"My disciple, Rong Changfa."

The statue came alive and was guiding him. Rong Changfa's whole body became confused and his consciousness was unclear.

He saw a picture of newborn children one after another, staring at him quietly.

In the blink of an eye, each of these children emitted golden light and grew into the giant Wei'an god that covered the sky and the sun, and gradually overlapped with the ninth god.

They walk in front of the darkness, illuminating the lost people, and their red scarves guide the direction of the human race.

Behind the crowd, the god looked at him gently:
  "Go and find those children, they are the heirs of God."


Rong Changfa stood up suddenly and found that he had fallen asleep on the table in the temple unknowingly.

"Is it a dream?"

He raised his head to look up at the statue of the ninth god. The statue was majestic among the bright lights, but Rong Changfa could feel the eyes of the statue staring at him.

Suddenly, a baby cries.


The sound was loud and pierced the night sky. When Rong Changfa heard the sound, he felt a rush of numbness in his heart.

"No, this is not a dream, this is God's guidance!"

He looked serious and understood the oracle clearly.

Immediately ran towards the direction of the baby's cry.

He knew that the family, whose surname was Lin, was an ordinary family.

After my wife became pregnant, she took time to worship every day, hoping to keep their child safe and have a good relationship with her.

They even decided on the names of the children under the statue. The boy was called Lin Ping'an and the girl was named Lin Nian'an.

The distance was not too far. When Rong Changfa arrived, he saw the Lin family saying goodbye to a woman.

The woman was dressed normally, but she wore a badge belonging to the Marist Church on her chest.

As expected of a divine heir, he was blessed by someone from the Holy Mother Church when he was born.

Rong Changfa stepped forward quickly, and the members of the Holy Mother Cult nodded slightly to him.

He is a member of the Ninth Religion in this area, and he is a relatively well-known figure with the Holy Mother Cult, and the two often intersect.

"Old Lin."

Rong Changfa approached the Lin family: "I have something important to tell you, a happy event, a big happy event!"

"Haha, Brother Rong, I also have a great news to tell you. My child is born, and his name is Lin Pingan!"

Lin Fu laughed loudly: "The mother and child are safe because someone from the Holy Mother Church personally delivered the baby!"

"I know, I know your child was born."

Rong Changfa suddenly spoke: "I swear to the ninth god, Lin Fu, what I am going to tell you next is God's will."

"Tonight, I received a message from the oracle that the divine heir was born among everyone's newborns."

"Lin Fu, your child is the first divine heir of God."

These words made the joy on Lin Fu's face gradually stiffen.

"What did you say?"

"My child is the heir of God? How is this possible!"

"Lin Fu, the ninth god said to tell me that your child is the heir of the god, and a god will come to pick him up."

Rong Changfa's words made Lin Fu feel complicated. He didn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

No one would falsely preach the oracle of the ninth god. Someone had done this before and ended up losing his mind and angering the god.

Without exception, the Ninth God can peer into the truest nature.

As a believer, Rong Changfa can say this, then it is true. The ninth god allows their children to become heirs of the gods.

"But...but our child has just been born...

Lin Fu was at a loss when footsteps came from inside the house, and Mrs. Lin, who had just given birth and was still relatively weak, walked out.

Her face was pale and she held a newborn baby weighing less than eight pounds in her arms.

Thanks to the universal genetic medicine injection, the body will not be affected too much even after giving birth.

"Heir of God!"

Rong Changfa stared at the child closely. The swaddled baby looked no different from other newborns.

But his eyes were burning, this was the God's Successor, and he would lead the human race in the future.

"Mr. Lin, please hand over the noble Lord God to me."

He knelt on his knees, not Lin Fu but Lin Pingan.

"What's going on? Why should I give the child to you?"

Mrs. Lin didn't want to. This was the new life she was expecting in ten months of pregnancy, and she was looking forward to it day by day!
  "He is still so young. If I leave him to you, how can you take care of him?"

With Mrs. Lin's anger, Rong Changfa didn't know what to say.

But God's will must be accomplished. He knelt in front of the God's heir with a sincere expression: "Please take the God's heir to the big temple and ask God how he makes his decision."

One is the divine heir and the other is the mother. He believes that the loving God will give him the most correct choice.

They returned to the temple, but the next second, everyone saw that the ninth statue came to life again.

He walked gently to his mother and kissed the child in her arms.

"I will consider him my child."

"Mrs. Lin, please give him to me. I will raise him to grow up and become a towering tree that protects the human race from wind and rain in the future."

Appeared, the ninth god really appeared.

Lin Fu was at a loss, only Rongchangfa bowed down in an orderly manner, bathing in God's gift and glory.

"Is he going to be okay?"

Mrs. Lin was still reluctant to give up, but when she thought that her child would become a child of God, she couldn't be so selfish.

This is Lin Pingan's fate and future. “As his name suggests, I can guarantee that he will be safe.”

The Lin family couple no longer hesitated, and the ninth god gently took the child from her arms, leaving a smile.

God left, the glory dissipated, and everything returned to reality. However, the Lin family and his wife found that they were still at home, not even moving.

If it weren't for the fact that the child in my arms was gone, all this would be like an illusion.

"Wait, husband, I seem to...

Suddenly, Mrs. Lin felt relaxed all over her body, and her body had regained its health after giving birth.

Not only that, her palms were actually spitting out flames.

"Have I become a transcendent?"

"I have become a super person!!!"

She was extremely pleasantly surprised, and at the same time she no longer had any doubts about the ninth god.

"That's great, Lin Pingan, he, he has really become the heir of God!"

Lin Fu was also so excited that he trembled all over. The ninth god really appeared!

That night, a miracle not only blessed the Lin family, but also children were chosen wherever there were statues of gods throughout Baihu City.

The news of the god's apparition caused an overwhelming stir almost early the next morning. Newspapers, mobile phones, news, or word of mouth spread it. Everyone knew that this was another gift from God.

From the very beginning, when God made hungry people no longer troubled, people had the most loyal belief in the ninth god.

If it weren't for the Ninth God, most people would starve to death.

The Holy Mother Sect is a human religion, while the Ninth Sect is a sect of gods. From this day on, children disappeared non-stop.

But every time a child disappears, a mother awakens to extraordinary abilities, which makes many women regret that they gave birth to their children too early or too late.

In the ninth house, a famous wet nurse has been waiting for a long time, taking good care of every newborn.

Empress Roushan is here to ensure the health of every child.

All the children are under management, and the space in the room is constantly expanding.

Ninth chuckled: "Everything went well."

“Everything is not going well!!!”

Chen Banxian walked in the wilderness, constantly measuring the distance and the world.

He was looking for Emperor Jiuyou, but he couldn't find it. He didn't know where he went.

So he chose to embark on the yellow mud road again, but he could not exert the power of the time fairy alone.

The only option is to ask the ruthless emperor for help.

The surrounding environment was still so gloomy, and Chen Banxian's speed dropped suddenly.

There was a traffic jam, the yellow mud road was full of undead figures, and I didn’t know how long the queue was.

Even if he has the privilege of being the Great Emperor of Fengdu, it will take time to make way for him.

It took more than ten days to arrive at the Palace of Hell.

"Welcome to the Great Emperor!"

King Yama saluted him and said, "Don't you know that the emperor is here to inspect the work of the officials and others?"

"No, I'm looking for the Lord of Reincarnation."

Chen Banxian didn't talk nonsense to him and took the initiative to find the ruthless man's body.

That huge body was another incarnation of the ruthless emperor, and Chen Banxian was still calling out to the body.

He believed that the ruthless man knew he was coming.

If you agree, you will naturally meet him, but if you don't agree, then no matter how he calls, it will not help.



Chen Banxian kept calling, but there was no movement.

His eyes were filled with sadness, could it really not work?
  But suddenly, a familiar voice came out of the body of the ruthless emperor.

"Emperor Fengdu, long time no see."

With a smile on his face, Chen Banxian looked over, but his eyes were filled with fright!

"Fu...Emperor Fuxi?"

Who could the person in front of him be but the divine mind of Emperor Fuxi?
  "it's me."

Emperor Fuxi chuckled: "I expected you to come, so I waited here specially."

"It's great that you're not dead!" Chen Banxian was particularly touched. He had always thought that Emperor Fuxi had disappeared.

If there is no obsession with the gods, they will not remain.

"I was going to dissipate, but fortunately, I met the amazingly talented empress."

Fuxi waved slightly, and the time orb on Chen Banxian flew out. With the movement of his fingertips, the light of the fairy weapon spread to the entire underworld.

The rules of immortal weapons were analyzed in the eyes of Emperor Fuxi, and he felt a little regretful.

"It's a pity that this way is not suitable for this world."

He handed the orb back to Chen Banxian: "Here it is, so that the human race on earth can survive this disaster."

Chen Banxian quickly thanked him, but saw Fuxi smiling: "I can't help you in vain, cause and effect cycle, you need to do something for me."

"If you have anything to do, just ask me!"

Chen Banxian was in a good mood: "It doesn't matter even if we enter the restricted area."

"Well, it's not a big deal," Fu Xi said calmly, "I just want to invite you to the Sea of ​​Reincarnation. As you can see, there is not enough space here to accommodate the creatures of Beidou."

Chen Banxian is now in the underworld, which is considered a restricted area. The Sea of ​​Reincarnation mentioned by Emperor Fuxi obviously does not mean here.

Then there is the forbidden area of ​​​​life, the sea of ​​​​reincarnation!
  "Ah?" Chen Banxian was shocked: "You want me to drive away the supreme beings from the underworld in the restricted area of ​​life?"

Are you kidding me? Although he has many lives, he doesn’t give away his life like this! (End of chapter)

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