There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 589 The human race is so cunning

"Yes, luck is really important."

Lin Tian understood this deeply and thought that if he had not been lucky, he would have died long ago.

Even now, his lifespan is still not long enough.

"I wish I were a zombie." He couldn't help but sigh: "The older the zombie, the more powerful it is. There is no limit to its lifespan."

At that time, he took a deep breath: Dark Blue, add more!

Become an immortal in one step, create the world in two steps, and beat the shit out of the ancient tribe in three steps.

Unfortunately, I can only think about it.

"What is more ancient is more powerful, that is, the more powerful it is, the more ancient it is."

"Moreover, even if you are a zombie, only the blood of generals can have an endless lifespan."

Chen Banxian corrected him, looking across the field.

"That armored corpse bull pen." Yingyin actually started to show signs of decline, and he really couldn't break his defense.

Chen Banxian stuffed a lot of popcorn and reached the climax.

The jewelry hanging on Yingyin's wrist broke free of the rope, and it turned out to be the fangs of the silver-armored corpse, a rare treasure.

It was so sharp that it could penetrate anything. The armored corpse used the hardest back skin on its body to resist it, and suffered heavy injuries as a result.

The silver corpse teeth penetrated its skin without any hindrance, and at the same time penetrated its heart.

For zombies, the heart is like the golden elixir of a monk. This piercing brings out a lot of precious blood.


The armored corpse instantly lost its strength and fell from the sky.

It's finished, but the corpse is a rare treasure.

Chen Banxian stood up immediately, but it was still a step too late. The armored corpse was taken away by the nearest Night Clan monk. He needed a moment's delay to rush over.

“Labour and management hate the advancement of skills!”

He cursed, grabbed the popcorn and stuffed it into his mouth, but his eyes kept rolling.

"Old Lin, do you think we should take a closer look?"

The two of them looked into the distance. Although they could see through the spatial distance, to normal people, it would appear that there were mountains and trees over there.

Those who didn’t know better thought the two fools were in a daze.

"What if we get beaten?"

Lin Tian was still a little worried. After all, the ancient tribes had reached the ninth realm.

He himself is still thinking about whether he should qualify or not.

after all……

After all, his Tao belongs to Yin, and strictly speaking, it starts with visualizing winning hooks.

"What the heck are you afraid of!" Chen Banxian took out the imperial jar: "Did you see it? Are you afraid that you can't beat this extremely powerful imperial weapon?"

Now that he is in the ninth realm, the power he exerts with the Jidao Emperor Weapon can basically be said to be invincible to a half-immortal.

Even if you are a's better not to brag about Haikou.

A quasi-immortal already has an immortal weapon in his body, and the difference between him and a real immortal is just a quantitative accumulation, and he is no longer a mortal.


Lin Tian shook his arms, and the two of them entered Kunlun in an instant.

Even after the ninth realm of the earth, it has grown so big that it cannot be counted, but the sun still looks very small.

But for the monks, the distance is closer. "Chaoyou Beihai Mu Cangwu" is not a metaphor, but a statement.

As they approached Kunlun, the unprecedented battle became clearer. They noticed that there was a mysterious force protecting Kunlun Mountain, which should be the means of the Night Clan.

The aftermath hit it, not even a wave could be stirred up.

"Brother Xian, let me tell you, this winning hook means you are rich. This must be an immortal weapon. MD, just take it out casually. I wonder when my human race will be so awesome."

"Brother Xian."

"Brother Xian?"

He looked around fiercely, but couldn't find Chen Banxian.

"Damn it, brother Xian, don't tell me that it's time to invite immortals and that you have returned to heaven."

He looked very panicked. After all, Emperor Guan and he were still in Kunlun. At this time, many races looked over.

Chen Banxian patted his shoulder.

"Don't shoot me."

Lin Tian was unsure: "It's over. Brother Xian left and left the imperial jar to me. Could it be that he..."

"He wants me to cause trouble!"

With the imperial jar in hand, what else is there to be afraid of? At this time, he is Chen Banxian!

"Don't pat me on the shoulder." Lin Tian pulled away the hand on his head and muttered to himself.

"Now I'm the only one in the imperial tank, let me see how to control it."

"I remember, Brother Xian originally input the mana first, and then...

"Damn it! How can you suck it so well?"

Lin Tian was shocked, and soon half of the mana was drained away before he could launch an attack from the emperor jar.

He clearly saw that Chen Banxian was very capable and would have no problem fighting a protracted war.

How awesome is Brother Xian?

"Don't slap me on the head."

Lin Tian temporarily stored mana and watched the battlefield.

Let's wait until the time comes tomorrow to summon Brother Xian.

Chen Banxian was standing next to him. When the time came, he had to use Zhang Debai's blindness.

It was very successful. Lin Tian thought he was gone, so he secretly learned how to control the emperor jar from him.

Worried that the backlash would defeat him, Chen Banxian let go of his authority control.

It has to be said that the two heroes of the Yinggou clan are really powerful when viewed from a close distance. The terrifying zombies came up one after another to attack them, almost in a battle, but they still couldn't defeat Ying Ziyu and Ying Yin.

The more they fought, the more courageous and submissive they became, and the two figures of the Corpse Ancestor and Corpse King kept approaching them.

The more submissive and powerful the ancient clan became, the unhappy Chen Banxian became.

He looked at Lin Tian beside him. Lin Tian was very excited, as if he was in it.

"Hit, hit, spank him!"

"Oh, why are you pretending to be noble? You can just kick him in the balls and you'll be safe."

Hey, you are a zombie, what are you afraid of if you get a hole in your stomach? If I were you, I would take this opportunity to bite Ying Ziyu's neck!

There are constant reviews, and all I see are those who are trying to sell their products.

By the end, there were basically no zombies left to fight.

Ying Gou Tianjiao is so powerful that the remaining zombies feel unsure after seeing it.

"Anyone else?"

Ying Ziyu's domineering voice swept across Kunlun. The zombies that appeared today shocked the eyes of all races. They had never known that there were so many strong zombies.

Ying Ziyu looked at the remaining corpse clan who had not taken action, and said contemptuously: "Aren't you going to take action?"

"If we don't take action now, I will have to ask the clan to take you down."


As soon as these words came out, the remaining corpse clan were shocked.

"What's the point? If you don't fight, you will be captured by the elders of the Yinggou clan?"

"Isn't it a good thing that we don't stop you from fulfilling your qualifications? Ying Ziyu, don't go too far!"

"What a domineering Ying Ziyu, what a domineering Ye Clan, I have seen it today."

"We are here to watch the ceremony, do you want to suppress even the guests? This will chill the hearts of all races!"

The zombie clansmen roared one after another, and Ying Ziyu glanced around: "Why didn't you say you were here to watch the ceremony before?"

"Now when I see that I can't beat him, I say I'm just here to join in the fun. The fun of me winning against Ziyu is not so easy to join in!"

Yingyin's voice became louder: "Any more, stand up, otherwise you will have to lie down."

stand out?

Those who stood up were either seriously injured and lost half their lives, or the foundation of the road was directly damaged and their bodies were in ruins.

Who dares to stand up? Isn't that sending someone to death?

The air was deathly silent.

Chen Banxian felt that it was almost done, so he gently reached out and lifted Lin Tian's collar.

"Hey, why am I flying?"

Lin Tian still didn't notice until he was thrown out of the imperial jar by Chen Banxian.

"Who! Who is harming me!" Lin Tian felt the huge conspiracy and wanted to struggle, but to no avail. In an instant, he was standing in front of Ying Ziyu and Yi Yingyin.

At this moment, all races paid attention.

"Human race?"

Everyone was shocked and confused, and in the eyes of all the zombies, Lin Tian was considered half a zombie.

"Another human corpse." Ying Ziyu's eyes showed contempt: "You are very courageous. You dare to stand up at this time. I have to say that you have won my respect."

Lin Tian was dumbfounded. He really didn't come out on his own initiative.

But when he looked around, he saw that he was in the spotlight.


He believed that this was a conspiracy of the ancient tribe, and that he had fallen into the trap anyway, and he might die on Kunlun today.

He couldn't retreat. At this time, many powerful people in the human race were watching him, and there might even be a real-time broadcast.

If he, Lin Tian, ​​shrinks, he cannot afford to lose this person, and he is also afraid that his ancestral grave will be cast aside.

"Oh, it doesn't matter if it means death or not, we can't embarrass the human race on Earth."

He stood up straight, his eyes changed, suddenly sharp.

"It's just a win. If you want to meet your status today, you have to ask me, Lin Tian, ​​if I agree."

His body shook, and the billowing yin energy filled the air.

"Pure vagina?" Ying Yin frowned. This is one of their majors in the Ying Gou Clan's Dao. Why does this human being do this?

He adjusted his body: "Human race, come and fight!"


Lin Tian moved forward and came to Ying Yin in an instant like a ghost. He punched out and the whole world was lit up.

That was the dark side of heaven and earth condensed into his fist, leaving only the bright side.

Chen Banxian nodded slightly. Ying Yin's luck was really bad. It was Ying Ziyu who was basically saying harsh words. He interrupted and was immediately approached by Lin Tian.

"Bazi doesn't work."

He shook his head and looked at the field.

Will Lin Tian be the weak one?

Even though he doesn't usually shine much, that's because the reference is too strong.

Ninth's cognitive impairment makes no sense at all. Since his cultivation, nothing is correct, it's all what he thinks is "correct".

Die Yunfei is the first space transcendent who was born just after Tiandao revived. He is almost the darling and biological son of space.

Not to mention myself, it no longer exists on a layer.

If compared to other people, Lin Tianshang can go head-to-head with the priests without losing, or even be crushed.

Next, you can compete with the geniuses of other cities and the top ten in the rankings.

He was really strong, and one punch actually made Yingyin take half a step back.

“I didn’t expect it to be a big fish!”

Yingyin was full of fighting spirit: "If you have the guts, don't hide, let's fight fist to fist!"


Lin Tian also came forward. The two stood still and waved their hands fiercely.


There was only one sound, as millions of punches came into contact and separated in an instant, and both hands were burning.

"Come again!"

Ying Yin shouted and punched!

Lin Tian was so short that he unexpectedly launched a shameless sneak attack and kicked Ying Yin in the crotch!

No, not one kick, but tens of thousands of kicks, and my clothes were all blown up.


Watching this scene, Wanzu felt a pain in his lower body, and a thought flashed through his mind as he sympathized.

"The human race is so cunning!"

(End of this chapter)

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