There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 586 Breakthrough in the 9th Realm

Next to a waterfall flying into the sky below, he sensed the aura of the silver-armored corpse.

As far as he knew, there were only four members of the Silver Armored Corpse bloodline of the Night Clan.

Ying Ziyu, the young master of the Ye clan.

Win silver, the genius of the night clan.

Win everything, wage earner.

And the last "unknown enemy" who was born as a silver-armored corpse.

He was not very happy when he thought of the previous hexagram.

This waterfall flies upward from the bottom of the mountain, and when it reaches the sky, it is mixed with spiritual energy and turns into spiritual rain.

A large lake has poured out of the downwind outlet over there, and there are several waterfalls flowing down from the gap.

There is an ordinary small house next to the reverse waterfall. There are tables and chairs at the entrance of the courtyard. There is a young man dragging his cheeks and looking at the waterfall in trance.

The young man was handsome, with silver eyebrows and snowy hair, which was tied back on his head. Around his neck hung the Hongxuan Great Realm Immortal Jade that Chen Banxian had obtained.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or if the two fairy jade increased his power. At this time, Chen Banxian vaguely sensed some information from it.

Damn it, did you react?

He hurriedly picked it up and understood it carefully.

The young man also realized something was wrong, but Chen Banxian saw tears streaming down his face.

“Damn it, it’s been hundreds of years, it’s been hundreds of years since labor and capital were born, and they’re finally reacting!”

He picked up the jade pendant and quickly input a strange fluctuating ability on it.


Chen Banxian remembered it in his mind and typed it out accordingly.

The originally vague information became clear and the code was unlocked.

"Finally contacted, Hei'er, are you okay?"

Text was displayed on the jade pendant. Chen Banxian looked at his jade pendant. He could also see the text entered by the young man.

"No! It's not good at all. This place is terrible!"

The young man's tone was full of complaints: "I'm about to be suffocated to death. The environment is bad, the air is bad, and there are acquired toxins everywhere. Take me back quickly!"

"Hei'er, listen to me. There's been an accident and we can't pick you up for the time being."

The sound made the young man sit down on the ground.

"Temporarily? How long is it temporarily?"

"It's not clear yet, Hei'er, don't worry, we are already thinking of a solution, it should be done soon."

Ying Hei went crazy: "It's hundreds of dollars for you! How long do I have to wait!"

Chen Banxian listened to their chat. It seemed that Yinghei was not a member of the Yinggou tribe.

He wanted to return to the world where this jade pendant was.

However, the other side said that they had not yet found where Ying Hei was. It was clearly within a certain area, but they could not find it.

Ying Hei kept complaining, and mentioned a piece of information that Chen Banxian paid special attention to.

"The human race in this world is so miserable that I don't even dare to get too close to them."

Judging from his tone, the human race is living a good life in the so-called Hongxuan Realm.

Even if Yinghei is not a human race, it is a race very close to the human race.

This news is so exciting.

Chen Banxian looked at the screen and felt dizzy and sober.

Finally, he played with the jade pendant and discovered something interesting about it.

Not only can you contact the person named Ying Heiheer, but you can also search for other channels.

It’s just that those channels are fleeting and rarely captured successfully.

This trip is right, there is something to win black. Chen Banxian pondered over the jade pendant and wandered among the Night Clan.

He observed Ying Ziyu and Ying Yin at close range. Their aura had almost reached its peak, but they never matched their physical fitness.

They can sense each other's state, and what they have learned and understood are basically the same. If they actually fight, there will be basically no results.

It all depends on who can take the next step. That’s when the status will compete.

Now it seems that it won't be possible in the short term.

Chen Banxian was very happy about this. As long as the ancient clan didn't make progress, everything would be fine.

The personalities within the human race are integrating faster and faster. The personalities that do not conflict with the ancient race rarely fail.

Unfortunately, he couldn't find where the Ye Clan's treasure house was, and he didn't see where Ying Lang was.

When leaving, Chen Banxian went to see Ying Hei one last time.

"Oh, I really want to go home...

No future.

He returned to heaven after leaving Kunlun.

Perhaps because the heaven is closer to the way of heaven, Chen Banxian discovered that Yu Perry had more information.

He captured a message:

"Senior brother, you have been doing well recently. I miss you very much. The peach blossom wine is brewed again. I hope you can drink it together."

This is an invitation message.

He continues to capture:

"Master, help me, I am being hunted, Wuhua Holy Land is too bullying!"

Or just: "Reply quickly, reply quickly, reply quickly!"

There doesn't seem to be much information.

Chen Banxian had a lot of time, so he was not in a hurry and just read them one by one.

This day, he finally found something useful.

"The Golden Yin Pill uses Fulong as the main medicine, supplemented by... it is an important elixir material for repairing the Geng Sword Qi. Please help me find it. Thank you very much."

Unfortunately, Chen Banxian has neither heard nor seen most of the materials.

In the afternoon, he heard the name of a place.

"Big news has come out of Canglan Holy Land again. It is said that the Holy Son was dethroned by the Holy Lady. This is the first time in ancient times that Yin is rising and Yang is declining."

This place name was very familiar, and he felt like he had heard it somewhere.

Then most of the information that follows is from Canglan Holy Land.

It seems that this holy place is very famous in that area.

"The Holy Son's meridians were all broken, and he was originally unable to practice, but he actually realized Nirvana from death and staged the return of the strong man!"

"As expected of the Holy Son of Canglan Holy Land, Li Li."

"Don't be too powerful too early. It turns out that the Holy Lady had already saved a hand. She was even more powerful and defeated the Holy Son who had returned from Nirvana. It is said that the elders and the Holy Lord were alarmed."

"Oh my god, it's really amazing. She deserves to be a saint!" "I have to say that the saint seemed to be a changed person after she came back last time. Canglan Holy Land is already considering whether to change the successor."

This information is updated every day and has become one of Chen Banxian's gossips.

A year in heaven flies by.

On this day, Chen Banxian gently opened his eyes, and in an instant, a world billions of miles away was born.

There is light, water, mountains, rivers, vegetation, birds, animals, insects, fish, and so on.

"Master! Are you ready?"

Xiaosi was the first one to run over. He was very excited. Chen Banxian had said that he would become enlightened more than ten days ago. Isn't it true that the thought of the world today means he has become enlightened?

"Just barely."

Chen Banxian stood up slightly, and the heaven actually sank slightly.

His body carries thousands of Dao, how heavy is it?

"I still have one thing left to do and I haven't yet reached perfection."

Chen Banxian sighed. He originally thought that one year was enough, but he didn't expect that it was still not enough.

"Which one?" Xiao Si asked, eyes filled with little stars.

Master is so awesome!


Chen Banxian covered his face, this was not easy to complete.

Joyfully said...

Not all Tao in this world is good, because it has two sides. He has reached perfection in all the ways, and he has also reached spiritual perfection in the way of joy.

But physically...

After more than two thousand years, he is still pure Yang.

It is very simple to achieve perfection in this way, but... it is also very difficult.

"Forget it, let's take one step at a time."

Chen Banxian sighed that although he cultivated Wan Dao, he did not follow Wan Dao's path, but went in the opposite direction.

After Wan Dao, others are in harmony with Dao. Where Dao exists, they are there, but he is just the opposite.

He wants to give up the way.

If you give up one thing, you will transcend one point; if you give up thousands of ways, you will become an immortal.

This is a process of changing from simple to complex, and from complex to simple.

Let’s practice the ninth realm first. Chen Banxian still has to keep the last step of the eighth realm, waiting for the arrival of one day.

"This is Daodao Fifty, Tianyan Forty-Nine?"

He said to himself, feeling very reasonable.

Only later did he realize that today's choice was really luck, and he almost lost that path forever.

His breakthrough came naturally.

Although it took more than a thousand years to achieve the eighth level, it may take others more time to reach the ninth level.

But he is different. You can let go of the Tao no matter how you get it. The time is still more than a thousand years.

This speed of cultivation can be directly called terrifying.

"My speed is really not slow."

He said to himself that no one on earth had broken through to the ninth realm. Not counting those who had broken through in the Eastern Wasteland, he himself was still catching up with the average level.


But the next second, Chen Banxian saw the world of heaven expanding crazily.

"MD, someone on Earth has a breakthrough?"

He didn't expect it, and it came true as soon as he finished speaking.

Who breaks through?

Chen Banxian didn't know, but he was anxious in his heart. He just hoped that Aigwei and the others would use the magic of inviting immortals.

Fortunately, a few seconds later, he sensed the call and fell to the human world on Earth.

"Who broke through?"

As soon as he appeared, Chen Banxian asked Chen Jin with a serious face whether he was the immortal she invited.

"The ancient Shuiyi tribe."

Chen Jin's face was serious: "Godfather, we have just received the information that Qi Dongqing of the Shuiyi Ancient Clan failed to adapt to the water path again. Seeing that there was little hope, he made a breakthrough directly."

I have been waiting for this day for so long.

From the eighth realm to the ninth realm, it is undoubtedly more difficult to obtain the status.

"TMD, labor and management are about to summon a person!"

Inside the human race station, Die Yunfei roared and reached the human race border in an instant.

He looked in the direction of Donghai and roared: "Child Qi Dongqing, I, Die Yunfei, will kill you today!"

"Don't be impulsive, sister, don't be impulsive!"

Some priests came out to stop him, but Die Yunfei couldn't go out, it would be death.

"They have magical weapons. They can't be messed with. We can't defeat them."

The shouts awakened Die Yunfei's reason, and he cursed: "Okay now, we have to wait at least a few hundred years!"

In the space, there is basically no one downstream of him and cannot reach his height.

But now that the upper limit has been raised, he has to continue polishing it.

"Easy to say!"

Die Yunfei was furious: "If I had known, I wouldn't have polished it for so long. Qi Dongqing is really unruly."

In fact, not only him, but also other ancient tribes were unhappy with this move.

"Shui Xiang, you are seeking death!"

Xue Qihua of the Lushu Ancient Clan immediately exploded: "I have worked so hard to perfect it, and you actually gave me a breakthrough?"

She almost broke through to the ninth realm. If she hadn't stopped in time, hundreds of thousands of years of achievements would have been destroyed.

"How shameless!"

There were also angry roars from the ancient tribe: "Qi Dongqing, you can't break through on your own, so you are causing trouble for us. You are not worthy of being a human being!"

(End of this chapter)

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