Chapter 584 Beast!

"Clap, clap."

That was the sound of spiritual bricks. This ancient tribe really trimmed such a big one, which made everyone feel a little embarrassed to pick it up piece by piece.

They really want to move out and enjoy the benefits.

"Don't go too far as a human being." Zhang Di said: "Wait until he completes the construction before taking it. There will be a quarrel later if the spoils are unevenly divided."

"Yes, yes, we might as well share it equally."

Another boy said.

"He's going to be capped." Chen Banxian said and gave Xiaosi a look.

"It's time to move."

With a "swish" sound, Xiaosi had disappeared, and Chen Banxian also disappeared with him.

Li Zongpu was the third one, and the rest were the ones who reacted.

"Damn it, they are shameless!"

Tu Lian felt his eyes suddenly go dark and then light up.

Before he could react, he subconsciously rushed towards his palace, holding the last capping brick in his hand.

On this spiritual brick, he specially carved the common ancestor of the Ling'er tribe, which meant blessing, but as a result, the sky above the cloud was empty.

His home was...burgled again.


The heart-rending roar shook the sky, and Tu Lian swore to God that he would fight the house thief until death!

He searched all the nearby places but could not find the thief. He was so angry that he vomited blood.

Under the cloud, Li Zongpu sighed: "Has he never doubted the cloud under his feet?"

"This is called darkness under the lamp." Sa Sa Sa quoted from the classics: "The most dangerous place is the safest place."

They all got Chen Banxian's true biography. Lin Ping'an and others who went out first were still a little dull and could only follow along.

But they were very envious when they saw how flexible their junior brothers and sisters were.

I regretted waiting for others to go out early.

"Uncle You Xian, can we review with you?"

He tugged on Chen Banxian's clothes, feeling that he might need to catch up on some extra lessons.

At least until now, he only had one spiritual brick in his hand.

Even though his junior brothers and sisters are not as strong as him, they always take the lead at every step.

"You don't need to."

Chen Banxian rejected him and said through a message: "You have better qualifications than juniors like Li Zongpu, and you can dominate people in the same field, so you don't need these methods."

"They are different, and their strength is a little bit lower, so we can only find balance in terms of wisdom."

After saying this, Lin Ping'an understood, and suddenly felt the courage on his shoulders getting heavier.

He wants to protect his junior brothers and sisters.

"Guess, will he continue?"

Li Zongpu was the most active. He produced ten spiritual bricks: "How about we take a gamble? I will be the banker."

"Damn it, you are really greedy. I am a gentleman."

The brothers held the spirit brick in disdain:

"I'll bet you five bucks that he'll keep going."

"I bet three dollars that he won't continue. As the saying goes, nothing can be done more than three times."

"Hey, I chose him and he will continue. This ancient tribe has a perseverance spirit that we don't have."

Lin Ping'an couldn't help but think again when he saw this.

Do you really don’t need to take extra classes?

Facts have proved that Li Zongpu was right.

Tu Lian was still building, but this time he was ready to take a look around.

He just stared to see who would influence him again.

Unexpectedly, when it was about to be completed, the cloud collapsed.

The teenagers started stealing from the bottom... It is uncivilized to say that stealing is called taking.

The clouds were hollowed out, and the palace fell immediately. Even though Tu Lian was well prepared, he did not expect this to happen.

He hurriedly ran under the clouds, and as soon as he turned the corner, he saw a huge fist.

His vision went dark, and his road was shaken. When he woke up, there was only a thin circle of clouds.

All the clouds in a radius of tens of millions of miles were consumed by him.


Tu Lian cried and collapsed: "What are you doing? Is there any justice left?"

At this time, Chen Banxian and the others had all run out and set a mark here.

[Spirit Brick Acquisition Point]

Soon after, the Ling'er tribe found a way to contact Tu Lian.

"My child, how is the situation in heaven? Is it exactly the same as when we were there?"

"How are you doing up there? Do you have any other friends? Are there other creatures in heaven?"

Facing the concerned inquiries, Tu Lian burst into tears.

"It's all lies. There is no heaven at all, it's just a fake place that looks beautiful."

He has completely lost faith in this utopia.

On the human side, everyone has built houses with spiritual bricks, and none of their own clouds have been used.

Having tasted the sweetness, they began to squat on the radar, hoping for the next red dot.

"Look, we found the ancient tribe again."

Huangtian paid off, and after more than fifty days, they finally saw the familiar red dot again.

"Let's get started!"

Li Zongpu took the lead, but was pulled back by Chen Banxian.

"Don't go, it's useless."


They don't understand.

"I went to see it. It's the territory of the Lingsen tribe. These people only know how to plant trees. They are considered a better ancient tribe."

The flesh, flesh and mana of the Lingsen tribe will turn into a vibrant forest. They have never taken action against the people on earth.

Chen Banxian changed the topic: "You can just steal a few trees and use them as planting trees. Don't embarrass others too much."

Oh, I got it.

The next day, Chen Banxian woke up from practice and saw a lush landscape.


His eyes widened: "You chopped up the people of the Lingsen tribe?" So many trees changed the environment here in an instant.

He hurriedly went to see the Lingsen Tribe, only to see a skinny creature lying on the clouds, as if it had been held captive by a succubus for hundreds of years. It was too miserable to look at.

He didn't know what to say for a while, so he had to give them some popular science about what it meant: a long stream of water can't uproot a leek.

"Okay, we must not go too far with the next one!"

On Earth, above Kunlun.

Hundreds of years later, Ying Ziyu and Ying Yin met again, and they were still neck and neck.

Ying Lang was giving them instructions, with regret in his eyes. In the end, no matter what, one of them would fall from the clouds, which made people reluctant to let go.

"Master Prophet, there is perfect news from heaven."

The clan elder came over and handed him a stick of incense.

Yinglang was lit, and Ying Wuque's figure appeared in the incense.

"Well, Lord Prophet, Ying Wuque has established a firm foothold in the heaven. This place is vast and boundless, and the clouds are all formed by the condensation of the great avenue of creation. It is truly a blessed place in the heaven."

Yinglang nodded. This was a one-sided message, and the other party would not see his feedback.

"Wu Que, you will have a part in the future of our Ying Gou clan."

He sighed softly.

In heaven, Lin Ping'an took back the sword on Ying Wuque's neck and walked out from behind him.

Mu Zixi also took back her weapon and walked out.

Ding Jie also took back his weapon and walked out.

Dozens of people walked out from behind Ying Wuque.

"Not bad, a good performance. Let's continue next time."

Sa Sa Sa was very satisfied.

"It's wrong of you to do this." Ying Wuque said politely, "We should help each other to have a future."

At this moment, everyone felt that he was glowing.

It would be great if he was not from the ancient clan.

Alas, what a pity.

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, you can go back and continue to move bricks. We have to build 600 more villas, which will require almost 60 million bricks."

They turned and left.

Compared with the Ancient Race, there are really many more Human Races.

"Where's Uncle You Xian?"

They asked in twos and threes, but no one was seen.

At this time, Chen Banxian was on earth.

He was furious because he hadn't found anyone suitable to go to hell for so long, so he asked each of Ninth and the others to recite it non-stop every day.

"TMD, I must at least be the same person, right?"

He was a little anxious because he couldn't touch anyone in heaven.

He's finished with all the reform-through-labor prisoners, not to mention prostitutes, they've all become good at gambling, and he still hasn't encountered any treacherous or evil people.

"Brother Xian, if you don't come down, I will lose my status."

After hundreds of years, Die Yunfei finally understood the true meaning of space.

At this time, a stick of incense was burning, and Die Yunfei and Chen Banxian sat face to face.

"I'm worried that there will be a big reaction when I'm qualified."

Can it be smaller? Spatial person, space is everywhere.

In the future, even if he opens up storage space, he will have to pay for it.

"I think the risk is a bit high for you. Are you completely sure?"

Chen Banxian looked at it with envy. He had perfected the way of space, but he didn't want to pay attention to him.

I played a trick last time and got angry.

He doesn't have to be qualified, just a fortune telling on the speed of cultivation will be enough.

Others take a commission, but he can reach the level directly with one click.

He is worried that when he goes out in the future, others will ask him: "What qualifications do you qualify for?"

How did he answer?

"Huh? I...I'm not qualified."

"Hahaha, this person is not qualified, everyone should laugh at him!"

Horse riding...

Even Chen Banxian was not very pleased with Die Yunfei.

"Brother Xian?" Die Yunfei was confused.

"Go away." One word made Die Yunfei confused.

Did he do something wrong?

"I plan to spend another ten years polishing it, and I will be qualified after ten years."

He still said that he was used to Brother Xian's various behaviors.

"Oh, I'll try my best."

Chen Banxian's answer made Die Yunfei's balls hurt.

"How many people are qualified now?"

He looked into the void and seemed to see a gleaming figure under the heaven.

Some have become humanoid and have been replaced by living beings, while others are still the same as before.

"There is a Luohua Dao person who has been combined."

Die Yunfei counted: "It's the ancient clan. I estimate that the battle in the ninth realm will start soon."

"There is also a person of speech, which is also combined."

He talked about some minor ideas.

"Isn't there a more powerful one?"

There are not many people cultivating these personalities, and it seems that their strength has not increased very much at present.


Die Yunfei said: "You may not believe it, but Zhang Debai is also qualified."

When he said this, his expression became strange: "What is your name? Hey, I just can't remember."

"But now he is very powerful. Even if he walks next to me, I can't find him."

Zhang Debai's extraordinary ability, which path did he combine?

Chen Banxian immediately became interested: "There is still some time, I want to go see him."

(End of this chapter)

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