There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 567 Xuan Yu’s position is matched!

“Only by constantly doubting can we go further.”

Over the human race's station, Zhou Shan touched the bronze mask on his face and felt the power of personality.

"Sure enough, that person didn't lie to me. I don't believe that reaching the eighth level is my limit. Sure enough, only by breaking through the clouds and stepping out of the limit can I reach the right level."

The bronze mask fell off his face, and he looked up and down Zhou Shan's figure: "Not bad, not bad, he is indeed the person I like. Tell me, how does your personality feel?"


Zhou Shan closed his eyes: "I seem to be standing at the source of Xuanyu. All those who are not qualified must contribute to me."

Xuanyu Yiyi is exactly the technique he majors in.

"Someone from our clan is here." Zhou Shan looked down, but the next second, the space in front of him opened.

"Zhou Shan, you actually qualified?"

Die Yunfei's eyes were overjoyed: "Okay, okay, you are worthy of being the genius of our human race!"

"You are the first qualified human race. Unexpectedly, you usually don't show off your integrity, but you turned out to be a blockbuster!"

Die Yunfei praised him several times in a row, which made Zhou Shan smile happily.

"The general is joking, I'm just lucky."

"Don't be modest. I have heard about your mysterious jade way."

The way of mysterious jade is to use the heaven and earth as the thick soil and oneself as the mysterious jade. The more you cultivate, the stronger you become.

Even if you are not top now, you will only get stronger in the future, and there is no upper limit.

This is the terrifying thing about Xuanyu Dao. Heaven and earth cover all things and can nourish themselves.

"It's a pity that there are not many people who practice my way."

Zhou Shan was a little regretful. He stood at the source of the Tao and looked down. There were very few people practicing Xuan Yu.

"Hey, don't belittle yourself."

Die Yunfei waved his hand domineeringly: "When I turn around, I will educate the people of Nine Cities on the Mysterious Jade Way, and let those who are unable to move forward practice it."

Number of people has never been a problem, the human race has such a huge population base.

Zhou Shan was a little moved, and the bronze mask sighed: "As expected of the human race."

Die Yunfei was the fastest, and after him, one after another from the eighth level came.

They all come to see who is qualified.

Even people from the ancient tribe came. Standing outside the human tribe's station and looking around, they could see Zhou Shan's figure.

For the ancient tribe, this is probably a big blow.

"The foundation of our civilization is not as good as that of a new race?"

"Is it God's favor? Why is it so unfair?"

"Human race, human race, as soon as they return, Dragon Dao and Xuanyu Dao appear. These two figures are so terrifying. Is this still the human race I ate yesterday?"

"No, you have to show off your head quickly to calm down the shock!"

Some people also want to see the attitude of talented people like Ying Yin and Xue Qihua.

"Oh, it's just a small group's way. No one is fighting for it, so the difficulty is naturally low."

Faced with the inquiry, Xue Qihua immediately spoke: "If it weren't for the fierce competition for the position I seek, I would have already joined the Tao."

She was full of arrogance: "If you work hard, you can find thousands of paths. If I didn't pursue something higher, how could other people have done anything to Zhoushan?"

Such a speech caused an uproar again. Xue Qihua is indeed Xue Qihua, she is domineering.

The Princess of Lushu is well-deserved.

Other Tianjiao also responded more or less: "Even if Xuanyu Dao becomes qualified, it has nothing to do with them and will not affect their determination."

Qi Dongqing of the Shuiyi Ancient Clan even said: "He is no match for me now. Only in the future will there be a glimmer of possibility."

This is true.

Regarding this, the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan was somewhat gloating about their misfortune: "Once we have merged our bodies, we will enter the ninth realm, which can be called the Harmony of Dao. Then I will massacre the human race!"

The strong men in their clan can enter the ninth realm, but the human clan only has Zhoushan.

Even if the Dragon Dao True Dragon is here, he is no match for them with the immortal weapon in their hands.

Lu Gu even shouted to the human race prophet: "If I enter the ninth realm, you will be the first to behead!"

In response to this, there is also a response within the human race.

Aigwei was alone, holding an immortal weapon and massacring a large city under the jurisdiction of the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan, and sarcastically said: "Are you worthy?"

The Fu Zhong Ancient Clan was furious, and a strong man personally wanted to kill Aigwei.

However, the weapon in her hand flashed away, causing those strong men to switch north and south and lose their direction.

After Egerwei returned to the human camp, she said calmly: "Who do you think you are? When I am qualified, I will sacrifice you to heaven!"

Good guy, how dare a little-known woman from the human race be so crazy?

But if one attack fails, the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan cannot kill them a second time.

The ancient tribesmen sneered, and most of them thought he was a clown, just relying on the sharp weapons in his hands. .

Of course, some people saw that it was unusual. This woman's strength was not low, and more importantly, the "sharp weapon" looked familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

However, the combination of two consecutive personalities still made the atmosphere of the Ten Thousand Clans tense.

As long as the top monks in the eighth realm look up, they can see the two figures above their heads. They have a long history and are constantly getting stronger.

Some people wonder why the restrictions in the eighth realm are still there? Didn't enter the ninth realm?

There are already two beings in the human race who should be in the ninth realm.

But then, they sensed a difference in the momentum of Xuanyu's personality, and it turned out that Zhou Shan had already completed the ninth realm breakthrough in the Eastern Wasteland.

"TMD! Shameless!"

The Fu Zhong Ancient Clan immediately began to curse, and they were all ready to kill.

As a result, they still took advantage of the loophole.

"Human Zhou Shan, you'd better stay in the turtle shell forever and never come out!"

They kept scolding, but to no avail. With the previous lessons, Zhou Shan has lived up to his name, as stable as a mountain, and only cares about his silent cultivation.

The more powerful he is, the more ancient people will be able to protect part of the human race when they reach the ninth realm.

This is a common practice. Every time the mirror is broken, it is a disaster for the human race.

No matter how noisy the outside world is, somewhere in the human race, in an insignificant place, the power of time pervades.

"Master, what do you think meat tastes like?"

In this world, there are lush vegetation, and a boy-like child is sitting next to Ninth, who is sitting cross-legged.

"Meat? That's a legend. No one has ever eaten it. After all, that thing is very precious."

Ninth told lies, but his cheeks were not red.

"Ping'an, you don't need to hone your sword intention too much. Your Pure Yang Dao is the foundation, and sword intention is just a derivative of the Tao."

"Okay, you can figure it out for yourself, I'm going to rest first."

After the ninth finger pointed out, he turned around and left, returning to his own room.

Inside, there were constant sounds of chewing.

Chen Banxian bit into the spicy rabbit leg: "Tsk, tsk, it's still delicious when grilled over charcoal."

"Old Chen, please pay attention to your image."

Jiujiu swallowed twice, picked up the steamed buns from the table, and ate them one by one.

Children cannot eat meat. As a master, he must set an example and cannot eat it either.

Like Chen Banxian, who has no bottom line, he still can't overcome this hurdle in his heart.

Originally, children were allowed to eat meat.

But Chen Banxian felt that eating meat was harmful to his merits, so he banned it. This was for the benefit of the children.

Of course, he feels that he has many merits and it doesn’t matter if he loses one or the other.

Suddenly, he frowned and tapped his finger on the table.


Xiaosi hugged his toes to reveal his figure, his feet were constantly hurting.

"How many times have I told you that you have to change your habit of eating with your feet? You have already turned into a human form. You have to change your bad habit of turning into a tree."

Chen Banxian reprimanded him: "Also, it is extremely impolite to put your feet on the elders' table. If I take you to the door during the Chinese New Year, you won't be scolded for being uneducated?"

After some sermons, Xiaosi nodded repeatedly, and then reached out to the roast chicken on the table.


Chen Banxian's eyes widened.

Xiaosi's mouth trembled, he changed direction and went to get a steamed bun like Ninth.

"Master, I just want to eat some meat."

Xiaosi was about to cry but couldn't hold back tears: "I'm still growing, just give me a bite."

"You have never eaten meat, how do you know that meat is delicious and can help you grow?"

Of course Chen Banxian refused to give in. While eating the rabbit leg, he said earnestly:
  "Xiao Si, you are the biggest one here, and you will have to guarantee their safety in the heaven in the future."

"What if you can't go up and they are in danger? Master has entrusted you with an important task."

"Master, the ninth uncle said you are PUA, and I can smell it. The meat smells so good."

As soon as Xiao Si finished speaking, he saw Chen Banxian lift his feet.

He hurriedly bit the bun into his mouth, and the next second he got kicked on the butt.


"call out!"

Lin Ping'an looked up and was used to it.

The fourth senior brother flies out of the master's house three times every day. It would be strange if he was missing one day.

"Fourth Senior Brother, it's time to eat."

A beautiful girl came over carrying a fruit basket. In addition to fresh fruits, there were also tender grass jelly and thick leaves.

It looks dazzling and crystal clear.

Xiao Si burst into tears when he saw it: "Junior sister, you can eat. Senior brother has already gone off grain and is not hungry."

He practices the Heaven Swallowing Demon Technique, so he is not hungry, he really is not hungry.

In the room, Jiu Jiu looked at Chen Banxian: "It's been three hundred years, can you still hold on?"

"It's not a big problem."

The water element heart in Chen Banxian's hand glowed, constantly providing spiritual power, and was transformed into ten thousand ways by him:

"Watching them practice, I kept preaching, which was very beneficial to my enlightenment, and my practice became faster."

"Actually, strictly speaking, I am their master, and you should be their master's wife."

The ninth tease made Chen Banxian blush.

"There's something wrong with you, there's something behind your words."

He just sends a spiritual energy, which can always be misinterpreted by others.

"I have a dragon!"

He was extremely serious and raised his chin proudly: "The first personality of a true dragon! The ancestor of all dragons! Do you understand?"

"I understand, you have to show off every time I talk about this."

Ninth is a little helpless. Over the past three hundred years, his ears have been hearing cocoons.

Time is still flowing, but very slowly. In the past few days in the outside world, three hundred years have passed here.

They estimate that in about a thousand years, everyone will be able to practice to the eighth level of Dzogchen, and the Tao here will be realized almost before their eyes with the blessing of Chen Banxian.

As for those forty children, it is estimated that it will take less than five hundred years for them to reach the eighth level of perfection. (End of chapter)

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