There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 592 Leading people out of the cave

"What? Brother Whip?"

Lin Tian was confused, and at this time Ninth stretched out his hand to signal him to come over.

"Look at this circle of friends."

Lin Tian came over to take a look and was immediately stunned.

He hurriedly took out his mobile phone, but there was no display.

"Fuck! Brother Xian, stab me in the back!"

His face was full of shock: "And you blocked me from posting on my Moments."

Are you still human!

He always thought that Brother Xian was only cruel to the ancient clan and himself, but he didn't expect that he would be even crueler to the people around him.

Chen Banxian stood up and smiled lightly: The whip will teach me what politeness is. "

To kill someone is to kill one's heart.

Lin Tian was furious: "Brother Xian, you're done!"

He chased after him, but Chen Banxian ran away and could not catch up.

This moment ignited the atmosphere of joy, and the room was filled with laughter.

Die Yunfei laughed so hard that tears came out: "For our brothers who have made it this far, it's worth it no matter how much you pay."

He hadn't been this relaxed for a long time. He didn't care about anything and just wanted to laugh.

"It's time to serve."

Jiao Jiao's voice sounded, and Die Yunfei instantly picked up the chopsticks.

He stared at the venison without blinking.

A plate of charcoal-grilled deer steak was just served, and his chopsticks crossed the space to grab the best middle steak.

Humph, he is the king of space with extraordinary space and the fastest speed. Who else can beat him?

Shameless, actually using abilities!

Everyone stared at him angrily, unable to pick up their chopsticks.

md, it turns out that everyone is using their abilities and is stuck.

Die Yunfei calmly put away his chopsticks, but the next second, he found that the chopsticks could not be held.

There was another pair of chopsticks, no slower than him, landing on the other end of the deer steak. Looking along, you could see Ninth's calm eyes.

The ninth voice said in a leisurely tone: "Ms. Sister, you said you can give anything, how about this deer steak?"

"That's all I need."

"This is not allowed." Die Yunfei sneered: "Brothers will settle the score."

They began to fight over it, openly and covertly.

"Also, don't worry, don't worry."

Chen Banxian brought up another piece, holding one piece in his mouth and two more in his pocket.

Lin Tian rolled his eyes and stood up immediately: "Brother Xian, I'll help you carry it."

"I heard your plan even in Donghuang."

Shen Qinghe entered the kitchen first.

As a result, he was kicked out, and Jiaojiao's clone brought all kinds of food to the table.

She specially fried a piece of heart-loving deer belly for Chen Banxian. It was fat but not greasy, refreshing and tender, and fragrant.

This was already made clear. Chen Banxian rubbed her head: "Let's eat together."


Zhang Debai retched, and Chen Banxian glanced at him lightly.

There is murderous intent!

Zhang Debai hurriedly looked away and focused on the food.

He found that the venison crispy meat was very delicious, but everyone was grabbing other things and didn't find it.

Li Liu, who had just come down from the battlefield outside the door, rarely relaxed and had a holiday.

"It's a holiday today, let's go see the master's wife and see if we can have a meal."

He had the key and opened the door directly.

The noisy atmosphere suddenly rushed into my eyelids.


His voice was very slow, "You're treating me to a treat and you didn't call me your apprentice?"

His eyes flashed across the faces of Chen Jin and Ai Gewei again. His beloved senior sister didn't call him?

Chen Banxian's eyes averted, and he admitted that he had forgotten about the mistress.

"Ahem, I just came back from Kunlun today."

He changed the subject: "You still don't know, right? Brother Whip is now a corpse ancestor, and he was snatched from Yingying Gou Tianjiao Yingyin."

"Damn it, it's so powerful, Uncle Whip."

Li Liu was shocked and openly changed the subject.

It was only after the dragon pulled him to sit down that he finally regained his composure.


In the end, the guests and hosts had a great time. After learning that Chen Banxian had a way not to return to Taitian, Jiaojiao was very happy.

Lin Tian was also very happy. He planned to sleep here at night and have breakfast tomorrow.


Chen Banxian kicked him out, shamelessly.

Of course, Li Liu wanted to keep Chen Banxian but didn't refuse. He really couldn't find an excuse.

Fortunately, the house is big enough for everyone.

In the evening, he got up and subconsciously looked for the charger.

It hasn't been charged for a long time, so it still needs to be replenished.

Just then, he heard a noise in the living room.

Chen Banxian's first reaction was that Lin Tian came back and wanted to lay the floor, but he found that it was not the case.

The voice was very small, and when I looked quietly, I saw that it was a dragon. She had transformed into a human form, with her bare feet, one very small, quietly gesticulating on the wall.

Then use a ruler to open it again and compare the heights.

1.012.    Very good, a little bit more than yesterday, which is a huge improvement!

She clenched her fists and had no idea that her little secret had been revealed to everyone.

Chen Banxian went back quietly. Life like this was really beautiful.

It's a pity that with the ninth realm breakthrough, the ancient clan will come back soon.

Especially the Fu Zong Ancient Clan, they really want to destroy the human race all the time.

And he wanted to prevent accidents to the human race during this period.

Fortunately, I have caught up.

With the treasure of Empress Yinglang, he can take control of the human race and prevent everything from happening.

When he was thinking about the ancient tribe, the ancient tribe was also thinking about the human race.

In the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan, the night is as bright as the day.

One chariot after another drove into the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan's main hall, and Lu Gu personally came out to greet them.

There are Two-Face Clan, Golden Horn Clan, Na Clan and so on.

It's not too strong, not as transcendent as the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan, but it's still a top-notch Ancient Clan.

"Everyone, today's invitation is mainly to discuss the affairs of the human race."

When the attendants served food and drinks, Lu Gu stood up and went straight to the topic: "Now that Shui Qi Dongqing has broken through to the ninth realm, everyone's strength should have begun to recover, right?"

A member of the Two-faced Clan nodded: "What Chief Lu said is true. All the eighteen Nine Realm Venerables in our clan have recovered and will reach their peak in the near future."

As soon as these words came out, all the tribes couldn't help but look shocked. They took out eighteen mirror ruins in the ninth realm. The strength of these two-faced tribes should not be underestimated.

"it is good!"

Lu Gu's expression was expressionless, which made the Reverend Two-faced Clan secretly sigh.

There is no response to this, the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan is indeed terrifying.

Then Lu Gu said: "Everyone, everyone knows that the human race is near me, Fu Chong, but none of them have recovered the cultivation level of the Nine Realms. At most, they are just entering for the first time."

"And the existence of human race must be our great enemy, and the way of heaven is towards them."

"I wonder if anyone has any ideas?"

What he said was obvious.

"Of course I have an idea."

The Venerable Na Clan said: "However, the current strength of the Human Race cannot be underestimated. I saw that you had a small conflict with them before, but the Venerable Ninth Realm did not get any advantage."

"This makes us very worried. What is the strength of the human race? After all, everyone has experienced how popular the race favored by heaven is."

Yes, everyone has experienced it.

They were once the protagonists of heaven and earth, loved by heaven, and became the masters of a world.

There may be enemies and races that are stronger than them, but in the end they win. This is luck, being favored by heaven.

However, when the great silence came, the way of heaven disappeared, and darkness swept everything, they lost this favor.

It was not a pleasant feeling to watch Heaven favoring another race, they were jealous.

Therefore, the human race has become the target of public criticism.

They are afraid that they will become the powerful people they defeated.

The current human race will become what they were back then.

"I don't think this is a problem."

The people from the Golden Horn tribe spoke: "We are already in the ninth realm. It will take thousands of years to break through a small realm. How can the human race cross the gap of thousands of years, no matter how powerful it is?"

"As far as I know, there are not many ninth realms of the human race."

He looked at Lu Gu: "Chief Lu called us here for insurance. We are afraid of overturning if we fight one against one, but it doesn't matter if we fight two against one or three against one."

His words were immediately discovered.

"Have you forgotten the oath you made to Heaven? We can't attack you."

Once multiple races are involved, divine punishment is no joke.

"We can't fight around, we didn't talk about wheel fighting."

The Two-Face Clan sneered: "Then keep beating until all of them are exhausted and consume them alive."

This was actually Lu Gu's purpose. He nodded lightly: "Brother Ri does understand my thoughts."

Lu Gu probed and asked everyone: "Then is this matter settled like this?"

"When everyone fully recovers their strength, we will take action against the human race."

"Wait, don't forget there is another person."

At this moment, a member of the Golden Horn tribe spoke: "He is still here, holding an immortal-level treasure in his hand. What should we do if we meet him?"

This is a problem, a big problem.

"That man, the prophet of the human race...

Lu Gu's eyelids twitched. If it weren't for that person, the human race would have been solved by them long ago.

"Yes, you have to survive to continue the wheel battle. I doubt that I could be beaten to death by him in one go. After all, it is the level of an immortal weapon..."

They looked at Lu Gu and said, "Why don't you, Patriarch, lend you your yin and yang reversal?"

There was light in their eyes, but it was hard to say what they were thinking.

Lu Gu's face is not good-looking. Can you borrow the immortal weapon casually?

But if he invited the venerables from various nearby clans today, would there really be no results?

Without borrowing, these people would basically not take action. Anyway, the expansion of the human race must pass through his worm territory, and it is they who should panic.

But if you borrow it, the inversion of yin and yang may contain their secrets, and it will be very serious if it is discovered.

Any immortal weapon is hard-won. He still remembers that when this magical weapon was being refined, a powerful force caused the sun and moon to shatter, half of the universe collapsed, and the other half also permanently declined.

The refiner was still a powerful immortal in the clan, so he refined the Yin and Yang inversion.

What if the ancient tribesmen took away the things?

He looked thoughtful. At this time, the venerables of these ancient tribes did not speak and looked at him quietly.

A group of old foxes want to kill two birds with one stone.

Lu Gu saw what they were thinking, and his expression suddenly changed.

"We can't unite in the human camp, why not find a way to lure them out?"

"The human race has just entered the ninth realm at this time. If we lure anyone out, we can instantly kill them. What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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