There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 585 Evolution of the ability to open eyes and be blind

Chapter 585 Evolution of the ability to open eyes and be blind

"Zhang Debai, Zhang Debai!"

A door in the house was knocked loudly, and Chen Banxian was very excited, holding a small piece of paper with his address in his hand.

"Where is he? Not at home?"

He went to look at the peephole, and from the outside, there was only a hazy light inside.

"Don't drag me." He continued shouting:

"It's me, Lao Zhang. I heard that you are qualified and came here to see you. Don't hide and keep silent."

"Bang bang bang!"

"Clap clap clap!"


Hiss, the door was broken.

"Oh, don't drag me."

He turned back time and was a little less forceful this time: Lao Zhang, please make me curious about your ability to be invisible to ghosts! "

At first, people didn't pay much attention to this thing, and it just became invisible at night.

But now it's getting more and more impressive, and Chen Banxian is very jealous: "I'm here to tell your fortune, and you won't answer my phone calls."

He dialed Zhang Debai's number, and the phone rang twice.

"Hello, Lao Zhang, Lao Zhang?"

"no sound?"

He frowned and hung up, calling again, and there were two more ringtones beside him.

"and many more……"

Suddenly, Chen Banxian realized that it was possible that Zhang Debai had been by his side and he didn't notice it?

Sit down outside Zhang Debaimen, damn, the time is almost up.

The door behind him opened, and after a while:


A basin of cold water was poured out.

Chen Banxian was shocked and his expression changed drastically.

"Strange, why are my clothes wet?"

He gradually felt something unusual, narrowed his eyes, and activated his ability to blind himself.

At the door, Zhang Debai looked around and found no one else.

"Who was I trying to trouble just now?"

He was a little confused and vaguely remembered a person, but he couldn't remember it.

Suddenly, an imperial jar enveloped the house, and then Chen Banxian began to eliminate it one by one.

After ruling it out until the end, he subconsciously wanted to continue ruling it out. Suddenly, the emperor jar vibrated.

"Hey, there is another way."

He looked along the road and saw Zhang Debai in the room.

With eyebrows raised and eyes opened, he locked onto this path, and then landed at Zhang Debai's house.

"What the hell, boss?" Zhang Debai's expression changed. Chen Banxian turned off his ability to open his eyes and be blind at this moment, allowing him to recall what just happened.

"You actually found me!"

He was so shocked that he could not speak coherently, and then he saw the boss approaching his bathroom and taking a basin of water.

"Do you like it? md, it's floating!"

Zhang Debai screamed, the water was abnormally colder than ordinary water, and he did something wrong.

Afterwards, he was trembling all over while doing fortune telling.

"Ding, get blind."

He still has the ability to open his eyes and be blind, but it has advanced. When Chen Banxian activated it, he did not return to the sky.


Has the world been deceived?

He exclaimed: "Good boy, this is incredible!"

This skill is really amazing. I have been looking for a method for so long and found it today.

Heaven can't deceive him, but heaven can. He can't be found in that place, so he can't be received.

Chen Banxian's current state is still at Zhang Debai's home, but the other party can't find any trace of him at all.


He saw Zhang Debai returned to the bedroom happily and opened a box as tall as a person.

Inside is a two-dimensional biochemical robot, no different from a real person, but it works hard without complaint.

"Baby, I'm coming~"

Chen Banxian's expression changed and he quickly left here.

You have to take the time to find a Taoist companion for him. It's not the same thing all the time. After all, it's virtual, not real, and yin and yang cannot be reconciled.

Not conducive to practice.

"Just in time to see what my apprentices are doing."

He was very interested and found that Aigwei was playing a game, and he became excited to kill.

Chen Jin is studying the formations in the immortal weapon, and she is worthy of being his goddaughter.

The mistress... The mistress was spreading dog food, and he kicked her in the butt. She didn't practice well!

"Who! Who attacked me!"

Li Liusi looked around with serious eyes.

"What's wrong?" Lan Yan was confused. Li Liu looked around: "No, maybe I felt wrong."

He was still a little suspicious, but it was true that no one was around.

"Forget it, let's continue, I told you that my tongue can be forked."

"You're a snake." Lan Yanxin was so shy that she hit him lightly.

Go watch Ninth again.


Ninth is reading the diary, and the time is actually 2060.

Chen Banxian saw the name in his diary, Li Daniu.

Then Li Daniu erased it and changed it to Li Qing'er again.

"My name cannot be known to anyone!"

The ninth collection of diaries was written when he was still a mortal. Now things have changed and the world has changed. Only these can allow him to recall various human emotions and give him the correct guidance.

He didn't notice that Chen Banxian took out his mobile phone and silently changed the ninth note to Li Daniu. More than six hundred chapters later, I finally know the name of the ninth one. It’s not easy.

Chen Banxian found that he fell in love with the feeling of watching other people's peaceful years.

"Catch the peeping tom!"

A loud shout startled him and he was about to run away.

"No, no one can find me."

He calmed down and realized that someone else just happened to be near him.

"For God's sake, I, Chen Banxian, really don't have any such thoughts."

He swore.


Dark clouds rolled in the sky, and his vow was immediately answered.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I admit it was a little bit."

If you have this opportunity, why don't you do it?

Or will he not do it?

Zaizhong, look straight at your heart, who doesn’t like to secretly read diaries written by others?

This is much better than being invisible.

Unfortunately, in this state, he basically said goodbye to talking to others, and no one could find him.

Chen Banxian came into contact with the ability and was immediately led to the heaven.

"Wait, maybe I can go to the ancient tribe."

He was thinking and smoothly accepted Ying Wuque's offering today.

"Wu Que, do you have anything valuable at home that is easier to get?"

He held onto Ying Wuque, who still had no desire for revenge. He completed the task honestly without any urging from him every day.

This made him embarrassed and a little bit intolerable.

"I'm a bad person."

He told himself that bad people have no sense of morality and their consciences will not hurt.

"I can't tell you." Ying Wuque's moral standard was not even willing to let himself lie, so he refused directly.

"So there is?"

Chen Banxian's smile made Ying Wuque feel uncomfortable all over. He frowned and said, "You can't go down, so there's no point in asking."

"Who said I can't go down?"

He left a mysterious figure on his back: "See you later."


Ying Wuque sighed, feeling sorry for everyone in his family. He finally got into the heaven, but now he is working for others.

If the clan members knew, where would he put his face?

Chen Banxian didn't know what he was thinking. After browsing around the designated resources for spiritual bricks and making sure that no more spiritual bricks were produced, he began to understand.

Soon, it is expected that Tianshangzhu will be able to enter the ninth realm in a few years.

In the ninth realm, it is a complete qualitative change. Man and Tao merge and truly live the same life as heaven and earth. As long as Tao does not perish, man will not perish.

As Tao evolves, people evolve with it. After surviving the tribulation, they become quasi-immortals.

I still remember that after Chen Changsheng joined the Tao, he fought hard to overcome the tribulation without losing. Theoretically speaking, Chen Banxian could go head-to-head with people in the tenth realm even when he reached the ninth realm.

And the quasi-immortal in the eleventh realm...

It's hard to say, but he holds the Sky-Swallowing Magic Jar and other immortal weapons in his hands. At worst, he can just let Tiandao Duopai take note of them, which is totally fine.

If people on earth wanted to ascend, where would they go?

Chen Banxian has thought about this problem. Humanity's way of heaven has just recovered. Theoretically, there is no fairyland.

Maybe the heaven he is in now is the place where immortals will ascend in the future.

After all, the earth is different from other worlds. There is no upper world.

Even if there was, Heaven would not dare to come down if it stopped him.

Although the boring days are hard, I still live happily every day.

On this day, Chen Banxian rummaged through the contents of the emperor's jar to see if there was anything left to eat.

Jiaojiao has finished all the food he cooked, and the snacks he bought are all gone. He doesn't know how to cook.

"I really want to order takeout."

Shaking and shaking, suddenly "clang!"

A jade pendant fell out.


He almost had no memory of this thing. He suddenly came out and didn't think of it for a while.

Isn't this... isn't this... what I got after telling Yinglang of the ancient tribe?

At that time, he was still regretting that Yinglang didn't explode the immortal weapon. Now he sees this jade pendant with a lot of emotion.

The Immortal Jade from the Hongxuan Realm is that boy from the Night Clan who was born with silver armor.

Thinking of this, Chen Banxian realized something was wrong.

There are too many myths about being born with a jade pendant.

A few days later, he was invited back to Earth and took the jade pendant to Kunlun for the first time.

The entire Kunlun is the territory of Ying Gou of the Ye Clan, and that mountain like a sky wall is the ancestor of dragon veins, Kunlun!

As soon as I arrived at the boundary of Kunlun, billowing spiritual energy rushed towards my face. The clouds and mist in the mountains were all transformed by spiritual energy.

The weeds growing everywhere are precious elixirs, and this place is truly unique.

Chen Banxian paused for a moment, murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

Sooner or later, this place belongs to the human race, and all the ancient races will die!

There is a stone road running through the entire Ye clan from the foot of the mountain.

Different from being sparse in the past, the population of the Night Clan is already very large now, and from time to time you can see large cities with tens of millions of people.

The further you go to the top of Kunlun Mountain, the more advanced the Night Clan's cities become, and the more powerful the monks in them become.

A truly wealthy family.

I have to say that with Yinglang here, he will be the biggest enemy of the human race!

Chen Banxian looked at the hidden monks and was shocked. He even saw that there were millions of fifth-level monks in the entire city.

Where is the genius who was born with a corpse in silver armor?

Chen Banxian was wandering around the Kunlun Mountains. Being able to blind even the heavens allowed him to have no worries.

Even if you are discovered, you can quickly return to heaven.

The Night Clan has three large cities with a level of tens of millions and sixteen small cities with a level of one million.

But Chen Banxian didn't believe in Ying Lang's methods. There must be other hidden forces.

There is no city on the top of the mountain, and the people living here are basically the strong men of the Mirror Ruins of the Night Clan.

found it!

(End of this chapter)

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