There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 566 Old Chen, you cheated me again

The mission was successfully completed, and the Xiaoyao Tianzun in front of Chen Banxian disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Only the sea of ​​samsara continues to surge. According to legend, this is something left by a legend who has become an immortal.

He didn't feel much about it, he just felt it was dangerous. He followed the traffic jam on the yellow mud road and immediately ran away after being informed.

Xing Zi Mi is very magical. As soon as Chen Banxian started running it, he felt that the speed was unrestricted, and the surrounding world and scenery froze, as if he had entered the realm of time.

But this is not the way of time, it is the way of speed. The two may seem the same, but they are different paths leading to the same destination, but their essences are completely different.

When he returned to Earth, time and space began to move again.

Strictly speaking, if he keeps turning on Xing Zi Mi, time will be stagnant. From a side perspective, his magic power, cultivation, and speed of enlightenment are also blessed by Xing Zi Mi.

"Unfortunately, this consumes a lot of energy and cannot continue to exceed the speed of light."

Time resumed flowing, and his cell phone rang quickly with messages constantly being sent.

When I took it out, I saw that it was mostly Die Yunfei who asked him how his progress was going, from the initial resistance to the ninth stage of fraudulent robbery.

"Lao Jiu's brain is very good." Chen Banxian lamented that it was more difficult to take away a newborn child from a mother than to kill them.

"Returned, I'll be there soon."

Chen Banxian replied to the message and rushed to the Nine Cities Federation in the Eastern Wasteland.

For fear of accidents, Jiujiu couldn't let these children stay too far away.

When he arrived, the first thing he heard was deafening cries.

The ninth room looks unremarkable from the outside, but once inside, there is the sky, the earth, the river, and the grassland.

There are rows of small houses, all of which are filled with wet nurses taking care of the children.

The sound of crying filled the air from one house to another, and the noise was so loud that Chen Banxian had no choice but to look at Ninth House.

"Where are you, Lao Jiu?"

"I am here."

A room opened, and Jiu Jiu, who was holding the child, had dark circles under his eyes. This intensity was unbearable for him.

This child was Lin Pingan, born to the Lin family and his wife, and was the first child he took away.

"I don't think you still have such a side." Chen Banxian was a little pleased: "Whoever marries you will definitely enjoy a happy life."

"My child will definitely be able to walk and eat on his own when he is born. It won't be such a hassle."

The ninth person said with a dark face: "There are a total of [-] children here. Among them, there are [-] with superior qualifications, [-] with excellent qualifications, and the remaining [-] each have extraordinary talents. The ability is superb."

These last forty children are born extraordinary and will definitely give birth to visions in the future in the Eastern Wasteland.

Facts have proved that extraordinary people with special abilities have basically achieved great achievements up to now.

"A transcendent person?"

Chen Banxian's fingertips lightly touched Lin Ping'an, and he instantly felt a pure Yang sword intent coming from his fingertips.

"It's incredible."

He was filled with emotion at first, and then regretted it.

"If so many of our human race's extraordinary beings hadn't died in the beginning, now the ancient race would have to act based on our expressions."

"Stop talking so much. What's your plan?"

The ninth one is that he doesn’t want to stay any longer and can’t stand these children at all.

"Haha, please look at my palm."

As soon as Chen Banxian spread his hands, the Time Orb appeared in front of Ninth.

"This thing..."

Ninth noticed the difference: "That's great, it's such a good treasure!"

If you want to catch up with the ancient clan, you have to cheat.

"What are you waiting for? Go to Earth!"

Jiuyi waved his hand, and the world in the entire room turned into pieces of black arrays, which were shrunk and stored in a black box.

Why go to Earth instead of using the Time Orb in the Eastern Wasteland?

Because the earth's way of heaven is the most complete, there is the Heaven-Zealing Method, the Qingxuan Method, and various other ways.

Only on earth can these children achieve their most comprehensive growth.

"Don't those wet nurses need some advice?"

Chen Banxian thought more comprehensively. For every [-] children, there were [-] wet nurses.

"It doesn't matter. I have arranged a fantasy for them. It will be fine when these children are three years old. The wet nurses will only think it is just one day."

It was settled on the ninth morning: "When the time comes, if you use the time magic weapon again, they will think it is only a moment."

"No, that's not what you calculated."

Chen Banxian explained: "This time orb is not what you think...

He suddenly stopped and then echoed: "Yes, Lao Jiu, this is really a good idea!"

After saying this, he directly activated the power of the Time Orb.

For a moment, strange fluctuations spread all around. It was calm here, and it seemed that nothing had changed.

But if you open your Dharma Eyes, you can see the power of time throughout the entire space. Everything here is static.

It did!

Chen Banxian remained calm and patted Jiu Jiu on the shoulder, "Next, the two of us will encourage each other."

ninth:? ? ?
  "Aren't you here to teach these children?"

He asked in surprise, but what he got in return was Chen Banxian's deep back.

"Although the time has stopped, the spiritual energy required for the children's cultivation is terrible."    "I must be responsible for the children. Only I can make up for the consumption of their cultivation."

This is not a joke. Only Chen Banxian, a fellow practitioner from Wandao, has the confidence to say this. Anyone else would be bragging.

Jiuji always felt that something was wrong, but the logic of this statement was indeed flawless.


His tone was faint: "Old Chen, you cheated me again."

"Hey, who among us is following whom?"

Chen Banxian told Jiuji not to care about these small details, and he immediately took charge of becoming a qualified power output machine.

He sat cross-legged and hid.


However, in any case, they have not been under great pressure in the past three years.

At the end of the three-year period, the wet nurses were sent away. With the spiritual energy nourishing them, these wet nurses became sensible very early.

At the age of two, they can bark, chase and play, and are so talented that they can jump three feet high.

It's just that Chen Banxian and Jiujiu feel that these children need to wait another year to practice properly, and at the same time, they also need to wait another year to adapt to the life without a wet nurse.

As a famous nanny was sent away, they returned to the time orb.

"Old Chen, are we doing this right?"

The ninth sigh: "These children will not have a complete life without their mother's company in the future."

"You are wrong." Chen Banxian grabbed Xiaosi who was brought back along the way: "In addition to not having a mother, they also have no father in their lives."

He choked on his ninth breath. He endured it again and again, and finally squeezed it out from his throat:
  "Old Chen, just be a human being~"

"Haha!" Chen Banxian smiled: "I just don't have parents, what's the big deal."

"For the sake of the human race, a small sacrifice, personal gain or loss is insignificant."

"Besides, their parents are still alive. Waiting for these children to return home takes hundreds or thousands of years to them, but it only takes a moment in the outside world."

"You say so, Xiaosi."

Xiaosi was a little confused: "Master, what are parents?"

"Oh, I said it in vain."

Chen Banxian forgot where Xiaosi's parents came from, Xiaoxue?
  Come on, it’s okay for that fool not to say anything.

"Master, can parents speed up my cultivation?"

Xiaosi asked. He didn't know much. He had grown up on Mount Everest since he was born and had no contact with outsiders.

Then came listening to the teaching, growing up, hurting Li Liu, and cultivating.

"It should... be possible." Chen Banxian was not sure either. He rubbed Xiaosi's head: "I don't have parents either. I don't know if I can speed up my cultivation. But I am sure that with Master here, your cultivation speed will be faster." It can’t be slower.”

His smile was malicious: "Xiaosi, are you ready?"

For some reason, Xiao Si felt that the tree was getting cold.


Inside the human race, everything is quiet.

But within the human race, there is a lot of turmoil among the various races!
  "The latest news! The latest news! Another peerless genius has emerged from the Night Clan!"

"Young Master Yingyin had a quarrel with Hun Qingtian, the young master of the Hunyuan Ancient Clan, and it was revealed during the fight that he was also the Lord in Silver Armor!"

The moment this news broke out, all the clans were in turmoil. As the only clan with a prophet arriving in advance, any slight disturbance in the Yinggou clan could cause an uproar.

I originally thought that Ying Ziyu from the Yinggou clan was already the formidable enemy of the younger generation, but I didn't expect that there was another one hiding.

In response to this, Hun Likong from the ancient Hunyuan clan directly shouted: "If you can beat the genius of another clan, you must take the time to understand the secrets of winning silver."

The ancient tribes were all arrogant. Not long after he spoke out, there was news of a world-shattering battle in Kunlun!

The sky there was collapsed, and there were rumors that the moon happened to pass by and was used as a weapon to hit people.

If the cause and effect hadn't been too great, it would have been shattered.

The protagonist of that battle is Ying Yin, and the challenger is the genius of the Lushu ancient clan, Xue Qihua.

A woman and Ying Yin fought inextricably, and in the end it was rumored that the two never came out victorious.

Good guy, Hun Likong was just talking, but Xue Qihua was already fighting directly.

Crazy, really crazy.

But this is also the spirit of youth, and Wanzu knows deeply that this world belongs to them.

I thought that this period of time was already the climax of the whirlpool of all races, but who knew, the human race would not be outdone.

There is a mysterious genius inside the human race station, who is qualified!

This change was unexpected and made all the ancient tribes dumbfounded and almost dropped their jaws in shock.

After asking carefully, this person seems to be named Zhou Shan.

Zhou Shan, who is it?
  Some ancient tribes have lost their memories, but the ancient tribes who divided their territories during the Everest period still remember it.

It seems that he was the monk who dared to represent the human race alone at that time.

"Is he not dead yet?"

Someone said something like this. They hadn't heard Zhou Shan's name and legend for so long. They thought this human race might have died somewhere.

However, the world suddenly changed, and one personality was merged, invisibly crushing all the ancient tribes.

In fact, let alone the ancient clan, even the human race was shocked by this situation.

Zhou Shan? Who is this? Who is this person? (End of chapter)

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