appearance of Ninth, "Isn't the solution feasible?"

"Yes, Lao Jiu, you have many ideas. Please help me think about them and how to implement them."

He was panicking. One more day of delay might lead to more variables. They would know it too late.

Ninth also knew the seriousness of the situation: "This matter will definitely arouse public outrage. We can't do it openly, we have to use gentle methods."

"Soft measures?"

Die Yunfei gritted his teeth: "I can't wait to take over Baihu City now!"

"In this case, you leave this matter to me and I will find a solution."

The ninth opening: "The most important thing is that you have a good grasp of the dynamics of the earth. No matter how many difficulties and dangers there are, they will be in the future, and the war on the earth is now."

Ninth Station said from a calm standpoint: "If there are changes in the current battlefield due to future events, you will be guilty of a great crime."

"Besides, apprentice Chen Banxian is on the front line, and he can be regarded as our nephew."

The ninth figure disappeared like smoke, and he took over this responsibility.

Die Yunfei couldn't imagine how Jiu would do it, but he believed in Lao Jiu.

On the Baihu City side, Jiujiu slowly stood up from the room and ended his training.

He learned the news about Die Yunfei at the same time. This matter was actually not that difficult for him.

The difficulty is that at this time, it is very urgent.

He involved Faith Qingyun above his head and found two familiar people.

Following the power of faith, two women opened their eyes at the same time on the outskirts of Baihu City.


They are in different places but speak the same language.

"it's me."

The ninth figure transformed: "Ninth."

From his perspective, the two sisters looked surprised: "Brother Ninth, why do you have time to come to us?"

Xiaoxiao and Jiaojiao felt strange in their hearts. They had been looking at the statues, but suddenly the real person appeared in front of them, and they were still a little confused.

"I need you to help me, in the name of the Holy Mother Church."

Ninth said his plan: "Let's say that you will check the diseases and hidden dangers of newborns for free. I need all your teachers to mobilize and strive not to let go of any child in Baihu City."

"Then, I need you to compile a list of the most qualified children for me, and you don't need to worry about the rest."

The most important thing in this matter is cooperation. Since the establishment of Marist Church, the members of the Church are all people of great love and have strong social credibility.

For any disaster or injustice, it may be useless to contact the law enforcement agencies, but contacting the media may be able to solve part of the problem.

But if you go to the Holy Mother Church, there is basically no problem that cannot be solved. This is a group of extremely lovely people.

However, Jiaojiao and Xiaoxiao were still reluctant.

“If it doesn’t turn out right in the end, it will discredit our church.”

"Credit?" Ninth was a little helpless, and he added: "This matter was decided by Chen Banxian, he was the first to propose it."

"Ah! Is it the senior?"

Xiaoxiao screamed: "That's okay, I'll do it now!"

Jiaojiao had to calm down: "You didn't lie to me?"

"Do I need to lie to you?" Ninth said that he never lies.

"Then what are you waiting for? Don't get in the way, I have to go to work!"

When Jiaojiao hung up the phone, she had already started contacting all the cardinals of the Holy Mother Church.

Ninth was a little surprised. If he had known better, he would have mentioned Chen Banxian's name directly.

These two girls have a high degree of trust in Lao Chen and basically have no doubts.

The Holy Mother Church...

He sighed, then started contacting his cardinal.

Unlike substantive sects such as the Holy Mother Cult, the Ninth Cult is mainly a spiritual sect.

In Baihu City or Nine Cities, if the law enforcers are useless, the media is useless, and the Holy Mother Church is helpless, you must worship the ninth god when you are desperate.

These large and small statues have spent hundreds of years telling everyone that miracles are right next to you and me.

Unlike other sects, the Ninth Cult does not have a pope, only the heads of one statue after another.

They are believers who spontaneously became the ninth god, and every believer touched the miracle in despair.

Among the Nine Cities, these teachers who have experienced miracles have a huge influence.

Just like an ordinary statue in Nancheng District, a large temple has been trimmed, incense is constantly burning, and the traffic that comes to worship every day breaks through the door.

As the maintainer of the ninth largest temple, Rong Changfa will keep the temple tidy, clean and safe every day.

He was once chased by a resentful ghost and fled all the way to the statue of a god. When he thought he was about to die, he didn't expect a miracle to come and kill the resentful ghost.

And he was a believer of the ninth god from that day on.

On this day, just when he thought it was normal as before, a voice suddenly sounded in his heart.

He seemed to see the idol come alive and walked up to him and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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