There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 576 The True and False Immortal Weapon

Lin Tian was obviously a little presumptuous when he said this. "The Domineering President Falls in Love with Me" is not suitable for everyone.

In fact, Qi Dongqing is just a special case, and he happens to be a waterway, so he can be dealt with like this.


Ninth shook his head gently: "Let me ask you, is it useful for you to read this book?"

"It's no use!"

Lin Tian answered immediately, but he grabbed Chen Banxian's hand: "If Brother Xian can operate it, I will find it useful."

"I am a human being, not a god."

Chen Banxian slapped his hand away: "Go quickly, that woman will be caught soon, and her books will be caught with her."

He tore off the famous page: "It won't be long before we have to face being hunted down. This place is no better than a human settlement."

Outside the human settlement, the ancient tribes that attack you may be measured in hundreds.

Chen Banxian's guess was correct. Not long after, a war broke out within the Shuiyi Ancient Clan.

"I don't allow you to kill her!"

Qi Dongqing, covered in blood, rushed out holding a woman who had been chopped in half.

The waves were surging into the sky, and he was able to control them and fight against more than a dozen strong men from the Water Demon Jingxu.

He was indeed amazing. Even though he was seriously injured, even though he had spent ten days and ten nights before, he was still extremely brave. He protected the seriously injured woman in his arms with one hand, and with the other hand he was still able to compete with the elders of the Water Monkey Tribe.

"It's hard to imagine how terrifying it would be if he really qualified and succeeded."

Die Yunfei sighed: "If I fight with him, my life or death may be unknown."

Qi Dongqing's high evaluation was not exaggerated by Die Yunfei, but it was true, and it happened under everyone's noses.

"Go away! If you want to kill him, kill me first today."

Qi Dongqing's body was shining with blood, and the whole sea was shaking.

In his arms, the upper body of Yu'er, who was severely injured and cut in half, gently supported Qi Dongqing's shoulders, leaning her side face against the strong chest.

"That's enough, that's enough."

She stared at the person in front of her with her beautiful eyes: "Master, you are so mighty and unrivaled."

"Actually, it's all my fault for being greedy and selfish."

"My life has been worth it."

She gently relaxed her hands, concentrated her divine power on her fingertips, and traced it across her heart.

My heart is broken!

On her deathbed, she just regretted: "Why should there be distinctions between high and low in this world?"

Qi Dongqing, who was still fighting, didn't notice at all. When he felt the hand on his shoulder loosen, he suddenly lowered his head.


He sensed with his spiritual mind that the person in his arms had no breath of life, just like a flame blown out by the wind.


Qi Dongqing couldn't believe it. He had gained something but lost it, and his heart seemed to be stimulated by ice water.


His voice roared fiercely, heart-breaking, and blood-red aura suddenly erupted from his body.

"Holy shit, are you possessed?"

Lin Tian was shocked: "Sure enough, Wenrou Township is the Tomb of Heroes. This is abnormal."

They looked into the distance, and the sea under Qi Dongqing turned black and red.

Is that blood?

No, it was the Tao that was changing. Chen Banxian stopped and said, "Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it. It can carry a boat for life, and it can capsize a boat for death. Once he becomes a demon, he will probably break through to the ninth realm."


Lin Tian's mouth twitched: "We have been working together for so long. Is it in vain?"


Chen Banxian sighed and took off a hairpin from his head.

The aura floating on it seems ordinary, but in fact, the true identity will shock people's jaws.     Immortal weapon, Wen Jianyi.

An extremely common name, why is it Wen?

Chen Banxian activated his divine power and exerted thousands of influences. A stream of light emerged from the hairpin and flew towards the distance silently.

It gently sank into Qi Dongqing's Dantian. The next second, Qi Dongqing's body suddenly trembled, and his spiritual energy, Taoist charm, and movement disappeared uncontrollably.

"This is Wen, Qi Dongqing is dead..."

Chen Banxian spoke slowly, but Qi Dongqing suddenly lost strength. The dozen clan elders who besieged him seized the opportunity and pierced his heart with a palm.

"Why don't you hide!"

Qi Longdao exclaimed and did not dare to let go.

He felt that Qi Dongqing's aura was constantly declining, like a deflated balloon.

His eyes widened and he barely raised his fingers into the distance.

He was hit vitally from that direction, and the divine power of his Dantian was leaked, making it difficult to make up for it.

This made it difficult for his body to drive the Tao Yun and control the water of the sea.

"Is someone plotting against you?"

Qi Longdao immediately noticed Qi Dongqing's thoughts. He looked in that direction, but there was nothing there.

"Damn it, please give me a magic weapon!"

Qi Longdao protected Qi Dongqing and pointed into the distance with one hand: "Flood that place!"

Chen Banxian put the hairpin back on his head. This magical weapon was indeed terrifying. Even if he accidentally fell into it, he would be in big trouble.

The effects of immortal weapons are often devastating, but just now they just erased those strange phenomena.

Where is the text here? This is clearly Yin.

"Brother Xian, we were discovered."

Die Yunfei frowned and saw a mountain of water emerging in the distance, which was the waves rising from the sea.

An extremely small bead caused countless seawater to rush toward them. The seawater became extremely deep with the light of the bead.

"Why are you standing there in such a hurry? Run away."

Ninth put away the formation. At this time, cover was no longer useful. The opponent made it clear that he wanted to attack in a wide range.

They were discovered anyway.

"To a certain extent, Lao Jiu, you are still awesome. At least until now, they have not discovered the location of our severe pain."

Chen Banxian joked and kept measuring the seven-foot immortal weapon in his hand.

Only the use of immortal weapons can deal with the immortal weapons, which is a kind of crushing by the great road.

Ordinary escape cannot escape Shui Yuanxin's lock, and the immeasurable sea water will hit them at the bottom in the next second.

"The bad guy, please leave!"

Qi Pan's voice was extremely loud: "You deserve to die for trying to kill my son!"

He participated in the use of Shui Yuanxin, and the sea water was still a little higher and a foot taller, making Chen Banxian and the others look extremely small.

But facing this terrifying power, Chen Banxian remained calm and pointed at the wall of water in the distance.


The water curtain that filled the sky actually froze, but Chen Banxian immediately turned around and ran away, and the water curtain pursued him again.

"TMD, who doesn't have an immortal weapon? I'm more powerful than you when I take it out."

He simply sacrificed Shui Yuanxin and raised it high into the sky.

"Collect it for me:"

The opponent's Shuiyuan Heart Immortal Weapon sprayed immeasurable sea water, but Chen Banxian took it all in his favor without giving in at all.

This formed a strange scene, the sky-high water wall spanned the sky but suddenly disappeared.

One end is in the void, connected to small beads, and the other end is the same, almost exactly the same.

This surprised the powerful men of the Shuiyi clan: "How come the other party has our clan's immortal weapon?":

It's so fake, it's unbelievable. The immortal weapon is one and only, how could there be another one?

Qi Longdao waved his hand and stopped high, and the boundless water converged.

He shouted loudly and thought to the powerful man in front of the world, where did the immortal weapon in your hand come from?

(End of this chapter)

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