There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 565 Supreme: Why do you need to become an immortal?

"The immortality method in your hands is extraordinary. It is more appropriate for you to come forward than for us to come forward."

Emperor Fuxi told him that this was a ruthless intention. If she took action, she would not just talk. Then an imperial war might occur, which would be a fatal disaster for the entire universe.

"Then you can't let me go, I'm so weak, unless you count...

Chen Banxian shut up, Emperor Fuxi might have really forgotten this matter.

He looked over and saw Emperor Fuxi nodding with a smile but not a smile: "Ban Xian, don't underestimate the desire of the Supremes for immortality. They are not willing to give up if they have the slightest chance."

Chen Banxian, who holds the magic of covering the sky, holds the biggest bargaining chip.

Back then, if Gai Jiuyou hadn't been too old and his energy and blood had declined to the extreme, he wouldn't have been on the verge of death.

In the end, Chen Banxian used the immortality substance in the coffin to restore his youth, and then used the "crying wolf" trick to deceive the supreme beings in the restricted areas of life and become the emperor.


Chen Banxian gritted his teeth: "Wait for me first, I have to get something."

He spent time returning to Earth to hand over the Time Immortal Tool to Ninth, and then went to Mount Everest to pick up the bronze coffin.

Without this thing, he would have no confidence in his heart.

The location of the underworld is always moving, so of course Chen Banxian can't find it himself.

But Emperor Fuxi knew how to calculate, and things under his level or at the same level rarely made mistakes.

"Fifteen days later, the Sea of ​​Reincarnation will appear [-] million miles east of the Ancient Forbidden Land."

After getting the specific location, Chen Banxian sighed and waited with the coffin on his shoulders.

This is just an ordinary hilltop, with nothing but the scorching sun every day.

But on the fifteenth day, darkness enveloped the mountains. Chen Banxian woke up with a start and looked up to see black clouds covering the sky and the sun.

What is the Sea of ​​Reincarnation like? The ghostly atmosphere is thick, the cold air is billowing, the dead world has descended, and there is no life at all.

Chen Banxian's arms softened slightly. He continued to wait. The world was also moving. There was a huge stone statue sitting cross-legged between heaven and earth. Everything was as usual.

But Chen Banxian knew that this was the Supreme, an ancient emperor, a terrifying figure who killed himself.

"It seems that in this world, the only people I meet are either imperial soldiers or powerful figures like the Great Emperor."

He took a deep breath and came to the stone statue.

The endless waves of the sea are rolling, and the mist shrouds the sea,

The stone statue remained unmoved, but there was a terrifying aura permeating it. This was the imperial power that belonged to the great emperor.

Even if he kills himself with a knife, no monk under the quasi-emperor can get close to him.

If it were a mortal, it would probably explode just by looking at it.

Chen Banxian put his shoulder against the coffin to block this imperial power, and he spoke in a low voice: "Supreme, the ruthless man wants you to leave the Sea of ​​Reincarnation."

His voice sounded like a mosquito. It wasn't because he was a coward, but Chen Banxian thought it was polite.

You can't wake people up while they're sleeping, right?

He had made a plan. As long as the ancient emperor here didn't wake up, he would have a reason to make a mission.


However, the stone statue's face cracked, revealing a face that looked like a god or a demon.

Silver eyes focused on him with a sense of oppression.

He woke up and opened his eyes: "The Cruel Emperor wants me to leave the Sea of ​​Reincarnation?"

"The terrifying power was instantly suppressed, but with the bronze coffin, Chen Banxian was not crushed to the ground.

Even so, the pressure to face the Supreme Being at such a close distance was still great. This was an invincible figure who was once revered in the universe. "

Damn Gai Jiuyou, damn old man!
  Chen Banxian cursed another emperor in his heart. If the old man was found by him, he would not find Emperor Fuxi, nor would he face pressure here that did not belong to his realm.

"Yes, you don't know something. Emperor Wuren and Emperor Fuxi have joined forces. They need a bigger place, so they chose your place."

He took two steps back slightly, and the stone skin on the Supreme Being was peeling off.

Each fragment carries a terrifying power that could kill him.

"Aren't they already dead? Are they still alive?"

The Supreme Being didn't believe it at all: "Boy, since you are a member of Emperor Jiuyou, I can leave alone without caring about you disturbing my eternal sleep."

He was like swatting flies away, giving Emperor Jiuyou face.

"Really, you believe me." Chen Banxian had adapted a little at this time, and he said boldly: "Those two are actually not dead, so that's why I came to see you."


The Supreme sneered: "They want me to leave the Sea of ​​Reincarnation. Why don't they do it themselves, but let you, a small character, do the talking?"

"If that were the case, I would have to reprimand them for being rude."

Are you looking down on him by sending a minion?

Chen Banxian was under a lot of pressure, very much.

This person was just called Yun Gen, but Yun Gen once had another title, and that was... Xiaoyao Tianzun!

The founder of Xingzimi, the deity who survived the mythical era, this history is amazing.

The combined age of all his current incarnations is no longer that of other people.

"They asked me to come here for a reason."

Chen Banxian spoke in time: "I heard that Tianzun you are suffering from immortality, so I specially asked me to bring you a recipe for immortality."

Long live!

These two words immediately attracted Yun Gen's attention. He stood up from the ground, his black hair spread out, his broad chest spread out, and he was more than a head taller than Chen Banxian.

"Take it and have a look. If possible, I don't mind giving up the sea of ​​samsara." The evil intention flashed away, and Yungen said calmly: "But if you lie to me, even if you are an ant, I will tear apart your soul." god."

Chen Banxian handed over the jade slip of Qingxuanfa. Whether it was a good thing or not, this kind of being would know at a glance.

Yun Gen was just disdainful at first, and just felt a little curious about someone disturbing him for so many years.

But when he looked at the contents of the jade slip, his whole body gradually fell into silence.

The method of covering the sky extracts the essence of heaven and earth and develops the human body.

But this Qingxuan method takes the spirit of heaven and earth to strengthen itself.

Zhe Tianfa is rough, but this way is gentleness, and he sees the shadow of mutual compensation.

"This this……

Yungen said these two words in succession, which was enough to prove his excitement.

The sea of ​​samsara was filled with huge waves, the fog was blown away, Yun Gen remained motionless, and tears suddenly flowed from his eyes.


He cried, tears kept rolling down, and the once dignified Heavenly Lord cried without any image.

He let his tears fall into the sea of ​​samsara and said sadly:

"If I had learned this method earlier, why would I have to kill myself?"

"If I had learned this method earlier, why would I have become this half-dead monster that is neither human nor ghost?"

His eyes turned red and he laughed again.

"Haha, haha, no wonder Fuxi and Ruenren can survive until now, they actually have such treasures!"

The method of immortality, he saw the method of immortality!
  Chen Banxian stayed aside and did not dare to speak. Maybe he should avoid it?
  He has not experienced the life of Xiaoyao Tianzun, and does not know his obsession, nor does he know how happy and excited he feels at this time.

But to be able to make a supreme being cry like this said it all.

Suddenly, Yun Gen stepped out, leaving the Sea of ​​Reincarnation, and returned to Donghuang.

The sun was shining, and the fragrance of the heated soil and grass made him take a long breath!

"Donghuang, how long has it been since I personally set foot here?"

It was so fast. Chen Banxian followed him after a long time. Yungen reached out and touched the soil on the ground. He looked at the ground and probably said to him:

"Do you know? My hands are already stained with blood. In order to wait for the opportunity and the road to immortality, I am no longer myself."

"Actually, I am not worthy of this method. The killings I carry on my body are destined to not end well for me."

However, he still understood this method and it started to work unconsciously.

The endless spiritual energy between heaven and earth entered his body and became the nourishment of the candle of life. This Supreme Being truly felt alive.

His body and soul were constantly being repaired, and he could truly feel the rules.

Qingxuan method, the soul is entrusted to the Tao, the Tao is natural, the Tao is immortal, so the soul is immortal.

It's like being in a dead end all your life and opening a door, there is always another option.

As expected of a deity who has survived the age of mythology, he understood the details just by reading it once.

Chen Banxian's eyes were horrified. He felt that the aura of this Supreme Being was changing and fluctuating.

Refining Qi is completed in one breath, and building the foundation is just a matter of puffing and puffing. Every great emperor has experienced ten thousand ways, and today's foundation is perfect.

The golden elixir that was then spit out was also full of Hunyuan, which was the best.

The golden elixir is perfected, the soul is transformed, and the yin and yang gods practice faster and faster with just one thought.

Chen Banxian even saw him stepping into the void for a moment, looking for the "word".

That's an illusion!
  But then, the catastrophe fell, and Chen Banxian knew what it meant to defy the heavens.

This is heaven-defying, Xiaoyao Tianzun can overcome calamity in one step and achieve great success in the mortal world in two steps!

When he reached this state, he finally stopped. It wasn't that he didn't keep moving forward, but... there was no world for him to soar.

Transforming spiritual energy into immortal energy is a hard work. There is no upper realm like Qingxuan Realm here, so I didn't continue to move forward.

Even so, Chen Banxian's open mouth never closed.

This is so perverted. Is this a bonus to living longer? The emperor is really amazing.

After all this happened last night, Yun Gen stood for a long time and cried: "What is a line? It turns out that this road is not a real road at all! I can also become an immortal in the world of mortals."

After being moved, he looked at Chen Banxian.

"Little friend, you and I have the grace to become enlightened. What do you want? I will satisfy you!"

He was so happy. He had never been so happy after becoming Tianzun.

The change came so suddenly. Chen Banxian saw a Dacheng Xiucheng standing in front of him and had not yet recovered.

"How about...let's have a fortune telling."

His mood at this time fluctuated very similarly to Yun Gen's.

The martial arts he worked so hard for were cracked in a second. Although he doesn't want to admit it, this is the reality.

As expected, none of the great emperors are mediocre and should not be underestimated.

"Fortune telling? Okay, I'll satisfy you with everything!"

Xiaoyao Tianzun's current mood is not about fortune-telling at all. He will answer whatever Chen Banxian says, and the final hexagram gold is given out neatly.

Chen Banxian suspected that he hadn't heard anything.

"Ding, get the calligraphy secret."

However, Chen Banxian obtained the Nine Secrets! (End of chapter)

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