Tian Xian was in his mouth, the sound of the avenue fell, and Fu Chen and She Shen were violently impacted.

This sound turned into the light of the avenue one after another, constantly consuming the Tao Yun on their bodies, making them unable to resist or defend, and their souls melted quickly like candles.

"What's this!"

The God of Silence's own power of faith is consumed rapidly to make up for the constant dissolution of his body and soul.

But he soon collapsed. Jiujiu tore off a piece of faith and said to them:

"You will cause three calamities and catastrophes, and the gods and humans will decline."


Fuchen was horrified, his body was constantly stinking, he felt tired from top to bottom, inside and out, dirt was growing, and his skin was wrinkled like a dying old man.

His heart was overwhelmed by huge fear. What kind of opponent were he and others facing?

This is not, this cannot be the incense Shinto!

However, in the sky, Ninth Seeing that the two Heavenly Constitutions had not killed the two of them, he took down a piece of Faith Qingyun again and finally said:

"I say your life has come to an end, and all time, space, and destiny have ended here."

At this time, the two of them could no longer bear it. The consumption of the power of faith was completely disproportionate. This method could not be defended and could only be passively resisted.

Finally, on the water surface of Incense Shinto, the two old men with stiff faces and cloudy eyes quietly fell into the water and continued to sink to the bottom.

They never had a chance to swim out.

Two ancient clans of Incense and Fire Shinto, extremely talented people perished.

There was total silence among the human race and the ancient race.

Many of the creatures who saw this place have not come back to their senses. This is a path they have never imagined. How could the Incense Shinto be like this? Is this really the case?

Ying Ziyu clenched his fists: "This incense and fire divine way is very strong!"

He changed his mind. Even he couldn't understand Ninth's fighting method, so he really qualified to become his enemy!

It’s time to qualify.

Ninth beckoned: "Come on."

The incense divine personage couldn't wait for a long time, and at this moment, it suddenly turned into a stream of light and entered the ninth body.

At the same time, the heaven and earth shook, and blessings appeared. Festive clouds appeared from all over the sky, and strange little flowers bloomed in an instant.

Incense Shinto has shown unprecedented activity, all because of the ninth.

He, alone, forcefully raised Incense Shinto to a level that did not belong to him.

"Is this the person who merged with the person, or the person who merged with the person?"

Die Yunfei felt that this situation was strange and different from what he imagined.

As the first qualified person in the human race, Zhou Shan looked at the ninth place and said:

"Why is his character so powerful? It really shocked me."

Unlike his own Xuanyu Dao, the movement of Ninth's personality was also too great. In a daze, he saw an incense statue erected at the source of the Incense Divine Dao, and its appearance was exactly the same as that of Ninth.

The faint energy of paper money and chanting sounds come from all directions, making people deeply intoxicated.

In Baihu City, Mian City, Jia City and other nine cities, the statue of Ninth God shines brightly, and some young mothers pray in front of the statue.

Mrs. Lin said respectfully: "Please God, please bless my son to be safe and sound, free from illness and disaster, and stay safe and sound beside your old man."

She does not seek great achievements for her children, but she seeks peace, as the name suggests, peace.

However, the statue was shaking at this time, and the skin of the original stone statue fell off, revealing a trace of golden light inside.

It turns out that the god of incense and fire became enlightened, and the clay sculpture turned into gold!

"The gods have appeared! The statue of the ninth god has turned into gold!"

People kept shouting, and everyone rushed to tell each other. For a while, the faith Qingyun of Ninth, which had been depleted, was replenished again, and even expanded rapidly.

On the top of Mount Everest, Chen Banxian shook his hands and was about to wake up.

All the wandering characters disappeared immediately and were already avoiding him.

But he just turned over and continued to snore: "Xianhuo Shinto? You're so high."

The human race was shocked, the earth turned public opinion, and the second person suddenly appeared among the human race.

Moreover, as soon as he became enlightened, he beheaded two of the top strong men of their ancient clan, which was really too much of a deception.

So, someone from the ancient Shuiyi tribe told the world: "I can't wait any longer. I must meet my qualifications."

"There are people with water channels in the world, even if they come to challenge me outside the Water Monkey Tribe's station, if they don't come, I will call out my status in one month."

The water channel is one of the great avenues of the five elements, and it is the basis of the great avenue of the entire earth.

I don’t know how many people practice this way. Once they meet the qualifications, they will probably reach a higher level.

One month? The ancient tribes in many places simply couldn't make it in time. Instead of going to the Shuiyi station, it was better to say that they were on the highway. Get ready, he is about to join the waterway.

"Who is this person?"

Someone's spiritual thoughts are spreading all over the earth. Such arrogance is really deceiving.

There are so many people who practice water. If he is playing with fire or water, he will definitely be drowned.

"It's Qi Dongqing!"

Soon a piece of news spread across the entire earth. Qi Dongqing's name was no stranger, and even resounding.

He is a genius alongside people like Ying Ziyu and Xue Qihua.

He also has to qualify, which must be a disaster, and the threshold of the ninth realm will definitely be broken.

"He doesn't fit in!"

An emergency meeting was held among the human race, and Mu Yun immediately pointed out: "His breakthrough seemed like he couldn't help it, but it was actually to deal with us."

"Yes, we have to get rid of all the clutter and grasp the center. Why didn't he say it earlier and later? He said it only after two personal masters appeared in our human race?"

Bai Di snorted coldly: "Obviously, he wants to raise his level so that our human race will have nothing to worry about when facing the powerful enemies of the ancient tribe. When the time comes, the Fu Zhong ancient tribe will definitely take action against us."

"They have elders, and their strength has greatly increased after restoring the Ninth Realm. Our human race can't produce so many Ninth Realm."     "Therefore, the number of qualified persons in our human race will be greatly reduced, and we will not have that time to practice. "

In a few words they understood the truth.

Han Li slammed his fist on the table: "You are vicious, the ancient tribe is determined to destroy me, and one day we must kill them all!"

After saying that, he took the initiative and suggested: "Let's run away first. At least most of the human race will return to the Eastern Wasteland."

Commander Qu Heng shook his head and expressed his opinion: "One month is too close. If we just capture the territory and then escape immediately, what difference will it make to clowns?"

They might as well not have conquered their homeland.

"Ninth, what do you think?"

Die Yunfei looked at Ninth below. He simply adjusted his breath and came to attend the meeting after conforming to his position.

"My opinion is - fight!"

The Ninth only has this word: "I will return to the Eastern Wasteland to break through the Ninth Realm, and at the same time lead a group of people who are qualified and upright to break through forcefully to protect the human race station."

"No matter how many ancient clans there are, they are still just one clan. As long as we resist their first wave of attacks and engage in a stalemate with the other party, other clans will not be able to interfere with our human clan due to the oath of heaven."

"Ninth, you make it simple, but how difficult is it to block the ancient tribe in the Ninth Realm?"

There was worry in Die Yunfei's words: "The ninth realm is a huge leap. Do you think we can really defeat it?"

These words plunged the meeting into silence.

"Beat it!"

Suddenly, a female voice sounded outside the meeting, and Ai Gewei and Chen Jin came hand in hand.

"We humans are not soft persimmons. Our master has given us treasures. Even if we cannot invade the ancient tribes outside the territory, we can still make them unable to eat and carry them away."

She holds the yin and yang upside down, and the fairy light is so bright that it makes people scared.

Chen Jin didn't say a word, his head hung in Lingming Pavilion, his momentum was unparalleled.

Two fairies!

The strong men present were horrified in their eyes, what an immortal weapon!

"Great. With the immortal weapon, the ancient clan's plan will basically come to nothing."

What about the ninth realm? When the Immortal Weapon shows its power, let alone the Eighth Realm going against the Ninth Realm, even the Seventh Realm can overwhelm the Ninth Realm.

"Okay! Qi Dongqing from the Shuiyi Ancient Clan, right? Let their plan go to waste this time!"

Die Yunfei clenched his fists: "Then let's discuss strategies on how to make Qi Dongqing unable to qualify."

Water channel, how many monks among the human race are practicing water channel? By then, everyone will work for other people, and many people will not be able to bear this outcome.

"Hurry and inform the water practitioners within the human race!"

They wanted to find out if there was such a genius, or at least compete with Qi Dongqing.

"Waterway Prodigy?"

This statement really stumps many people. The path of the Five Elements is indeed broad, but there are very few geniuses among it.

The most common way is the most difficult to produce top talents.

"I do have someone here."

Han Li recommended: "Liang Qingyi."

"She is my disciple, and she practices water."

"How does she compare with Qi Dongqing?"

People asked, and Han Li compared them in his mind: "Slightly inferior."

"It's better not to call her. If you go, you will be killed. The strength of the Shuiyi Ancient Clan is not weaker than that of the Fu Chong Ancient Clan, and Qi Dongqing's strength is unfathomable."

All they see is the surface.

"Then where can we find a water expert? Is it possible that we can kill Qi Dongqing quietly?"

Kill the genius of the ancient Shuiyi clan? If you really know how to joke, can you kill me casually?

Aren't you afraid of revenge from the other clan?

"We are already in dire straits, so killing... seems to be nothing."

A priest said in a gloomy tone: "Anyway, they can only have one family to deal with us at the same time."

"How about..." Someone rolled their eyes: "Let's leave tonight?"

"Didn't Qi Dongqing say that he would wait for us at the edge of the Shuiyi Ancient Clan's settlement?"

Damn, this is a great opportunity!

"Wait a minute, this is a serious matter, I'm going to find someone."

Dieyunfei stood up and looked at Jiujiu.

Chen Banxian had to pull up and count another one to ensure the accuracy of the matter.

"Where's Lin Tian?"

Suddenly, Jiu Jiu asked: "I heard that he is still sleeping. If Lao Chen loses his temper, it would be nice to have someone to resist beating him."

"He seems to be looking for his former teacher in the original world."

Die Yunfei recalled the information reported by his secretary, and waved his hand: "But it doesn't matter, I have a way to find him."

I saw him reaching into the void and grabbing someone by the collar.


Lin Tian wailed: "Fuck, it hurts, it hurts, you pinched the flesh, it's not clothes!"

(End of this chapter)

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