For children, there are only four words in their minds.

again! quilt! Play! Got it!

Where is the class here? What sub-class is this?

But they have always been naive and only talked about it, and repaired the damaged places unhappily.

If the master comes back and sees it, he might be angry.

Damn Uncle You Xian!

"Next time, we won't believe anything he says!"

"Yes! Don't be fooled by him again!"

The teenagers all agreed. Perhaps Uncle You Xian felt that he had gone too far, so everything went normally in the next few days.

They can finally continue practicing.

The usual step-by-step practice was interrupted, which made many people uncomfortable and unable to adapt for a while.

Li Zongpu always felt that there was something wrong, but he couldn't explain it. He was kind-hearted and explained himself.

"Uncle You Xian is a friend of Master. He must be too bored recently. I want to understand him, just like in the textbook."

"Hey, where is my doll?"

Li Zongpu subconsciously grabbed the doll, which was his friend since childhood and had always been by his side.

But the doll is missing!

"Who, who took my stuff?"

Li Zongpu rummaged through the boxes and cabinets but couldn't find it. He hurriedly cast spells and looked for his own breath on the doll.

It was actually at Ah Hai’s house next door.

He was furious and was about to go up to reason, but he saw Ah Hai walking towards him angrily.

"Li Zongpu! You actually took my most beloved toy!"

"Nonsense, when did I take your toy? It was clearly you who took my doll!"

They blamed each other and then found their belongings from each other's homes.

"You still said you didn't take it!" (In unison)

The two people who were already angry could no longer hold back and started fighting.

The huge movement caused the already devastated ground to be damaged again, but no one paid attention.

Everyone discovered that their belongings had been stolen, and the murderer turned out to be someone with whom they had a good relationship.

Now, the world of Time Orb became lively, with accusations everywhere.

Xiao Si also found that his things were missing, but he did not intervene immediately. Instead, he walked to Chen Banxian's room resentfully.

"Master, you fucked me again."

He was used to it, these were all routines.

"Xiao Si, your only shortcoming is that your temper is too stable."

Chen Banxian really wanted to see Xiao Si break his defense, but he never waited.

He returned the small wooden sculpture to him: "Look outside, those junior brothers and sisters are the role models you should follow."

Brothers and sisters?

Xiao Si looked around and saw accusations and loud shouts everywhere.

"You are wrong, apologize!"

"It's obvious that you were wrong, so you should apologize!"

"You apologize!"

"No, it's you!"

It was a very civilized quarrel, without a single curse word. The most serious words in the entire article were the two words "apology".

Chen Banxian frowned: "No, the children don't have enough vocabulary."

So he immediately opened the imperial jar and rummaged through boxes and cabinets to find it.

Master, what are you looking for? "Xiao Si was curious, Chen Banxian searched for almost an hour, and finally his face showed joy!

"I found it. I didn't expect you were still there."

What surprised Master so much?

Xiao Si peeped quietly and saw the title of the book:

"Advanced Magician Quick Course"

A high-level magician sounds very high-level at first glance.

"Go, copy this thing for me one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six times."

Xiaosi:! ! !

He looked up blankly, wanting to see if Master was joking, but he saw Master's serious face, and he had even prepared paper and pen for him.

It's not false, it's the truth!

Chen Banxian chuckled. He didn't believe that Xiao Si's problem with being honest could not be changed. After one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six times, even a pig could memorize it, right?

Ten days later, Xiao Si, with trembling hands, came back with a thick copy of "Advanced Magician Quick Course" and reported: "Master, I have finished copying it."

"Okay, what do you think?" Chen Banxian picked it up and looked at it casually. The thickness of the text and strokes in these copied books were almost the same as his.

From the first to the last book, there is no difference, no laziness or madness at all.

"Master, I think these words are not good." Xiao Si replied honestly. He felt that it was too inconsistent with the title of the book:

"Not fancy at all."

"It's okay if you're not a senior person. You're hopeless. Go ahead and distribute these brochures to your junior brothers and sisters."

Chen Banxian pinched his eyebrows with a headache, "Xiaosi, I'm not enlightened."

Xiaosi also has a headache. Master, this is not normal.

In the past ten days, the relationship between boys and girls has not eased. The reason is that Chen Banxian is still quietly adding fuel to the flames.

This caused many people to look at each other and shout: "Apologise!"

"I won't unless you apologize first!"

"You are still getting worse! I will tell Master when Master comes back!"

The atmosphere is so nice and lovely.

Chen Banxian felt goosebumps all over his body after hearing this. They were in urgent need of purification.

And "Advanced Magician Quick Course" is a must-have medicine.

When the fourth senior brother sent this book, Li Zongpu was skeptical, because nothing about Uncle You Xian was worthy of belief, and he would no longer be easily fooled.

He asked Xiaosi to open it in front of him, flipping through page after page, and only accepted it after making sure there was no problem.

"Why do you say that about the light element?"

He was very confused. He couldn't understand many words. For example, why did the word "female horse" include reproductive organs?

Or add the name of the plant in front?

He tentatively chanted: "Element of light, am I going to fuck Mud?"

"Light element, can I xx you xx?"

For some reason, these words were ordinary, but as soon as he said them, he felt very happy, as if a lot of the depression he had been feeling for a while was being relieved.

So, when Ah Hai came to him to apologize the next day, Li Zongpu subconsciously said: "It's a fool's errand." " ˆ ˆ A Hai: "Huh?" "

He felt something was wrong, and for some reason he felt angry after hearing this sentence.

"Okay, have you read that book? I've read it too, you Male Gobi!"

“Damn it, you arrogant bitch…

On the first day, this was still a small number.

The next day, the scolding war escalated, and almost everyone studied "Advanced Magician Quick Course" seriously.

On the third day, Chen Banxian opened the door to breathe in the fresh air, and wonderful greetings rang out from all directions.


He smiled with satisfaction and told everyone that he actually did all this.

All the teenagers: "What!"

They were shocked, but the conclusion was this, it was Chen Banxian who did it.

He smiled and said: "This is your third class, called indiscriminate."

Too innocent, these children were too innocent, and the little expressions on their faces were quietly recorded by him.

"Okay! Uncle You Xian, you ****...

Li Zongpu spoke immediately, but was kicked away by Chen Banxian the next second.

All the teenagers glared at him, even the child in front of him.

"Go and see if Li Zongpu is injured."

Chen Banxian calmly retracted his foot: "This is a lesson to him for scolding his elders."

The children turned around, but Chen Banxian struck again, one at a time.

"Ahem," he slowly added: "This is the fourth lesson, called sneak attack."

Good guy, you don't play by the rules at all, right?

The children were dumbfounded and very dissatisfied, especially those who were kicked.

Li Zongpu was thoughtful again.

After the disbandment, he went home and was surprised to find Chen Banxian, Uncle Youxian, waiting for him at his home.

"Young man, you have a good understanding, much better than your fourth senior brother."

Chen Banxian began to pay attention to this little fat man. I am afraid he will have to lead everyone in the heaven.

"Today I will teach you the fifth lesson alone."

"fifth lesson?"

Li Zongpu felt that this teaching method was extremely mysterious and unfair, but he still nodded seriously.

"Have you ever been unhappy with any of your classmates but couldn't beat him?"

Chen Banxian's words made Li Zongpu strange, but he still replied: "Yes, there is Ah Hai next door. I can't always beat him."

"I can make you beat him, believe it or not?"

Chen Banxian smiled softly, and Li Zongpu felt that things were not simple.

"Do you know how to hold breath? Ah Hai should be sleeping now. Come with me."

He took him quietly into A Hai's room.

Ah Hai was indeed sleeping, but his soul was enlightened in the living room and did not realize that he was being guarded.

"Hit." Chen Banxian pointed at Ah Hai's body and had only one word.

Li Zongpu was confused at first, but soon he understood and went up to punch and kick him without saying a word!

This time, Ah Hai noticed it in time, but he had completely lost the strength to resist and was beaten violently!

"Ah! Ahh!"

He screamed, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

"Okay." Chen Banxian stopped Li Zongpu and pulled Ah Hai up: "What do you think?"

"You bully me!" Ah Hai burst into tears, making Chen Banxian shake his head. This kid's mind is still not very bright.

"Is there anyone you dislike and can't beat?" He asked Ahai, and finally got a girl named Suifang.

"Xiao Li, go and repeat the movements I just taught you with Ah Hai, and then continue with Suifang until everyone has been beaten."

This demon is so beastly!

Over the course of one night, more and more people joined the army of Yin people with bruises and swollen faces.

"This move is called ambush."

After Chen Banxiao concluded, below was a group of children with bruises and swollen faces.

Even Li Zongpu was like this. According to him, he was careless when he was cheating on someone. He was noticed by the other party and was beaten back.

"Additional homework for the fifth lesson, learn a few more hidden techniques."

Chen Banxian patted him on the shoulder: "Although you were killed in a counter-attack, I am still very optimistic about you. In the future, maybe you will be the pillar among these fellow sects."

He has always been a good judge of people.

Jiu Jiu, who was outside, didn't know that as soon as he went out, the children behind him were rapidly deteriorating.

"Lesson 6 is called to sway the tiger away from the mountain."

"Lesson 7, guess why you are still grateful to me after I took your apple?"

"Lesson 8 is called Don't hit the smiling person..."

Each course, ranging from one month to three to five days, allowed more than a thousand children to experience first-hand what "teaching by precept and example" means.

At the same time, Chen Banxian is constantly shaping their worldview.

From the original darkness of the aristocratic families in Baihu City, to the insidiousness and cunningness of the ancient tribes, they continue to perfect the atmosphere of the earth and even all walks of life.

"This is your ivory tower. Once you leave, you will struggle to move forward in the darkness and filth."

Chen Banxian asked them with a worried look on his face: "Are you afraid?"

"Not afraid!"

Li Zongpu shouted the loudest.

"Then what should you do?" Chen Banxian climbed up and asked!

"Filtier than the outside world!"

The voices of more than a thousand people were as determined as fire, making Chen Banxian close his eyes in relief.

They are all good seedlings, and they are very malleable.

"Children, give you a month to use what I teach you to deal with me!"

His words surprised everyone.

"Whoever hurts me, I will make him even more filthy!"

(End of this chapter)

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