There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 571 9th Fight for Place

"I'll just take a rest, it'll be fine."

"Take me home."

He was tired but didn't want to disturb the children's interest.

They see the real world for the first time.

"It turns out there are ants on the ground."

Su Ning knelt down and was extremely curious about this small insect.

"The butterflies are so beautiful."

There are also children whose eyes are full of butterflies, dancing with them in the air.

Outside the small room, Die Yunfei stood with Jiu Jiu, his eyes moved: "Such a group of innocent children, like elves, so cute."

Yes, they are cute. They deserve such a description. Compared with their bloody hands, these children are like angels.

"Look at that child dancing with the colorful cloud butterflies. This picture is so beautiful."

Die Yunfei pointed at Su Ning and his eyes showed satisfaction.

The next second, Su Ning reached out and took off the butterfly's wings and studied them carefully.

"Such a beautiful thing can definitely confuse the enemy and distract the target at critical moments."

She preserves it carefully.

The child who was looking at the ants also took out the ant nest completely: "Such a complicated route is consistent with the avenue. I will build a maze like this in the future!"

Great view!

They did not harm any living beings, and the consequences of not killing have already been warned and kept in mind.

However, it didn't say that you can't torture life, as long as you don't kill it, it will be fine.

"Why is there something wrong with this... style of painting?"

Die Yunfei noticed something different, "Lao Jiu, you said you came out three or four days early?"

"That's right." Ninth's face turned dark.

"So, Brother Xian will stay inside and help you teach the children of hundreds of years, right?"

Ninth nodded: "I think he has contributed the most and the children shouldn't have no impression of him."


Die Yunfei's original good mood suddenly collapsed. It is difficult for a person to learn well, but it is easy to learn bad.

"Old Chen... must be measured." Ninth drew his sword and looked around: "Where is Old Chen? He needs to rest, but he can't be tired anymore."

Lao Chen was sleeping on Mount Everest, sound asleep.

Jiaojiao rubbed him with her paws distressedly, but he was so asleep that he couldn't wake up at all.

After he fell asleep, one person after another wandered around him, seeming to hesitate.

She doesn't dare to get close and doesn't want to leave, just like a girl who is played by a scumbag over and over again.

The dragon's claws waved, and the domineering dragon's power filled the air, not allowing the characters to escape.

Instead, Xiaoxue, who was peeping at the door, fell into the house with a clang. He waved his hands hurriedly: "I didn't see it, I didn't see anything when I passed by!"

God, His chest was rising and falling violently, so many figures were really numb.

"It's a pity that I was born a priest and my personality has nothing to do with it."

He was extremely melancholy, otherwise he would have fought.

The black dragon walked out of the house with his head held high, patted Xiaoxue on the forehead with his tail, and went into the kitchen to cook.

He wants Xianxian to have the freshest and hottest meals when he wakes up.

The ninth sword passed over the house, and he saw Jiaojiao turning around bitterly:

"Old Chen, you are lucky today."

He turned around and entered the earth again, this time with full momentum.

He... after a short period of polishing himself, he will be qualified.

"The qualification I am qualified for should be the incense god."

He stood high in the sky, at the edge of the human race's territory.

This will not affect the human race to the greatest extent, and can also prevent being besieged by the ancient race.

According to past management, the ancient tribe would not simply let the humans break through, but would try every means to make them fail.

Siege is the best and most common.

Fortunately, Chen Banxian had an agreement with the ancient tribesmen.

"Incense Shinto! Come!"

His voice was clear and loud, wandering around heaven and earth. First, he told heaven and earth, and second, he told all those who practice the incense and fire divine way.

Today, he is ninth to qualify!

The sky and the earth are shining, and the smell of incense comes from nowhere, like sandalwood in the temple, or like burning paper during festivals, filling the world.

A mysterious line appeared in the sky, and it seemed to be at an infinite height.

Incense Shinto runes appear!

The Ninth Eye showed that it was indeed the case. His intuition was correct and he could indeed meet the qualifications.

But just as he was walking towards the Shinto status, the water in the river of Incense Shinto rose.

"Who wants to steal my divine way!"

The first one to appear was an ancient race with characters carved all over his body. The densely packed characters occupied all parts of his body.

There is amazing power of faith in every word, and countless people pray and worship.

Resistance is coming.

Ninth was not surprised. A black box appeared behind him: "I am the Ninth of the human race."

"The ninth in the human race?" The ancient clan laughed: "The ninth is worthy of competing with me? I am the number one in the Shenwen clan, Silent God!"

The ninth one was unmoved: "One word is small, nine words are big. Today you will make way for me without a doubt."

There was a river beneath their feet, a river that emerged from the divine text. The understanding of the incense divine way is the ninth deepest. The person he summoned, other ancient tribes discovered through the interaction, that after the silence of the god, another ancient tribe emerged from the water.

"Okay, I didn't expect that the first person to bring out the Personality Master was not me, Fuchen, but a mere human race."

The second ancient clan arrived, and the incense divine way they practiced was not weaker than the ninth.

No, or the gap between them is not that big to begin with, they just lack an opportunity.

Now that the ninth person has been summoned, the opportunity has come.

"Can't you tell your own identity?"

The ninth taunt, black boxes are all around him, they are his weapons.

Random combination and formation are his greatest weapons.

"Silent God, you and I have been fighting for many years, but this human race suddenly appeared. How about you and I working together to kill him first?"

Fuchen's suggestion made Silent God's heart move.

"Yes, it's really a shame and a shame that even a mere human race has to compete with us for status."

The Silent God immediately took off a piece of writing from his body: "Then kill him first, and then you and I will decide whether to win or lose."

He took action directly, without too much nonsense, and wanted to join the Xianghuo Shinto today.

On the top of Kunlun Mountain, among the Yinggou clan, Young Master Ying Wuque was drinking with Ying Ziyu.

Both of them are of the Silver Armor bloodline, giving this place a dazzling cold light and rolling evil power.

"The person of Incense Shinto has come out."

Ying Ziyu's eyes saw through the void and saw the dispute on the river.

"The sacred way of incense and fire is just an external thing." Ying Wuque smiled lightly: "Brother Ziyu's way is the corpse ancestor Yinggou position, do you still care about this small way?"

"No." Ying Ziyu slowly shook his head: "It's not that I don't care, but I'm a little unhappy."

"Even if the path is easy, I don't want to fall behind others. I should be the first person from the ancient clan to qualify."

His tone was domineering, and a trace of corpse energy accidentally leaked, causing the spring flowers in the garden to wither and the green pines to wither.

"What a pity for the beautiful scenery in this courtyard."

Ying Wuque felt a little distressed: "Brother, you should really control your temper, otherwise if Ying Yin sees it, you will not be able to avoid ridicule."

"Ying Yin is our great enemy." Ying Ziyu sighed: "I compete with him for status, and I will be injured, but you are still completely happy."

"When you log into the heaven, you will naturally have vocational opportunities. You don't need to be like me."

"The vocation is not that easy to obtain."

Ying Wuque drank the tea and said he was having difficulty, but in fact his eyes were filled with confidence that Ying Ziyu was not as confident as Ying Ziyu.

"Let's watch the show. The human race is not weak. I think the God of Silence and Fuchen will capsize in the gutter."

Ying Ziyu put down the tea: "The ninth human race, not weak."

It was indeed not weak. The fists of the Silent God fell on the ninth body one after another on the long river.

But the black box's defense was impenetrable, and it wouldn't budge no matter how hard he tried.

Standing high in the sky, Ninth took over Fuchen's means with one hand.

This ancient tribe's methods are weird. He just wipes his body and wants to erase the ninth avenue.

But Jiujiu stretched out his hand, and Dao collided with Dao, causing Fuchen to fly upside down. He couldn't beat Jiujiu.

"Beast, look at the trick!"

The God of Silence opened his mouth and spat out the power of incense and faith. The words all over his body were glowing, and his momentum and strength multiplied several times.

In Ying Ziyu's words, this is a small way, but Xianghuo Shinto is actually recognized as a strong person.

Fuchen also played incense, transformed into three incense sticks, and burned them towards Ninth.

At this moment, incense kills luck, words destroy life, and Ninth encounters a big crisis.

Any person in the eighth realm would be severely damaged under such an attack even if he did not die.

In the human camp, a group of priests stared closely at the ninth one, but nothing could go wrong. The battle for this position was extremely dangerous.

You must be prepared for everything, nothing will happen on the ninth day.

"We don't need to worry too much about Lao Jiu." Die Yunfei was very confident in him: "Besides, look at the feet of No. 9."

The ninth foot? The priests seemed normal at first, but as they looked closer, they gradually discovered that something was wrong.

"See with your eyes." Zhang Han reminded, and everyone gave up their spiritual thoughts and used their physical eyes instead.

The next moment, they saw one thousand, eight hundred and twenty-six eighth-level Dzogchen beings ambushing around.


Even if Yinglang comes, I'm afraid he won't be able to survive. This power is enough to subvert any race!

A priest said: "How many beliefs have the Ninth one absorbed in the past thousand years? It will definitely not be weaker than those two ancient races."

"And Incense can increase all aspects. The Ninth has not been used yet. Once he uses it, he will immediately turn the situation around."

Yes, the belief in incense can make the attack more powerful, the body more powerful, and the Taoist charm stronger.

One manpower is like a thousand people gathered together!

It's a pity that Fuchen and the God of Silence in the river of Incense Shinto didn't notice it.

They met Ninth.

The ninth is not the ninth of the human race, and his incense divine way is slightly different.

"Is this how you use Incense and Fire Divine Way?"

The ninth voice greeted Qing Leng, and a cloud of faith appeared above his head.

Countless prayers filled the air from Qingyun, and he took out a ball and recited the Tianxian.

"I say, the two of you will be annihilated and your souls will be destroyed."

Hearing this, Shen Shen and Fu Chen laughed loudly: "What nonsense are you talking about? Is this how incense is used? There is no use at all...ah! Damn it!"

"F*ck!" Inside the human race!

"F*ck!" All the boys in the eighth realm said.

"Fuck!" In Kunlun, Ying Ziyu stood up in shock: "Is this the Incense Divine Way?"

(End of this chapter)

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