There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 578 How can anyone be forced to ascend to heaven?

One or two of these people seem to have something wrong with their brains.

Chen Banxian felt that there was nothing wrong with his teachings, and it was probably because he was brought up by Ninth that he had bad habits.

He formed a group and included all these people.

"Aren't you going home to see your parents? Are you so free?"

Having not seen their parents for thousands of years, these children should be missed terribly.

"See you."

Lin Pingan replied:

"But the problem came, I found that I couldn't fit in well with my family."

After coming out of that room, they briefly learned about life in the outside world and adapted to the rhythm.

Then, it's time to go home. Wherever each child's home is, Ninth has clearly registered it, and there will be no mistakes.

Lin Ping'an still remembers the surprised and uncomfortable looks in his parents' eyes after he knocked on the door of his home.

"I call my dad dad, but my dad is more than 900 years younger than me."

Lin Ping'an's words were unanimously approved by everyone.

Li Zongpu replied to Chen Banxian: "Uncle You Xian, my head is so big now. It seems that there is not much difference between having parents and not having them."

He said: "I feel too embarrassed to walk around the house now. I always feel like I don't dare to make too much noise when I'm in other people's homes, even when I go to the toilet."

They are not used to it, and the parents are probably even more uncomfortable with it.

"My Chitose is so big?" 》

Just kidding, even TV dramas wouldn’t dare to act like this.

"Well, you have to ask your master about this."

Chen Banxian changed the subject: "Don't you have anything else to do? Each of you added me three or four accounts. What are you doing? Do you want to bombard me with phone calls?"

"Uncle You Xian, you misunderstood us."

Li Zongpu spoke: "We have recently sensed some kind of strange calling, and Master asked us to ask you."

Strange summons?

Chen Banxian understood that it was probably a call from heaven.

Under the influence of heaven, the three realms of the earth began to be divided.

In fact, the heaven has been gestating for a long time, but it has never been able to take shape.

Now that the summoning has begun, it is estimated that it has already taken shape.

So is there also an underworld?

Chen Banxian himself was not very clear about this, so he said to them: "I'll come and see you personally."

After hanging up the phone, he grabbed the imperial jar and walked out the door.

These children were still on Earth, and Chen Banxian quickly found Li Zongpu.

At this time, he was very strange. Qinghui's light kept coming out of his body, vaguely connected to some kind of space.

Not only him, but the others were also roughly the same, with lights shining all over their bodies.

"We can't suppress this light. We always feel like there's a magnet trying to suck us away."

Li Zongpu stretched out his hand in front of Chen Banxian: "Uncle You Xian, look carefully. You are the only one we can't defeat here."


"What nonsense? This is starting to float before it even reaches the sky?"

Chen Banxian started the hexagram with the light of light, and paired it with the hour to form the great hexagram of Huotian.

The fire in the sky, the world in the sky, yes, the time is coming.

He told Li Zongpu and others not to panic, they were just changing their lives.


Li Zongpu's eyes widened: "Are we going to ascend to heaven?"

The news was so shocking that they couldn't get used to it for a while.

"Yes, you are going to heaven."

Chen Banxian looked at him with emotion: "I had already expected today when I made the plan, but I didn't expect it to come so soon."

It was really too fast. Just a few days after coming out, the call from heaven had already started.

Chen Banxian patted him on the shoulder: "Pay the money. I tell fortunes for a fee."

"No, you have to charge for a few sentences?" Li Zongpu felt that he had been cheated by Uncle You Xian, and he couldn't bear to say:

"My mother only gives me twenty dollars a day as pocket money."

"Twenty is fine." Chen Banxian grabbed it for him:

"Next time you want to ask a question, remember to ask me. I can answer basically anything here."

For some reason, Li Zongpu always felt that he had been cheated by Uncle You Xian.

"Ding, get the favor of heaven."

Chen Banxian:? ? ?

"Hey, why am I covered in light?"

He was suddenly dumbfounded, the reward came unexpectedly, and the same light as Li Zongpu and others appeared on his body.

The heaven favors the world, and the earth is divided into three realms. Anyone who has no evil deeds and is indifferent to cause and effect can be favored by the heaven and be led to the upper realm to divide the heaven and earth.

The way of heaven revives, everything is evolving, and the earth begins to show its true appearance.

But Chen Banxian wasn't ready yet. He was most worried about the women in his family.

Especially for Xiao Jinzi and Ai Gewei, Die Qihua's lesson was vivid in their minds. He really wanted to kill all the yellow hairs within a billion miles radius.

No, how could he ascend to heaven before they were married?

Chen Banxian felt that the gravity was so tenacious that he would be dragged up if he wasn't careful.

Others were also dragging their feet very hard. At this moment, Chen Banxian thought a lot.

He quickly sent messages and passed the Taoist sect's method of inviting immortals to Jiaojiao, Xiao Jinzi, Ai Gewei, and Xiaosan and Xiaosi.

And he solemnly warned, "You must learn how to do it. It's up to you whether I can come back to be your master's godfather!"

It was too hasty. No wonder he saw a real dragon like Jiaojiao early in the morning. It was an auspicious sign. It was all his fault that he didn't pay attention!

"Uncle You Xian, I can't help it anymore!" Li Zongpu's body shone brightly and he flew towards the sky involuntarily.

He flew higher and higher and soon disappeared into the clouds.

Breaking out of the first layer of clouds, submerging into the clouds again, breaking through the second layer of clouds.

With nine clouds in a row, it was time to see the stars, sun and moon in the sky, but what was shocking was that their figures suddenly disappeared and left here.

Chen Banxian gritted his teeth and reluctantly dialed the phone, cursing as his body was heavier than a thousand pounds.

"How can anyone be forced to ascend to heaven!"

At this time, the situation within the ancient clan was similar.

Many ancient tribesmen were bathed in fairy light and heading high into the sky.

At the top of Kunlun, Ying Wuque's silver light intertwined with Qinghui, Ying Ziyu and Ying Yin watched the ceremony, and Ying Ying was dazzled.

"Lord Prophet, two clan brothers, I'm leaving now."

Ying Wuque saluted politely: "This is farewell, I don't know when we will see each other again."

Ying Lang nodded: "My hometown is divided into three realms, just like our history. You are already familiar with it."

"The human world is the most complex, while the heavenly world is the purest. In the future, you will have to guide all the geniuses of our clan, and your burden is not light."

"I know, Lord Prophet."

Ying Wuque's body rose in the air, spreading his silver wings, and many people from the Night tribe looked sideways.

"Wu Que, see you tomorrow!"

A clan elder shouted that he had watched Ying Wuque grow up and was very reluctant to part with him.

"Grandpa Yuan, I will pick you up when the time comes."

Ying Wuque waved loudly, making Ying Yuanxiang burst into tears.

"Child, take care of yourself over there. Don't die in vain. Just run away if you can't beat him."

Ying Ziyu and Ying Yin also nodded: "Tell us when the time comes and we will defeat him."

"Okay clan brother!"

The sound became farther and farther, and many clan elders on Kunlun came to escort them.

They are all strong men who came out of the Mirror Ruins, and are very powerful in the eighth realm.

"It's fine, but you must ask for a dream."

An old woman shed tears and was very reluctant to part with her child.

Ying Wuque is too pure, because of the way he has lived since childhood and his preparation for the way of heaven, no one does not love him.

Inside the huge Ye Clan, only a few rays of light lit up.

Ying Wuque is a silver-armored corpse, which makes everyone reluctant to let him go.

Ying Lang raised his head and lightly glanced at Ying Ziyu and Ying Yin. The three of them were of the blood of the Silver Armor Corpse. Ying Wuque went to the heaven to develop, while Ziyu and Xiao Yin developed in the human world.

I am afraid that we have to carefully search for the remaining place where it was finally conceived, the boundary.

Her eyes saw lines one after another, intertwining to form an alternative picture.

Yingyin sighed: "Wuque is too simple and innocent at heart. I am worried that he will be bullied by other tribes in the heaven."

His worries are not unreasonable, and everyone is aware of this child.

"Don't worry." Ying Lang shook his head: "The first batch of heavenly beings screened by the heavens are all carefully selected, not only for their causal merits, but also for strict control of their mind."

"The heavens know what a person's true heart is, unless that person has been practicing in seclusion and has never even explored what his true heart is."

and is it possible? Of course it's impossible. Ying Yin stops talking. In this way, Ying Wuque's life must be very good. He will meet fellow Taoists with the same kind-hearted nature.

If you keep practicing in seclusion, how can you achieve enlightenment? How to enter the realm of six, seven or eight?

Unless someone is willing to keep opening their own way and nurturing that person like a child, this is too scary and has to reach the eighth level of perfection.

How can a monk provide for another monk to reach the eighth level of Dzogchen? That is impossible.

They were relieved, today was a big day, it was the first day for the Night Clan to establish a foothold in the heaven.

But Kunlun Mountain didn't know, and the ancient tribesmen didn't know that at this time, streams of light were flying into the sky one after another inside the human race station.

"Wait, I haven't finished my meal yet!"

Sasha reached out to grab the rice on the table, but she only caught the aroma of a ball of rice.

The original rice seemed to have no difference, but it always felt like it had lost its color compared to before.

Her parents' faces were filled with astonishment: "Are you practicing again... are you practicing some kind of technique?"

"No, parents, I'm going to fly to heaven."

Sasha's head hit the ceiling with a "thud" sound.

She covered her head, and in the next second the fairy light helped her pass through everything, and she only had time to look at her parents for the last time.

"What? Going to heaven?"

Sam seemed to remember something and immediately went to the house to get her luggage.

"Wait a minute and bring your luggage. What does a girl look like over there without any clothes?"

She could fly, but she couldn't catch up with her daughter. The suitcase was broken during strenuous exercise, and it was full of clothes stuffed indiscriminately.

The mother and daughter looked at each other, both seeing reluctance in each other's eyes.

Girls still need to be more emotional.

Sa Dad was slightly relieved. Sa Sa Sa and her mother gave her the feeling that there were two more mountains above her head, and she could not lift up the majesty of the head of the family at all.


Satai frowned: "Didn't the book say that when a person becomes enlightened, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven? Why didn't we ascend to heaven?"

Sam was speechless, "You are not a monk but you don't understand. Novels are novels and reality is reality."

"I hope my daughter is fine."

She looked at the meteors falling on the earth and clasped her hands together in prayer.

(End of this chapter)

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