There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 577 Brother Xian, did you do this on purpose?

Chapter 577 Brother Xian, did you do this on purpose?

"Haha, you want to know? Grandpa won't tell you."

Lin Tian spoke before Chen Banxian, and said arrogantly: "It's just a slut, but I, the Two-faced Clan, can control it with only one hand. If you are a genius today, I will destroy the backbone of the entire clan tomorrow."

"Okay, what a two-faced tribe, but do you think you can get rid of the blame by diverting the trouble to the east? Do you think we, the Shuiyuan Ancient Clan, are fools?"

The water heart in Qi Longdao's hand beat fiercely, and circles of colorless waves swept through the space and went in all directions.

He wanted to see what kind of clown he was. He actually dared to assassinate him, the top talent and the mainstay of the future. It was really too presumptuous.

It can be said that Qi Dongqing has been deposed, and their control over the future will plummet.

"We are humans!"

Chen Banxian shouted from a distance, "If you dare, catch up and kill us."

"Human race?"

Qi Longdao laughed wildly: "When did the mere human race have such means? If you want to lie, you must tell a good-looking lie. You will die today, and your race will be trampled by the waves of our ancient Shuiyi tribe!"

"Okay, now the suspicion of human race has been eliminated."

Chen Banxian fully activated Qi Chi, and then activated the Xing Zi Secret. Compared with a distance weapon like Qi Chi, who could compare in speed?

No matter how powerful Shui Yuanxin is, he can only watch from afar, chasing him further and further until he disappears completely.


Qi Longdao roared: "Such speed is definitely not from the Eighth Realm. It must be some kind of immortal weapon. However, there are not many races with immortal weapons in the world today."

He roared and swore, announcing to heaven and earth: "I will definitely beat you to death, and I will definitely make you extinct!"

Chen Banxian and his party have returned to the human race camp.

Lin Tian looked a little resentful: "Brother Xian, do you think you knew they couldn't catch up?"

He was still worried at first, feeling excited about being discovered for doing something bad, but later Lin Tian figured out something was wrong.

Their speed surged behind them, and they could actually have fled the scene immediately.

"I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

Chen Banxian pushed him away and did not answer.

At that time, he really didn't like the ancient clan and wanted to play a trick. Anyway, everyone had immortal weapons and no one could do anything about them.

The more Chen Banxian looked like this, the more suspicious Lin Tian became. He didn't realize that Jiujiu and Die Yunfei had quietly moved away from him.

This man doesn't remember to beat him. If he offends Lao Chen later, he will get another beating.

If you can beat them and say that they are evenly matched, the main reason is that you can't beat them and can only be beaten passively.

The scene of thousands of bombs crashing down was really scary.


Die Yunfei's expression darkened: "Brother Xian, it's definitely too late for him to qualify, and his future cultivation speed may be very slow."

They are now in the eighth realm and have fully realized the difficulties of cultivation. From the beginning, they were in two or three realms a year, and now they are still lingering in the eighth realm for hundreds of years.

Cultivating alone must be just like in the novel. Hundreds and thousands of years will pass in the blink of an eye, and it will be boring and boring to seek immortality.

And if you meet the qualifications and become the master of a path, and there are countless people of this path working for you, your cultivation speed will naturally become faster and faster, and become more and more terrifying.

"I seem to understand why it is recorded in ancient books that those strong men and Tao masters are recruiting disciples."

The ninth voice slowly said: "The book sincerely does not deceive me."

"Which book?"

Lin Tian came up to him so shamelessly, but he was not beaten by Chen Banxian.

"The prehistoric universe." Ninth replied, then looked at him with strange eyes, and then looked into the distance.

"What are you looking at?" Lin Tian smiled disdainfully: "Do you think I will be beaten by Brother Xian?"

"To tell you the truth, I was just about to be beaten when Brother Xian answered the phone and Sister Jiao asked him to go back to eat."

"Alas, the hero is saddened by the beauty." He looked into the distance with a sigh on his face. Several people ran away from the Shuiyuan Ancient Clan, as if nothing had happened and they still needed to eat and drink.

But things turned upside down on the side of the ancient tribe. Frontline News reported:

"Shock! Qi Dongqing, a member of the ancient Shui clan, a genius of a generation, actually gave up his status because of a woman! 》

"Don't tell others, Qi Dongqing quietly told me..."

"The ancient tribe is about to be in chaos, first-hand reports from the front line, unfold".

After unfolding there is nothing.

Chen Banxian's face turned dark, and he nodded calmly to report, finally seeing the truth from the federal news.

The ancient Shuiyi tribe seemed to have awakened a terrifying existence from the Mirror Ruins, and was given treasures to repair Qi Dongqing's body.

The ancient Shuiyi clan also targeted several suspicious races, and both sides raised their magical weapons high, as if they were going to destroy the earth.

In the end, no one knew what happened. They only knew that the Shuiyuan Ancient Clan had launched a state of war, and almost everyone was at war.

"Qi Dongqing was actually cured?"

Chen Banxian frowned. He used an immortal weapon to cut through the opponent's Daoji. Such an injury could be said to be difficult for an immortal to save.

If you want to treat it, it must be at the fairy level, and I'm afraid it will be very precious.

"What are you thinking about?" Jiaojiao poured him a cup of black tea with some longan and wolfberry in it.

"You've lost weight. Don't be too tired recently."

She maintained her dragon body, but wore soft crystal silk armor, with some key parts covered.

In fact, this was unnecessary and the dragons couldn't see it, but she felt it was necessary.

"It's nothing, I just feel that the ancient tribe is really difficult to kill."

Chen Banxian took a sip. The taste of red dates and wolfberry was not very strong, but was replaced by a very strange fragrance.

tastes good.

Jiaojiao watched him drink it without blinking, and then said softly: "With me here, the number one true dragon under heaven, your burden no longer needs to be so heavy."

She watched helplessly how the man in front of her went from the beginning to the present step by step, not walking on thin ice, but never resting for a moment.

For example, now, Chen Banxian's hand paused slightly in the air, then recovered in an instant. He had already experienced a lifetime of reincarnation.

His Tao Yun is strengthening.

Instead, there was a mental exhaustion that could not be concealed in any way.

"You can't rely on others, you have to find your own position."

Chen Banxian kept her head in silence: "Just like you, I can let you rest at home, will you agree?"

Jiaojiao knew it didn't make sense, so she had to put away the cup. She always felt that there seemed to be no difference between after transforming into a dragon and before transforming into a dragon.


She sighed slightly, my unsatisfactory body, please grow up quickly.


Zhulong's voice rang from the phone: "I have received many requests to add you as a friend recently. Do you accept them?"

"How many people have added me as friends?"

Chen Banxian was surprised that his social life was not complicated. Where did he get so many people?

I took out my phone and saw that there were more than 3,000 good guys.

His first reaction: Oops, I’ve been hacked!

Second reaction: No, maybe he was discovered while doing good deeds?

He looked carefully at the IDs of these people, the first one: Li Zongpu.

Second: Li Zongpu (trumpet).

The third one: Li Zongpu’s anti-lost edition.

Then there are the remaining people: Su Ning (trial version.)

Su Ning (embarrassment-proof version).

Chen Banxian clenched his fists: "The bad habits of trumpets in the Nine Cities Federation have spread again!"

(End of this chapter)

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