There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 588 Zombies Fight for Way

"Human race, it's terrible to have such a child!"

A kind of strong man from the Shuiyuan ancient tribe stared at the field with their eyes fixed, and they were unwilling to give in.

I really want to kill Chen Banxian right here.

What kind of genius, what kind of strong man, what kind of person has never been seen for eternity?

In front of this human being, everyone must surrender.

Qi Dongqing is already one of the most powerful among the younger generation, and now he has reached the ninth level. He can be said to be extremely powerful.

But in front of Chen Banxian, he had no power to fight back, and the gap was as big as a day.

How detached is he...?

Did Heaven give him all the luck of the human race... no, all the races?

Chen Banxian stopped, and the remaining small part of Qi Dongqing was reshaping his body.

He looked horrified, he almost thought he was going to die just now.

"You...won't kill me?"

Qi Dongqing asked, but all he got in exchange was Chen Banxian shaking his head.

"There's still half a stick of incense left, let me tell you a fortune."

He gently patted Qi Dongqing's face, his eyes that could see through people's hearts would undoubtedly become Qi Dongqing's nightmare that would never go away in the future.

"Come on, Ze Huo Ge Gua..."

Qi Dongqing didn't remember what he was doing. He just vaguely heard the human being say: "It seems you are a cold joke."

"Personality is nothing special."

"Ding, obtain the ninth level status."

When that familiar voice sounded, Chen Banxian's original anxiety disappeared.

He realized the personality carefully, and there was really an unknown power flowing to him from afar.

The same persona he left behind in all walks of life has continuously become the material for his cultivation and growth.

"Too bad, I don't need this."

Others are in line with the Great Dao and need to continue to grow, but in his ninth state, he has to abandon the Great Dao.

To achieve a state in which all the ways are gone but one is still, and one's own stillness is incomparable.

This is very difficult, but compared with the accumulation in the eighth realm, it is not so difficult.

"Haha, the ancient clan is nothing more than that."

Chen Banxian's laughter echoed in the sky, and his momentum disappeared with every step he took.

The first thing he destroyed was the Five Elements Avenue!

The five elements are in charge of the foundation of all things in the world, and they are one for Tao.

One turns into Taiyin and Sun.

Taiyin is water, the sun is fire, Shaoyin is gold, Shaoyang is wood, and earth stores all things.

As soon as these five elements were removed, Chen Banxian's body began to flicker and disappear.

It's as if he doesn't exist.

But eventually, he stabilized again.

To achieve equanimity and silence within silence, but also to be non-silent, it is simple to say, but it is soaring to the sky in practice.

In the days in heaven, there was basically nothing outstanding.

But the earth will give out surprising news from time to time.

[Another genius has been added to the Nine Cities Federation, and the weeping path is qualified! 】

[The hidden path has also been closed. The monks who practice this path should not continue to pursue it. They will not be able to escape. 】

[Who says you can’t regret it? The person of regret is united! There is no regret medicine for anything anymore! 】

The emergence of many characters that Chen Banxian had never thought of proved that this was the general trend.

Three hundred years later, the sun and moon in Kunlun lost all light, and the corpse energy soared into the sky. The two silver-armored corpses of the Night Clan began to qualify.

Ying Ziyu took the lead and told the world.

"Today, my Ye clan will win the bloodline and win Ziyu's body to become the corpse king!"

"Any zombies that become enlightened in the future will be under the jurisdiction of my personality!"

After he finished speaking, a person was drawn out, it was the Corpse King!

The king of corpses!

And Yingyin stood up immediately, towering over the world, and said:

"I, the Night Clan, win the hook, win the silver, and fit in with the status of the Corpse Ancestor!"

"Anyone who uses a corpse to channel spirits is under my jurisdiction and must be my master."

One is the Corpse King and the other is the Corpse Ancestor. Neither of them touches the Ying Gou throne.

But their effects are the same, so those who practice the corpse path must make offerings to them.

After this announcement, the zombie clan immediately appeared and fought with them.

"You want to occupy the corpse path. Although we can't afford to offend the Night Clan, we still have to fight for the path!"

They followed the induction and got up from the river in the corpse path, challenging the two geniuses Yinggou.

"You can't call yourself a person, and now you want to stand up and fight for it?"

Ying Ziyu waved his hand: "Come on, I can knock you off by myself!"

He took the initiative and spread his wings three thousand miles behind!

The silver light was bright, the corpse energy was washed away, and the endless Yin energy caused the expressions of those who challenged to change drastically.

"If we attack together, why does this character belong to them?"

An old corpse stood up. He possessed the essence of the sun and the moon, and his skin shone like glass. He had long since gotten rid of the filth of a corpse.

Holier than angels.

However, his glass was scratched by a silver wing, shattered, and fell to the ground as the wings flapped.

"Win Gou!"

There is a roar full of anger deep in the earth: "Win Gou! Why do you do so!"

This voice contained endless resentment, and a resentful corpse jumped out.

Feeding on resentment and feeding on anger, he rushed out with endless anger.

Ying Ziyu's expression changed slightly: "I never thought there would be such a resentful corpse like you. I don't know how much hatred you have experienced."

There was pity in his eyes: "You are living in pain, why not let me help you solve it."

The fangs in his mouth are sharp, and his wings are inciting people to cross the void.


Dao marks were torn apart, space was shattered, the sun and the moon were eclipsed by this battle, and corpse aura filled the sky with dark clouds, thunder and lightning gathering together.

Chen Banxian was sleeping in the sky, but he suddenly sensed Qingxian.

"Brother Xian, come down quickly and watch the show. What a great show! What a great show!"

This tone could be heard by no one but Lin Tian.

When there was something good to watch, Chen Banxian was about to get out of his shell and quickly descended to the human world.


As soon as he arrived, the classic words came out and he instantly saw the grand scene above Kunlun.     "This is the corpse that has been transformed into a nest!"

One of the two silver-armored corpses of the Night Clan wanted to become the Corpse King, and the other wanted to be called the Corpse Ancestor, which led to a big fight.

What is a zombie?

Whenever a spiritual being dies, the dead corpse becomes a zombie.

According to Chinese mythology, zombies were originally transformed into "roar" after death.

The roaring soul has three points, one is winning hook, the second is Hou Qing, and the third is Han Bao.

And the fourth one is the general, who is channeled by the corpse of Hou.

At this time, these four categories all appeared, and it was dazzling to see.

"Brother Xian, am I interesting enough?"

Lin Tian brought a big bucket of popcorn from nowhere and a small bench.

"What about mine?"

Chen Banxian stretched out his hand, and Lin Tian was a little embarrassed.

"I was just focused on watching the show and forgot to prepare anything for you."

"It's okay for two people to eat a bucket."

They were sitting in the front row. At this time, the winner of the battle between Resentment Corpse and Ying Ziyu was gradually determined.

The Resentful Corpse couldn't defeat him. After all, the Night Clan was a large clan with a long heritage, but the Resentful Corpse's background was still shallow. In the end, it couldn't hold on and was torn apart by Ying Ziyu.

The billowing resentment and evil energy erupted, and it let out its final roar.

"it is good!"

Someone applauded, Chen Banxian turned around and saw that it was an ancient tribe.

It turns out that the ancient people also loved watching plays.

But on the battlefield, before Ying Ziyu had time to breathe, he was targeted by another corpse.

"It's a fire zombie who practices the way of fire." Chen Banxian said. As soon as this zombie appeared, it was covered with red ground and looked like a drought demon.

But it's not a Drought Demon, and it doesn't have that kind of bloodline potential.

At best, it can be regarded as a spiritual corpse.

"You want to fight me too?"

Ying Ziyu said domineeringly: "Aren't you practicing the Way of the Fire Corpse to conform to the status of Han Bao? Why do you want to compete with me for this Corpse King?"

"You set up the Corpse King, but we don't accept it."

The fire corpse took action, causing Yin Fire and Yang evil, burning the void in an instant.

"This fire is wrong, it hurts your eyes."

Lin Tian coughed repeatedly and lost his mood after eating popcorn. He was thinking of ways to protect himself with spiritual energy.

Chen Banxian took the popcorn from him.

"This is Yin evil fire. You'd better take care of your soul. This thing will hurt your soul."

He explained, but there was no reaction.

"You want to burn my soul? You made a mistake."

Ying Ziyu made big moves without fear.


On the other side, Ying Yin did not stop either. He suddenly moved and attacked and killed a corpse path cultivator who was approaching him.

"I can't stand the way of human corpses!"

It turns out that the corpse was not pure. It started cultivating while still alive and eventually became inhuman and ghost.

But this corpse is really powerful. After reaching the eighth level of Dzogchen, he actually used various Taoist and magical powers to beat Ying Yin.

This made Ying Yin look a little unhappy. After all, he was as famous as Ying Ziyu. He had already completed two kills, but he had not made any achievements.

I got a little too hasty and accidentally got hit, and was actually trapped by a human corpse.

"Hehe, you are still young after all."

The human corpse created a chain of corpse energy, and coupled with the constant Taoist true fire, it wanted to burn and refine Yingyin.

In Kunlun, the Night Clan did not take any action. This was the way of the two young masters. If they interfered, it would mean the genius would lose.

But no one would think that Ying Yin and Ying Ziyu would fail or be defeated.

They are extremely confident because everyone can see the talents of Ying Ziyu and Ying Yin.

If they hadn't beaten all the invincible players in Kunlun, they wouldn't have announced to the outside world that they were the geniuses of the younger generation.

In the flames, Yingyin's body shone brighter and brighter.

"Monster, I was careless." Yingyin broke away from the chains with flames, and his speed was faster.

"you are dead!"

He fully showed his ferocious nature. The Yinggou clan does not need to suck blood to survive, but it does not mean that they do not suck blood.

The yang vitality of the blood is exactly what they need.


Ying Yin hugged the corpse of the Taoist and opened his fangs.

"Death!" The human corpse couldn't react and was bitten.

His eyes widened, and all the energy, blood, etc. in his body were sucked out.

When he lost the ability to resist, he was bitten to pieces by Ying Yin.

"Holy shit, shit!"

Lin Tian was so frightened that he stood up from the bench: "This is too cruel!"

Chen Banxian grabbed the small bench and sat down by himself.


"Another contestant appears."

Lin Tian was fascinated: "Is that thing an animal?"

He saw a monster lying on all fours, its body covered with wrinkled skin, but its defenses were frighteningly terrifying.

After Ying Yin fights, his claws cannot break defense at all.

He was fierce and the fight was extremely difficult.

On the other hand, Ying Ziyu on the other side had already completed six kills in succession. He was killing people when he was blocking them, and killing gods when he was blocking them.

"Yingyin is really unlucky." Chen Banxian took a bite of popcorn and said, "Everyone he meets is an outstanding person, and he himself is qualified."

Sometimes, luck is also a part of strength, so it seems that the strength of winning silver is still inferior.

(End of this chapter)

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