"How long has he been asleep?"

"It should be...five or six days."

Xiaoxue counted on her fingers: "I have been snoring since I came back, which makes me no longer interested in planting trees."

"Is it that serious?"

Die Yunfei and three others were standing outside the house. They seemed to be sleeping soundly. They didn't even react at such a close distance.

"Master uncles, have tea."

Xiao Si brought some tea and asked them to sit down: "Master, he should wake up in a while."

"We can't wait any longer." Die Yunfei shook his head and pushed Lin Tian.

"Brother, go wake up Brother Xian."

"Okay." Lin Tian walked towards Chen Banxian's bed. He took only two steps and said worriedly: "Brother Xian won't be angry if I wake him up, right?"

"Do you think Lao Chen is that kind of person?" Ninth looked calm and everything was as usual.

Lin Tian nodded when he heard this, and gently patted the person on the bed.

"Brother Xian?"

The snoring suddenly disappeared, and Chen Banxian stared at him.

Lin Tian's spine tingled: "Not good!"

He raised his head in shock and saw the myriad forces of heaven and earth pressing towards him.

"Brother Xian, I was wrong! Brother Xian, don't slap me in the face! Ah!"

Screams, extremely cruel screams.

Four pairs of eyes in the open space on the side of Mount Everest looked at the inhumane beating in the sky.

Die Yunfei lit a cigarette, inhaled deeply, and exhaled slowly.

"I knew it."

Ninth was silent, but his eyes widened with some distress.

Afterwards, Lin Tian was miserable. He stood in the open space with a bruised nose and swollen face. Chen Banxian seemed to be awake but not awake.

"what happened?"

He seemed to have just noticed the person coming: "Hey, sister, why are you here suddenly? You didn't even call me in advance?"

When Chen Banxian saw Lin Tian, ​​he was shocked and said, "What's wrong with you? Why do you look like this? Who beat you?"

"I, I'm fine."

Lin Tian took two steps back, avoiding Chen Banxian's approach.

"Xian...Brother Xian, please step back."

It was so terrifying. With all the pressure coming, he thought the sky was falling.

Fortunately, fortunately, he did not fall behind in cultivation and resisted the beating.


Chen Banxian asked everyone to sit down: "Come on, tell us your reasons for coming."

If he doesn't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, any one of these three people may come to him just for a casual meal, but if the three of them come together, there will definitely be a problem.

"Brother Xian, tell your fortune."

Die Yunfei explained the purpose of his visit, Chen Banxian started and ended the hexagram, raised his head and asked: "What are you talking about Qi Dongqing?"


They nodded that this had been planned all along.


Chen Banxian saw the result: "You can't kill him. There are immortal weapons within the Shuiyi Ancient Clan. It's very simple to protect a person."

It's just like the human race, it's really difficult to kill them by force.

Can't it?

The three people's hearts sank. This plan seemed too perfunctory.

"But who am I?"

Chen Banxian changed the topic: "Even if the result cannot be changed, I can change the process."

"It can't kill him, but it can make him qualify later and add some unnecessary trouble to Qi Dongqing."

This sentence gave the three of them hope again.

"Damn Brother Xian is awesome!"

Lin Tian immediately gave a thumbs up.

Chen Banxian reached out to him, but the guy took a step back sharply.

"Brother Xian, don't come here!"


Chen Banxian stood up: "My plan will take a certain amount of time. Let's set out as soon as possible without further ado."

He took out his seven feet to measure the world and quickly approached.


The ancient Shuiyu tribe and the ancient mixed ape tribe are generally humanoid creatures.

The ancientness of this civilization is not low at all. The entire ethnic group is dominated by Shui cultivators, so the name of the ethnic group is translated as Shuiyi.

The area where the Shuiyi Ancient Clan is located is in the East China Sea, and the territory is vast. Because of the special nature of the race, not many ethnic groups dare to offend them.

In the East China Sea, the combat power of the Shuiyi Ancient Clan can be greatly enhanced.

And Qi Dongqing is the leader among this generation of young people, embodying the hope of the clan and stirring up troubles with other geniuses.

Waves sway on the endless sponge, switching between pitch black and blue waves from time to time.

There are houses floating on the water, with waves beating against the walls of the houses. Occasionally, you can see the ancient practicing Shuiyi tribe among them.

"Qing'er, how's your recent cultivation?"

The elder of the ancient tribe, Qi Dongqing's father Qi Pan, asked as usual to observe his son's progress.

"Father, I have reached perfection and can summon the water channel person to meet me at any time."

Qi Dongqing looked calm: "I am 80% sure about the status battle in one month."

"Eighty percent?"

Qi Pan was not very satisfied with this chance: "Among the entire planet, we, the Water Monkey Clan, have the highest understanding of the water path and the most complete inheritance of Taoism. Your chance of winning is only 80%?"

"I'm not very satisfied with being a father."

Qi Dongqing felt sad: "Father, you don't know that this character is indeed magical, and it is also full of variables."

"There are so many water practitioners in the world, and there are bound to be amazing ones. I dare not be arrogant or arrogant."

He sees his position very clearly, and such a person is the most terrifying.

Among all the talent competitions for fame, his position has always been neither popular nor popular.

Compared to Ying Ziyu, Ying Yin and others are inferior.

But it depends on who you compare with.

"Father, I have my own sense of discretion." Qi Dongqing stood up and said, "The child is going to sort himself out, so please step aside for now." "You should be more careful."

Qi Pan left, feeling a little uneasy walking on the water.

"No, you have to take more precautions during this period."

He was advancing on the sea and suddenly entered a mysterious space, which was the important place of the ancient Shuiyi tribe in the modern world.

The Immortal Artifact Shui Yuan Xin is placed here, emitting immeasurable divine light and fluctuations, filling the waterways.

"Please let the magic weapon appear!"

Qi Pan knelt down respectfully before daring to activate it.

A strange wave spreads across the Shuiyu Station, and the Immortal Artifact Shui Yuanxin officially protects the place.

I am afraid that Qi Dongqing will not stop until he is qualified.

On the sea, Qi Dongqing felt the fluctuations in the air, but didn't say anything.

For him, Shui Yuanxin can be opened or not.

But for some reason, he felt a little upset and felt like something was about to happen.

After much deliberation and unable to find a solution, Qi Dongqing beckoned: "Come here."

Soon the servants arrived and knelt down to wait for the young master's instructions.


With two words, these servants immediately left on their knees, and soon led a long queue of people.

They stood on huge driftwood, moving with the waves.

The so-called hydration...

Qi Dongqing touched a person with one hand, and the person's skin immediately withered, and all the water in the body was condensed into a water ball.

Qi Dongqing opened his mouth and swallowed the water ball, but there was still a body that died of thirst floating on it.

The other "replenishing water resources" wailed, cried, and trembled, begging Qi Dongqing to let them go.

But Qi Dongqing sneered and moved one by one without hesitation.

They died of thirst in the place with the most water, and Qi Dongqing breathed a sigh of relief.

"Much more comfortable."

He stood up and said, "Go find a few girls from the clan and let off some steam after replenishing your fluids."

Then the girls from the Shuiyi tribe arrived, changing everything.

Yu'er is one of the favored ones by Qi Dongqing.

But their fate was not good. In the ancient Shuiyi tribe, there was an order of hierarchy and differences between strong and weak. A small character like her was just a tool for him to vent his anger.

There is no other value.

She cleaned up the scars on her body, her bones were torn, and her skin was scratched with bloody marks.

"It would be great if I could marry a strong man."

She came to the edge of the clan station and sighed, that was her dream.

If you marry a strong man, you will be protected and you won't have to face the torture of the superior man.

"I think too much, how can a little ant like me do this?"

She recalled Qi Dongqing's indifferent eyes, how could she have thoughts about herself?

There were sparkling waves on the sea, and a wooden box floated out of nowhere, arousing her curiosity.


She looked around, but there was no one around. The box was obviously ownerless.

Out of curiosity, Yu'er opened the box and saw only a novel inside.

"The Domineering President Falls in Love with Me"

Yu'er:? ? ?

What does such a name mean?

She turned to the first page, which was an ordinary novel story, but as she slowly read it, her eyes became more and more changing.

"This this……"

What kind of treasure is this?

There were every move in it that made her mesmerized. Physically and psychologically, the book took care of all aspects.

She read it for ten days and ten nights before she closed the last page.

A wildfire rose in his eyes.

"If... if I do this to Mr. Qi Dongqing... will it succeed?"

She didn't know that at this moment another voice came from the other side.

"Yu'er, come."

It was the voice of the servant of Mr. Qi Dongqing's family, and it was also the voice of the last time she was summoned.

"Good lord."

Yu'er remained silent on the surface, but actually she was excited.

She had been lingering near Mr. Qi's family just to wait for this moment.

Okay, just follow the book.

She took a deep breath and followed the slave into the Qi family's house.

As soon as she entered, she saw the human body floating on the water and Qi Dongqing's cold and heartless eyes.


The other party's intensity is so high, can she...bear it?

She recalled the explicit scenes in the book. Maybe, this was an opportunity!

At this time, Qi Dongqing's eyes flashed with cruelty, he wanted this servant girl to die today.

I originally thought that Yu'er would have fear in her eyes, but unexpectedly, Yu'er smiled at him despite her reluctance.

He even took the initiative to come and kneel in front of him.

This was a gesture never imagined.

Qi Dongqing was dumbfounded, but what surprised him even more was what happened later. After some tossing, Yu'er tried her best and fell into a coma.

"Sir, let's take people away."

The maids stepped forward to abandon Yu'er, but Qi Dongqing stopped her.

"Hold on."

He said coldly: "Get out of here."

This servant girl gave him a completely different feeling.

When Yu'er woke up the next day, she immediately made breakfast for Qi Dongqing.

This is rare in the Qi family. Basically, everyone in the family is fasting and cannot eat.

But Yu'er learned that Qi Dongqing lost his mother when he was young and didn't know what maternal love was.

Sure enough, Qi Dongqing accidentally ate the breakfast she made again.

When leaving, Yu'er also asked Yu'er to tell him his name.


Yu'er was excited, that book really didn't lie to her!

(End of this chapter)

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