There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 579 Labor and capital have just come to heaven

On this day, the heavens opened wide and the gates of heaven opened wide.

Some people saw passers-by suddenly freeze and then fly into the sky.

"Oops! Aliens are capturing Earthlings!"

Some people panicked, thinking that they would also be taken away, and waited with excitement and fear.

After waiting for a long time, nothing happened.

"Made, does this alien look down on me?"

The man was cursing and he felt disadvantaged if he was not taken away.

"Are you a dummy?"

A passerby took out his mobile phone: "Look, this is an official announcement. The heaven of the earth has been conceived, and those people have ascended to heaven and become immortals."

Ascend to heaven and become an immortal, what?

Everyone was stunned, and then they quickly checked and found out the whole story.

"Oh my god, why, why didn't I go to heaven?"

Many people are skeptical.

Especially inside the Holy Mother Church, there was a deathly silence.

The church was bright and white, and the floor was open and reflective, but it was difficult to conceal the gloom on the faces of everyone present.

"Aren't we worthy of entering heaven?"

One person spoke slowly: "Are the good things we do in daily life wrong?"

She couldn't help but doubt that she had never done anything harmful to nature.

It would be fine if someone in the sect could ascend to heaven, but within the huge Holy Mother Sect, no one could ascend.

Even the leader was sitting upright without any reaction.

Isn't what they did kind and just?

"Everyone, there is no need to doubt."

The two delicate little people stood up and said, "Our choice was not wrong."

They pointed to the rising meteors outside and said: "They have not harmed a single life since they were young. From insects like ants to large ones eating meat, they have not been contaminated at all."

"That's why they can ascend."

"Master, how do you know?" Someone asked, at the level of a bishop.

His doubts are also doubted by everyone.

"Simple." Xiaoxiao smiled lightly: "Because these ascended people were actually brought into this world by us."

She took out the photos and information she had prepared and handed them to everyone to watch.

The bishops took it one after another. After just a few glances, they immediately relaxed and their gloom disappeared.

"Hey, let me just say, how could what we did be wrong? It turns out that God's conditions are strict."

Look at the information in this letter: what is the perfection of the eighth realm, what is growing up on a vegetarian diet, what is not contaminated with any killing, and what requires minimal karma.

Strictly speaking, they don't touch it at all.

"Look, I delivered this baby myself."

A bishop cheered fiercely and clicked on the holographic projection for everyone to see.

"He is Lin Ping'an. I still remember his name. No wonder the teacher wants me to test this child's qualifications."

It must be said that Lin Ping'an's pure Yang aptitude was so good that she could not forget it for so long.

This undoubtedly confirmed the authenticity of this matter, and smiles appeared on everyone's faces again.

Xiaoxiao and Jiaojiao looked at each other. The Holy Mother's teaching does not rely on external forces, but only relies on a kind heart.

If there is no explanation, I am afraid many people will fall into doubt, because this is God's choice.

God is always right.

At this time, the Ninth Army had just fought an unusual battle with a foreign race. The strong had their own battlefield, and the weak had their own battles.

Although they are said to be weak, it is actually not simple that the mechas they control are at least the level of the fourth realm.

Every time they fire a destructive cannon, no matter how many people come, they will bleed. Their equipment is too good.

Li Liu was panting in the base camp. He had just used a mecha to kill eighteen ancient tribesmen in a row.


Even though his whole body was trembling and he was walking with a wave of float, he was still full of excitement and felt that he was born to be on the battlefield.

"No, I have to hit two more canyons right away and kill a few more!"

He went to take out his mobile phone.

"Ding Dong, Dear Mr. Li Liu, you have a high-authority letter."

A prompt came immediately from the phone and it was detected that the owner had picked it up.


There was a war going on now, who would send him a message if nothing happened?

Li Liu opened his eyes and saw Chen Banxian's face first.

"Xiao San, listen carefully, this next paragraph is very important!"

"You need to learn the Immortal Invitation Ceremony and then summon me down, otherwise you will probably not be able to see me as your master for a long time."

Li Liu curled his lips, and there was no difference between seeing it and not seeing it.

"Don't be so careless about me!" Chen Banxian seemed to have seen his actions: "If you can't come down as a teacher, who will catch you after you die? You will not be you after reincarnation!"

Li Liu thought for a moment that this seemed to be the case. He sat up straight and waited for the teaching.

"Listen up, your level is too low to learn this yet. After you break through the Qi refining process, you can go to your senior sister to learn it.

I'm so serious, but I'm actually just kidding you. "

During the projection, Chen Banxian's serious expression had turned cunning:

"Xiao San, you have to work harder. Your path is being fought on the battlefield. I hope to see you find your own path when you become my master."

Li Liu was speechless and tired, and silently turned off the projection.

"What type of psychology is this?"

He really wanted to question his master face to face, what was the purpose of playing like this.

He just protected the human race.

"You, this is stupid."    The phone was turned off, and suddenly someone was walking towards him in front of Li Liu.

"Master will not call you for no reason."

Senior sister Aigwei nodded his forehead: "He asked me to give you something."

"Send things?"

Li Liu was confused: "Sister, would master be so kind?"

So far, his image of his master is more of a pretentious, awesome, rich, powerful, kind of damn superior person.

"Do you really think Master can trust you?"

Why can't Aigwei see what Li Liu is thinking? She has read countless people, and the hexagrams combined are enough to serialize ten million words of novels.

"I was taken away by my master. He rescued me from the abyss and taught me housekeeping skills."

"Your second senior sister grew up under Master's watch and is his goddaughter."

Ai Gewei elaborated: "Xiao Si practiced with the master some time ago. A few days ago, he was still in the third realm. A few days later, he was already in the eighth realm. Now he is flying to the heaven with the master."

"And you, Xiaosi, firstly, the master did not teach you the techniques, secondly, he did not lead you to practice, and thirdly, he did not give you any help. Even when you started, the test he set was as difficult as a natural chasm."

She sighed and took out a willow leaf from her arms.

"But you can't blame Master. He has helped you find the most suitable path. Your achievements are no lower than anyone else's. Maybe they will be higher than us in the future."

"Wait a minute, senior sister, please wait a moment. You said that the fourth child has reached the eighth realm?"

"Damn it, Master, is he a god? I want the eighth realm too!"

Who doesn’t like that you can change the world with just a wave of your hand?

If you are unhappy, you will destroy the world with just one thought. How majestic!


Aigwei handed him the willow leaf: "Don't think too much about Master using this to compensate you."

"This thing..."

Li Liu's eyes widened with shock!

"This actually... unexpectedly... that Lao Deng actually gave me a leaf?"

He was heartbroken. This differential treatment must be too serious.

At this time, even Aigwei couldn't help but want to shoot this junior brother to death.

"My own junior brother, don't be angry, don't be angry."

She couldn't help but kick Li Liu's butt:

"Take a good look at what this thing is and feel the fairy charm inside."

Immortal Yun, this is the Immortal Weapon Liu Xinye!

Li Liu still couldn't recognize it, so Aigwei patted Liu Xinye directly into his heart.

The next moment, Li Liu felt that everything was different.

The first thing he felt was the various spiritual energies in the world, which made the spiritual energy in his body ready to move.

"what is this?"

With intuition, he discovered that this seemed to be something great.

"You will know when you die." Aigwei left Li Liu with a piece of the back of his head, and finally said:

"Master said, your way is in fighting, on the battlefield, you have to realize it yourself."

On the battlefield?

Li Liu heard this sentence more than once. He indeed loved the battlefield.

"Maybe the master is right?"

He took out his cell phone and flicked around aimlessly.

Give Brother Li a like, show your love to the young ladies, and then send hello to a dozen young ladies on the dating app.


He frowned, but he couldn't send it. The message showed an exclamation mark.

He didn't believe in evil, so he refreshed the network and tried again. It shouldn't be, it was impossible for quantum communication to be disconnected.

He had forgotten what he had just said and was bent on studying what was going on.

Until——Lan Yanxin called him.

"My dear Mr. Li, what are you doing?"

The sound of gnashing teeth made Li Liu feel guilty for no reason.

"I...I...I just called my senior sister. She said that Master has ascended."

Facing Lan Yanxin, he felt that all his secrets disappeared and were seen through at a glance.

Gao Gao Aigwei looked away, was Li Liu really as powerful as the master said?

No matter how she looked at it, she didn't believe it.


Nine days above, in a vast white space, Chen Banxian sneezed.

"Who! Who is scolding me? I just went to heaven!"

They kept rising, and his first reaction at this time was that someone was holding a grudge and gloating about someone else's misfortune.

The monk is very sensitive in this regard, especially in the eighth realm, where the path he cultivates is covered, and he can feel it even when he reads his name.

Especially the stronger the opponent is, the greater his induction will be.

This sneeze means that at least the people in the eighth realm are thinking about him.

"Master, you have sneezed dozens of times."

Xiaosi reminded in a low voice: "Are there so many people looking forward to you leaving?"

He had never heard of his master's name in the Federation, and he didn't expect that so many people would talk about it.

"Good question."

Chen Banxian touched his head, and then took out a small notebook from his arms.

"I carry this thick book with me. As long as the names on it are alive, they should be scolded."

He said to Xiaosi: "You have to learn from me and be socially clean. All your enemies are in this little notebook."

In fact, later on, there were not many names of humans of the same race, and most of them were from ancient races.

(End of this chapter)

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