There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 591 Are you the one with the most chapters?

"Give it to me, my dear, just give it to me."

Chen Banxian cut through the air with his fist and chopped off a strand of Yinglang's hair.

The hair fell and lightly touched the defensive barrier on Kunlun. As a result, it penetrated half of the barrier without being broken.

What a powerful body this is, how scary is just a strand of hair?

The ancient tribesmen looked into the air again. How terrifying was the strength of the human tribe that could chop off hair with their fists?

"Mother, even if you don't give it to me, why don't you lend it to me? I'll just use it for a while. You don't know, but..."

Chen Banxian suddenly stopped talking and almost missed it by accident.

The battle in the ninth realm is completely different from the great opening and closing in the eighth realm. All the charm of his attacks has been absorbed.

The more Yinglang fought, the more frightened he became. It was too strong. Chen Banxian's strength was not inferior to that of his back then, and even exceeded it by a lot.

His current vision and knowledge are completely different from those before, and his shooting angle and plan are the most suitable and appropriate.

But Chen Banxian's fist in front of him was a terrifying attack. He didn't dare to take the fist because the content contained in it was too astonishing.

"Mom, stop fighting. Why don't you just give me something? We can exchange it at the worst."

Chen Banxian said he would not fight, but in fact the more he fought, the more excited he became. All the spiritual energy and rules and rhythms between heaven and earth, material and non-material, were all attracted to him.

Lin Tian didn't feel strong in the imperial jar, but the onlookers were miserable. They moved towards Chen Banxian involuntarily.

No, they are not moving, but the heaven and earth are moving. All spiritual energy and divine substances are condensing towards him, and are... degenerating!

The earth that Tiandao has finally grown up with is actually degrading. This is terrible. Is it okay to continue like this?

As Kunlun's barrier moved upwards, the hair also pulled out. Yinglang was on the front line facing the impact.

There were turbulent waves in his eyes, and Chen Banxian couldn't see clearly at all. There was nothing there, not even the light of time and space, not even sight.

I can't believe this is actually a person.

Is it okay to let him continue to practice?

Yinglang clicked his finger, and time completely froze.

He wants Chen Banxian to lose the ability to absorb everything. After continuous brewing, a fatal blow will definitely come.

However, he couldn't control Chen Banxian. He even ate the still time and space, which greatly increased the pressure on Yinglang.


I saw him opening his mouth and spitting out black light.

It was obviously a spurt, but it emitted a terrifying gravitational force, causing Yinglang's body to tilt involuntarily.


Chen Banxian had already come to his left and hugged Ying Lang.

"Mother, will you give it to me?"

Ying Lang's face suddenly turned ugly. He gritted his teeth slightly and finally took out the still-adhesive beads from his mouth.

"Thank you, ma'am!"

Chen Banxian was overjoyed and quickly took it over, beckoning to attract water from the Jiutianqing River and washing it with the current.

"Am I that dirty?" Ying Lang couldn't help asking, but Chen Banxian ran away with Lin Tian holding the beads.

Time resumed, and the eyes of all races fell again.

The human prophet ran away, and Ying Lang stood high in the sky calmly.

"Ziyu, go and qualify." He turned and left, leaving people with unlimited reverie.

"It seems that Prophet Yinglang won, and the human race ran away in disgrace."

"Prophet Yinglang must have won. He is a prophet of a clan, a guide of opportunity. What if he loses?"

"Prophet, my tribe's prophet is probably still sleeping, and he can't wake up no matter how he calls."

Some ancient tribes felt helpless. If they had been guided by a prophet, they would not be as confused as they are now.

Look at the Ye Clan's Ying Gou, the prophet came out early, and now occupies the ancestor of Dragon Vein, how rapidly it develops.

There is only one genius among the other clans, and he is regarded as a treasure. If there is a problem, he will immediately seek help from within Jingxu.

This is the case for Qi Dongqing, who is as beautiful as water.

But what about winning hooks? To win Ziyu, to win silver, to win everything, the three geniuses will work hard, and they will surely take the credit of the prophet.

The three silver-armored corpses are the most prodigious among the prodigies.

"Where did the human race go?" The ancient tribesmen looked around, wanting to mock Chen Banxian.

As for Lin Tian? It's better not to talk nonsense if someone is qualified.

Most people thought that Yinglang was just joking with Chen Banxian and wasn't serious.

After all, the two levels are different.

"It's a pity that he ran away. These human bugs just love to run around."

An ancient tribe sneered: "If I were him, I wouldn't dare to see anyone for hundreds of years."

"Don't say that, what if I can't see anyone for a thousand years?"

They laughed, and suddenly, a spiritual thought retreated.

"Hey, why did the fellow Taoist from the Qian tribe leave? Did something happen?"

But they didn't pay attention, it was normal, just a little rude.

"Wait a minute, the fellow Taoist from the Fantasy tribe is also gone?"

After a while, these chatty ancient tribesmen went offline one after another.

"That's all, after the good show is over, it's time to end."

The strong men of these races withdrew their attention and went back to scold the incompetent disciples.

And those fellow Taoists who were forced to go offline...

"Uh huh... uh..."

One sack after another was lying on the ground, and Chen Banxian was whipping them hard with a leather whip.

"Swear again! Snap!"

"Swear again! Bang bang!"

"I told you to talk too much, bang bang bang!"

"Scream, scream for me again! Bang bang bang bang!"

He whipped his whip with a roar, but these ancient people could only say "Uh-huh" as their mouths were sewn shut.

A spiritual thought came out and was chewed up by Chen Banxian.

"What's wrong with you, do you dare to report it?"

"Clap clap clap!"

Braid waved the phantom, and he had a great time.

"Brother Xian, I'm coming too!"

Lin Tian pulled off his belt excitedly, his expression twisted and crazy, reaching the extreme.

"Hey! Bang!"

"Wuhu~ahho~" They fought well, but these ancient tribes were in trouble. They never imagined that they would be tortured so cruelly just because of a few words.

Chen Banxian took two steps back, took out his mobile phone and took a picture of Lin Tian's current state, with the text:

Sometimes a whip will teach you what politeness is.

Phew~Click to send.

After a while, likes and comments came from the circle of friends.

Zhang Debai: Boss, why are you suddenly taking pictures of men?

Ninth: Got it, Brother Whip.

Zhang Han: 6 upstairs.

Shi Youlong: Master Chen is in a good mood.

Aigwei gave a thumbs up.

Chen Jin gave a thumbs up.

Bie Shuang liked it.

Jiaojiao gave a thumbs up.

Jiaojiao withdrew the like because he thought the like was not good-looking.

Jiaojiao: Xianxian, I made the wrong order. Today, on Christmas Day, I went out of my way to catch Santa Claus’s reindeer and wait for the time to come down and have a full deer feast.

It seemed that everyone was very free, and Chen Banxian couldn't help but feel happy.

He opened the short video platform and it was already two hours before he came to his senses.

"Fuck, the Avenue of Time!"

He screamed strangely, and then accidentally clicked on the shopping app again.


md, no, I can’t get out.

By the time he finished tinkering, Lin Tian was already standing beside him with a shy look on his face.

"Brother Xian, I'm sorry. I was so happy to patronize you that I forgot to leave one for you."

"It's okay, let's go back, Brother Whip."

Lin Tian:?

He still didn't know the lethality of these three words at this time.

Tonight must be a lively night, because of the venison banquet, many people are here.

Jiao Jiao was so busy that the spatulas were flying, and with a sway of his body, he separated a dozen of them to barbecue, set the charcoal, braise, and stir-fry.

"Brother Xian, happy holidays."

Die Yunfei walked in: "Hey, is Jiaojiao busy? There's no need to pour tea, I can pour it myself."

He squeezed away from Ninth, who was standing next to the water dispenser: "I made myself a cup of boiled water."

Ninth took advantage of the situation and sat down on the sofa.

"Uncle Nine, eat fruit." Aigwei was very diligent and brought large plates of spiritual fruits, spiritual food, tea, drinks, etc.

"Thank you, Xiaowei." Ninth symbolically picked up a peanut and put it in his mouth to show that he had eaten it.

Egerwei narrowed her eyes slightly when she saw this, turned around and entered the bedroom.

"Xiao Jinzi is not good, they don't eat snacks."

Aigwei was so angry that she smashed her pillow: "I know how to eat every day. I can't even eat enough of the food cooked by my wife, and they still come to rob me!"

The little girl turned out to be worried about this. Since the master's wife turned into a dragon, she had less and less time to cook, and they had fewer and fewer opportunities to eat.

Chen Jin closed the book: "Boring."

She turned around and went out, and soon her enthusiastic voice came from outside.

"Is everyone here? Hello uncles and aunties, Xiao Jin would like to give you a drink."

How can anyone start toasting someone with wine and tea before they have even eaten?

Everyone drank a cup with a smile on their faces. Jiuji opened his mouth slightly and held the tea in his mouth.

Spit into his pocket when Chen Jin didn't see it.

Fortunately, he was well prepared today.


Chen Banxian was busy in the kitchen and accidentally blew up the gas stove.

Everyone was startled, and Chen Jin subconsciously looked towards the kitchen.

At this moment, everyone hid the tea and wine in their mouths.

"Go, go, go and sit down."

Jiaojiao expressed shock at this situation. How could a normal person light a gas stove when cooking?

This is a limited edition. You need to find someone to customize it and make it for security.

Nowadays, they all use light-energy stoves. She tried it, but the taste was not good.

Chen Banxian smiled. He had been kicked out. He glanced at the theatergoers.

"What are you looking at me doing? Everyone is eating snacks. Come on, let me toast you all."

Fuck, this family is carved from the same mold, right?

Zhang Debai quietly activated his abilities, making people ignore the past.

But the next second, Chen Banxian glanced over and saw that Empress Winning Lang's treasure came in handy.

Zhang Debai found that his ability failed.

He looked at Chen Banxian with wide eyes, "Okay, you are not a human being."

I have to say that it was a mistake for Jiaojiao to send messages in Moments!

Since the last Dragon Transformation Banquet was held, everyone was full of praise for it.

I don’t know if it’s the blessing of the first dragon under heaven, but the food tastes amazing.

"I'm sorry, everyone, I'm late." Lin Tian came late because he realized his personality. As soon as he opened the door, everyone's eyes fell on him.

"Hey, isn't this Brother Whip?"

Die Yunfei had a look of fear on his face: "I know how to be polite, really."

Ninth coughed lightly: "Since I was a child, I have been a very polite person."

He asked Shen Qinghe: "Are you polite?"

"Of course I'm polite, everyone is polite."

Shen Qinghe answered seriously and went to see Lin Tian.

"Yes, Brother Whip."

(End of this chapter)

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