There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 580: How do gods feel when you invite immortals?

"Xiao Si, look at the substantial clouds in front of you, are they the heaven?"

Youhu, Chen Banxian put away his notebook and blocked Xiaosi's sight.

In front of what he pointed at, the continuous clouds were as white and flawless as clear as ice cream.

The wind cannot blow away and the clouds cannot move.

Chen Banxian originally thought that they would end here, and never thought of passing through here in the next second.

They entered another dimension again.

Then it stopped.

Chen Banxian was puzzled because he always felt that what he passed through was not two levels, but four or five levels.

They stopped here and looked around, only to see endless clouds one after another. Apart from clouds, there was nothing else.

The light on his body disappeared, and he observed with wide eyes, eyebrows raised up, and he understood everything.

"This... seems to be nothing."

Nothing but clouds are clouds. What can they eat in heaven?

At this time, the children who had ascended from the human camp were also looking around blankly.

"Master, look!"

Suddenly, Xiaosi grabbed a handful of clouds on the ground with his fingers, and the cloud turned into a piece of soil.


Chen Banxian felt the extremely strong power of creation inside.

There's something wrong with these clouds.

He also grabbed a handful, and the next time the cloud turned into a sparkling high-grade spiritual stone.

It only takes a handful of clouds to turn into a point.

"Okay, this is heaven, this is Utopia."

He immediately picked up a large cloud and turned it into a big bridge standing on the cloud.

"Master, these clouds seem to be whatever we want to be."

Xiao Si’s eyes were bright: “Baby, these are treasures!”

God's rewards for them should not be too sweet.

"I have to tell my junior brothers and sisters this news!"

Just as Xiao Si had this idea, the strange cry of the ninth disciple came from the clouds not far away.


He kept grabbing the clouds with his hands, and saw pieces of glittering gold falling like rain.

Rain of gold has come true.

Make a profit, make a lot of money!

Chen Banxian thought more.

He thrust his hands into the clouds.

In the next second, the cloud layer continued to shrink, but the mana in his body continued to rise and increase.

This is...the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique!

Xiao Si immediately reacted and started sucking in a decent manner.

"It's so pure, almost no need for refining."

This was the most precious thing, and he sucked it hungrily.

A cloud layer was sucked up by them, and there was an endless white space under their feet. They had no place to stay and had to float in the air.

"Let's go to the next cloud."

Chen Banxian was gearing up and was very interested.

"Master, why don't we go to the ancient clan's place?"

Xiaosi suggested: "We all have our own place around here. If we eat one piece, we will lose one piece. It is better to eat the territory of the ancient tribes."

"Makes sense!"

Chen Banxian's eyes lit up: "If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten that the main purpose is to target the ancient tribes."

He took out Qi Chi from his arms. It was an endless place, which was perfect for traveling with this magical weapon.

With just one measurement, the two of them reached the end of the sky.

This was the real horizon. They saw a barrier that was expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then became invisible again in the blink of an eye.

The effect of the fairy weapon is stronger here.

Chen Banxian noticed the difference. He chose a shorter distance this time and began to search for the ancient clan.

It has to be said that even if he reaches the end of the world in one step, this is because of the effect of the immortal weapon. In fact, Chen Banxian's Tao has been spreading and cannot be explored to the edge.

It's so big here, so scary.

I don’t know how much bigger than the earth.

Therefore, it is very difficult for them to find the ancient clan.

"Can't find it."

After half a day, he gave up. Not only that, the two of them almost didn't find their way back.

They missed it many times and finally found where Li Zongpu and others were.

Even so, everyone is fragmented, and it takes several hours just to communicate with each other.

"This division of the three realms is amazing."

Chen Banxian closed his eyes and realized it carefully.

Among the three realms of heaven, earth and man, the human realm occupies the center, which is the earth. It seems neither big nor small.

And the heaven is unusually large, is it because the clear air rises into Yang, is it a gas?

After all, there are clouds everywhere here.

So, if the earth is made of turbid air and sinks, is it very dense, making it far more difficult to survive than on the earth?

This triggered his endless reverie. Maybe in the earth realm, the monks in the eighth realm would take action like in the TV series. With a wave of his hand, they would go from destroying the world to smashing the mountains.

"I am not willing to deal with a few ancient tribes. Chen Banxian feels that this method of communication is too difficult. If an ancient tribe takes action against the children, he will not be able to react.

Suddenly, he felt a call coming from below the cloud head.

If you listen carefully, you can hear a bunch of meaningless sounds.

"Heaven's favor, pure spiritual merit, respect for both humans and gods, great power and great virtue..."

He recited a long list of words, which made him upset.

The most important thing is to praise him, so it's hard to criticize others.     "Is this just asking for an immortal?"

It's not that immortals don't know what it feels like to be invited. Although Chen Banxian hasn't become an immortal yet, he has ascended to heaven.

Finally, the long list of prayers was finished and the key point was reached.

"Please come down to earth quickly and show your spirit!"

As soon as he said this, Chen Banxian felt a coordinate.

He subconsciously followed the coordinates and landed on the clouds. Layers of clouds passed before his eyes, and he soon returned to the earth.

It was Aigwei calling him.

His memorial tablet was erected on the ground, and the altar table was filled with precious spiritual fruits, animal heads and other tributes.

"Master! Egerwei was surprised: "Are you really down? "

"Yes." Chen Banxian also said happily: "I didn't expect it to be really useful."

He looked at the incense stick, which was still burning and emitting green smoke.

That was his time limit, and once the incense burned out he had to return to heaven.

It's not worth it. It seems that this hexagram cannot be calculated randomly.

There are many secrets in heaven. It is a treasured place for cultivation. If things go on like this, your cultivation will definitely improve.

All Daoyun is very straightforward, which is of great benefit to him.

"Egerwei, I have a task for you."

Chen Banxian told him: "Look for the heinous and evil person. The heaven has been opened, and I guess the underworld will be opened too."

"This is very important to me. It affects whether I can return to the human world."

He thought of a righteous and peaceful way, using the guidance of the underworld to resist the call of heaven, and strike a middle balance.

When the time comes, he will return to the human world.

"Master, don't worry, I'll take care of it." Ai Gewei immediately patted her chest and assured that the time for burning an incense stick was not long.

Chen Banxian Daoyun scanned the people he paid attention to and realized that more than a year had passed.

In heaven, just over a day had passed for him. It really fulfilled the saying that one day in heaven and one year on earth.

Just a few delays and the time is up.

But this time, he brought the candle dragon with him.

The clouds in heaven can control all things. After returning, he immediately began to gather the children.

"From today on, everyone should take some time every day to learn how to operate quantum systems."

He asked Zhulong to produce nanorobots, and then began to build a large number of technological equipment, and towers were built on the clouds.

There is a quantum communication ball on each tower.

That's right, Chen Banxian wants to spread the glory of science and technology to the world. He is used to a fast and convenient life, but he can't stand the boring life.

It takes hands to open the curtains, it takes hands to turn on the lights, it takes hands to open the door, so why does he need technology?

And, there’s a huge benefit to this.

Once the ancient people show up, because of the characteristics of quantum entanglement, they can make real calls without any delay.

Chen Banxian can solve it in one step.

"Everyone, please work harder and strive to spread the glory of science and technology to the fairy world as soon as possible!"

After completing the instructions, he let Zhulong help him and lay down on the cloud.

Cultivation, when he comes to the heavenly realm, he will not go down until he has completed the cultivation of the eighth realm.


In the heavenly realm, he didn't know much about things on earth, but day by day, the battle for identity became extremely fierce.

"Yesterday, the fight for the status of the Golden Dao was too scary. The Brass Dao and the Geng Jin Dao were fighting, and their arms were all broken. It was too scary."

The high-level monks transmitted the news that the geniuses of the Jin clan and the Golden Horn clan were fighting. This was a battle between the Tao, and whoever failed would have to live in the other's shadow for the rest of his life unless he changed the Tao and cultivated again.

There is basically no possibility of moving forward.

For monks in the eighth realm, if they take one wrong step, they may never be able to move forward in this life, and their path will be broken.

The monks in the seventh realm and the monks in the eighth realm who have not yet perfected are also trying their best to catch up. It is really difficult to match the characters. They originally thought there was no hope, but looking at the momentum, it is obvious that there is still a chance and hope.

Just like this battle between the geniuses of the Jin clan and the Golden Horn clan, both sides suffered losses, and in the end no one gained status.

This gives others a chance!

Chen Banxian's 160th year in heaven.

The human settlement continues to expand, cannibalizing the nearby ancient tribes. Unlike the high-level monks, the fighting among the low-level monks is the most brutal.


On the battlefield, missiles, artillery fire, and a mecha flew over the battlefield, constantly plundering the lives of the ancient tribesmen.

He is extremely proficient in combat skills and can easily avoid the enemy's locks.

Even if there are ancient tribes who play dirty tricks on him, he can rely on his rich combat experience to avoid them.

Li Liu has been fighting on this battlefield for a full one hundred and sixty years.

From being an unknown soldier at the beginning, to becoming a platoon leader, battalion commander, and regiment commander.

When he reached regimental commander, he stopped rising and refused the brigade commander's qualifications.

Because he was at the brigade level, he couldn't go to the battlefield and had to command the overall situation, which he didn't like.

Over the past one hundred and sixty years, he has become accustomed to various situations on the battlefield. Even if he is still in the Great Perfection of Qi Refining and even if he is old, he is still brave.

"Come on, come on!"

He murmured, feeling that something was gestating in his body and was about to break out of its shell.

When the time comes, this old body will break free like a butterfly. He can be sure that it will be soon.

Even sixty years ago, his premonition was extremely strong.


Li Liu roared: "Put a neutron bomb on me and level the front!"

(End of this chapter)

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