There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 582: If you have an immortal weapon, you are a cow

The monks were brought up one after another, all of whom were in the fifth realm, and the faces of the Two-Face clan turned green.

Li Liu was dumbfounded, feeling that the top monk was so domineering. He was fighting on the battlefield, and the exhaustion and exhaustion combined were not worth the death of a fifth-level ancient enemy.

But here, he saw that his senior sister was easier than killing a chicken, and she had already killed dozens of fifth-level ancient tribesmen with a wave of her hand.

For the two-faced people, this is also a very heavy price.

Finally, Chen Jincai took him away, and the huge immortal weapon moved until it disappeared, allowing the two-faced clan to let out a sigh of relief.

"The human race actually has an immortal weapon. This is terrible. Tell other allies immediately."

They worked quickly, something big happened, and now they have to pay a huge price for provoking the human race!

I thought it was just a casual play, but I almost paid a heavy price.

"Senior sister, why don't we continue killing?"

After returning to the human race, Li Liu still had some unfinished thoughts. He was so happy to see those high-ranking figures from the ancient race bowing their heads and feeling aggrieved!

"Kill for what? I've killed all the people. Why do you want to kill?"

Chen Jin reprimanded him without saying anything nice: "If you have nothing to do, burn more incense for Master and practice hard on your own. Don't wait until Master comes back and you will still be a low-end monk."

These words could be said to be completely merciless, making Li Liu blush.

But he didn't hold any grudges, only gratitude.

"My second senior sister is a smart talker. If she really looks down on me, will she take me to the Liangmian Ancient Clan to find trouble?"

He has also lived for one hundred, seventeen and eighty years, and he can see these things clearly.

"Li Liu."

Suddenly, Chen Jin's voice came from the front.

"Help me, I was enjoying killing people just now, but I accidentally lost my ability."

She didn't have much strength to walk. The use of immortal weapons required a huge price. She was a little exhausted at this time.

"Ah? I said why don't you go ahead and kill him."

Li Liu hurriedly stepped forward to help him and took Chen Jin back to the human race's camp.

It is the safest place, with Commander Die Yunfei sitting in charge.

Regarding this point, the roundtable actually acquiesced, but there was little relationship.

The procedures for distributing batches of many supplies have also become more serious and become a lot more cumbersome.

For more than a hundred years, cities and high-rise buildings have been built in the human settlement. Not only monks but also ordinary people live here.

I don’t know who spread the news, saying that the aura of the earth is better, which is helpful for the growth of children and the awakening of spiritual roots and extraordinary talents.

Chen Jin's residence is also very simple, just an ordinary top floor on the 160th floor.

Every year, this building will be taller by one level, made by earth monks and extraordinary people together, increasing like annual rings.

This is undoubtedly a huge gimmick and attracts many people to live there.

"Senior sister, did you also take a fancy to this at the beginning?"

Looking at the spacious room and the beautiful scenery, Li Liu was filled with emotion.

He really wants to have such a house, but unfortunately judging from his current salary, he can only afford an ordinary residence even if he sells all his cultivation resources.

"I bought the first floor." Chen Jin's answer made Li Liu extremely jealous.

"Senior sister, your life is so good, I'm so jealous of you!"

"If you like it, come and live here later." Unexpectedly, Chen Jin directly handed him a key, which made Li Liu feel dizzy.

"Then what should you do, senior sister?" He still remembered Chen Jin: "No, no, this is too valuable, I can't have it."

Even so, he held on to the key tightly and was unwilling to let go.

"I still have dozens of houses like this, which are basically given to me by others."

Chen Jin's next words let Li Liu know what it means to be a rich man.

No... rich woman!

"When you become stronger in the future, you will understand that these are all external objects, and only your own strength is truly powerful."

Chen Jin began to sit cross-legged and meditate to regain his spiritual power.

"Okay, I'll remember what Senior Sister said, and I'll go buy groceries right now."

Chen Jin:?

Did she just say something wrong?

Focusing on Li Liu, I used my spiritual mind to see that he was happily calling Lan Yanxin.

"Yan Xin, let's do it. Do you know that we've done it? Senior sister gave me a 160-story attic with a flat floor, and it's a house with the rings of the earth!"

He was so excited that he couldn't help but jump: "Do you know how expensive this is? We can't afford it in our lifetime, so senior sister is giving it to me as a gift. It adds one layer every year. It's the most popular earth ring!"

His appearance made Chen Jin couldn't help but chuckle.

"The mistress is still cute, right?"

The window opened and Aigwei came closer from outside.

She was relieved to see that there were no wounds on Chen Jin's body: "I told you not to pretend to be so fierce, you will miss many good sides."

"I'm so fierce to begin with." Chen Jin looked away: "How come Senior Sister has time to see me?"

"I'm not watching you. What if something happens to you? I can't explain it to Master."

Aigwei slumped lazily on the sofa: "Xiao San has been on the battlefield for one hundred and sixty years. He usually only communicates with Lan Yanxin on the phone. Fortunately, Lan Yanxin has quantum intelligence, otherwise the train would have run away long ago. road."


"You happen to be free too. Let's take some time to go shopping. Relaxing your body and mind will help you practice better."

"Okay, then I'll call you Master."

Chen Jin took out his phone and sent a message. The next day, Li Liu rarely found Lan Yanxin coming.

"daughter in law!"

He was even more excited: "I knew you were waiting for me to get a house!"

Lan Yan was speechless: "Ah Liu, which woman have you seen waiting for more than a hundred years for her sweetheart to get a house?"

This elm-brained head just doesn't get it right sometimes.

"Master's wife is here."

Suddenly Chen Jin said, the door of the room knocked.

Jiaojiao walked into the room step by step with his little hands behind his back and his head held high.

She nodded with satisfaction: "Ai Gewei, your cultivation has improved again, why don't you think about qualifying?"

"Xiao Jinzi is also very powerful. No one in the formation has reached the level of personality yet. You have to work hard." Finally, when she saw Li Liu, she couldn't help but look away with satisfaction.

Li Liu: Huh?

Lan Yanxin seemed a little reserved. She was the least status person here, just because of her relationship with Li Liu's girlfriend.

"Don't stress."

Jiaojiao was not as tall as Lan Yanxin's thigh, so he could only pat her legs and said, "If that kid bullies you in the future, tell me."

At this moment, Li Liu felt like he was an outsider.

He felt good. A total of four women went shopping, talking and laughing with nothing in their hands. He was the only one carrying countless things in large and small bags.

"Master's wife!"

Li Liu protested: "I think we can use the storage magic weapon without being so conspicuous."

Along the way, almost everyone's eyes were fixed on his face.

"No, this is training you."

Jiaojiao jumped up angrily and patted Li Liu on the head:

"You have to know, how thick a person's face is, how successful he will be in the future."

"Who said that? I don't accept it!"

What kind of fallacy is this? For another reason, PUA, he felt it was reasonable and he could convince himself.

"That's what your master said."

Five words to make Li Liu shut up.

In the evening, a group of people went to eat at a roadside stall, and there were several luxury cars parked on the road.

"Illegal parking will result in a three-point deduction and a two-hundred-point penalty."

Chen Jin's tone was calm, and when he saw everyone's strange looks, he reluctantly explained: "I'm currently studying for a driver's license."

"Is it the dancing subject three?" Li Liu immediately interrupted, but Lan Yan stuffed a big oyster into his heart.

"Eat more, it's good for your health."

It's stuck in my throat!

"Wait a minute, I forgot today's mission."

At this moment, Aigwei suddenly remembered something and began to recite a familiar spell.

It was to ask for the immortal method. This was a required course for her every day. She first praised the master and then called him to come down.

"Ouch, so many people?"

Chen Banxian's silent appearance shocked the little Jiaojiao who was licking his skewers.

She quickly transformed into the black dragon's true form, and then swam to Chen Banxian's side.

"Xianxian, eat these pig's trotters quickly. I think they taste better than the ones I made."

No matter where it is, I think the taste is far worse than what you make.

Chen Banxian smiled and saw Li Liu's cultivation level at a glance.

"Good, you are finally on your way."

At this moment, Li Liu, who had been ignored for a day, was suddenly moved.

Sure enough, only a man understands a man, and he loves the Master.

"Master, you don't know that when Xiao San broke through, the vision filled the sky with mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and he even slapped a fifth-level monk in the face."

Aigwei began to talk about what happened that day: "In the end, he failed to control his inner demons, and it was Xiao Jin who took him to find a place with the Two-Face clan."

"Two-faced clan? You really have the heart of a bear but the courage of a leopard!"

Chen Banxian was about to slap the table, but the movement at the next table was louder than his.


A tattooed man accused the young couple next to him: "I just asked your wife to stay with me for one night. What are your expressions?"

"What? I don't eat people!"

"Oh my God, it's a classic bullying of men and women." Aigwei's eyes widened: "Go and teach them a lesson, mistress."

"Okay, he actually does this kind of thing in broad daylight. I can't beat him to death."

Li Liu was gearing up. The opponent was also in the second level and he had just broken through. He wanted to test the depth of the second level.

"Wait a moment."

Chen Banxian stopped him: "Why are you so excited? Let's see slowly. Normal people wouldn't do this in public places."

He pointed at the woman: "Look at that person's eyes. Is the innermost emotion about to move?"

"Reporting to Master, I only saw her lens and optic nerve." Li Liu's eyes widened, unable to understand why.

"So you are suitable for the battlefield." Chen Banxian rolled his eyes at him: "You continue to watch."

I saw the strong man take out a dozen coins, at least a hundred.

"Ten thousand, do you want to do it?"

The woman said nothing and whispered: "Brother Snake, please don't embarrass us."

"Twenty thousand."

Brother Snake directly took out another dozen: "There is nothing in this world that money cannot do."

"Brother Snake, we really..."

"One hundred thousand."

Another dozen, and the young couple's eyes widened.

The woman wanted to speak but stopped.

"Two hundred thousand, giving you one last chance."

Brother Snake's eyes were full of victory. When the woman agreed, Chen Banxian stood up.

"I'll pay three hundred thousand!"

(End of this chapter)

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