There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 587 All things are persons

"Qi Dongqing, when I wait for the ninth level, I will trample you to death!"

The ancient clan declared a crusade, and even the Shuiyi clan rebuked them.

"Dongqing, you've gone too far!"

"Qing'er, you...why don't you discuss it? Now that all the tribes are dissatisfied with us Shuiyi, how can we cooperate in the future?"

Some clan elders were apologizing to each clan, while other clan elders went to find Qi Dongqing.

They saw Qi Dongqing, who was already in the ninth realm. He was the first person on earth to break through.

"Qing'er! You are so confused!" Qi Pan beat his chest anxiously: "Personality, that's a character, you just give up like that?"

What an incredible opportunity, no matter how many opportunities come your way, "You...what on earth do you think!"

Qi Pan wanted to beat his son to death: "The Jingxu clan spent so much money to rescue you, and you will use this to repay us?"

"Are you worthy of Shui Yan, worthy of the clan leader, and worthy of me!"

"Haha, hahaha!"

Qi Dongqing was laughing, laughing.

"How do you know I have no personality?"

"Crazy, you are really crazy!"

Qi Longdao shouted: "Where did you get your status after breaking through the ninth realm?"

Qi Dongqing sneered and showed his charm slightly for everyone to check.

"This is……

Qi Longdao suddenly stopped: "Wait a minute, the ninth realm is also considered a person?"

They felt incredible: "Is your status in the ninth realm?"

Qi Dongqing smiled lightly: "Do you think you know what personality is?"

He stood up, and the world was also moved: "Person is not only the source of one thing, but also the source of a name, the source of realm, the source of behavior, and even the source of things."

Person, what is person?

“All things are persons!”

His words were not only spoken to the people within the Shuiyi tribe, but also to all races on the entire earth.

All things are persons!

Xue Qihua from the Lushu Ancient Clan was walking aggressively on the road and was about to enter the Shuiyi Clan.

But at this moment she suddenly stopped and whispered to herself: "Is everything a person?"

Within the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan, Lu Jingzhe stood up, and the chaotic and violent momentum blew away the sky clouds.

"All things are persons?"

Within the Yinggou clan, several silver-armored corpses understood these words carefully. Ying Ziyu and Ying Yin looked at each other and saw the light in each other's eyes.

There seems to be more than one path between them!

Within the human race, many monks' eyes flashed with light.

"All things are persons." Many people are savoring this sentence, which refers to all things, not ten thousand ways!

Die Yunfei's fingertips tightened and he felt the pressure on his shoulders getting heavier, "This Qi Dongqing is so talented!"

The ancient tribes had different reactions, but their views on Qi Dongqing changed instantly.

In an instant, the biggest joke of all races was reversed, making them seem like the biggest joke.

Chen Banxian also learned the news immediately.

"Okay, okay."

But he was laughing loudly, and set off from the human race's station, directly to the territory of the Shuihuang Ancient Clan.

Before he even got close, his clear voice spread towards the East China Sea.

"I'm glad to hear that Qi Dongqing has broken through to the ninth realm. Human Chen Banxian is here to ask for advice!"

He only has one moment to burn the incense and must race against time.

"Human race?"

The emotions within the Shuiyi tribe were in a state of flux at this time, and they had not yet reacted when they first heard his call.

"What are the humans doing here? Are they looking for death?"

Qi Longdao whispered: "Chen Banxian, Chen Banxian... this name is very familiar."

"It's him, I know him."

An elder of the clan gritted his teeth and said: "I was invited by Ying Langzhi to go to the otherworld passage to ambush the human race, set up a large formation, and even brought Shui Yuanxin with me."

"As a result, as soon as Chen Banxian came out, he forcibly locked everyone up. If anyone tried to take action, he would revive the immortal weapon with his knuckles. Let's finish the game together."

"It's him?"

This is not the first time Qi Longdao has heard this. It was indeed dangerous that time.

"That's going to be difficult. This man is so powerful that Empress Yinglang even calls him a prophet of the human race."

Being named a prophet is the guiding light of a clan. Most people simply don't get this honor.

"I think it doesn't matter. Qing'er has entered the Nine Realms, and we can also unlock the strength of the Nine Realms."

A clan elder was still very confident: "The human race doesn't have strong men like us. Even if he breaks through on the battlefield, he will only be in the early stage of the Nine Realms."

His words caused other ancient tribes to nod. Qi Pan looked at Qi Dongqing and asked, "Qing'er, what do you think?"

"Let him in."

Qi Dongqing smiled lightly, his confidence restored again.

During this period of time, he endured the humiliation and found a way out of the impossible. Although it was not a waterway, it was not bad.

Any living being has to enter the ninth realm. If you have one, you can contribute one point of cultivation to him.

This works permanently.

It seems that this is the preferential treatment given by Heaven to the first person to break through.

"Invite the human race to come to see you!"

I don't know who shouted, and then many people shouted for Chen Banxian to come in.

"Meet in person?"

Chen Banxian narrowed his eyes and looked for the sound.

"Oh, when you reach the ninth level of cultivation, you will become superior again?"

He recognized this person as the person who was tested when he first obtained the immortal weapon.

It's a pity that the test is about to turn into an accident.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

"Are you worthy of asking me to meet you?"

Although it was just one hand that was stretched out, ten thousand roads were split open, and the target was pointed at this person.

Qi Cangyun's eyes narrowed. He had already revived his cultivation in the ninth realm, and he planned to use one hand to resist this move.

"Uncle, no!"

Qi Dongqing waved his hand fiercely to stop him, but it was still too late. “Boom!”

Qi Cangyun's arm was blown to pieces, the foundation of the road was directly shattered, and his whole body was shattered like a dead leaf.

"Cang Yun!"

Qi Longdao exclaimed, reaching out to intercept the fragments, but was knocked back repeatedly.

After finally stopping, Qi Cangyun only had half a breath left.

"What a ruthless human race!"

Qi Longdao asked angrily: "Even if he makes rude remarks, it will not lead to death!"

This hand made him shocked and angry.


Qi Cangyun reluctantly stood up, and his flesh and blood regenerated. He said weakly and angrily: "I have just started to recover. Give me a few months, and Dingjiao will make you disappear into ashes!"

"Old man, if I give you tens of thousands of years, you'll only be able to do this."

Chen Banxian sneered and stepped into the Shuiyi Clan's camp.

Qi Longdao narrowed his eyes slightly and focused on Chen Banxian.

"You dare to enter the realm of our clan's immortal weapons alone?"

Now he can strangle this person with just a thought.

"Who doesn't have an immortal weapon?"

Chen Banxian didn't even look at him, "He looked directly at Qi Dongqing."

"You can try if you want."

He looked at Qi Dongqing, who was in the ninth realm, which most people would never imagine.

What a great talent.

He had to sigh and think carefully, he was the first person to break through the third realm.

Is it possible that he can also merge with the person in the third realm?

Unfortunately, if you think about it carefully, it is unrealistic.

The characters in the previous realms are not obvious. Even if they are combined, they will be the best in the current realm.

Unless he is willing to give up rebuilding.

While thinking, the world shook, and the Water Monkey Clan activated their immortal weapon.

It's a pity that the jade beads in Chen Banxian's hand flashed, and he also had Shui Yuanxin.


Qi Longdao's eyes were filled with deep fear, but it was no use as he was blocked.

The key is that he doesn't know how Chen Banxian can block it. You must know that he has now awakened to the ninth level, and the effect of the immortal weapon has once again increased to a higher level.

"Qi Dongqing, come and fight."

Chen Banxian stretched out his hand to provoke: "Let me see if your biggest joke among all races has now become a bad joke."

"You are really arrogant."

Qi Dongqing stood up, and the sea rose one level higher.

Tidal forces are stronger than the moon.

His movement caused the water to boil, and the power of the Ninth Realm was terrifying to the extreme.

If his body is in harmony with the water channel, he will not be destroyed unless the water channel is exhausted.

Chen Banxian stretched out his hand to control him, and used the water channel to fight against him, and the two immediately started fighting.

The situation is ever-changing and dangerous. It may seem like an ordinary confrontation, but every punch and kick contains the power to destroy the world.

In another fight, Chen Banxian cut off Qi Dongqing's legs and feet with both hands, but his feet turned into water and were reborn. From a water perspective, he really couldn't do anything to the opponent.


But Chen Banxian slowly stopped:

"I thought you, the number one person in the Ninth Realm, were so strong, but this is what happened."

To be honest, he was disappointed.

Qi Dongqing's intensity did not meet his expectations.

"Now it seems that without a true Hesui Dao, you can only be regarded as a pseudo-nine realm. Maybe you have a special personality, so I should give you a little more time."

His words were undoubtedly insulting. Qi Dongqing frowned deeply: "Human race, if you can't beat me, don't just talk."

"What are the Nine Realms and False Nine Realms? Suppress me if you can."

Chen Banxian laughed when he heard what he said: "If I suppress you, how about you agree to my request?"

Qi Dongqing opened and closed his lips and swore a bold oath: "If you can suppress me, I will kill or cut into pieces as you wish!"

"That's what you said."

Chen Banxian stopped talking nonsense and showed his true strength.

All things are coming!

At this moment, the sky thunder was about to fall, the dark clouds with colorful lights emerged, and a star-colored robe was draped on his body.

The stars on Xia Yi's body are each one of a kind, causing people to despair even before they take action.

They feel like they are facing heaven and earth.

However, the next moment everything disappeared.

All the ways turned into silence, and this place became a vacuum zone, a place of great emptiness and chaos.

"Great silence!"

At this moment, the people of the Shuiyi Ancient Clan recalled the terrifying past, almost thinking that it was happening again.

In the blink of an eye, all this disappeared again, it was just Chen Banxian who took action.

Qi Dongqing tried his best to stop him, and the sea gave him endless power, but darkness struck.

Like a gust of wind.

What waterways, what seas, what matter, nothing exists.


Qi Dongqing screamed, most of his body disappeared, and he suffered heavy injuries.

If Chen Banxian hadn't held back in the end and had his own agenda, Qi Dongqing would have died here.

Against the sky!

Using the eighth level to instantly kill the ninth level, Chen Banxian took action and made everyone in the Shuihuang Ancient Clan stand up!

Under the law of heaven, there is such a person who will amaze the ages!

Not to mention seeing it, they have never heard of it!

(End of this chapter)

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