There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 568 9. You go out first and I will teach the children something.

"Today is your 500th birthday."

Inside the Time Orb, a cake the size of a square house fell on the ground, and all the children looked up.

Some of these children's brows and eyes are like spring dew hanging in the morning, and some are full of youth and vitality.

There are also some children who are bored alone, with a gloomy temperament, watching quietly.

There are more than a thousand children with more than a thousand appearances. Even if they are educated in the same way, have the same environment, and have the same diet, the trees that eventually grow up are completely different.

The 500th birthday had no idea for them, but the huge cake also made many children look curious.

"Master, what's your birthday?"

Lin Ping'an asked, the innocence in his eyes unabashedly displayed in front of Jiuji and Chen Banxian.

"Birthday is the day you were born...

Ninth explained softly, with kindness in his eyes.

He watched these more than a thousand children grow up and developed extremely deep-throated relationships.

Lin Ping'an, in particular, was almost treated as one of his own.

It's a pity that we won't see him for hundreds of years.

"Today is your birthday, and I want to announce something at the same time."

The ninth voice was soft: "Have you ever thought about how you got here?"

"I know!"

A child shouted loudly: "We were brought by Master!"

"No, I'm not asking that. I'm asking, have you ever thought about how you appeared in this world?"

Ninth Gentle, another child said: "We are brought into this world by Master!"


Chen Banxian slapped his palm on his thigh and couldn't help laughing.

This made the smart child guess: "Could it be that the idle uncle brought it?"

What a idle uncle, Chen Banxian immediately looked at Ninth.

What have you taught your children?

"No, it's not." Jiuqing coughed: "Next, I'm going to start calling names. Those whose names are called will stand next to me."

"Lin Pingan, Huixin, Mu Zixi, Feng Fanfu, Ding Jie, Bao Lanjun, Feng Meng, Shao Tuantu...

One by one the names were recited, no more and no less than forty.

"Children, today I am going to tell you part of the truth, and the rest will be known five hundred years later."

Yes, after five hundred years, the top forty children have grown to the eighth level of perfection.

They have natural talent advantages, coupled with a unique environment, their cultivation speed is frighteningly fast.

"Uncle Ninth Master, you mean...

There was surprise in Xiaosi's eyes, he guessed something.

"Yes." Ninth did not deny it and left with forty children.

The remaining children would never see Lin Pingan and the others again for hundreds of years.

Xiaosi was unhappy. He had reached the eighth level of Dzogchen, but the master had no intention of letting him leave.

"Master, why don't you let me out yet? I'm tired of being in here."

On this day, Xiaosi lay with his head on Chen Banxian's lap, full of grievances. He envied Lin Ping'an and the others.

"Why, you can't bear the loneliness after only a short time?"

Chen Banxian tasted the tea gently, and the fragrance of Enlightenment tea could be felt on his lips and teeth.

There was something hidden in his eyes.

Looking at Xiaosi with these eyes, Chen Banxian shook his head helplessly: "You are still a little short of the real Dzogchen."

"Huh? I think I can do it."

Xiao Si was puzzled, but his master said that there is no perfection, which means there really is no perfection.

He scratched his head and went out to sort himself out to see where there was any problem.

"You're lying to him."

Ninth sat across the room and drank tea.

"It's good to lie to him. I've been lying to him since three hundred years ago. It doesn't matter if I lie to him for another two hundred years."

Chen Banxian's face was full of shamelessness.

Ninth doubt: "It's good to break through the limit every time. Xiaosi has broken through nine times in the past few hundred years, but is it really appropriate to let him keep polishing the eighth realm?"

"Just like you and me, if we have this extra time, we can go very far in the ninth realm."

Strictly speaking, a true genius can continue to make breakthroughs even if he stays in one realm forever.

"Why is it bad? This kid is good at everything, but his brain is too stupid. He deserves to be a piece of wood."

The light in his eyes slowly dissipated, and the Taoist charm of the enlightened tea leaves subsided.

"If I didn't supervise him, he wouldn't know he suffered a big loss."

Chen Banxian also had a lot of concerns about Xiao Si.

As a tree, there is no cause and effect after transformation. This is the reason why he is willing to bring the Time Orb.

You must know that Xiao Si practices the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique, and the pressure on him is greater than that of any child.

"If we really go to heaven, Xiaosi is the oldest among the children. He must fulfill his responsibility as a senior to protect everyone's safety."

Although they did not personally teach Lin Pingan and the others, they watched him day by day. Chen Banxian made no mistake in being more strict with Xiao Si.

"Well, that makes sense."

Jiujiu looked at Chen Banxian: "What about you? After so many years, can you reach Consummation?"

Unlike everyone else, it is too difficult for Chen Banxian to achieve perfection in his Tao.

"Not yet."

Chen Banxian had helplessness in his eyes: "You should be qualified after you go out, right?"

"I can do it."

Ninth's tone was calm, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"What qualifications do you plan to qualify for?" Chen Banxian's eyes lit up slightly: "Your way is unusual."

"My way is to become a god by faith." Ninth did not say much: "I will follow whatever God gives me."

"That's good. You can go out and join us first. I'll help you teach the rest of the children."

Chen Banxian stood up to see off the guests. This was the purpose of why he came to Jiuji today.     "You let me out?"

Ninth was shocked, and then subconsciously calculated.

"Tell me, which bastard is using illusion to confuse my master!"

"Stop pinching." Chen Banxian stopped him, fearing that he would pinch another disciple.

"The most important thing is that you qualify, you can't let others compare you."

"Will you be so kind?"

Jiujiu didn't believe it at all. Looking at this issue based on his understanding of Chen Banxian's character, he must be holding back some bad water.

"We have been friends for more than a thousand years, can I harm you?"

Chen Banxian took the initiative to push Ninth: "You go quickly, you must gain some momentum, and don't let the ancient tribe get the first step."

This is the best of times. If you practice normally, there will be such great things.

With his body and personality, he is the ancestor of a dynasty. He doesn't know how many people will be attracted to him.

It's a pity that the arrival of the ancient tribe completely lost the opportunity for the creatures from other worlds.

Even the worlds in the World Monument don't dare to get into trouble and have to do it quietly.

"Then I...really left?"

The ninth step was to turn around three times, wondering what kind of medicine Chen Banxian was selling in his gourd.

Of course it’s not a good medicine!

As soon as Ninth was sent away, Chen Banxian started calling the remaining 1,826 children.

He just transmitted the message, and in the next second, divine light continued to fall here.

One after another, the children exuded the aura of the eighth realm, and basically all of them had reached the late stage.

The distance between us and Dzogchen is just a matter of time.

"Uncle idle, what do you want us to do?"

A young girl asked, with stars in her eyes. Her innocence made Chen Banxian more determined in his idea.

"Children, because your master is temporarily busy, I will teach you in the next period of time."

"Uncle idler, will you teach us?"

A slightly fat boy questioned: "Uncle, can you teach us?"

Without their Master Ninth, these children had no sense of security.

"What's your name?" Chen Banxian asked him.

"My name is Li Zongpu."

"Okay, Li Zongpu, come here."

The little fat man came over ignorantly: "Uncle idler, is there something wrong with what I said?"

"There's nothing wrong. Just close your eyes first."

Chen Banxian asked him to stand still. Standing in front of him, the little fat man simply believed him.

Then, in full view of the children, Chen Banxian raised his foot, gathered strength, and kicked!



Li Zongpu drew a perfect arc in the air, covered his butt and fell to the ground, his whole face distorted.

He turned his head in disbelief: "You, why did you kick me?"

This was the first time that he and they had seen Chen Banxian take action.

All the teenagers were dumbfounded and at a loss.

"Children, this is the lesson I taught you today, and I hope you will always remember it."

Chen Banxian smiled and said: "This lesson is about never letting down your guard in front of anyone."

The children nodded blankly, this scene was beyond their expectations.

Only Li Zongpu seemed to have some enlightenment on earth.

"Okay, everyone, let's go. I'll call you next time in class."

He turned and left, muttering silently on his lips.

The war has begun!

The next day, the idle uncle sent a message to everyone to be careful, something terrible will happen next!

All the teenagers were panicking, and some subconsciously wanted to find Master Ninth, only to find out that their master had really left for something.

Li Zongpu was even more wary, and was as frightened as a bird at the slightest sign of trouble.

They stopped practicing and spent a month in fear.

"Uncle You Xian!" Finally a young man came to ask him, what is the crisis?

"Huh? Crisis, I'm kidding you."

Chen Banxian's words made these teenagers feel angry towards their elders for the first time.

So everyone relaxed their vigilance, but their master disappeared for a while.

Then, he opened the imperial jar and took out a monster from the civilization next to the World Monument.

This monster is very aggressive and cannot be killed. It is the most suitable tool to test them. .


No, a hundred!

He chuckled, the expression on his face was particularly ferocious: "I didn't expect that, kids."

He was full of news as soon as he arrived!

The children who had relaxed their vigilance that day never imagined that they would be attacked unexpectedly, even when they were at their most relaxed!


On the spot, teenagers and girls screamed and were chased by monsters all over the map.

Houses were destroyed, the ground rolled, and there was chaos. It took half an hour before anyone tried to resist.

The child who took action first was called Sa Sa Sa, a girl.

But she attacked fiercely and almost impaled the monster with her hand as a gun.

The monster instantly lost the strength to resist. Just when Sa Sa Sa was about to kill him, the space was turbulent and Chen Banxian took all the monsters away.

His voice slowly sounded in everyone's mind.

"This is the second lesson I teach you, which is never trust authority."

"Well...I am the authority. You have learned this word before, so you don't need me to explain it, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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