There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 581 Isn’t it just the inner demon? Senior sister will help you

Blood and tears were shed, and all the bones were covered under the ashes of the cannon fire.

The mecha driven by Li Liu encountered a powerful enemy. It was an ancient clan from the fifth realm, pushing across the battlefield!

"Who released the enemies from the fifth realm!"

Li Liu shouted: "Go and notify support!"

The battle armor plus the dark engine support can indeed fight against the ancient tribes in the fourth realm. Coupled with the rich experience, it is common to stabilize the ancient tribes and even kill the enemy.

But the existence of the fifth realm coming to their battlefield is tantamount to massacre!

"Already notified, but there is no response!"

A hoarse roar came from the team channel. This was something that would rarely happen in a hundred years.

Even if there is, it will be solved quickly, not as difficult as it is now.

Li Liuyi gritted his teeth: "I'll hold him back, you guys retreat quickly!"

"Back at our station, there are high monks stationed at the rear."

In the span of these few sentences, the Fifth Realm Ancient Clan had already caused extremely horrific damage.

Several mountains were blown up in the air, and countless mechas were buried under rubble.

Even the extraordinary person who controlled the armor couldn't withstand it. He was seriously injured and lost the ability to fight back in an instant.

A monk in the fifth realm is a being who can destroy a country. Mountains have been knocked down by him.

The soldiers of Nine Cities were almost massacred one-sidedly.

"Why hasn't anyone come to support you yet?"

Li Liu shuttled among them, as small as dust, but he did not flinch at all and moved forward indomitably.

"So what about the fifth realm? Theoretically, Dark Sun Technology's armor can destroy a country at its maximum power!"

He moved forward with all his strength, constantly pushing the armor beyond its load.

This is not a mecha, but a battle armor, which he wears and controls himself.

As he got closer and closer, he saw the ancient clan of the fifth realm. He had two sides, one was happy and the other was crazy, enjoying the pleasure of slaughter.


Li Liu roared, feeling something struggling inside his body.

The phoenix pecks through the prison shell, and Nirvana is born today.

He clearly felt that something was really breaking.


In an instant, the sky was filled with scarlet red, and the sound of fighting between armed and iron horses came from all directions, and murderous intent was billowing!

There was a vision of a mountain of corpses, a sea of ​​blood, and thousands of withered bones, rising up and filling the sky.

The vision increased, leaving the two-faced clan stunned.

"This knife is the result of a hundred and sixty years of waiting!"

Li Liu swung his sword and chopped, and the terrible attack fell hard on the scalp of the Two-faced clan, breaking the crown of his hair and smashing his bun.

The two-faced tribe took more than ten steps back before stopping their momentum.

"Are you just in the second level?"

This ancient man is unbelievable. He was actually cut down by a mere ant from the second level. His hair is disheveled and he is in such a mess.

Before the visions in the sky had subsided, Li Liu moved forward, and mountains of corpses, seas of blood, and thousands of troops roared angrily behind him.

You two-faced clan, if you don't follow the rules, don't bully me, the human clan has no one, I'm here to kill you!

"Huangkou kid, are you worthy of saying that you want to kill me?"

The two-faced people laughed loudly: "Why don't you dig up the soil and see if it's your brother or your friend?"

"To tell you the truth, I was put in specially to teach you a lesson and make you suffer."

The ancient member of the Two-faced Clan sneered, and Li Liu couldn't do anything to him.

He suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance: "The strong men from your clan are here."

"Who is presumptuous!"

The voice was loud and full of anger: "Don't even think about leaving today!"

The person who came was a great monk from the seventh realm, heading towards the Two-Face clan.

"I'll be back."

The two-faced monk laughed at Li Liu and suddenly exploded.

He blew himself up.

Without effort, the death of the ancient clan is not considered death. He will be resurrected from the mirror ruins and return to the present world.

The ancient tribes in the Mirror Ruins are generally monks in the eighth realm. If they want to commit suicide in a fight in the same realm, it is tantamount to giving their necks to the enemy to chop them off.

But no one thought that this fifth-level monk was also from the ancient Jingxu clan. Li Liu felt that he was full of misfortune.

Trembling, uncontrollable rage.


He roared: "Two-faced clan, I will kill your entire clan one day!"

The foundation that had just been broken through started to become unstable, and the vision gradually became blurred.

"not good!"

The Seventh Realm Overhaul who came to support realized the problem. Li Liu had not killed the enemies of the Two-Face clan and had inner demons.

How can this be good?

He watched the vision around him gradually collapse. This was a good seedling, a rare genius. If it were destroyed like this, it would definitely be the greatest loss to the human race.

Suddenly, a blue array of light lit up on the horizon.

The speed of the light was so fast that one second it was far away and the next second it was here.

Chen Jin walked out of the void and saw Li Liu, who was getting older.

"Xiaosan, what's wrong with you?"

Her tone was dissatisfied: "I broke through the foundation, why do I look like I'm on the verge of death?"

"Sister, I'm so angry!"

Li Liu beat his chest and said: "That two-faced man is so abominable, I want to kill him, I want him to die!"

The murderous aura in his words was so intense that it was frightening.

"Sir, I'm afraid this person will go crazy after gaining something."

The seventh-level monk bowed to Chen Jin. He knew Li Liu's identity and took good care of him.

Naturally, everyone knows this formation.

Chen Jin frowned. Xiaosan's path was good on the battlefield, but the murderous aura was everywhere on the battlefield. Walking on this path was doomed to be difficult and required overcoming thorns and obstacles.

No wonder Master keeps reinforcing Xiao San's foundation building barriers.

Now that she saw it, she finally understood.

"Isn't it just to kill a person? As for this virtue?" Chen Jin's slap fell on Li Liu's face, and there was an extremely loud "snap".

Her face was as frosty as cold: "You are a two-faced clan, right? Senior sister will take you to relieve your anger today."

She was so domineering and heroic that the eyes of the monks in the seventh realm almost popped out of their heads.

Li Liu was still a little confused, but he saw Chen Jin directly leveraging the void, setting up a magic circle in the space, and traveling across endless distances.

"Senior sister, that is the territory of the ancient tribe!"

Li Liu was shocked and hurriedly stopped: "Our past was like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth."

"What are you afraid of? Aren't you angry? Every little thing can bring out your inner demons?"

Chen Jin taught him a lesson: "You are only in the second realm. If you don't have a strong heart, what will you do in the third realm, fourth realm, and so on?"

In the words, the formation was opened from the station of the Two-faced Clan, which naturally attracted the attention of the strong men of the Two-faced Clan.


Several powerful men from the eighth realm appeared, and their terrifying momentum almost caused the world to overturn.

"Me! Human Chen Jin!"

A clear and heroic voice came from it, and Chen Jin appeared high in the sky with Li Liu.

"Human race?"

The strong men of the Two-faced Clan couldn't help but laugh: "Did you come to our tribe alone to bring us food?"

"Hahaha!" They laughed: "You're laughing so hard, little girl, are you going to capture yourself without any help, or are we going to strip you of your armor?"


Chen Jin only said one sentence:

"Hand over the Fifth Realm tribesmen you attacked on the battlefield and give you one minute. You will bear the consequences after one minute!"

One minute?

People from the Two-faced tribe laughed: "Little girl, are you still dreaming?"

"Come, come to my room and talk to me, and maybe I'll hand him over to you for a look."

The shameless words made Li Liu's eyes turn red.

"Sister, let's go and wait on the battlefield to kill them properly!"

"It's your character to retreat when trouble comes, but it's not my rule."

Chen Jin counted one minute, and she moved her chin slightly: "One minute is up."

As soon as she finished speaking, a tower-like attic emerged from her palm.

At this moment, a large number of formations appeared in the sky above the Two-faced clan, and the terrifying power of the immortal weapons swept across the world.

"Who is using the immortal weapon?"

Some ancient tribesmen watched and watched, and some ancient tribes felt that the smell was familiar.

As for the Two-faced people, they were panicking at this moment.

"Immortal weapon! How can you have an immortal weapon!"

They were shocked, but Li Liu's voice was even more shocking:

"Sister, you actually have an immortal weapon!"

His voice broke, "Immortal weapon, what level is that?"

In other words, because the Ancient Clan has immortal weapons, they are basically invincible, and the Human Clan cannot defeat them at all.

That is equivalent to the forbidden weapon in the park's history books more than two thousand years ago.

It is said that there is no immortal weapon in the Nine Cities Federation, and now it was suddenly taken out by his senior sister.

"I knew that the information in the book and on the surface could not be trusted."

Li Liu's eyes widened, and then the depression in his heart disappeared.

"TMD! Senior Sister Labor and Management has a magical weapon, why don't you hand over the person quickly!"

He yelled arrogantly, extremely arrogant, and he was a completely different person from before.

Sometimes, abstract things like inner demons just disappear so quickly.

Chen Jin remained calm as he faced the strong men of the Two-faced Clan.

One after another strong men rushed out from the station and came from all directions. They all broke into cold sweat when they saw the immortal weapons.

There is no way to hide, everything under the immortal weapon is an ant.

"I will pay, we will pay!"

An ancient clan member cried and shouted and captured a monk from the Two-faced clan.

"Let me go, clan elder, you can't give in!"

The monk was still struggling and shouting, his face full of unwillingness.

"She's just an ordinary eighth-level human race, so what if she has an immortal weapon? Kill her and the immortal weapon belongs to us!"

"Bastard!" The ancient tribe directly removed the monk's chin and brought him here respectfully:

"Look, we have brought people here."

"Is it him?" Chen Jin did not answer, but asked Li Liu.

"not him!"

Li Liu denied it, Chen Jin nodded and waved, and the fifth-level monk disappeared into thin air.

The eyelids of the strong men from the Two-faced Clan twitched. It was indeed an immortal weapon. It was unmistakable.


The strong man who arrested the person was dumbfounded and said: "No, it's him. We didn't arrest the wrong person."

"My junior brother said no, it means no."

Chen Jin looked at him and continued: "Catch more people."

Still caught?

A flash of understanding flashed through the mind of the Two-faced Clan elder, and he reluctantly arrested five or six more people.

"Look, is it them?"

Chen Jin did not wait for Li Liu to speak, and waved his hand to make these people disappear.


She then slowly added: "Catch me again."

This is...this is putting the faces of the two-faced people on the ground and stepping on them!

The clan elder trembled and arrested five or six more people.


The cold and ruthless voice of the strong human race made him feel cold in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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